DUNE Numerics
Dune Developer Meeting 2010
This wiki is about the 2010 Dune developer meeting in Münster.
The original protocol can be found here (in german), an english version is available here.
Monday, 22.11.2010
- 14:00-14:20 Welcome
- Agenda Proposals
- Dune User Meeting 2010 results
- Votes on new developers, access rights, permissions.
- 14:20-19:00 Discussion
- 19:00-open Dinner
Tuesday, 23.11.2010
- 09:00-12:45 Discussion
- 12:45-13:30 Lunch (provided)
- 13:30-16:00 Discussion
- Felix Albrecht
- Peter Bastian
- Markus Blatt
- Andreas Dedner
- Martin Drohmann
- Christian Engwer
- Jorrit Fahlke
- Carsten Gräser
- Olaf Ippisch
- Ole Klein
- Robert Klöfkorn
- Rebecca Neumann
- Mario Ohlberger
- Oliver Sander
- Jonathan Youett
Mon. 22.11.2010 14:00 - Tue. 23.11.2010 17:00
The meeting will take place in Room 230 in our institute Institut für Numerische und Angewandte Mathematik. You can find it on the third (american) or second (german) floor in building Orleansring 10, 48149 Münster.
On the map you can find the entrance to the building (since it is a new building, it is not yet visible on the satellite pictures). If you are taking a cab, it is probably easier to direct the driver to Einsteinstr. 64, 48149 Münster, the main Math building, which you will also find on the map.
If you are taking the bus from Münster Hauptbahnhof (Münster main station) to Coesfelder Kreuz (nearest bus station, see map), take one of the following buses:
- 4, direction Alte Sternwarte
- 5, direction Hannaschweg
- 12, direction Heekweg
- 13, direction Eissporthalle
- R63, direction Nottuln, Rhodeplatz
There are probably more that i do not know about. You can search for yourself on the homepage of the VRR by entering “ms” in the Enter Town field, “hbf” in the Enter origin field, and “Coesfelder Kreuz” in the Enter destination field.
If you are coming by car, you should set your navigational system to Einsteinstr. 64, 48149 Münster. Parking can be found directly behind the building (see map).
Dinner at La Casa
La Casa
Wilhelmstrae 26
48149 Münster
Tel.: 0251 25962
Hotel am Schlopark
Hotel am Schlopark
Schmale Strae 2
48149 Münster
Tel.: 0251 89982