DUNE PDELab (unstable)

5#include <dune/common/math.hh>
10#include <dune/pdelab/backend/istl/vector.hh>
11#include <dune/pdelab/backend/istl/bcrsmatrix.hh>
12#include <dune/pdelab/backend/istl/bcrsmatrixbackend.hh>
13#include <dune/pdelab/backend/istl/ovlpistlsolverbackend.hh>
14#include <dune/pdelab/gridoperator/gridoperator.hh>
15#include <dune/pdelab/localoperator/flags.hh>
16#include <dune/pdelab/localoperator/idefault.hh>
17#include <dune/pdelab/localoperator/pattern.hh>
18#include <dune/pdelab/localoperator/defaultimp.hh>
20namespace Dune {
21 namespace PDELab {
22 //***********************************************************
23 // A data handle / function to communicate matrix entries
24 // in the overlap. It turned out that it is actually not
25 // required to do that, but anyway it is there now.
26 //***********************************************************
30 template<class GFS>
32 : public Dune::CommDataHandleIF<LocalGlobalMapDataHandle<GFS>,int>
33 {
34 public:
35 // some types from the grid view
36 typedef typename GFS::Traits::GridView GV;
37 typedef typename GV::IndexSet IndexSet;
38 typedef typename IndexSet::IndexType IndexType;
39 typedef typename GV::Grid Grid;
40 typedef typename Grid::Traits::GlobalIdSet GlobalIdSet;
41 typedef typename GlobalIdSet::IdType IdType;
44 typedef int DataType;
46 // map types
47 typedef std::map<IndexType,IdType> LocalToGlobalMap;
48 typedef std::map<IdType,IndexType> GlobalToLocalMap;
51 bool contains (int dim, int codim) const
52 {
53 return (codim==0);
54 }
57 bool fixedSize (int dim, int codim) const
58 {
59 return true;
60 }
66 template<class EntityType>
67 size_t size (EntityType& e) const
68 {
69 return 1;
70 }
73 template<class MessageBuffer, class EntityType>
74 void gather (MessageBuffer& buff, const EntityType& e) const
75 {
76 // fill map
77 IndexType myindex = indexSet.index(e);
78 IdType myid = globalIdSet.id(e);
79 l2g[myindex] = myid;
80 g2l[myid] = myindex;
81 //std::cout << gv.comm().rank() << ": gather local=" << myindex << " global=" << myid << std::endl;
83 buff.write(0); // this is a dummy, we are not interested in the data
84 }
90 template<class MessageBuffer, class EntityType>
91 void scatter (MessageBuffer& buff, const EntityType& e, size_t n)
92 {
93 DataType x;
94 buff.read(x); // this is a dummy, we are not interested in the data
96 IndexType myindex = indexSet.index(e);
97 IdType myid = globalIdSet.id(e);
98 l2g[myindex] = myid;
99 g2l[myid] = myindex;
100 //std::cout << gv.comm().rank() << ": scatter local=" << myindex << " global=" << myid << std::endl;
101 }
104 LocalGlobalMapDataHandle (const GFS& gfs_, LocalToGlobalMap& l2g_, GlobalToLocalMap& g2l_)
105 : gfs(gfs_), gv(gfs.gridView()), indexSet(gv.indexSet()),
106 grid(gv.grid()), globalIdSet(grid.globalIdSet()),
107 l2g(l2g_), g2l(g2l_)
108 {
109 }
111 private:
112 const GFS& gfs;
113 GV gv;
114 const IndexSet& indexSet;
115 const Grid& grid;
116 const GlobalIdSet& globalIdSet;
117 LocalToGlobalMap& l2g;
118 GlobalToLocalMap& g2l;
119 };
122 // A DataHandle class to exchange rows of a sparse matrix
123 template<class GFS, class M> // mapper type and vector type
124 class MatrixExchangeDataHandle
125 : public Dune::CommDataHandleIF<MatrixExchangeDataHandle<GFS,M>,
126 std::pair<typename GFS::Traits::GridView::Grid::Traits::GlobalIdSet::IdType,
127 typename M::block_type> >
128 {
129 public:
130 // some types from the grid view
131 typedef typename GFS::Traits::GridView GV;
132 typedef typename GV::IndexSet IndexSet;
133 typedef typename IndexSet::IndexType IndexType;
134 typedef typename GV::Grid Grid;
135 typedef typename Grid::Traits::GlobalIdSet GlobalIdSet;
136 typedef typename GlobalIdSet::IdType IdType;
138 // some types from the matrix
139 typedef typename M::block_type B;
142 typedef std::pair<IdType,B> DataType;
144 // map types
145 typedef std::map<IndexType,IdType> LocalToGlobalMap;
146 typedef std::map<IdType,IndexType> GlobalToLocalMap;
149 bool contains (int dim, int codim) const
150 {
151 return (codim==0);
152 }
155 bool fixedSize (int dim, int codim) const
156 {
157 return false;
158 }
164 template<class EntityType>
165 size_t size (EntityType& e) const
166 {
167 IndexType myindex = indexSet.index(e);
168 typename M::row_type myrow = m[myindex];
169 typename M::row_type::iterator endit=myrow.end();
170 size_t count=0;
171 for (typename M::row_type::iterator it=myrow.begin(); it!=endit; ++it)
172 {
173 typename LocalToGlobalMap::const_iterator find=l2g.find(it.index());
174 if (find!=l2g.end())
175 {
176 count++;
177 }
178 }
179 //std::cout << gv.comm().rank() << ": row=" << myindex << " size=" << count << std::endl;
180 return count;
181 }
184 template<class MessageBuffer, class EntityType>
185 void gather (MessageBuffer& buff, const EntityType& e) const
186 {
187 IndexType myindex = indexSet.index(e);
188 typename M::row_type myrow = m[myindex];
189 typename M::row_type::iterator endit=myrow.end();
190 for (typename M::row_type::iterator it=myrow.begin(); it!=endit; ++it)
191 {
192 typename LocalToGlobalMap::const_iterator find=l2g.find(it.index());
193 if (find!=l2g.end())
194 {
195 buff.write(std::make_pair(find->second,*it));
196 }
197 }
198 }
204 template<class MessageBuffer, class EntityType>
205 void scatter (MessageBuffer& buff, const EntityType& e, size_t n)
206 {
207 IndexType myindex = indexSet.index(e);
208 std::cout << gv.comm().rank() << ": begin scatter local=" << myindex << " size=" << n << std::endl;
209 DataType x;
210 for (size_t i=0; i<n; ++i)
211 {
212 buff.read(x);
213 std::cout << gv.comm().rank() << ": --> received global=" << x.first << std::endl;
214 typename GlobalToLocalMap::const_iterator find=g2l.find(x.first);
215 if (find!=g2l.end())
216 {
217 IndexType nbindex=find->second;
218 if (m.exists(myindex,nbindex))
219 {
220 m[myindex][nbindex] = x.second;
221 B block(x.second);
222 block -= m2[myindex][nbindex];
223 std::cout << gv.comm().rank() << ": compare i=" << myindex << " j=" << nbindex
224 << " norm=" << block.infinity_norm() << std::endl;
226 }
227 }
228 }
229 }
232 MatrixExchangeDataHandle (const GFS& gfs_, M& m_, const LocalToGlobalMap& l2g_, const GlobalToLocalMap& g2l_,M& m2_)
233 : gfs(gfs_), m(m_), gv(gfs.gridView()), indexSet(gv.indexSet()),
234 grid(gv.grid()), globalIdSet(grid.globalIdSet()),
235 l2g(l2g_), g2l(g2l_), m2(m2_)
236 {
237 }
239 private:
240 const GFS& gfs;
241 M& m;
242 GV gv;
243 const IndexSet& indexSet;
244 const Grid& grid;
245 const GlobalIdSet& globalIdSet;
246 const LocalToGlobalMap& l2g;
247 const GlobalToLocalMap& g2l;
248 M& m2;
249 };
254 template<class GFS, class T, class A, int n, int m>
255 void restore_overlap_entries (const GFS& gfs, Dune::BCRSMatrix<Dune::FieldMatrix<T,n,m>,A>& matrix,
257 {
258 typedef Dune::FieldMatrix<T,n,m> B;
259 typedef Dune::BCRSMatrix<B,A> M; // m is of type M
260 typedef typename LocalGlobalMapDataHandle<GFS>::LocalToGlobalMap LocalToGlobalMap;
261 typedef typename LocalGlobalMapDataHandle<GFS>::GlobalToLocalMap GlobalToLocalMap;
263 // build up two maps to associate local indices and global ids
264 LocalToGlobalMap l2g;
265 GlobalToLocalMap g2l;
266 LocalGlobalMapDataHandle<GFS> lgdh(gfs,l2g,g2l);
267 if (gfs.gridView().comm().size()>1)
268 gfs.gridView().communicate(lgdh,Dune::InteriorBorder_All_Interface,Dune::ForwardCommunication);
270 // exchange matrix entries
271 MatrixExchangeDataHandle<GFS,M> mexdh(gfs,matrix,l2g,g2l,matrix2);
272 if (gfs.gridView().comm().size()>1)
273 gfs.gridView().communicate(mexdh,Dune::InteriorBorder_All_Interface,Dune::ForwardCommunication);
274 }
276 //***********************************************************
277 // The DG/AMG preconditioner in the overlapping case
278 //***********************************************************
289 template<class DGGFS, class DGMatrix, class DGPrec, class DGCC,
290 class CGGFS, class CGPrec, class CGCC,
291 class P, class DGHelper, class Comm>
293 : public Dune::Preconditioner<Dune::PDELab::Backend::Vector<DGGFS,typename DGPrec::domain_type::field_type>,
294 Dune::PDELab::Backend::Vector<DGGFS,typename DGPrec::range_type::field_type>>
295 {
296 const DGGFS& dggfs;
297 DGMatrix& dgmatrix;
298 DGPrec& dgprec;
299 const DGCC& dgcc;
300 const CGGFS& cggfs;
301 CGPrec& cgprec;
302 const CGCC& cgcc;
303 P& p;
304 const DGHelper& dghelper;
305 const Comm& comm;
306 int n1,n2;
308 public:
309 using V = Dune::PDELab::Backend::Vector<DGGFS,typename DGPrec::domain_type::field_type>;
310 using W = Dune::PDELab::Backend::Vector<DGGFS,typename DGPrec::range_type::field_type>;
311 using X = Backend::Native<V>;
312 using Y = Backend::Native<W>;
313 using CGV = Dune::PDELab::Backend::Vector<CGGFS,typename CGPrec::domain_type::field_type>;
314 using CGW = Dune::PDELab::Backend::Vector<CGGFS,typename CGPrec::range_type::field_type>;
316 // define the category
318 {
320 }
329 OvlpDGAMGPrec (const DGGFS& dggfs_, DGMatrix& dgmatrix_, DGPrec& dgprec_, const DGCC& dgcc_,
330 const CGGFS& cggfs_, CGPrec& cgprec_, const CGCC& cgcc_, P& p_,
331 const DGHelper& dghelper_, const Comm& comm_, int n1_, int n2_)
332 : dggfs(dggfs_), dgmatrix(dgmatrix_), dgprec(dgprec_), dgcc(dgcc_),
333 cggfs(cggfs_), cgprec(cgprec_), cgcc(cgcc_), p(p_), dghelper(dghelper_),
334 comm(comm_), n1(n1_), n2(n2_)
335 {
336 }
343 virtual void pre (V& x, W& b) override
344 {
345 using Backend::native;
346 dgprec.pre(native(x),native(b));
347 CGW cgd(cggfs,0.0);
348 CGV cgv(cggfs,0.0);
349 cgprec.pre(native(cgv),native(cgd));
350 }
357 virtual void apply (V& x, const W& b) override
358 {
359 using Backend::native;
360 // need local copies to store defect and solution
361 W d(b);
363 V v(x); // only to get correct size
365 // pre-smoothing on DG matrix
366 for (int i=0; i<n1; i++)
367 {
368 using Backend::native;
369 v = 0.0;
370 dgprec.apply(native(v),native(d));
371 Dune::PDELab::AddDataHandle<DGGFS,V> adddh(dggfs,v);
372 if (dggfs.gridView().comm().size()>1)
373 dggfs.gridView().communicate(adddh,Dune::All_All_Interface,Dune::ForwardCommunication);
374 dgmatrix.mmv(native(v),native(d));
376 x += v;
377 }
379 // restrict defect to CG subspace
380 dghelper.maskForeignDOFs(d); // DG defect is additive for overlap 1, but in case we use more
381 CGW cgd(cggfs,0.0);
382 p.mtv(native(d),native(cgd));
383 Dune::PDELab::AddDataHandle<CGGFS,CGW> adddh(cggfs,cgd);
384 if (cggfs.gridView().comm().size()>1)
385 cggfs.gridView().communicate(adddh,Dune::All_All_Interface,Dune::ForwardCommunication); // now we have consistent defect on coarse grid
387 comm.project(native(cgd));
388 CGV cgv(cggfs,0.0);
391 // call preconditioner
392 cgprec.apply(native(cgv),native(cgd));
394 // prolongate correction
395 p.mv(native(cgv),native(v));
396 dgmatrix.mmv(native(v),native(d));
398 x += v;
400 // post-smoothing on DG matrix
401 for (int i=0; i<n2; i++)
402 {
403 v = 0.0;
404 dgprec.apply(native(v),native(d));
405 Dune::PDELab::AddDataHandle<DGGFS,V> adddh(dggfs,v);
406 if (dggfs.gridView().comm().size()>1)
407 dggfs.gridView().communicate(adddh,Dune::All_All_Interface,Dune::ForwardCommunication);
408 dgmatrix.mmv(native(v),native(d));
410 x += v;
411 }
412 }
419 virtual void post (V& x) override
420 {
421 dgprec.post(Backend::native(x));
422 CGV cgv(cggfs,0.0);
423 cgprec.post(Backend::native(cgv));
424 }
425 };
428// The DG/AMG linear solver backend in the overlapping case
454template<class DGGO, class DGCC, class CGGFS, class CGCC, class TransferLOP,
455 template<class,class,class,int> class DGPrec, template<class> class Solver, int s=96>
457 public Dune::PDELab::OVLPScalarProductImplementation<typename DGGO::Traits::TrialGridFunctionSpace>,
458 public Dune::PDELab::LinearResultStorage
461 // DG grid function space
462 typedef typename DGGO::Traits::TrialGridFunctionSpace GFS;
464 // vectors and matrices on DG level
465 typedef typename DGGO::Traits::Jacobian M; // wrapped istl DG matrix
466 typedef typename DGGO::Traits::Domain V; // wrapped istl DG vector
467 typedef Backend::Native<M> Matrix; // istl DG matrix
468 typedef Backend::Native<V> Vector; // istl DG vector
469 typedef typename Vector::field_type field_type;
471 // vectors and matrices on CG level
472 using CGV = Dune::PDELab::Backend::Vector<CGGFS,field_type>; // wrapped istl CG vector
473 typedef Backend::Native<CGV> CGVector; // istl CG vector
475 // prolongation matrix
477 typedef Dune::PDELab::EmptyTransformation CC;
478 typedef TransferLOP CGTODGLOP; // local operator
480 typedef typename PGO::Jacobian PMatrix; // wrapped ISTL prolongation matrix
481 typedef Backend::Native<PMatrix> P; // ISTL prolongation matrix
483 // CG subspace matrix
485 typedef typename Dune::MatMultMatResult<PTADG,P>::type CGMatrix; // istl coarse space matrix
487 // AMG in CG-subspace
488 typedef typename Dune::PDELab::ISTL::CommSelector<s,Dune::MPIHelper::isFake>::type Comm;
497 const GFS& gfs;
498 DGGO& dggo;
499 const DGCC& dgcc;
500 CGGFS& cggfs;
501 const CGCC& cgcc;
502 std::shared_ptr<AMG> amg;
503 Parameters amg_parameters;
504 unsigned maxiter;
505 int verbose;
506 bool reuse;
507 bool firstapply;
508 bool usesuperlu;
509 std::size_t low_order_space_entries_per_row;
511 // Parameters for DG smoother
512 double smoother_relaxation = 0.92; // Relaxation parameter of DG smoother
513 int n1=3; // Number of DG pre-smoothing steps
514 int n2=3; // Number of DG post-smoothing steps
516 CGTODGLOP cgtodglop; // local operator to assemble prolongation matrix
517 PGO pgo; // grid operator to assemble prolongation matrix
518 PMatrix pmatrix; // wrapped prolongation matrix
522 class EmptyLop : public Dune::PDELab::NumericalJacobianApplyVolume<EmptyLop>,
526 {
527 };
529 // grid operator with empty local operator for constraints assembly in parallel
531 // CG-subspace matrix
532 typedef typename CGGO::Jacobian CGM;
533 CGM acg;
537 // access to prolongation matrix
538 PMatrix& prolongation_matrix ()
539 {
540 return pmatrix;
541 }
547 void setParameters(const Parameters& amg_parameters_)
548 {
549 amg_parameters = amg_parameters_;
550 }
559 const Parameters& parameters() const
560 {
561 return amg_parameters;
562 }
565 void setReuse(bool reuse_)
566 {
567 reuse = reuse_;
568 }
571 bool getReuse() const
572 {
573 return reuse;
574 }
578 ISTLBackend_OVLP_AMG_4_DG(DGGO& dggo_, const DGCC& dgcc_, CGGFS& cggfs_, const CGCC& cgcc_,
579 unsigned maxiter_=5000, int verbose_=1, bool reuse_=false,
580 bool usesuperlu_=true)
581 : Dune::PDELab::OVLPScalarProductImplementation<typename DGGO::Traits::TrialGridFunctionSpace>(dggo_.trialGridFunctionSpace())
582 , gfs(dggo_.trialGridFunctionSpace())
583 , dggo(dggo_)
584 , dgcc(dgcc_)
585 , cggfs(cggfs_)
586 , cgcc(cgcc_)
587 , amg_parameters(15,2000)
588 , maxiter(maxiter_)
589 , verbose(verbose_)
590 , reuse(reuse_)
591 , firstapply(true)
592 , usesuperlu(usesuperlu_)
593 , low_order_space_entries_per_row(Dune::power(3,GFS::Traits::GridView::dimension))
594 , cgtodglop()
595 , pgo(cggfs,dggo.trialGridFunctionSpace(),cgtodglop,MBE(low_order_space_entries_per_row))
596 , pmatrix(pgo)
597 , acg(Backend::attached_container())
598 {
599 amg_parameters.setDefaultValuesIsotropic(GFS::Traits::GridViewType::Traits::Grid::dimension);
600 amg_parameters.setDebugLevel(verbose_);
602 if (usesuperlu == true)
603 {
604 if (gfs.gridView().comm().rank()==0)
605 std::cout << "WARNING: You are using AMG without SuperLU!"
606 << " Please consider installing SuperLU,"
607 << " or set the usesuperlu flag to false"
608 << " to suppress this warning." << std::endl;
609 }
612 // assemble prolongation matrix; this will not change from one apply to the next
613 pmatrix = 0.0;
614 if (verbose>0 && gfs.gridView().comm().rank()==0) std::cout << "allocated prolongation matrix of size " << pmatrix.N() << " x " << pmatrix.M() << std::endl;
615 CGV cgx(cggfs,0.0); // need vector to call jacobian
616 pgo.jacobian(cgx,pmatrix);
617 }
622 ISTLBackend_OVLP_AMG_4_DG(DGGO& dggo_, const DGCC& dgcc_, CGGFS& cggfs_, const CGCC& cgcc_,
623 const ParameterTree& params)
624 : Dune::PDELab::OVLPScalarProductImplementation<typename DGGO::Traits::TrialGridFunctionSpace>(dggo_.trialGridFunctionSpace())
625 , gfs(dggo_.trialGridFunctionSpace())
626 , dggo(dggo_)
627 , dgcc(dgcc_)
628 , cggfs(cggfs_)
629 , cgcc(cgcc_)
630 , maxiter(params.get<int>("max_iterations",5000))
631 , amg_parameters(15,2000)
632 , verbose(params.get<int>("verbose",1))
633 , reuse(params.get<bool>("reuse",false))
634 , firstapply(true)
635 , usesuperlu(params.get<bool>("use_superlu",true))
636 , low_order_space_entries_per_row(params.get<std::size_t>("low_order_space.entries_per_row",Dune::power(3,GFS::Traits::GridView::dimension)))
637 , cgtodglop()
638 , pgo(cggfs,dggo.trialGridFunctionSpace(),cgtodglop,MBE(low_order_space_entries_per_row))
639 , pmatrix(pgo)
640 , acg(Backend::attached_container())
641 {
642 amg_parameters.setDefaultValuesIsotropic(GFS::Traits::GridViewType::Traits::Grid::dimension);
643 amg_parameters.setDebugLevel(params.get<int>("verbose",1));
645 if (usesuperlu == true)
646 {
647 if (gfs.gridView().comm().rank()==0)
648 std::cout << "WARNING: You are using AMG without SuperLU!"
649 << " Please consider installing SuperLU,"
650 << " or set the usesuperlu flag to false"
651 << " to suppress this warning." << std::endl;
652 }
655 // assemble prolongation matrix; this will not change from one apply to the next
656 pmatrix = 0.0;
657 if (verbose>0 && gfs.gridView().comm().rank()==0) std::cout << "allocated prolongation matrix of size " << pmatrix.N() << " x " << pmatrix.M() << std::endl;
658 CGV cgx(cggfs,0.0); // need vector to call jacobian
659 pgo.jacobian(cgx,pmatrix);
660 }
664 void setDGSmootherRelaxation(double relaxation_)
665 {
666 smoother_relaxation = relaxation_;
667 }
671 {
672 n1 = n1_;
673 }
677 {
678 n2 = n2_;
679 }
689 void apply (M& A, V& z, V& r, typename Dune::template FieldTraits<typename V::ElementType >::real_type reduction)
690 {
691 using Backend::native;
692 // make operator and scalar product for overlapping solver
693 typedef Dune::PDELab::OverlappingOperator<DGCC,M,V,V> POP;
694 POP pop(dgcc,A);
695 typedef Dune::PDELab::OVLPScalarProduct<GFS,V> PSP;
696 PSP psp(*this);
698 // compute CG matrix
699 // make grid operator with empty local operator => matrix data type and constraints assembly
700 EmptyLop emptylop;
701 CGGO cggo(cggfs,cgcc,cggfs,cgcc,emptylop,MBE(low_order_space_entries_per_row));
703 // do triple matrix product ACG = P^T ADG P; this is purely local
704 Dune::Timer watch;
705 watch.reset();
706 // only do triple matrix product if the matrix changes
707 double triple_product_time = 0.0;
708 // no need to set acg here back to zero, this is done in matMultmat
709 if(reuse == false || firstapply == true) {
710 PTADG ptadg;
711 Dune::transposeMatMultMat(ptadg,native(pmatrix),native(A)); // 1a
712 //Dune::transposeMatMultMat(ptadg,native(pmatrix),native(A2)); // 1b
713 Dune::matMultMat(native(acg),ptadg,native(pmatrix));
714 triple_product_time = watch.elapsed();
715 if (verbose>0 && gfs.gridView().comm().rank()==0)
716 std::cout << "=== triple matrix product " << triple_product_time << " s" << std::endl;
717 //Dune::printmatrix(std::cout,native(acg),"triple product matrix","row",10,2);
718 CGV cgx(cggfs,0.0); // need vector to call jacobian
719 cggo.jacobian(cgx,acg); // insert trivial rows at processor boundaries
720 //std::cout << "CG constraints: " << cgcc.size() << " out of " << cggfs.globalSize() << std::endl;
721 }
722 else if(verbose>0 && gfs.gridView().comm().rank()==0)
723 std::cout << "=== reuse CG matrix, SKIPPING triple matrix product " << std::endl;
725 // NOW we need to insert the processor boundary conditions in DG matrix
727 DGGOEmpty dggoempty(gfs,dgcc,gfs,dgcc,emptylop,MBE(1 << GFS::Traits::GridView::dimension));
728 dggoempty.jacobian(z,A);
730 // and in the residual
733 // now set up parallel AMG solver for the CG subspace
734 Comm oocc(gfs.gridView().comm());
735 typedef Dune::PDELab::ISTL::ParallelHelper<CGGFS> CGHELPER;
736 CGHELPER cghelper(cggfs,2);
737 cghelper.createIndexSetAndProjectForAMG(acg,oocc);
738 ParCGOperator paroop(native(acg),oocc);
741 typedef typename Dune::Amg::SmootherTraits<ParSmoother>::Arguments SmootherArgs;
742 SmootherArgs smootherArgs;
743 smootherArgs.iterations = 1;
744 smootherArgs.relaxationFactor = 1.0;
746 Criterion criterion(amg_parameters);
747 watch.reset();
749 // only construct a new AMG for the CG-subspace if the matrix changes
750 double amg_setup_time = 0.0;
751 if(reuse == false || firstapply == true) {
752 amg.reset(new AMG(paroop,criterion,smootherArgs,oocc));
753 firstapply = false;
754 amg_setup_time = watch.elapsed();
755 if (verbose>0 && gfs.gridView().comm().rank()==0)
756 std::cout << "=== AMG setup " <<amg_setup_time << " s" << std::endl;
757 }
758 else if (verbose>0 && gfs.gridView().comm().rank()==0)
759 std::cout << "=== reuse CG matrix, SKIPPING AMG setup " << std::endl;
761 // set up hybrid DG/CG preconditioner
762 typedef DGPrec<Matrix,Vector,Vector,1> DGPrecType;
763 DGPrecType dgprec(native(A),1,smoother_relaxation);
764 typedef Dune::PDELab::ISTL::ParallelHelper<GFS> DGHELPER;
766 HybridPrec hybridprec(gfs,native(A),dgprec,dgcc,cggfs,*amg,cgcc,native(pmatrix),
767 this->parallelHelper(),oocc,n1,n2);
769 // /********/
770 // /* Test */
771 // /********/
772 // Solver<CGVector> testsolver(paroop,sp,amg,1e-8,100,2);
773 // CGV cgxx(cggfs,0.0);
774 // CGV cgdd(cggfs,1.0);
775 // Dune::InverseOperatorResult statstat;
776 // testsolver.apply(native(cgxx),native(cgdd),statstat);
777 // /********/
779 // set up solver
780 int verb=verbose;
781 if (gfs.gridView().comm().rank()>0) verb=0;
782 Solver<V> solver(pop,psp,hybridprec,reduction,maxiter,verb);
784 // solve
786 watch.reset();
787 solver.apply(z,r,stat);
788 double amg_solve_time = watch.elapsed();
789 if (verbose>0 && gfs.gridView().comm().rank()==0) std::cout << "=== Hybrid total solve time " << amg_solve_time+amg_setup_time+triple_product_time << " s" << std::endl;
790 res.converged = stat.converged;
791 res.iterations = stat.iterations;
792 res.elapsed = amg_solve_time+amg_setup_time+triple_product_time;
793 res.reduction = stat.reduction;
794 res.conv_rate = stat.conv_rate;
795 }
Parallel algebraic multigrid based on agglomeration.
Definition: amg.hh:66
The criterion describing the stop criteria for the coarsening process.
Definition: matrixhierarchy.hh:283
All parameters for AMG.
Definition: parameters.hh:416
A sparse block matrix with compressed row storage.
Definition: bcrsmatrix.hh:466
Block parallel preconditioner.
Definition: schwarz.hh:278
CommDataHandleIF describes the features of a data handle for communication in parallel runs using the...
Definition: datahandleif.hh:78
void scatter(MessageBufferImp &buff, const EntityType &e, size_t n)
unpack data from message buffer to user.
Definition: datahandleif.hh:143
void gather(MessageBufferImp &buff, const EntityType &e) const
pack data from user to message buffer
Definition: datahandleif.hh:129
A dense n x m matrix.
Definition: fmatrix.hh:117
Grid view abstract base class.
Definition: gridview.hh:66
Grid abstract base class.
Definition: grid.hh:375
Index Set Interface base class.
Definition: indexidset.hh:78
IndexTypeImp IndexType
The type used for the indices.
Definition: indexidset.hh:92
An overlapping Schwarz operator.
Definition: schwarz.hh:75
Scalar product for overlapping Schwarz methods.
Definition: scalarproducts.hh:201
sparsity pattern generator
Definition: pattern.hh:14
void jacobian(const Domain &x, Jacobian &a) const
Assembler jacobian.
Definition: gridoperator.hh:184
Dune::PDELab::Backend::Matrix< MBE, Domain, Range, field_type > Jacobian
The type of the jacobian.
Definition: gridoperator.hh:47
Definition: ovlp_amg_dg_backend.hh:459
void setDGSmootherRelaxation(double relaxation_)
set number of presmoothing steps on the DG level
Definition: ovlp_amg_dg_backend.hh:664
void setNoDGPostSmoothSteps(int n2_)
set number of postsmoothing steps on the DG level
Definition: ovlp_amg_dg_backend.hh:676
bool getReuse() const
Return whether the AMG is reused during call to apply()
Definition: ovlp_amg_dg_backend.hh:571
ISTLBackend_OVLP_AMG_4_DG(DGGO &dggo_, const DGCC &dgcc_, CGGFS &cggfs_, const CGCC &cgcc_, unsigned maxiter_=5000, int verbose_=1, bool reuse_=false, bool usesuperlu_=true)
Definition: ovlp_amg_dg_backend.hh:578
void setNoDGPreSmoothSteps(int n1_)
set number of presmoothing steps on the DG level
Definition: ovlp_amg_dg_backend.hh:670
void apply(M &A, V &z, V &r, typename Dune::template FieldTraits< typename V::ElementType >::real_type reduction)
solve the given linear system
Definition: ovlp_amg_dg_backend.hh:689
void setReuse(bool reuse_)
Set whether the AMG should be reused again during call to apply().
Definition: ovlp_amg_dg_backend.hh:565
void setParameters(const Parameters &amg_parameters_)
set AMG parameters
Definition: ovlp_amg_dg_backend.hh:547
const Parameters & parameters() const
Get the parameters describing the behaviuour of AMG.
Definition: ovlp_amg_dg_backend.hh:559
ISTLBackend_OVLP_AMG_4_DG(DGGO &dggo_, const DGCC &dgcc_, CGGFS &cggfs_, const CGCC &cgcc_, const ParameterTree &params)
Definition: ovlp_amg_dg_backend.hh:622
Default class for additional methods in instationary local operators.
Definition: idefault.hh:90
Definition: ovlp_amg_dg_backend.hh:33
LocalGlobalMapDataHandle(const GFS &gfs_, LocalToGlobalMap &l2g_, GlobalToLocalMap &g2l_)
Definition: ovlp_amg_dg_backend.hh:104
bool fixedSize(int dim, int codim) const
returns true if size per entity of given dim and codim is a constant
Definition: ovlp_amg_dg_backend.hh:57
int DataType
export type of data for message buffer
Definition: ovlp_amg_dg_backend.hh:44
void gather(MessageBuffer &buff, const EntityType &e) const
pack data from user to message buffer
Definition: ovlp_amg_dg_backend.hh:74
size_t size(EntityType &e) const
Definition: ovlp_amg_dg_backend.hh:67
bool contains(int dim, int codim) const
returns true if data for this codim should be communicated
Definition: ovlp_amg_dg_backend.hh:51
void scatter(MessageBuffer &buff, const EntityType &e, size_t n)
Definition: ovlp_amg_dg_backend.hh:91
Default flags for all local operators.
Definition: flags.hh:19
Implements linear and nonlinear versions of jacobian_apply_volume() based on alpha_volume()
Definition: numericaljacobianapply.hh:34
Definition: ovlp_amg_dg_backend.hh:295
virtual void pre(V &x, W &b) override
Prepare the preconditioner.
Definition: ovlp_amg_dg_backend.hh:343
virtual void apply(V &x, const W &b) override
Apply the precondioner.
Definition: ovlp_amg_dg_backend.hh:357
SolverCategory::Category category() const override
Category of the preconditioner (see SolverCategory::Category)
Definition: ovlp_amg_dg_backend.hh:317
virtual void post(V &x) override
Clean up.
Definition: ovlp_amg_dg_backend.hh:419
OvlpDGAMGPrec(const DGGFS &dggfs_, DGMatrix &dgmatrix_, DGPrec &dgprec_, const DGCC &dgcc_, const CGGFS &cggfs_, CGPrec &cgprec_, const CGCC &cgcc_, P &p_, const DGHelper &dghelper_, const Comm &comm_, int n1_, int n2_)
Definition: ovlp_amg_dg_backend.hh:329
Hierarchical structure of string parameters.
Definition: parametertree.hh:37
std::string get(const std::string &key, const std::string &defaultValue) const
get value as string
Definition: parametertree.cc:188
Base class for matrix free definition of preconditioners.
Definition: preconditioner.hh:33
Sequential SSOR preconditioner.
Definition: preconditioners.hh:142
A simple stop watch.
Definition: timer.hh:31
void reset() noexcept
Reset timer while keeping the running/stopped state.
Definition: timer.hh:47
double elapsed() const noexcept
Get elapsed user-time from last reset until now/last stop in seconds.
Definition: timer.hh:67
Describes the parallel communication interface class for MessageBuffers and DataHandles.
@ ForwardCommunication
communicate as given in InterfaceType
Definition: gridenums.hh:171
@ InteriorBorder_All_Interface
send interior and border, receive all entities
Definition: gridenums.hh:88
@ All_All_Interface
send all and receive all entities
Definition: gridenums.hh:91
void set_constrained_dofs(const CG &cg, typename XG::ElementType x, XG &xg)
construct constraints from given boundary condition function
Definition: constraints.hh:796
void setDebugLevel(int level)
Set the debugging level.
Definition: parameters.hh:424
void setDefaultValuesIsotropic(std::size_t dim, std::size_t diameter=2)
Sets reasonable default values for an isotropic problem.
Definition: parameters.hh:109
int iterations
The number of iterations to perform.
Definition: smoother.hh:47
void transposeMatMultMat(BCRSMatrix< FieldMatrix< T, n, m >, A > &res, const BCRSMatrix< FieldMatrix< T, k, n >, A1 > &mat, const BCRSMatrix< FieldMatrix< T, k, m >, A2 > &matt, bool tryHard=false)
Calculate product of a transposed sparse matrix with another sparse matrices ( ).
Definition: matrixmatrix.hh:590
void matMultMat(BCRSMatrix< FieldMatrix< T, n, m >, A > &res, const BCRSMatrix< FieldMatrix< T, n, k >, A1 > &mat, const BCRSMatrix< FieldMatrix< T, k, m >, A2 > &matt, bool tryHard=false)
Calculate product of two sparse matrices ( ).
Definition: matrixmatrix.hh:575
Some useful basic math stuff.
provides functions for sparse matrix matrix multiplication.
Dune namespace.
Definition: alignedallocator.hh:13
constexpr std::integral_constant< std::size_t, sizeof...(II)> size(std::integer_sequence< T, II... >)
Return the size of the sequence.
Definition: integersequence.hh:75
constexpr Base power(Base m, Exponent p)
Power method for integer exponents.
Definition: math.hh:75
constexpr std::bool_constant<((II==value)||...)> contains(std::integer_sequence< T, II... >, std::integral_constant< T, value >)
Checks whether or not a given sequence contains a value.
Definition: integersequence.hh:137
constexpr auto get(std::integer_sequence< T, II... >, std::integral_constant< std::size_t, pos >={})
Return the entry at position pos of the given sequence.
Definition: integersequence.hh:22
STL namespace.
A hierarchical structure of string parameters.
The default class for the smoother arguments.
Definition: smoother.hh:38
Statistics about the application of an inverse operator.
Definition: solver.hh:50
int iterations
Number of iterations.
Definition: solver.hh:69
double reduction
Reduction achieved: .
Definition: solver.hh:72
double conv_rate
Convergence rate (average reduction per step)
Definition: solver.hh:78
bool converged
True if convergence criterion has been met.
Definition: solver.hh:75
Helper TMP to get the result type of a sparse matrix matrix multiplication ( )
Definition: matrixmatrix.hh:510
Backend using (possibly nested) ISTL BCRSMatrices.
Definition: bcrsmatrixbackend.hh:188
Definition: solvercategory.hh:23
@ overlapping
Category for overlapping solvers.
Definition: solvercategory.hh:29
Helper TMP to get the result type of a sparse matrix matrix multiplication ( )
Definition: matrixmatrix.hh:535
std::size_t fixedSize
The number of data items per index if it is fixed, 0 otherwise.
Definition: variablesizecommunicator.hh:264
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