DUNE PDELab (git)
47 };
59 };
142 };
547 typedef PowerCompositeGridFunctionTraits<typename BaseT::template Child<0>::Type::GridViewType> Traits;
691 : public Dune::PDELab::GridFunctionBase<Dune::PDELab::GridFunctionTraits<typename T::Traits::GridViewType,
699 typedef Dune::PDELab::GridFunctionTraits<typename T::Traits::GridViewType,typename T::Traits::RangeFieldType,1,Dune::FieldVector<typename T::Traits::RangeFieldType,1> > Traits;
710 static_assert((static_cast<int>(T::Traits::GridViewType::dimension)==static_cast<int>(T::Traits::dimRange)),"number of components must equal dimension");
1066 class SelectComponentAdapter : public FunctionInterface<FunctionTraits<typename T::Traits::DomainFieldType,T::Traits::dimDomain,typename T::Traits::DomainType,typename T::Traits::RangeFieldType,1,Dune::FieldVector<typename T::Traits::RangeFieldType,1> > , SelectComponentAdapter<T> >
1068 typedef FunctionInterface<FunctionTraits<typename T::Traits::DomainFieldType,T::Traits::dimDomain,typename T::Traits::DomainType,typename T::Traits::RangeFieldType,1,Dune::FieldVector<typename T::Traits::RangeFieldType,1> > , SelectComponentAdapter<T> > BaseT;
1102 : public BoundaryGridFunctionInterface<BoundaryGridFunctionTraits<typename T::Traits::GridViewType,
1107 typedef BoundaryGridFunctionInterface<BoundaryGridFunctionTraits<typename T::Traits::GridViewType,
Search an IndexSet for an Entity containing a given point.
Definition: hierarchicsearch.hh:35
Entity findEntity(const FieldVector< ct, dimw > &global) const
Search the IndexSet of this HierarchicSearch for an Entity containing point global.
Definition: hierarchicsearch.hh:128
void evaluate(const typename Traits::ElementType &e, const typename Traits::DomainType &x, typename Traits::RangeType &y) const
Evaluate the GridFunction at given position.
Definition: function.hh:668
AnalyticGridFunctionBase(const typename Traits::GridViewType &g_)
Construct an Analytic GridFunctionBase given a GridView g_.
Definition: function.hh:665
T::GridViewType GridViewType
Type of the GridView.
Definition: function.hh:333
A BoundaryGridFunction allows evaluation on boundary intersections.
Definition: function.hh:248
T Traits
Export type traits of the boundary grid function.
Definition: function.hh:251
const Traits::GridViewType & getGridView() const
get a reference to the GridView
Definition: function.hh:271
void evaluate(const IntersectionGeometry< I > &ig, const typename Traits::DomainType &x, typename Traits::RangeType &y) const
Evaluate the GridFunction at given position.
Definition: function.hh:263
Takes a BoundaryGridFunction and acts as a single component.
Definition: function.hh:1106
void select(int k_)
set component to be selected
Definition: function.hh:1140
const Traits::GridViewType & getGridView() const
get a reference to the GridView
Definition: function.hh:1133
BaseT::Traits Traits
Export type traits.
Definition: function.hh:1113
void evaluate(const IntersectionGeometry< I > &ig, const typename Traits::DomainType &x, typename Traits::RangeType &y) const
Evaluate all basis function at given position.
Definition: function.hh:1123
void setTime(TT time)
Set the time in all leaf nodes of this function tree.
Definition: function.hh:566
CompositeGridFunction(T0 &t0, T1 &t1,...)
Initialize all children.
Definition: function.hh:581
BaseT::template Child< 0 >::Type::GridViewType GridViewType
record the GridView
Definition: function.hh:550
a Function that maps x in DomainType to y in RangeType
Definition: function.hh:70
void evaluate(const typename Traits::DomainType &x, typename Traits::RangeType &y) const
Evaluate all basis function at given position.
Definition: function.hh:80
make a GridFunction from a Function
Definition: function.hh:890
FunctionToGridFunctionAdapter(const G &g_, const T &t_)
Create a FunctionToGridFunctionAdapter.
Definition: function.hh:913
make a Function in local coordinates from a Function in global coordinates
Definition: function.hh:998
GlobalFunctionToLocalFunctionAdapter(const T &t_, const E &e_)
Create a GlobalFunctionToLocalFunctionAdapter.
Definition: function.hh:1007
void evaluate(const typename Traits::DomainType &x, typename Traits::RangeType &y) const
Evaluate the local function at the given position.
Definition: function.hh:1014
Turn an ordinary GridFunction into a GridFunctionTree leaf.
Definition: function.hh:597
void evaluate(const typename Imp::Traits::ElementType &e, const typename Imp::Traits::DomainType &x, typename Imp::Traits::RangeType &y) const
Evaluate the GridFunction at given position.
Definition: function.hh:620
const Imp::Traits::GridViewType & getGridView() const
get a reference to the GridView
Definition: function.hh:628
GridFunctionBaseAdapter(const Imp &imp_)
construct a GridFunctionBaseAdapter
Definition: function.hh:607
T::GridViewType GridViewType
Type of the GridView.
Definition: function.hh:307
a GridFunction maps x in DomainType to y in RangeType
Definition: function.hh:190
void evaluate(const typename Traits::ElementType &e, const typename Traits::DomainType &x, typename Traits::RangeType &y) const
Evaluate the GridFunction at given position.
Definition: function.hh:208
const Traits::GridViewType & getGridView() const
get a reference to the GridView
Definition: function.hh:216
Mixin base class for specifying output hints to I/O routines like VTK.
Definition: function.hh:126
Output::DataSetType dataSetType() const
Return the data set type of this function.
Definition: function.hh:154
void setDataSetType(Output::DataSetType dataSetType)
Set the data set type of this function.
Definition: function.hh:160
GridFunctionOutputParameters(Output::DataSetType dataSetType=Output::vertexData)
Standard constructor.
Definition: function.hh:149
make a Function from a GridFunction
Definition: function.hh:949
void evaluate(const typename Traits::DomainType &x, typename Traits::RangeType &y) const
Evaluate all basis function at given position.
Definition: function.hh:974
FunctionTraits< typename GF::Traits::GridViewType::ctype, GF::Traits::GridViewType::dimensionworld, Dune::FieldVector< typename GF::Traits::GridViewType::ctype, GF::Traits::GridViewType::dimensionworld >, typename GF::Traits::RangeFieldType, GF::Traits::dimRange, Dune::FieldVector< typename GF::Traits::RangeFieldType, GF::Traits::dimRange > > Traits
Export type traits.
Definition: function.hh:961
GridFunctionToFunctionAdapter(const GF &gf_)
make a GridFunctionToFunctionAdapter
Definition: function.hh:964
make a LocalFunction from a GridFunction using local coordinates
Definition: function.hh:1034
void evaluate(const typename Traits::DomainType &x, typename Traits::RangeType &y) const
Evaluate the local function at the given position.
Definition: function.hh:1052
GridFunctionToLocalFunctionAdapter(const T &t_, const typename Traits::ElementType &e_)
Create a GridFunctionToLocalFunctionAdapter.
Definition: function.hh:1043
Default class for additional methods in instationary functions.
Definition: function.hh:93
void setTime(Time t)
set time for subsequent evaluation
Definition: function.hh:107
PowerGridFunction(T &t)
Construct a PowerGridFunction with k clones of the function t.
Definition: function.hh:401
void setTime(TT time)
Set the time in all leaf nodes of this function tree.
Definition: function.hh:384
T::GridViewType GridViewType
record the GridView
Definition: function.hh:380
PowerGridFunction(T &t0, T &t1,...)
Initialize all children with different function objects.
Definition: function.hh:426
PowerGridFunction(const std::array< std::shared_ptr< T >, k > &container)
Construct a new Power Grid Function object.
Definition: function.hh:397
a Function maps x in DomainType to y in RangeType
Definition: function.hh:1067
void select(int k_)
set component to be selected
Definition: function.hh:1089
void evaluate(const typename Traits::DomainType &x, typename Traits::RangeType &y) const
Evaluate all basis function at given position.
Definition: function.hh:1080
BaseT::Traits Traits
Export type traits.
Definition: function.hh:1071
Base class for composite nodes based on variadic templates.
Definition: compositenode.hh:28
Collect k instances of type T within a dune-typetree.
Definition: powernode.hh:52
Writer for the output of grid functions in the vtk format.
Definition: vtkwriter.hh:95
Definition of the DUNE_NO_DEPRECATED_* macros.
A few common exception classes.
Traits for type conversions and type information.
Implements a matrix constructed from a given type representing a field and compile-time given number ...
Implements a vector constructed from a given type representing a field and a compile-time given size.
void vtkwriter_tree_addvertexdata(Dune::VTKWriter< GV > &w, const T &t, std::string s="data")
add vertex data from a GridFunctionTree to a VTKWriter
Definition: function.hh:866
constexpr auto treePath(const T &... t)
Constructs a new HybridTreePath from the given indices.
Definition: treepath.hh:326
void applyToTree(Tree &&tree, Visitor &&visitor)
Apply visitor to TypeTree.
Definition: traversal.hh:239
typename impl::_Child< Node, indices... >::type Child
Template alias for the type of a child node given by a list of child indices.
Definition: childextraction.hh:225
Utility class for hierarchically searching for an Entity containing a given point.
std::shared_ptr< T > stackobject_to_shared_ptr(T &t)
Create a shared_ptr for a stack-allocated object.
Definition: shared_ptr.hh:72
function signature for analytic functions on a grid
Definition: function.hh:642
traits class holding function signature, same as in local function
Definition: function.hh:237
GV GridViewType
Export grid view type in addition.
Definition: function.hh:239
Definition: function.hh:39
D DomainType
domain type in dim-size coordinates
Definition: function.hh:50
DF DomainFieldType
Export type for domain field.
Definition: function.hh:41
RF RangeFieldType
Export type for range field.
Definition: function.hh:53
Namespace for output-related data types and enums.
Definition: function.hh:132
The type of the data set.
Definition: function.hh:139
@ cellData
A data set with cell values.
Definition: function.hh:141
@ vertexData
A data set with vertex values.
Definition: function.hh:140
traits class holding the function signature, same as in local function
Definition: function.hh:183
GV The type of the grid view the function lives on.
Definition: function.hh:114
GV::Traits::template Codim< 0 >::Entity ElementType
codim 0 entity
Definition: function.hh:119
GV GridViewType
The type of the grid view the function lives on.
Definition: function.hh:116
Visitor for Power- and CompositeGridFunctions calling the setTime() method on the leafs of the corres...
Definition: function.hh:346
Mixin base class for visitors that only need a dynamic TreePath during traversal.
Definition: visitor.hh:426
Convenience base class for visiting the entire tree.
Definition: visitor.hh:435
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