DUNE PDELab (git)
107 quadrilateralOffset_ = triangleOffset_ + dofsPerSimplex(2) * ((size_type)gridView_.size(Dune::GeometryTypes::triangle));
111 tetrahedronOffset_ = quadrilateralOffset_ + dofsPerCube(2) * ((size_type)gridView_.size(Dune::GeometryTypes::quadrilateral));
113 prismOffset_ = tetrahedronOffset_ + dofsPerSimplex(3) * ((size_type)gridView_.size(Dune::GeometryTypes::tetrahedron));
115 hexahedronOffset_ = prismOffset_ + dofsPerPrism() * ((size_type)gridView_.size(Dune::GeometryTypes::prism));
117 pyramidOffset_ = hexahedronOffset_ + dofsPerCube(3) * ((size_type)gridView_.size(Dune::GeometryTypes::hexahedron));
217 auto v0 = (size_type)gridIndexSet.subIndex(element,refElement.subEntity(localKey.subEntity(),localKey.codim(),0,dim),dim);
218 auto v1 = (size_type)gridIndexSet.subIndex(element,refElement.subEntity(localKey.subEntity(),localKey.codim(),1,dim),dim);
222 + dofsPerCube(1)*((size_type)gridIndexSet.subIndex(element,localKey.subEntity(),localKey.codim()))
225 + dofsPerCube(1)*((size_type)gridIndexSet.subIndex(element,localKey.subEntity(),localKey.codim()))
237 *it = {{ triangleOffset_ + dofsPerSimplex(2)*((size_type)gridIndexSet.subIndex(element,0,0)) + localKey.index() }};
242 *it = {{ quadrilateralOffset_ + dofsPerCube(2)*((size_type)gridIndexSet.subIndex(element,0,0)) + localKey.index() }};
256 DUNE_THROW(Dune::NotImplemented, "LagrangeBasis for 3D grids with k==3 is only implemented if the grid is a simplex grid");
258 *it = {{ triangleOffset_ + ((size_type)gridIndexSet.subIndex(element,localKey.subEntity(),localKey.codim())) }};
269 *it = {{ tetrahedronOffset_ + dofsPerSimplex(3)*((size_type)gridIndexSet.subIndex(element,0,0)) + localKey.index() }};
274 *it = {{ hexahedronOffset_ + dofsPerCube(3)*((size_type)gridIndexSet.subIndex(element,0,0)) + localKey.index() }};
279 *it = {{ prismOffset_ + dofsPerPrism()*((size_type)gridIndexSet.subIndex(element,0,0)) + localKey.index() }};
284 *it = {{ pyramidOffset_ + dofsPerPyramid()*((size_type)gridIndexSet.subIndex(element,0,0)) + localKey.index() }};
288 DUNE_THROW(Dune::NotImplemented, "3d elements have to be tetrahedra, hexahedra, prisms, or pyramids");
334 return order() == 0 ? (dim == simplexDim ? 1 : 0) : Dune::binomial(std::size_t(order()-1),simplexDim);
Global basis for given pre-basis.
Definition: defaultglobalbasis.hh:50
A pre-basis for a PQ-lagrange bases with given order.
Definition: lagrangebasis.hh:61
size_type computeDofsPerCube(std::size_t cubeDim) const
Number of degrees of freedom assigned to a cube (without the ones assigned to its faces!...
Definition: lagrangebasis.hh:338
size_type computeDofsPerSimplex(std::size_t simplexDim) const
Number of degrees of freedom assigned to a simplex (without the ones assigned to its faces!...
Definition: lagrangebasis.hh:332
LagrangeNode< GV, k, R > Node
Template mapping root tree path to type of created tree node.
Definition: lagrangebasis.hh:74
size_type dofsPerSimplex(std::size_t simplexDim) const
Number of degrees of freedom assigned to a simplex (without the ones assigned to its faces!...
Definition: lagrangebasis.hh:310
std::size_t size_type
Type used for indices and size information.
Definition: lagrangebasis.hh:71
void initializeIndices()
Initialize the global indices.
Definition: lagrangebasis.hh:98
LagrangePreBasis(const GridView &gv, unsigned int order)
Constructor for a given grid view object and run-time order.
Definition: lagrangebasis.hh:82
size_type dimension() const
Get the total dimension of the space spanned by this basis.
Definition: lagrangebasis.hh:142
LagrangePreBasis(const GridView &gv)
Constructor for a given grid view object with compile-time order.
Definition: lagrangebasis.hh:77
void update(const GridView &gv)
Update the stored grid view, to be called if the grid has changed.
Definition: lagrangebasis.hh:128
GV GridView
The grid view that the FE basis is defined on.
Definition: lagrangebasis.hh:68
const GridView & gridView() const
Obtain the grid view that the basis is defined on.
Definition: lagrangebasis.hh:122
Node makeNode() const
Create tree node.
Definition: lagrangebasis.hh:136
unsigned int order() const
Polynomial order used in the local Lagrange finite-elements.
Definition: lagrangebasis.hh:298
size_type maxNodeSize() const
Get the maximal number of DOFs associated to node for any element.
Definition: lagrangebasis.hh:172
size_type dofsPerCube(std::size_t cubeDim) const
Number of degrees of freedom assigned to a cube (without the ones assigned to its faces!...
Definition: lagrangebasis.hh:316
A generic MixIn class for PreBasis.
Definition: leafprebasismixin.hh:36
constexpr unsigned int index() const noexcept
Return offset within subentity.
Definition: localkey.hh:70
constexpr unsigned int codim() const noexcept
Return codim of associated entity.
Definition: localkey.hh:63
constexpr unsigned int subEntity() const noexcept
Return number of associated subentity.
Definition: localkey.hh:56
A few common exception classes.
auto lagrange()
Create a pre-basis factory that can create a Lagrange pre-basis.
Definition: lagrangebasis.hh:477
constexpr GeometryType prism
GeometryType representing a 3D prism.
Definition: type.hh:528
constexpr GeometryType triangle
GeometryType representing a triangle.
Definition: type.hh:504
constexpr GeometryType quadrilateral
GeometryType representing a quadrilateral (a square).
Definition: type.hh:510
constexpr GeometryType hexahedron
GeometryType representing a hexahedron.
Definition: type.hh:534
constexpr GeometryType pyramid
GeometryType representing a 3D pyramid.
Definition: type.hh:522
constexpr GeometryType tetrahedron
GeometryType representing a tetrahedron.
Definition: type.hh:516
constexpr auto max
Function object that returns the greater of the given values.
Definition: hybridutilities.hh:484
Convenience header that includes all implementations of Lagrange finite elements.
static constexpr T binomial(const T &n, const T &k) noexcept
calculate the binomial coefficient n over k as a constexpr
Definition: math.hh:131
constexpr Base power(Base m, Exponent p)
Power method for integer exponents.
Definition: math.hh:75
LocalFiniteElementVariantCache< Impl::ImplementedLagrangeFiniteElements< D, R, dim, order > > LagrangeLocalFiniteElementCache
A cache that stores all available Pk/Qk like local finite elements for the given dimension and order.
Definition: lagrangelfecache.hh:118
constexpr auto get(std::integer_sequence< T, II... >, std::integral_constant< std::size_t, pos >={})
Return the entry at position pos of the given sequence.
Definition: integersequence.hh:22
STL namespace.
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