Dune 1.1.0

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DUNE 1.1 - Release notes

Changes to previous release DUNE 1.0

The changes to the previous release DUNE 1.0 are the following:

  • dune-common

    For a detailed list see the patch file generated with diff.

    • Several bug fixes (such as method mv of FieldMatrix)
    • Change of the build system (Dependencies of modules are extracted from dune.module)
    • Tuple is removed, the new implementation mimics the std::tr1::tuple
    • Dune::Array, Dune::DList, Dune::FixedArray, Dune::RemoveConst, and Dune::SameType are deprecated
  • dune-grid

    For a detailed list see the patch file generated with diff.

    • Several bug fixes
    • UGGrid is usable with non-conform refinement
    • The constructor of UGGrid with two integer arguments is deprecated
    • DGFParser can read periodic (YaspGrid) and closure (UGGrid)
  • dune-istl

    For a detailed list see the patch file generated with diff.

Tested Platforms

The DUNE core developers have tested DUNE on the following platforms.

  • Debian Linux Sarge and Etch, using mpich/lam and gcc (3.4, 4.0, 4.1)
  • Gentoo Linux, using openmpi/mpich and gcc (4.1, 4.2)
  • HP XC Version 3.0/SFS 2.1 using gcc (3.4 ,4.0)
  • SuSE Linux 10.x using gcc

We have also gotten reports of successful installations on various flavours of Mac OSX.

Known Issues

Here is an (incomplete) list of things that we know not to work in DUNE 1.1.

Issues Applying to all modules

  • config.h is needed as first include in all applications
  • Out of source builds are not possible right now.
  • The build system only recognizes dependendies on a fixed set of known modules. Besides the core Dune modules these are dune-disc, dune-fem, and dune-subgrid.
  • The build system does not work with Solaris make. Please use GNU make instead.
  • DUNE doesn’t install on Windows platforms, not even using CygWin.
  • So far DUNE has not been developed with thread-safety in mind, and you’re probably bound for trouble if you try multi-threaded code.

Issues of dune-common

None that we know of.

Issues of dune-grid

  • AlbertaGrid:

    • Only ALBERTA version 1.2 is supported
    • LevelIntersectionIterator not working correctly and therefore LevelIterators and LevelIntersectionIterator disabled.
    • AlbertaGrid only implemented for dimension = dimensionworld
    • AlbertaGrid only implemented for dimension = 2,3
    • AlbertaGrid cannot be used with different dimensions in one program, i.e. a 2d grid and a 3d grid.
    • AlbertaGrid not usable for parallel computations
  • ALUCubeGrid:

    • only implemented for dimension 3.
  • ALUSimplexGrid:

    • implemented for dimension 2 and 3
    • only 3d version usable for parallel computations
  • ALUConformGrid:

    • only implemented for dimension 2
    • not usable for parallel computations
  • SGrid:

    • for debugging only since SGrid is not working as fast as YaspGrid.
    • not usable in parallel computations
    • insufficient support of boundary ids
  • YaspGrid:

    • YaspGrid does not work in 1d.
    • SubEntities only supported for codimension = dimension, i.e. Vertices
    • The left lower corners always is the origin 0
    • insufficient support of boundary ids
  • UGGrid:

    • not usable for parallel computations yet
    • SubEntities only supported for codimension = dimension, i.e. Vertices
    • Ids not supported for all sub entity types
    • insufficient support of boundary ids
  • OneDGrid:

    • not usable for parallel computations
    • adaptation cycle interface not fully supported (see flyspray task #324)
  • DGFParser

    • Only conform initial grids are supported
    • No mixed element types can be used
    • No support for distributed initial grid structures
  • VTKWriter:

    • binary appended mode will not work on 64 bit machine

Issues of dune-grid-howto

  • Description of Leaf/LevelIterator is missing.
  • UnitCube still uses deprecated heap size for instantiating UGGrid
  • No explanation what happens if Sgrid gets instantiated with dim<dimworld (see Flyspray issue 208)
  • grids/unitcube1.gdf is not a real 1d grid


  • The rowdim Function does not count empty rows (FlySpray #7)
  • Sometimes old c-headers are still used (-> Not fully standard compliant)
  • Output still uses C-style printf
  • Smoothers of AMG do not support block level.

For known bugs, please take a look at the bug tracking system and the documentation!

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