DUNE PDELab (unstable)
See explanation at Operator splitting
// -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
// vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
# include "config.h"
// C and C++ includes
#include <iostream>
#include <sys/stat.h> // subfolder for VTK files
#include <cmath> // e.g. usage of pow(e,x)
#include <math.h>
#include <vector>
// dune-common includes
#include <dune/common/parallel/mpihelper.hh> // An initializer of MPI
#include <dune/common/exceptions.hh> // We use exceptions
#include <dune/common/densematrix.hh>
#include <dune/common/parametertreeparser.hh>
#include <dune/common/timer.hh>
#include <dune/common/fvector.hh>
// dune-geometry includes
#include <dune/geometry/referenceelements.hh>
#include <dune/geometry/quadraturerules.hh>
#include <dune/geometry/type.hh>
// dune-grid includes
#include <dune/grid/yaspgrid.hh>
#include <dune/grid/utility/structuredgridfactory.hh>
#include <dune/grid/io/file/vtk.hh>
#include <dune/typetree/treepath.hh>
#include <dune/pdelab.hh>
template <typename Number, typename LType>
Number time = 0.;
Number finaltime = 1.; // reduced to get a reasonable testing run time
Number dt = 0.2;
Number othertime = 0.; // used in contaminant temporal part to find out which flow data should be loaded
Number grav = -9.81; // negative, acts in a direction (0,-1)
Number rho = 1.; // rescaled water density to get hydraulic head instead of pressure -> better conditioned system
Number viscosity = 1.002e-3;
Number pw_ini = -1.; // hydraulic head, pressure of 1 m tall water column
// hydraulic properties of sand in van Genuchten-Mualem model, but not reflecting the rescaling to hydraulic head
Number K_intristic = 1.76e-4;
Number phi = 0.32; // porosity, usually 0.37 with 0.05 residual saturation, this simplified model uses zero residual saturations
Number alpha = 3.5;
Number n = 3.19;
Number m; // = 1-1/n
// some random coefficients for contaminant parts:
Number C0_ini = 0.;
Number C1_ini = 1.;
Number D0 = 2e-6;
Number D1 = 5e-7;
const LType& L; // default: Dune::FieldVector<Number,2> L{0.1,0.1};
Number inflow_ = 0.001;
Number inflow_C0 = 1.;
Number inflow_C1 = 0.;
using value_type = Number;
Parameters (const LType& L_)
: L(L_)
m = 1.-1./n;
void setTime (Number t_)
time = t_;
Number getTime () const
return time;
Number getT () const
return finaltime;
Number getTimeStep () const
return dt;
Number getWidth() const
return L[0];
Number getHeight() const
return L[1];
void setTimeStep (Number dt_)
dt = dt_;
void adjustTimeStep (Number coef)
dt *= coef;
void setOtherTime (Number t_)
othertime = t_;
Number getOtherTime () const
return othertime;
Number Sw (const Number& pw_) const
return (pw_ < 0.) ? 1./pow(1.+pow(-alpha*pw_,n),m) : 1.;
Number K (const Number& Sw_) const
// Sw_ is effective saturation, residual saturations are zero
return K_intristic/viscosity*k_relative(Sw_);
Number k_relative (const Number& eSw) const
// uses effective saturation eSw \in (0,1)
Number pom = 1. - pow( 1.-pow(eSw,1./m) ,m);
Number result=sqrt(eSw)*pom*pom;
return result;
Number getphi () const
return phi;
Number getrho () const
return rho;
Number getgrav () const
return grav;
Number getD0 (const Number& Sw_) const
// return D0*pow(phi,4./3.)*pow(Sw_,10./3.)
return D0*phi*Sw_*Sw_*Sw_*cbrt(phi*Sw_);
Number getD1 (const Number& Sw_) const
// return D1*pow(phi,4./3.)*pow(Sw_,10./3.)
return D1*phi*Sw_*Sw_*Sw_*cbrt(phi*Sw_);
template <typename E, typename X>
Number g (const E& e, const X& x) const
auto global = e.geometry().global(x);
// starting from a steady state
return pw_ini+global[1]*grav*rho;
template <typename E, typename X>
Number g_C0 (const E& e, const X& x) const
return C0_ini;
template <typename E, typename X>
Number g_C1 (const E& e, const X& x) const
return C1_ini;
Number harg(Number a, Number b)
if (a<1e-20 || b<1e-20)
return 0.;
return 2.*a*b/(a+b);
template <typename I, typename X>
bool b (const I& i, const X& x)
return false;
template <typename I, typename X>
bool bC0 (const I& i, const X& x)
return false;
template <typename I, typename X>
bool bC1 (const I& i, const X& x)
return false;
template <typename I, typename X>
Number inflow (const I& i, const X& x)
return inflow_;
template <typename I, typename X>
Number inflowC0 (const I& i, const X& x)
return inflow_C0;
template <typename I, typename X>
Number inflowC1 (const I& i, const X& x)
return inflow_C1;
template<typename Param>
Param& param;
using RF = typename Param::value_type;
// pattern assembly flags
enum { doPatternVolume = true };
enum { doPatternSkeleton = true };
// residual assembly flags
// enum { doLambdaBoundary = true };// side boundaries in alpha
// enum { doAlphaVolume = true }; // terms from integrals over cells
enum { doAlphaSkeleton = true }; // terms from integrals over edges between cells
enum { doAlphaBoundary = true }; // terms from integrals over boundaries
LOP_spatial_flow (Param& param_)
: param(param_)
void setTime(RF t)
template<typename IG, typename LFSU, typename X,
typename LFSV, typename R>
const LFSU& lfsu_i, const X& x_i, const LFSV& lfsv_i,
const LFSU& lfsu_o, const X& x_o, const LFSV& lfsv_o,
R& r_i, R& r_o) const
// inside and outside cells
auto cell_inside = ig.inside();
auto cell_outside = ig.outside();
// inside and outside cell geometries
auto insidegeo = cell_inside.geometry();
auto outsidegeo = cell_outside.geometry();
// cell centers in global coordinates
auto inside_global = insidegeo.center();
auto outside_global = outsidegeo.center();
// distance between the two cell centers
inside_global -= outside_global;
auto distance = inside_global.two_norm();
// face volume for integration
auto facegeo = ig.geometry();
auto volume = facegeo.volume();
// evaluations for gradient, gravity, and permeability
auto pw_i = x_i(lfsu_i,0);
auto Sw_i = param.Sw(pw_i);
auto pw_o = x_o(lfsu_o,0);
auto Sw_o = param.Sw(pw_o);
auto dpwdn = (pw_o-pw_i)/distance; // \nabla pw \cdot\nu
auto g = param.getgrav()*param.getrho()*inside_global[1]/distance; // -\vec{g}\cdot\vec{\nu}
auto K_i = param.K(Sw_i);
auto K_o = param.K(Sw_o);
auto K = param.harg(K_i,K_o);
// contribution to residual on inside and outside elements
auto q = -K*(dpwdn+g);
r_i.accumulate(lfsv_i,0, q*volume);
template<typename IG, typename LFSU, typename X,
typename LFSV, typename R>
void alpha_boundary (const IG& ig,
const LFSU& lfsu_i, const X& x_i,
const LFSV& lfsv_i, R& r_i) const
const auto& volume = ig.geometry().volume();
const auto& global = ig.geometry().center();
if (global[0]<=1e-6)
if ( (global[1]<(0.9*param.getHeight()) ) && (global[1]>(0.5*param.getHeight()) ) )
else if (global[0]>=param.getWidth()-1e-6)
auto pw = x_i(lfsu_i,0);
auto K = param.K(param.Sw(pw));
auto outflow = -K*(0.-pw);
} // end alpha_boundary
}; // end LOP_spatial_flow
template<typename Param>
class LOP_time_flow
: public Dune::PDELab::FullVolumePattern
, public Dune::PDELab::NumericalJacobianVolume<LOP_time_flow<Param> >
, public Dune::PDELab::InstationaryLocalOperatorDefaultMethods<double>
Param& param;
using RF = typename Param::value_type;
// pattern assembly flags
enum { doPatternVolume = true };
// residual assembly flags
enum { doAlphaVolume = true };
LOP_time_flow(Param& param_)
: param(param_)
// volume integral depending on test and ansatz functions
template<typename EG, typename LFSU, typename X,
typename LFSV, typename R>
void alpha_volume (const EG& eg, const LFSU& lfsu, const X& x,
const LFSV& lfsv, R& r) const
// types & dimension
// const int dim = EG::Entity::dimension;
const auto volume = eg.geometry().volume();
auto pw = x(lfsu,0);
auto Sw = param.Sw(pw);
auto phi = param.getphi();
r.accumulate(lfsv,0, phi*Sw*volume );
}; // end LOP_time_contaminant
template<typename Param, typename GFSF, typename ZF, typename GFSC, typename ZC, bool convection>
// GFSF,ZF are of water flow type
: public Dune::PDELab::FullVolumePattern
, public Dune::PDELab::FullSkeletonPattern
, public Dune::PDELab::NumericalJacobianVolume<LOP_spatial_contaminant<Param,GFSF,ZF,GFSC,ZC,convection> >
, public Dune::PDELab::NumericalJacobianSkeleton<LOP_spatial_contaminant<Param,GFSF,ZF,GFSC,ZC,convection> >
, public Dune::PDELab::NumericalJacobianBoundary<LOP_spatial_contaminant<Param,GFSF,ZF,GFSC,ZC,convection> >
, public Dune::PDELab::InstationaryLocalOperatorDefaultMethods<double>
Param& param;
using RF = typename Param::value_type;
// [Declare objects for data communication]
using LFSFCache = Dune::PDELab::LFSIndexCache<LFSF>;
std::shared_ptr<ZF> dataf;
std::shared_ptr<const GFSF> pgfsf;
mutable LFSF lfsf;
mutable LFSFCache lfsf_cache;
using LFSCCache = Dune::PDELab::LFSIndexCache<LFSC>;
std::shared_ptr<ZC> datac;
std::shared_ptr<const GFSC> pgfsc;
mutable LFSC lfsc;
mutable LFSCCache lfsc_cache;
// pattern assembly flags
enum { doPatternVolume = true };
enum { doPatternSkeleton = true };
// residual assembly flags
// enum { doLambdaBoundary = true }; // side boundaries in alpha
// enum { doAlphaVolume = true }; // reaction and source terms
enum { doAlphaSkeleton = true }; // flow between cells
enum { doAlphaBoundary = true }; // boundaries
// [Initialize objects for data communication]
: param(param_)
, dataf(stackobject_to_shared_ptr(zf_))
, pgfsf(stackobject_to_shared_ptr(gfsf_))
, lfsf(pgfsf)
, lfsf_cache(lfsf)
, datac(stackobject_to_shared_ptr(zc_))
, pgfsc(stackobject_to_shared_ptr(gfsc_))
, lfsc(pgfsc)
, lfsc_cache(lfsc)
void setTime(double t)
void adjustTimeStep(double coef)
template<typename IG, typename LFSU, typename X,
typename LFSV, typename R>
const LFSU& lfsu_i, const X& x_i, const LFSV& lfsv_i,
const LFSU& lfsu_o, const X& x_o, const LFSV& lfsv_o,
R& r_i, R& r_o) const
using namespace Dune::TypeTree::Indices;
auto lfsu_i0 = lfsu_i.child(_0);
auto lfsu_i1 = lfsu_i.child(_1);
auto lfsv_o0 = lfsv_o.child(_0);
auto lfsv_o1 = lfsv_o.child(_1);
auto lfsu_o0 = lfsu_o.child(_0);
auto lfsu_o1 = lfsu_o.child(_1);
// inside and outside cells
// [Read data]
auto cell_inside = ig.inside(); // entity object
typename ZF::template LocalView<LFSFCache> p_view(*dataf);
std::vector<RF> pw(lfsf.size());
auto cell_outside = ig.outside();
// inside and outside cell geometries
auto insidegeo = cell_inside.geometry();
auto outsidegeo = cell_outside.geometry();
// cell centers in global coordinates
auto inside_global = insidegeo.center();
auto outside_global = outsidegeo.center();
// distance between the two cell centers
inside_global -= outside_global;
auto distance = inside_global.two_norm();
// face volume for integration
auto facegeo = ig.geometry();
auto volume = facegeo.volume();
auto pw_i = pw[0];
auto Sw_i = param.Sw(pw_i);
auto pw_o = pw[0];
auto Sw_o = param.Sw(pw_o);
typename ZC::template LocalView<LFSCCache> c_view(*datac);
std::vector<RF> C_i(lfsc.size());
std::vector<RF> C_o(lfsc.size());
// data used for convection
auto C0c_i = convection ? x_i(lfsu_i0,0) : C_i[0];
auto C1c_i = convection ? x_i(lfsu_i1,0) : C_i[1];
auto C0c_o = convection ? x_o(lfsu_o0,0) : C_o[0];
auto C1c_o = convection ? x_o(lfsu_o1,0) : C_o[1];
// data used for diffusion
auto C0d_i = convection ? C_i[0] : x_i(lfsu_i0,0);
auto C1d_i = convection ? C_i[1] : x_i(lfsu_i1,0);
auto C0d_o = convection ? C_o[0] : x_o(lfsu_o0,0);
auto C1d_o = convection ? C_o[1] : x_o(lfsu_o1,0);
// water flow
auto dpwdn = (pw_o-pw_i)/distance; // \nabla pw \cdot\nu
auto g = param.getgrav()*param.getrho()*inside_global[1]/distance; // -\vec{g}\cdot\vec{\nu}
auto K_i = param.K(Sw_i);
auto K_o = param.K(Sw_o);
auto K = param.harg(K_i,K_o);
auto q = -K*(dpwdn+g);
auto dC0dn = (C0d_o-C0d_i)/distance;
auto dC1dn = (C1d_o-C1d_i)/distance;
// convection
// simple upwind
decltype(C0c_i) C0;
decltype(C1c_i) C1;
if ( q > 0 )
C0 = C0c_i;
C1 = C1c_i;
C0 = C0c_o;
C1 = C1c_o;
r_i.accumulate(lfsv_i0,0, q*C0*volume);
r_i.accumulate(lfsv_i1,0, q*C1*volume);
// diffusion
auto D0_i = param.getD0(Sw_i);
auto D0_o = param.getD0(Sw_o);
auto D0 = param.harg(D0_i,D0_o);
auto D1_i = param.getD1(Sw_i);
auto D1_o = param.getD1(Sw_o);
auto D1 = param.harg(D1_i,D1_o);
r_o.accumulate(lfsv_o0,0, D0*dC0dn*volume);
r_o.accumulate(lfsv_o1,0, D1*dC1dn*volume);
template<typename IG, typename LFSU, typename X,
typename LFSV, typename R>
void alpha_boundary (const IG& ig,
const LFSU& lfsu_i, const X& x_i,
const LFSV& lfsv_i, R& r_i) const
using namespace Dune::TypeTree::Indices;
auto lfsv_i0 = lfsv_i.child(_0);
auto lfsv_i1 = lfsv_i.child(_1);
auto lfsu_i0 = lfsu_i.child(_0);
auto lfsu_i1 = lfsu_i.child(_1);
const auto& volume = ig.geometry().volume();
const auto& global = ig.geometry().center();
const auto& inside_cell = ig.inside();
if (global[0]<=1e-6)
if (global[1]<0.9*param.getHeight() && global[1]>0.5*param.getHeight())
// only convective term present at the inflow boundary
else if (global[0]>=param.getWidth()-1e-6)
typename ZF::template LocalView<LFSFCache> p_view(*dataf);
std::vector<RF> pw(lfsf.size());
auto K = param.K(param.Sw(pw[0]));
auto outflow = -K*(0.-pw[0]);
auto C0 = x_i(lfsv_i0,0);
auto C1 = x_i(lfsv_i1,0);
} // end alpha_boundary
}; // end LOP_spatial_contaminant
template<typename Param, typename GFSF, typename ZF, bool convection>
class LOP_time_contaminant
: public Dune::PDELab::FullVolumePattern
, public Dune::PDELab::NumericalJacobianVolume<LOP_time_contaminant<Param,GFSF,ZF,convection> >
, public Dune::PDELab::InstationaryLocalOperatorDefaultMethods<double>
Param& param;
using RF = typename Param::value_type;
using LFSF = Dune::PDELab::LocalFunctionSpace<GFSF>;
using LFSFCache = Dune::PDELab::LFSIndexCache<LFSF>;
std::shared_ptr<ZF> dataf;
std::shared_ptr<ZF> datafold;
std::shared_ptr<const GFSF> pgfsf;
mutable LFSF lfsf;
mutable LFSFCache lfsf_cache;
// pattern assembly flags
enum { doPatternVolume = true };
// residual assembly flags
enum { doAlphaVolume = true };
LOP_time_contaminant(Param& param_, const GFSF& gfsf_, ZF& zf_, ZF& zfold_)
: param(param_)
, dataf(stackobject_to_shared_ptr(zf_))
, datafold(stackobject_to_shared_ptr(zfold_))
, pgfsf(stackobject_to_shared_ptr(gfsf_))
, lfsf(pgfsf)
, lfsf_cache(lfsf)
// volume integral depending on test and ansatz functions
template<typename EG, typename LFSU, typename X,
typename LFSV, typename R>
void alpha_volume (const EG& eg, const LFSU& lfsu, const X& x,
const LFSV& lfsv, R& r) const
// get access to each vector space
using namespace Dune::TypeTree::Indices;
const auto& inside_cell = eg.entity();
// determine which term of the time derivative we are evaluating
bool new_or_old = param.getTime() > param.getOtherTime();
// load flow data
typename ZF::template LocalView<LFSFCache> p_view(new_or_old ? *dataf : *datafold);
std::vector<RF> pw(lfsf.size());
auto Sw = param.Sw(pw[0]);
auto C0 = x(lfsu_0,0);
auto C1 = x(lfsu_1,0);
auto phi = param.getphi();
const auto& volume = eg.geometry().volume();
r.accumulate(lfsv_0,0, phi*Sw*C0*volume);
r.accumulate(lfsv_1,0, phi*Sw*C1*volume);
}; // end LOP_time_contaminant
template<typename GV, typename FEM, typename Param>
void driver (const GV& gv, const FEM& fem, Param& param)
// type for computations
using RF = typename Param::value_type;
// Make grid function space
using VBE = Dune::PDELab::ISTL::VectorBackend<>;
GFS gfs(gv,fem); // GridFuntionSpace for flow
using VBES = Dune::PDELab::ISTL::VectorBackend<Dune::PDELab::ISTL::Blocking::none>;
GFSC gfsc(gfs); // GridFunctionSpace for contaminant
// gfsc names for VTK output
using namespace Dune::TypeTree::Indices;
// Coefficient vectors
using Z = Dune::PDELab::Backend::Vector<GFS, RF>;
Z z(gfs);
using ZC = Dune::PDELab::Backend::Vector<GFSC, RF>;
ZC zc(gfsc);
// vectors for data manipulation
Z zfnew(z); // result from apply() for flow
ZC zcnew(zc); // result from apply() for contaminant
Z zfdata(z); // flow data accessed from the contaminant systems
ZC zcdata(zc); // contaminant data accessed from the other contaminant system
ZC zcstep(zc); // previous splitting iteration data, used to compute corrections
ZC zchalfstep(zc); // contaminant data from convection part after first dt/2 step in op-split iteration
// initial conditions
RF time = 0.0;
auto glambdaf = [&](const auto& e, const auto& x)
RF gf;
gf = param.g(e,x);
return gf;
auto glambdac = [&] (const auto& e, const auto& x)
gc[0] = param.g_C0(e,x);
gc[1] = param.g_C1(e,x);
return gc;
auto gf = Dune::PDELab::
auto gc = Dune::PDELab::
// initialize coefficient vectors
// boundary conditions: finite volume does not use any, but parallel solvers need them for overlap
using CF = typename GFS::template ConstraintsContainer<RF>::Type;
using CC = typename GFSC::template ConstraintsContainer<RF>::Type;
CF cf;
CC cc;
// Make instationary grid operator for flow
MBE mbe((int)10);
using LOPF = LOP_spatial_flow<Param>;
LOPF lopf(param);
GOF0 gof0(gfs,cf,gfs,cf,lopf,mbe);
using TLOPF = LOP_time_flow<Param>;
TLOPF tlopf(param);
GOF1 gof1(gfs,cf,gfs,cf,tlopf,mbe);
using IGOF = Dune::PDELab::OneStepGridOperator<GOF0,GOF1>;
IGOF igof(gof0,gof1);
// same for contaminant transport
constexpr bool convection{true};
using LOPC = LOP_spatial_contaminant<Param,GFS,Z,GFSC,ZC,convection>;
LOPC lopc(param,gfs,zfdata,gfsc,zcdata);
GOC0 goc0(gfsc,cc,gfsc,cc,lopc,mbe);
using TLOPC = LOP_time_contaminant<Param,GFS,Z,convection>;
TLOPC tlopc(param,gfs,zfdata,z);
GOC1 goc1(gfsc,cc,gfsc,cc,tlopc,mbe);
using IGOC = Dune::PDELab::OneStepGridOperator<GOC0,GOC1>;
IGOC igoc(goc0,goc1);
// same for contaminant transport
constexpr bool diffusion{false};
using LOPD = LOP_spatial_contaminant<Param,GFS,Z,GFSC,ZC,diffusion>;
LOPD lopd(param,gfs,zfdata,gfsc,zcdata);
GOD0 god0(gfsc,cc,gfsc,cc,lopd,mbe);
using TLOPD = LOP_time_contaminant<Param,GFS,Z,diffusion>;
TLOPD tlopd(param,gfs,zfdata,z);
GOD1 god1(gfsc,cc,gfsc,cc,tlopd,mbe);
using IGOD = Dune::PDELab::OneStepGridOperator<GOD0,GOD1>;
IGOD igod(god0,god1);
// Select a parallel linear solver backend
using LSC = Dune::PDELab::ISTLBackend_OVLP_BCGS_SSORk<GFSC,CC>;
int verbose=0;
if (gfs.gridView().comm().rank()==0) verbose=1;
LSF lsf(gfs,cf,100,5,verbose);
LSC lsc(gfsc,cc,100,5,verbose);
// select a nonlinear solver for flow
constexpr int newtonMaxIt{10};
PDESOLVERF pdesolverf(igof,lsf);
Dune::ParameterTree newtonParam;
newtonParam["ReassembleThreshold"] = "0.0";
newtonParam["VerbosityLevel"] = "2";
newtonParam["Reduction"] = "1e-8";
newtonParam["MinLinearReduction"] = "1e-4";
newtonParam["MaxIterations"] = std::to_string(newtonMaxIt);
newtonParam["LineSearchMaxIterations"] = "10";
// select a solver for contaminant
using PDESOLVERC = Dune::PDELab::NewtonMethod<IGOC,LSC>;
PDESOLVERC pdesolverc(igoc,lsc);
using PDESOLVERD = Dune::PDELab::NewtonMethod<IGOD,LSC>;
PDESOLVERD pdesolverd(igod,lsc);
// select and prepare time-stepping scheme
Dune::PDELab::OneStepThetaParameter<RF> method(1.0);
Dune::PDELab::TimeSteppingParameterInterface<RF>* pmethod=&method;
OSMF osmf(*pmethod,igof,pdesolverf);
using OSMC = Dune::PDELab::OneStepMethod<RF,IGOC,PDESOLVERC,ZC,ZC>;
OSMC osmc(*pmethod,igoc,pdesolverc);
using OSMD = Dune::PDELab::OneStepMethod<RF,IGOD,PDESOLVERD,ZC,ZC>;
OSMD osmd(*pmethod,igod,pdesolverd);
// [Define objects for measuring splitting correction]
GFSC_Sub0 gfsc_sub0(gfsc);
SubC0 subC0(gfsc_sub0,zcstep);
SubC0 subC0new(gfsc_sub0,zcnew);
ErrC0 errC0(subC0,subC0new);
using GFSC_Sub1 = Dune::PDELab::GridFunctionSubSpace<GFSC,Dune::TypeTree::StaticTreePath<1>>;
GFSC_Sub1 gfsc_sub1(gfsc);
using SubC1 = Dune::PDELab::DiscreteGridFunction<GFSC_Sub1,ZC>;
SubC1 subC1(gfsc_sub1,zcstep);
SubC1 subC1new(gfsc_sub1,zcnew);
using ErrC1 = Dune::PDELab::DifferenceSquaredAdapter<SubC1,SubC1>;
ErrC1 errC1(subC1,subC1new);
// prepare VTK writer and write first file
int subsampling=1;
VTKWRITER vtkwriter(gv,Dune::refinementIntervals(subsampling));
std::string filename="recipe-operator-splitting_parallel";
struct stat stf;
if( stat( filename.c_str(), &stf ) != 0 )
int statf = 0;
statf = mkdir(filename.c_str(),S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO);
if( statf != 0 && statf != -1)
std::cout << "Error: Cannot create directory "
<< filename << std::endl;
// add data field(s) for all components of the space to the VTK writer
// time loop --------------------------------------------------------------------
RF T = param.getT();
param.setOtherTime(time); // used in contaminant temporal term to load the correct flow data
RF lastvtk = 0.; // time of the last vtk file, used to avoid creating too many frames
while (time<T-1e-8)
unsigned int iterations{0};
unsigned int split_iter{0};
bool continue_opsplit{true};
if (verbose>=1)
std::cout << std::endl << std::endl << "flow part:\n";
zfdata = zfnew;
// iterative operator splitting for contaminant
if (verbose>=1)
std::cout << std::endl << std::endl << "contaminant convection part 1/2:\n";
zcdata = zcnew;
zchalfstep = zcnew;
if (verbose>=1)
std::cout << std::endl << "contaminant diffusion part:\n";
zcdata = zcnew;
if (verbose>=1)
std::cout << std::endl << "contaminant convection part 2/2:\n";
zcdata = zcnew;
// [integrateGridFunction]
typename ErrC0::Traits::RangeType spliterrorcont0;
typename ErrC1::Traits::RangeType spliterrorcont1;
// [Global error]
RF sperrC0 = spliterrorcont0.one_norm();
sperrC0 = gv.comm().sum(sperrC0);
RF sperrC1 = spliterrorcont1.one_norm();
sperrC1 = gv.comm().sum(sperrC1);
if (sperrC0 < 1e-17 && sperrC1 < 1e-19 && split_iter > 0)
if (verbose>=1)
std::cout << "low spliterrors (" << sperrC0 << ", " << sperrC1 << "), go to next timestep" << std::endl;
continue_opsplit = false;
if (split_iter >= 5)
if (verbose>=1)
std::cout << "max operator splitting iteration number reached, current errors: " << sperrC0 << ", " << sperrC1 << ", reseting time step" << std::endl;
continue_opsplit = true;
if (verbose>=1)
std::cout << "going to " << split_iter+1 << ". operator splitting iteration, errors: " << sperrC0 << ", " << sperrC1 << std::endl;
continue_opsplit = true;
zcstep = zcnew;
zcdata = zcnew;
} while (continue_opsplit);
// write solution
if (time-lastvtk > time*0.01)
lastvtk = time;
if (iterations<(newtonMaxIt*4)/10)
if ((iterations>(newtonMaxIt*7)/10) && param.getTimeStep()>1e-4)
iterations = 0;
} // end try
catch(Dune::Exception& e)
if (verbose==1)
std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
if (param.getTimeStep()<1e-4)
if (verbose==1)
std::cout << "too little time step" << std::endl;
zfnew = z;
zcnew = zc;
if (verbose==1)
std::cout << "Reducing TimeStep size to " << param.getTimeStep() << std::endl;
catch(std::exception& e)
if (verbose==1)
std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
if (param.getTimeStep()<1e-4)
if (verbose==1)
std::cout << "too little time step" << std::endl;
zfnew = z;
zcnew = zc;
if (verbose==1)
std::cout << "Reducing TimeStep size to " << param.getTimeStep() << std::endl;
catch(...) // in case of unexpected exception terminate
} // end while
} // end driver
template <int dim>
using iTuple = std::array<int,dim>;
void partition (const iTuple& size, int P, iTuple& dims, int /*overlap*/) const override
// greedy algorithm for splitting P into product of dim numbers, closest to \sqrt[dim]{P}
for (int j=0; j<dim; ++j)
int nextP = P;
for (int i=1; pow(i,dim-j)<=P; ++i)
if(P%i == 0)
dims[j] = i;
nextP = P/i;
P = nextP;
auto greater = [](int a,int b) -> bool {return a>b;};
int main(int argc, char** argv)
// Maybe initialize MPI
std::cout<< "This is a sequential program." << std::endl;
<<" processes!"<<std::endl;
constexpr int dim = 2;
using RF = double;
using DF = Grid::ctype;
using LType = Dune::FieldVector<DF,dim>;
LType L;
L[0] = 0.1;
L[1] = 0.1;
std::array<int,dim> N;
N[0] = 16;
N[1] = 16;
int overlap=1;
int refinement = 1;
YaspPartition<dim> yp;
std::shared_ptr<Grid> gridp = std::shared_ptr<Grid>(new Grid(L,N,periodic,overlap,Dune::MPIHelper::getCommunication(),&yp));
gridp->refineOptions(false); // keep overlap in cells
using GV = Grid::LeafGridView;
GV gv=gridp->leafGridView();
FEM fem(Dune::GeometryTypes::cube(dim));
using Param = Parameters<RF,LType>;
Param param(L);
static constexpr bool isFake
Are we fake (i. e. pretend to have MPI support but are compiled without.
Definition: mpihelper.hh:187
static DUNE_EXPORT MPIHelper & instance(int &argc, char **&argv)
Get the singleton instance of the helper.
Definition: mpihelper.hh:252
Adapter returning ||f1(x)-f2(x)||^2 for two given grid functions.
Definition: gridfunctionadapter.hh:70
convert a grid function space and a coefficient vector into a grid function
Definition: gridfunctionspaceutilities.hh:76
Overlapping parallel BiCGStab solver with SSOR preconditioner.
Definition: ovlpistlsolverbackend.hh:662
Default class for additional methods in instationary local operators.
Definition: idefault.hh:90
Default flags for all local operators.
Definition: flags.hh:19
Implement jacobian_boundary() based on alpha_boundary()
Definition: numericaljacobian.hh:251
Implement jacobian_skeleton() based on alpha_skeleton()
Definition: numericaljacobian.hh:157
Implement jacobian_volume() based on alpha_volume()
Definition: numericaljacobian.hh:32
Parameters to turn the OneStepMethod into an one step theta method.
Definition: onestepparameter.hh:90
Definition: p0fem.hh:18
Parallel P0 constraints for overlapping grids.
Definition: p0.hh:18
base class for tuples of grid function spaces product of identical grid function spaces base class th...
Definition: powergridfunctionspace.hh:49
Base parameter class for time stepping scheme parameters.
Definition: onestepparameter.hh:44
Non-nesting implementation of GridFunctionSubSpace.
Definition: subspace.hh:389
Writer for the output of subsampled grid functions in the vtk format.
Definition: subsamplingvtkwriter.hh:40
Writer for the output of grid functions in the vtk format.
Definition: vtksequencewriter.hh:29
a base class for the yaspgrid partitioning strategy
Definition: partitioning.hh:38
Definition: recipe-operator-splitting.cc:493
void alpha_skeleton(const IG &ig, const LFSU &lfsu_i, const X &x_i, const LFSV &lfsv_i, const LFSU &lfsu_o, const X &x_o, const LFSV &lfsv_o, R &r_i, R &r_o) const
residual contribution from skeleton terms
Definition: recipe-operator-splitting.cc:549
Definition: recipe-operator-splitting.cc:329
LOP_spatial_flow(Param ¶m_)
constructor stores a copy of the parameter object
Definition: recipe-operator-splitting.cc:345
void alpha_skeleton(const IG &ig, const LFSU &lfsu_i, const X &x_i, const LFSV &lfsv_i, const LFSU &lfsu_o, const X &x_o, const LFSV &lfsv_o, R &r_i, R &r_o) const
residual contribution from skeleton terms
Definition: recipe-operator-splitting.cc:357
Definition: recipe-operator-splitting.cc:108
Implements a matrix constructed from a given type representing a field and a compile-time given numbe...
A few common exception classes.
Convenience header which includes all available VTK writers.
Implements a vector constructed from a given type representing a field and a compile-time given size.
constexpr index_constant< 0 > _0
Compile time index with value 0.
Definition: indices.hh:52
constexpr index_constant< 1 > _1
Compile time index with value 1.
Definition: indices.hh:55
auto periodic(RawPreBasisIndicator &&rawPreBasisIndicator, PIS &&periodicIndexSet)
Create a pre-basis factory that can create a periodic pre-basis.
Definition: periodicbasis.hh:203
constexpr GeometryType cube(unsigned int dim)
Returns a GeometryType representing a hypercube of dimension dim.
Definition: type.hh:462
void constraints(const GFS &gfs, CG &cg, const bool verbose=false)
construct constraints
Definition: constraints.hh:749
void interpolate(const F &f, const GFS &gfs, XG &xg)
interpolation from a given grid function
Definition: interpolate.hh:177
constexpr auto max
Function object that returns the greater of the given values.
Definition: hybridutilities.hh:485
GF::Traits::RangeType integrateGridFunction(const GF &gf, unsigned qorder=1)
Integrate a GridFunction.
Definition: functionutilities.hh:51
RefinementIntervals refinementIntervals(int intervals)
Creates a RefinementIntervals object.
Definition: base.cc:108
Helpers for dealing with MPI.
std::shared_ptr< T > stackobject_to_shared_ptr(T &t)
Create a shared_ptr for a stack-allocated object.
Definition: shared_ptr.hh:72
Various parser methods to get data into a ParameterTree object.
Indicate blocking of the unknowns by grid entity.
Definition: tags.hh:53
Backend using (possibly nested) ISTL BCRSMatrices.
Definition: bcrsmatrixbackend.hh:188
A simple timing class.
A unique label for each type of element that can occur in a grid.
A class to construct structured cube and simplex grids using the grid factory.
