Dune User Meeting 2023

Dune User Meeting 2023 in Dresden


We invite all Dune users to participate in the 7th Dune User meeting, to be held at the Technische Universität Dresden from 2023/09/18 to 2023/09/19.

This meeting offers a chance to showcase how you’re using Dune, foster collaborations between the users and provide input to the future development of Dune. The meeting also welcomes contributions from other frameworks such as DuMuX, AMDiS and OPM that are using Dune.

We keep the format rather informal. Participants are encouraged to give a presentation. In addition, we will reserve plenty of time for general discussions on Dune.

Directly after the user meeting a meeting of the Dune developers will be held in the same location. We encourage all interested participants of the user meeting to participate in the developer meeting as well.


The online registration is already over. If you still want to join, please send a mail to the organizing committee. There will be no registration fee. Coffee and snacks are provided. Lunch is available in the nearby local mensa of the university.

Invited Speakers

  • Christophe Geuzaine (University of Liège, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Belgium; Developer of Gmsh)
  • Luca Heltai (SISSA - International School for Advanced Studies, mathLab Laboratory, Trieste; Developer of deal.ii)



Z21 Rotunde und Bürogebäude, Zellescher Weg 25, 01217 Dresden

Room Z21/250


The user meeting will be streamed via the platform BigBlueButton. Please identify yourself by your name.

Start BBB videoconference

Conference dinner

There will be a conference dinner on Monday 18.9.2023 at 19:00 at the Brauhaus Watzke. To get there, take a tram to the stop “Altpieschen”.


Monday, September 18, 2023

Time Speaker Title
09:00-09:25 Robert Klöfkorn An overview of the Python interface to DUNE-FEM
09:25-09:50 Alexander Müller dune-iga: Isogeometric analysis within the DUNE framework
09:50-10:15 Lukas Renelt Representation of parametric PDEs in DUNE-PDELab with application in Model Order Reduction
10:15-10:40 Eloy de Kinkelder Monolithic coupling of bulk and surface
10:40-11:10 Coffee break
11:10-12:10 Christoph Geuzaine Gmsh: general overview and recent developments (online)
12:10-13:35 Lunch break
13:35-14:00 Linus Seelinger UM-Bridge: Enabling Uncertainty Quantification on Advanced Numerical Models (online)
14:00-14:25 Antonella Ritorto Local grid refinement in OPM
14:25-14:50 Timo Koch Finite volume schemes and coupled problems in DuMux
14:50-15:15 Leopold Stadler dumux-shallowwater - a DuMux application for simulating shallow water flows (online)
15:15-15:45 Coffee break
15:45-16:10 Martin Utz Simulating dunes with DUNE; dumux-sediment a bedload transport model for engineering applications
16:10-16:35 Tilman Steinweg Aquarius - a web application for data management and automated numerical simulations on HPCs
16:35-17:00 Santiago Ospina Fine-grained locks for multithreaded grid operators

Conference dinner

19:00 Conference dinner at the Brauhaus Watzke.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Time Speaker Title
09:00-10:00 Luca Heltai How do we make large opensource projects sustainable? (lessons learned from 25 years of deal.II) (online)
10:00-10:30 Coffee break
10:30-10:55 Andreas Dedner A General Approach to Implementing Virtual Element Schemes in Dune (online)
10:55-11:20 Carsten Gräser What’s new in dune-functions?
11:20-11:45 Simon Praetorius A general tensor implementation for Dune
11:45-12:10 Dennis Gläser GridFormat: a header-only C++-Library for grid file I/O


Participant Affiliation
Blatt, Markus Dr.Blatt - HPC-Simulation-Software & Services
Böhnlein, Klaus TU Dresden
Dedner, Andreas University of Warwick
Engwer, Christian University of Münster
Gläser, Dennis University of Stuttgart
Gräser, Carsten FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
Happel, Lea TU Dresden
Jaap, Patrick WIAS Berlin
de Kinkelder, Eloy TU Bergakademie Freiberg
Klöfkorn, Robert Lund University
Koch, Timo University of Oslo
Mokbel, Marcel TU Bergakademie Freiberg
Müller, Alexander University of Stuttgart
Nebel, Lisa Julia TU Dresden
Ospina, Santiago IWR, Heidelberg University
Porrmann, Maik TU Dresden
Praetorius, Simon TU Dresden
Renelt, Lukas University of Münster
Residori, Mirko TU Dresden
Ritorto, Antonella Dr.Blatt - HPC-Simulation-Software & Services
Sander, Oliver TU Dresden
Seelinger, Linus Heidelberg University
Seifu Bekele, Samson NTNU, Hawassa University
Stadler, Leopold Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau (BAW)
Steinweg, Tilman Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute (BAW)
Utz, Martin Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute (BAW)
Vinod Kumar Mitruka, Tarun Kumar Mitruka Institute for Structural Mechanics, University of Stuttgart

Organizing Committee

Contact: the organizing committee

  • Simon Praetorius
  • Oliver Sander
  • Markus Blatt


Dresden offers a wide range of accommodation options for all budgets. Please contact the organizers if you need help finding an accommodation.

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