DUNE PDELab (git)
80 typedef FastDGLocalJacobianApplyAssemblerEngine<FastDGLocalAssembler> LocalJacobianApplyAssemblerEngine;
82 // friend declarations such that engines are able to call scatter_jacobian() and add_entry() from base class
87 FastDGLocalAssembler (LOP & lop_, std::shared_ptr<typename GO::BorderDOFExchanger> border_dof_exchanger)
236 (const typename Traits::Domain & solution, const typename Traits::Domain & update, typename Traits::Range & result)
262 static constexpr bool doPatternVolumePostSkeleton() { return LOP::doPatternVolumePostSkeleton; }
305 void set_trivial_rows(const GFSV& gfsv, GC& globalcontainer, const EmptyTransformation& c) const
The local assembler for DUNE grids.
Definition: localassembler.hh:41
LOP & localOperator()
get a reference to the local operator
Definition: localassembler.hh:111
FastDGLocalAssembler(LOP &lop_, const CU &cu_, const CV &cv_, std::shared_ptr< typename GO::BorderDOFExchanger > border_dof_exchanger)
Constructor for non trivial constraints.
Definition: localassembler.hh:98
LOP LocalOperator
The local operator.
Definition: localassembler.hh:61
Traits::Residual::ElementType RangeField
The local operators type for real numbers e.g. time.
Definition: localassembler.hh:48
bool skipEntity(const EG &eg) const
Definition: localassembler.hh:129
Dune::PDELab::LocalFunctionSpace< GFSU, Dune::PDELab::TrialSpaceTag > LFSU
Definition: localassembler.hh:68
void postProcessing(bool v)
Definition: localassembler.hh:291
LocalJacobianApplyAssemblerEngine & localJacobianApplyAssemblerEngine(const typename Traits::Domain &solution, const typename Traits::Domain &update, typename Traits::Range &result)
Definition: localassembler.hh:236
static constexpr bool doAlphaVolume()
Query methods for the assembler engines. Theses methods do not belong to the assembler interface,...
Definition: localassembler.hh:250
const LOP & localOperator() const
get a reference to the local operator
Definition: localassembler.hh:117
void preStage(Real time_, int r_)
Definition: localassembler.hh:179
bool skipIntersection(const IG &ig) const
Definition: localassembler.hh:147
LocalJacobianAssemblerEngine & localJacobianAssemblerEngine(typename Traits::Jacobian &a, const typename Traits::Solution &x)
Definition: localassembler.hh:216
void preProcessing(bool v)
Definition: localassembler.hh:276
FastDGLocalAssembler(LOP &lop_, std::shared_ptr< typename GO::BorderDOFExchanger > border_dof_exchanger)
Constructor with empty constraints.
Definition: localassembler.hh:87
void setTime(Real time_)
Definition: localassembler.hh:161
bool doPreProcessing() const
Query whether to do preprocessing in the engines.
Definition: localassembler.hh:270
bool doPostProcessing() const
Query whether to do postprocessing in the engines.
Definition: localassembler.hh:285
LocalPatternAssemblerEngine & localPatternAssemblerEngine(typename Traits::MatrixPattern &p)
Definition: localassembler.hh:197
LocalJacobianApplyAssemblerEngine & localJacobianApplyAssemblerEngine(const typename Traits::Domain &update, typename Traits::Range &result)
Definition: localassembler.hh:226
RangeField weight() const
Obtain the weight that was set last.
Definition: localassembler.hh:167
Dune::PDELab::LocalAssemblerBase< typename Traits::MatrixBackend, CU, CV > Base
The base class of this local assembler.
Definition: localassembler.hh:58
FastDGLocalPatternAssemblerEngine< FastDGLocalAssembler > LocalPatternAssemblerEngine
Definition: localassembler.hh:77
void setWeight(RangeField weight)
Notifies the assembler about the current weight of assembling.
Definition: localassembler.hh:173
Dune::PDELab::LocalAssemblerTraits< GO > Traits
The traits class.
Definition: localassembler.hh:45
LocalResidualAssemblerEngine & localResidualAssemblerEngine(typename Traits::Residual &r, const typename Traits::Solution &x)
Definition: localassembler.hh:206
void setResult(Range &result_)
Definition: jacobianapplyengine.hh:125
void setSolution(const Domain &solution_)
Definition: jacobianapplyengine.hh:107
void setUpdate(const Domain &update_)
Definition: jacobianapplyengine.hh:117
void setSolution(const Solution &solution_)
Definition: jacobianengine.hh:142
void setJacobian(Jacobian &jacobian_)
Definition: jacobianengine.hh:132
void setPattern(Pattern &pattern_)
Definition: patternengine.hh:92
void setSolution(const Solution &solution_)
Definition: residualengine.hh:148
void setResidual(Residual &residual_)
Definition: residualengine.hh:140
Base class for local assembler.
Definition: assemblerutilities.hh:217
Create a local function space from a global function space.
Definition: localfunctionspace.hh:754
std::shared_ptr< T > stackobject_to_shared_ptr(T &t)
Create a shared_ptr for a stack-allocated object.
Definition: shared_ptr.hh:72
Definition: assemblerutilities.hh:51
GO::Traits::Range Residual
The type of the range (residual).
Definition: assemblerutilities.hh:88
MatrixBackend::template Pattern< Jacobian, TestGridFunctionSpace, TrialGridFunctionSpace > MatrixPattern
The matrix pattern.
Definition: assemblerutilities.hh:102
GO::Traits::TrialGridFunctionSpace TrialGridFunctionSpace
The trial grid function space.
Definition: assemblerutilities.hh:54
GO::Traits::Jacobian Jacobian
The type of the jacobian.
Definition: assemblerutilities.hh:95
GO::Traits::TestGridFunctionSpace TestGridFunctionSpace
The test grid function space.
Definition: assemblerutilities.hh:57
GO::Traits::Domain Solution
The type of the domain (solution).
Definition: assemblerutilities.hh:78
GO::Traits::Range Range
The type of the range (residual).
Definition: assemblerutilities.hh:85
GO::Traits::Domain Domain
The type of the domain (solution).
Definition: assemblerutilities.hh:75
GO::Traits::TrialGridFunctionSpaceConstraints TrialGridFunctionSpaceConstraints
The type of the trial grid function space constraints.
Definition: assemblerutilities.hh:61
GO::Traits::TestGridFunctionSpaceConstraints TestGridFunctionSpaceConstraints
The type of the test grid function space constraints.
Definition: assemblerutilities.hh:64
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