DUNE PDELab (git)
122 using hasDynamicIndexAccess = Dune::Std::is_detected<dynamicIndexAccess_t, std::remove_reference_t<C>>;
125 using hasStaticIndexAccess = Dune::Std::is_detected<staticIndexAccess_t, std::remove_reference_t<C>>;
131 using isDynamicVector = Dune::Std::is_detected<dynamicIndexAccess_t, std::remove_reference_t<C>>;
139 using isScalar = Dune::Std::bool_constant<not Dune::Std::is_detected_v<staticIndexAccess_t, std::remove_reference_t<C>>>;
142 using isVector = Dune::Std::bool_constant<Dune::Std::is_detected_v<staticIndexAccess_t, std::remove_reference_t<C>>>;
155 static void resize(C&& c, const SizeProvider& sizeProvider, typename SizeProvider::SizePrefix prefix)
190 static void resize(C&& c, const SizeProvider& sizeProvider, typename SizeProvider::SizePrefix prefix)
208 DUNE_THROW(RangeError, "Can't resize non-resizable entry v[" << prefix << "] of size " << c.size() << " to size(" << prefix << ")=" << size);
228 static void resize(C&&, const SizeProvider& sizeProvider, typename SizeProvider::SizePrefix prefix)
232 DUNE_THROW(RangeError, "Can't resize scalar vector entry v[" << prefix << "] to size(" << prefix << ")=" << size);
352 static_assert(hasUniqueFieldType<Vector&>(), "Vector type passed to istlVectorBackend() does not have a unique field type.");
390 static_assert(hasUniqueFieldType<const Vector&>(), "Vector type passed to istlVectorBackend() does not have a unique field type.");
Infrastructure for concepts.
constexpr index_constant< 0 > _0
Compile time index with value 0.
Definition: indices.hh:52
decltype(auto) constexpr unpackIntegerSequence(F &&f, std::integer_sequence< I, i... > sequence)
Unpack an std::integer_sequence<I,i...> to std::integral_constant<I,i>...
Definition: indices.hh:124
typename detected_or< nonesuch, Op, Args... >::value_t is_detected
Detects whether Op<Args...> is valid.
Definition: type_traits.hh:145
auto istlVectorBackend(const Vector &v)
Return a vector backend wrapping const ISTL like containers.
Definition: istlvectorbackend.hh:388
constexpr void forEach(Range &&range, F &&f)
Range based for loop.
Definition: hybridutilities.hh:256
constexpr auto integralRange(const Begin &begin, const End &end)
Create an integral range.
Definition: hybridutilities.hh:172
constexpr decltype(auto) resolveDynamicMultiIndex(C &&c, const MultiIndex &multiIndex, const IsFinal &isFinal)
Provide multi-index access by chaining operator[].
Definition: indexaccess.hh:377
constexpr std::integral_constant< std::size_t, sizeof...(II)> size(std::integer_sequence< T, II... >)
Return the size of the sequence.
Definition: integersequence.hh:75
constexpr auto uniqueTypeList(TypeList< T... > list)
Remove duplicates from a Dune::TypeList.
Definition: typelist.hh:236
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