Dune Core Modules (unstable)

Go to the documentation of this file.
1// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright © DUNE Project contributors, see file LICENSE.md in module root
2// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-GPL-2.0-only-with-DUNE-exception
3// -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
4// vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
9#include <cstring>
10#include <iostream>
11#include <string>
12#include <fstream>
13#include <sstream>
14#include <iomanip>
15#include <memory>
16#include <type_traits>
17#include <vector>
18#include <list>
19#include <map>
24#include <dune/common/indent.hh>
26#include <dune/common/path.hh>
27#include <dune/geometry/referenceelements.hh>
29#include <dune/grid/common/gridenums.hh>
33#include <dune/grid/io/file/vtk/pvtuwriter.hh>
34#include <dune/grid/io/file/vtk/streams.hh>
35#include <dune/grid/io/file/vtk/vtuwriter.hh>
50namespace Dune
53 namespace Impl
54 {
55 // Check whether type F has a method 'bind' (see the dune-functions interface)
56 template< class F, class E, class = void >
57 struct IsBindable
58 : std::false_type
59 {};
61 template< class F, class E >
62 struct IsBindable< F, E, std::void_t< decltype( std::declval< F & >().bind( std::declval< const E & >() ) ),
63 decltype( std::declval< F & >().unbind() ) > >
64 : std::true_type
65 {};
67 // Check whether localFunction(F) can be called (see the dune-functions interface)
68 template< class F, class = void >
69 struct HasLocalFunction
70 : std::false_type
71 {};
73 template< class F >
74 struct HasLocalFunction< F, std::void_t< decltype( localFunction( std::declval< F& >() ) ) > >
75 : std::true_type
76 {};
78 } // namespace Impl
80 // Forward-declaration here, so the class can be friend of VTKWriter
81 template <class GridView>
82 class VTKSequenceWriterBase;
83 template <class GridView>
84 class VTKSequenceWriter;
94 template< class GridView >
95 class VTKWriter {
97 // VTKSequenceWriterBase needs getSerialPieceName
98 // and getParallelHeaderName
99 friend class VTKSequenceWriterBase<GridView>;
100 // VTKSequenceWriter needs the grid view, to get the MPI size and rank
101 friend class VTKSequenceWriter<GridView>;
103 // extract types
104 typedef typename GridView::Grid Grid;
105 typedef typename GridView::ctype DT;
106 constexpr static int n = GridView::dimension;
107 constexpr static int w = GridView::dimensionworld;
109 typedef typename GridView::template Codim< 0 >::Entity Cell;
110 typedef typename GridView::template Codim< n >::Entity Vertex;
111 typedef Cell Entity;
113 typedef typename GridView::IndexSet IndexSet;
115 static const PartitionIteratorType VTK_Partition = InteriorBorder_Partition;
116 //static const PartitionIteratorType VTK_Partition = All_Partition;
118 typedef typename GridView::template Codim< 0 >
119 ::template Partition< VTK_Partition >::Iterator
120 GridCellIterator;
121 typedef typename GridView::template Codim< n >
122 ::template Partition< VTK_Partition >::Iterator
123 GridVertexIterator;
125 typedef typename GridCellIterator::Reference EntityReference;
127 typedef typename GridView::template Codim< 0 >
128 ::Entity::Geometry::LocalCoordinate Coordinate;
132 // return true if entity should be skipped in Vertex and Corner iterator
133 static bool skipEntity( const PartitionType entityType )
134 {
135 switch( VTK_Partition )
136 {
137 // for All_Partition no entity has to be skipped
138 case All_Partition: return false;
139 case InteriorBorder_Partition: return ( entityType != InteriorEntity );
140 default: DUNE_THROW(NotImplemented,"Add check for this partition type");
141 }
142 return false ;
143 }
145 public:
149 protected:
156 {
158 public:
164 {
167 virtual void bind(const Entity& e) = 0;
170 virtual void unbind() = 0;
176 virtual void write(const Coordinate& pos, Writer& w, std::size_t count) const = 0;
178 virtual ~FunctionWrapperBase()
179 {}
181 };
184 // DUNE_PRIVATE since _f has less visibility
185 template<typename F>
187 : public FunctionWrapperBase
188 {
189 using Function = typename std::decay<F>::type;
191 template<typename F_>
192 FunctionWrapper(F_&& f)
193 : _f(std::forward<F_>(f))
194 {}
196 virtual void bind(const Entity& e)
197 {
198 _f.bind(e);
199 }
201 virtual void unbind()
202 {
203 _f.unbind();
204 }
206 virtual void write(const Coordinate& pos, Writer& w, std::size_t count) const
207 {
208 auto r = _f(pos);
209 // we need to do different things here depending on whether r supports indexing into it or not.
210 do_write(w,r,count,IsIndexable<decltype(r)>());
211 }
213 private:
215 template<typename R>
216 void do_write(Writer& w, const R& r, std::size_t count, std::true_type) const
217 {
218 for (std::size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i)
219 w.write(r[i]);
220 }
222 template<typename R>
223 void do_write(Writer& w, const R& r, std::size_t count, std::false_type) const
224 {
225 assert(count == 1);
226 w.write(r);
227 }
229 Function _f;
230 };
233 template<typename F>
235 : public FunctionWrapperBase
236 {
237 using Function = typename std::decay<F>::type;
239 template<typename F_>
241 : _f(std::forward<F_>(f))
242 , element_(nullptr)
243 {}
245 virtual void bind(const Entity& e)
246 {
247 element_ = &e;
248 }
250 virtual void unbind()
251 {
252 element_ = nullptr;
253 }
255 virtual void write(const Coordinate& pos, Writer& w, std::size_t count) const
256 {
257 auto globalPos = element_->geometry().global(pos);
258 auto r = _f(globalPos);
259 if constexpr (IsIndexable<decltype(r)>()) {
260 for (std::size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i)
261 w.write(r[i]);
262 }
263 else {
264 assert(count == 1);
265 w.write(r);
266 }
267 }
268 private:
269 Function _f;
270 const Entity* element_;
271 };
275 : public FunctionWrapperBase
276 {
277 VTKFunctionWrapper(const std::shared_ptr< const VTKFunction >& f)
278 : _f(f)
279 , _entity(nullptr)
280 {}
282 virtual void bind(const Entity& e)
283 {
284 _entity = &e;
285 }
287 virtual void unbind()
288 {
289 _entity = nullptr;
290 }
292 virtual void write(const Coordinate& pos, Writer& w, std::size_t count) const
293 {
294 for (std::size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i)
295 w.write(_f->evaluate(i,*_entity,pos));
296 }
298 private:
300 std::shared_ptr< const VTKFunction > _f;
301 const Entity* _entity;
303 };
306 template<typename F, std::enable_if_t<Impl::IsBindable<F, Entity>::value, int> = 0>
308 : _f(std::make_unique<FunctionWrapper<F> >(std::forward<F>(f)))
309 , _fieldInfo(fieldInfo)
310 {}
313 // That is, a function that you can create a LocalFunction for, and evaluate that in element coordinates
314 template<typename F, std::enable_if_t<not Impl::IsBindable<F, Entity>::value && Impl::HasLocalFunction<F>::value, int> = 0>
316 : _f(std::make_unique< FunctionWrapper<
317 typename std::decay<decltype(localFunction(std::forward<F>(f)))>::type
318 > >(localFunction(std::forward<F>(f))))
319 , _fieldInfo(fieldInfo)
320 {}
323 // That is, a function that can be evaluated in global coordinates of the domain
324 template<typename F, std::enable_if_t<not Impl::IsBindable<F, Entity>::value && not Impl::HasLocalFunction<F>::value, int> = 0>
326 : _f(std::make_unique< GlobalFunctionWrapper<F> >(std::forward<F>(f)))
327 , _fieldInfo(fieldInfo)
328 {}
331 explicit VTKLocalFunction (const std::shared_ptr< const VTKFunction >& vtkFunctionPtr)
332 : _f(std::make_unique<VTKFunctionWrapper>(vtkFunctionPtr))
333 , _fieldInfo(
334 vtkFunctionPtr->name(),
335 (vtkFunctionPtr->ncomps() == 2 || vtkFunctionPtr->ncomps() == 3) ? VTK::FieldInfo::Type::vector : VTK::FieldInfo::Type::scalar,
336 vtkFunctionPtr->ncomps(),
337 vtkFunctionPtr->precision()
338 )
339 {}
342 std::string name() const
343 {
344 return fieldInfo().name();
345 }
349 {
350 return _fieldInfo;
351 }
354 void bind(const Entity& e) const
355 {
356 _f->bind(e);
357 }
360 void unbind() const
361 {
362 _f->unbind();
363 }
366 void write(const Coordinate& pos, Writer& w) const
367 {
368 _f->write(pos,w,fieldInfo().size());
369 }
371 std::shared_ptr<FunctionWrapperBase> _f;
372 VTK::FieldInfo _fieldInfo;
374 };
376 typedef typename std::list<VTKLocalFunction>::const_iterator FunctionIterator;
384 class CellIterator : public GridCellIterator
385 {
386 public:
388 CellIterator(const GridCellIterator & x) : GridCellIterator(x) {}
392 {
393 return ReferenceElements<DT,n>::general((*this)->type()).position(0,0);
394 }
395 };
397 CellIterator cellBegin() const
398 {
399 return gridView_.template begin< 0, VTK_Partition >();
400 }
402 CellIterator cellEnd() const
403 {
404 return gridView_.template end< 0, VTK_Partition >();
405 }
423 public ForwardIteratorFacade<VertexIterator, const Entity, EntityReference, int>
424 {
425 GridCellIterator git;
426 GridCellIterator gend;
427 VTK::DataMode datamode;
428 // Index of the currently visited corner within the current element.
429 // NOTE: this is in Dune-numbering, in contrast to CornerIterator.
430 int cornerIndexDune;
431 const VertexMapper & vertexmapper;
432 std::vector<bool> visited;
433 // in conforming mode, for each vertex id (as obtained by vertexmapper)
434 // hold its number in the iteration order (VertexIterator)
435 int offset;
437 // hide operator ->
438 void operator->();
439 protected:
440 void basicIncrement ()
441 {
442 if( git == gend )
443 return;
444 ++cornerIndexDune;
445 const int numCorners = git->subEntities(n);
446 if( cornerIndexDune == numCorners )
447 {
448 offset += numCorners;
449 cornerIndexDune = 0;
451 ++git;
452 while( (git != gend) && skipEntity( git->partitionType() ) )
453 ++git;
454 }
455 }
456 public:
457 VertexIterator(const GridCellIterator & x,
458 const GridCellIterator & end,
459 const VTK::DataMode & dm,
460 const VertexMapper & vm) :
461 git(x), gend(end), datamode(dm), cornerIndexDune(0),
462 vertexmapper(vm), visited(vm.size(), false),
463 offset(0)
464 {
465 if (datamode == VTK::conforming && git != gend)
466 visited[vertexmapper.subIndex(*git,cornerIndexDune,n)] = true;
467 }
468 void increment ()
469 {
470 switch (datamode)
471 {
472 case VTK::conforming :
473 while(visited[vertexmapper.subIndex(*git,cornerIndexDune,n)])
474 {
475 basicIncrement();
476 if (git == gend) return;
477 }
478 visited[vertexmapper.subIndex(*git,cornerIndexDune,n)] = true;
479 break;
480 case VTK::nonconforming :
481 basicIncrement();
482 break;
483 }
484 }
485 bool equals (const VertexIterator & cit) const
486 {
487 return git == cit.git
488 && cornerIndexDune == cit.cornerIndexDune
489 && datamode == cit.datamode;
490 }
491 EntityReference dereference() const
492 {
493 return *git;
494 }
496 int localindex () const
497 {
498 return cornerIndexDune;
499 }
502 {
503 return referenceElement<DT,n>(git->type())
504 .position(cornerIndexDune,n);
505 }
506 };
508 VertexIterator vertexBegin () const
509 {
510 return VertexIterator( gridView_.template begin< 0, VTK_Partition >(),
511 gridView_.template end< 0, VTK_Partition >(),
512 datamode, *vertexmapper );
513 }
515 VertexIterator vertexEnd () const
516 {
517 return VertexIterator( gridView_.template end< 0, VTK_Partition >(),
518 gridView_.template end< 0, VTK_Partition >(),
519 datamode, *vertexmapper );
520 }
538 public ForwardIteratorFacade<CornerIterator, const Entity, EntityReference, int>
539 {
540 GridCellIterator git;
541 GridCellIterator gend;
542 VTK::DataMode datamode;
543 // Index of the currently visited corner within the current element.
544 // NOTE: this is in VTK-numbering, in contrast to VertexIterator.
545 int cornerIndexVTK;
546 const VertexMapper & vertexmapper;
547 // in conforming mode, for each vertex id (as obtained by vertexmapper)
548 // hold its number in the iteration order of VertexIterator (*not*
549 // CornerIterator)
550 const std::vector<int> & number;
551 // holds the number of corners of all the elements we have seen so far,
552 // excluding the current element
553 int offset;
555 // hide operator ->
556 void operator->();
557 public:
558 CornerIterator(const GridCellIterator & x,
559 const GridCellIterator & end,
560 const VTK::DataMode & dm,
561 const VertexMapper & vm,
562 const std::vector<int> & num) :
563 git(x), gend(end), datamode(dm), cornerIndexVTK(0),
564 vertexmapper(vm),
565 number(num), offset(0) {}
566 void increment ()
567 {
568 if( git == gend )
569 return;
570 ++cornerIndexVTK;
571 const int numCorners = git->subEntities(n);
572 if( cornerIndexVTK == numCorners )
573 {
574 offset += numCorners;
575 cornerIndexVTK = 0;
577 ++git;
578 while( (git != gend) && skipEntity( git->partitionType() ) )
579 ++git;
580 }
581 }
582 bool equals (const CornerIterator & cit) const
583 {
584 return git == cit.git
585 && cornerIndexVTK == cit.cornerIndexVTK
586 && datamode == cit.datamode;
587 }
588 EntityReference dereference() const
589 {
590 return *git;
591 }
597 int id () const
598 {
599 switch (datamode)
600 {
601 case VTK::conforming :
602 return
603 number[vertexmapper.subIndex(*git,VTK::renumber(*git,cornerIndexVTK),
604 n)];
605 case VTK::nonconforming :
606 return offset + VTK::renumber(*git,cornerIndexVTK);
607 default :
608 DUNE_THROW(IOError,"VTKWriter: unsupported DataMode" << datamode);
609 }
610 }
611 };
613 CornerIterator cornerBegin () const
614 {
615 return CornerIterator( gridView_.template begin< 0, VTK_Partition >(),
616 gridView_.template end< 0, VTK_Partition >(),
617 datamode, *vertexmapper, number );
618 }
620 CornerIterator cornerEnd () const
621 {
622 return CornerIterator( gridView_.template end< 0, VTK_Partition >(),
623 gridView_.template end< 0, VTK_Partition >(),
624 datamode, *vertexmapper, number );
625 }
627 public:
636 explicit VTKWriter ( const GridView &gridView,
637 VTK::DataMode dm = VTK::conforming,
638 VTK::Precision coordPrecision = VTK::Precision::float32)
639 : gridView_( gridView ),
640 datamode( dm ),
641 coordPrec (coordPrecision),
642 polyhedralCellsPresent_( checkForPolyhedralCells() )
643 { }
649 void addCellData (const std::shared_ptr< const VTKFunction > & p)
650 {
651 celldata.push_back(VTKLocalFunction(p));
652 }
673 template<typename F>
674 void addCellData(F&& f, VTK::FieldInfo vtkFieldInfo)
675 {
676 celldata.push_back(VTKLocalFunction(std::forward<F>(f),vtkFieldInfo));
677 }
694 template<class Container>
695 void addCellData (const Container& v, const std::string &name, int ncomps = 1,
696 VTK::Precision prec = VTK::Precision::float32)
697 {
698 typedef P0VTKFunction<GridView, Container> Function;
699 for (int c=0; c<ncomps; ++c) {
700 std::stringstream compName;
701 compName << name;
702 if (ncomps>1)
703 compName << "[" << c << "]";
704 VTKFunction* p = new Function(gridView_, v, compName.str(), ncomps, c, prec);
705 addCellData(std::shared_ptr< const VTKFunction >(p));
706 }
707 }
713 void addVertexData (const std::shared_ptr< const VTKFunction > & p)
714 {
715 vertexdata.push_back(VTKLocalFunction(p));
716 }
737 template<typename F>
738 void addVertexData(F&& f, VTK::FieldInfo vtkFieldInfo)
739 {
740 vertexdata.push_back(VTKLocalFunction(std::forward<F>(f),vtkFieldInfo));
741 }
759 template<class Container>
760 void addVertexData (const Container& v, const std::string &name, int ncomps=1,
761 VTK::Precision prec = VTK::Precision::float32)
762 {
763 typedef P1VTKFunction<GridView, Container> Function;
764 for (int c=0; c<ncomps; ++c) {
765 std::stringstream compName;
766 compName << name;
767 if (ncomps>1)
768 compName << "[" << c << "]";
769 VTKFunction* p = new Function(gridView_, v, compName.str(), ncomps, c, prec);
770 addVertexData(std::shared_ptr< const VTKFunction >(p));
771 }
772 }
775 void clear ()
776 {
777 celldata.clear();
778 vertexdata.clear();
779 }
783 { return coordPrec; }
786 virtual ~VTKWriter ()
787 {
788 this->clear();
789 }
803 std::string write ( const std::string &name,
804 VTK::OutputType type = VTK::ascii )
805 {
806 return write( name, type, gridView_.comm().rank(), gridView_.comm().size() );
807 }
835 std::string pwrite ( const std::string & name, const std::string & path, const std::string & extendpath,
836 VTK::OutputType type = VTK::ascii )
837 {
838 return pwrite( name, path, extendpath, type, gridView_.comm().rank(), gridView_.comm().size() );
839 }
841 protected:
855 std::string getParallelPieceName(const std::string& name,
856 const std::string& path,
857 int commRank, int commSize) const
858 {
859 std::ostringstream s;
860 // write path first
861 if(path.size() > 0)
862 {
863 s << path;
864 if(path[path.size()-1] != '/')
865 s << '/';
866 }
868 std::string fileprefix;
869 // check if a path was already added to name
870 // and if yes find filename without path
871 auto pos = name.rfind('/');
872 if( pos != std::string::npos )
873 {
874 // extract filename without path
875 fileprefix = name.substr( pos+1 );
876 // extract the path and added it before
877 // the magic below is added
878 std::string newpath = name.substr(0, pos);
879 s << newpath;
880 if(newpath[name.size()-1] != '/')
881 s << '/';
882 }
883 else
884 {
885 // if no path was found just copy the name
886 fileprefix = name;
887 }
889 s << 's' << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << commSize << '-';
890 const bool writeHeader = commRank < 0;
891 if( ! writeHeader )
892 {
893 s << 'p' << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << commRank << '-';
894 }
896 s << fileprefix << ".";
897 // write p for header files
898 if( writeHeader )
899 s << "p";
900 s << "vt";
902 if(GridView::dimension > 1)
903 s << "u";
904 else
905 s << "p";
906 return s.str();
907 }
920 std::string getParallelHeaderName(const std::string& name,
921 const std::string& path,
922 int commSize) const
923 {
924 return getParallelPieceName( name, path, -1, commSize );
925 }
940 std::string getSerialPieceName(const std::string& name,
941 const std::string& path) const
942 {
943 static const std::string extension =
944 GridView::dimension == 1 ? ".vtp" : ".vtu";
946 return concatPaths(path, name+extension);
947 }
965 std::string write ( const std::string &name,
966 VTK::OutputType type,
967 const int commRank,
968 const int commSize )
969 {
970 // in the parallel case, just use pwrite, it has all the necessary
971 // stuff, so we don't need to reimplement it here.
972 if(commSize > 1)
973 {
974 std::string filename = name;
975 std::string path = std::string("");
977 // check if a path was already added to name
978 // and if yes find filename without path
979 auto pos = name.rfind('/');
980 if( pos != std::string::npos )
981 {
982 // extract filename without path
983 filename = name.substr( pos+1 );
985 // extract the path and added it before
986 // the magic below is added
987 path = name.substr(0, pos);
988 }
990 return pwrite(filename, path, "", type, commRank, commSize);
991 }
993 // make data mode visible to private functions
994 outputtype = type;
996 // generate filename for process data
997 std::string pieceName = getSerialPieceName(name, "");
999 // write process data
1000 std::ofstream file;
1001 file.exceptions(std::ios_base::badbit | std::ios_base::failbit |
1002 std::ios_base::eofbit);
1003 // check if file can be opened
1004 try {
1005 file.open( pieceName.c_str(), std::ios::binary );
1006 }
1007 catch(...) {
1008 std::cerr << "Filename: " << pieceName << " could not be opened" << std::endl;
1009 throw;
1010 }
1011 if (! file.is_open())
1012 DUNE_THROW(IOError, "Could not write to piece file " << pieceName);
1013 writeDataFile( file );
1014 file.close();
1016 return pieceName;
1017 }
1043 std::string pwrite(const std::string& name, const std::string& path,
1044 const std::string& extendpath,
1045 VTK::OutputType ot, const int commRank,
1046 const int commSize )
1047 {
1048 // make data mode visible to private functions
1049 outputtype=ot;
1051 // do some magic because paraview can only cope with relative paths to piece files
1052 std::ofstream file;
1053 file.exceptions(std::ios_base::badbit | std::ios_base::failbit |
1054 std::ios_base::eofbit);
1055 std::string piecepath = concatPaths(path, extendpath);
1056 std::string relpiecepath = relativePath(path, piecepath);
1058 // write this processes .vtu/.vtp piece file
1059 std::string fullname = getParallelPieceName(name, piecepath, commRank,
1060 commSize);
1061 // check if file can be opened
1062 try {
1063 file.open(fullname.c_str(),std::ios::binary);
1064 }
1065 catch(...) {
1066 std::cerr << "Filename: " << fullname << " could not be opened" << std::endl;
1067 throw;
1068 }
1069 if (! file.is_open())
1070 DUNE_THROW(IOError, "Could not write to piecefile file " << fullname);
1071 writeDataFile(file);
1072 file.close();
1073 gridView_.comm().barrier();
1075 // if we are rank 0, write .pvtu/.pvtp parallel header
1076 fullname = getParallelHeaderName(name, path, commSize);
1077 if( commRank ==0 )
1078 {
1079 file.open(fullname.c_str());
1080 if (! file.is_open())
1081 DUNE_THROW(IOError, "Could not write to parallel file " << fullname);
1082 writeParallelHeader(file,name,relpiecepath, commSize );
1083 file.close();
1084 }
1085 gridView_.comm().barrier();
1086 return fullname;
1087 }
1089 private:
1108 void writeParallelHeader(std::ostream& s, const std::string& piecename,
1109 const std::string& piecepath, const int commSize)
1110 {
1111 VTK::FileType fileType =
1112 (n == 1) ? VTK::polyData : VTK::unstructuredGrid;
1114 VTK::PVTUWriter writer(s, fileType);
1116 writer.beginMain();
1118 // PPointData
1119 {
1120 std::string scalars, vectors;
1121 std::tie(scalars,vectors) = getDataNames(vertexdata);
1122 writer.beginPointData(scalars, vectors);
1123 }
1124 for (auto it = vertexdata.begin(),
1125 end = vertexdata.end();
1126 it != end;
1127 ++it)
1128 {
1129 unsigned writecomps = it->fieldInfo().size();
1130 // for 2d vector fields should be written as 3d vector fields
1131 if(it->fieldInfo().type() == VTK::FieldInfo::Type::vector && writecomps == 2)
1132 writecomps = 3;
1133 writer.addArray(it->name(), writecomps, it->fieldInfo().precision());
1134 }
1135 writer.endPointData();
1137 // PCellData
1138 {
1139 std::string scalars, vectors;
1140 std::tie(scalars,vectors) = getDataNames(celldata);
1141 writer.beginCellData(scalars, vectors);
1142 }
1143 for (auto it = celldata.begin(),
1144 end = celldata.end();
1145 it != end;
1146 ++it)
1147 {
1148 unsigned writecomps = it->fieldInfo().size();
1149 // for 2d vector fields should be written as 3d vector fields
1150 if(it->fieldInfo().type() == VTK::FieldInfo::Type::vector && writecomps == 2)
1151 writecomps = 3;
1152 writer.addArray(it->name(), writecomps, it->fieldInfo().precision());
1153 }
1154 writer.endCellData();
1156 // PPoints
1157 writer.beginPoints();
1158 writer.addArray("Coordinates", 3, coordPrec);
1159 writer.endPoints();
1161 // Pieces
1162 for( int i = 0; i < commSize; ++i )
1163 {
1164 const std::string& fullname = getParallelPieceName(piecename,
1165 piecepath, i,
1166 commSize);
1167 writer.addPiece(fullname);
1168 }
1170 writer.endMain();
1171 }
1174 void writeDataFile (std::ostream& s)
1175 {
1176 VTK::FileType fileType =
1177 (n == 1) ? VTK::polyData : VTK::unstructuredGrid;
1179 VTK::VTUWriter writer(s, outputtype, fileType);
1181 // Grid characteristics
1182 vertexmapper = new VertexMapper( gridView_, mcmgVertexLayout() );
1183 if (datamode == VTK::conforming)
1184 {
1185 number.resize(vertexmapper->size());
1186 for (std::vector<int>::size_type i=0; i<number.size(); i++) number[i] = -1;
1187 }
1188 countEntities(nvertices, ncells, ncorners);
1190 writer.beginMain(ncells, nvertices);
1191 writeAllData(writer);
1192 writer.endMain();
1194 // write appended binary data section
1195 if(writer.beginAppended())
1196 writeAllData(writer);
1197 writer.endAppended();
1199 delete vertexmapper; number.clear();
1200 }
1202 void writeAllData(VTK::VTUWriter& writer) {
1203 // PointData
1204 writeVertexData(writer);
1206 // CellData
1207 writeCellData(writer);
1209 // Points
1210 writeGridPoints(writer);
1212 // Cells
1213 writeGridCells(writer);
1214 }
1216 protected:
1217 std::string getFormatString() const
1218 {
1219 if (outputtype==VTK::ascii)
1220 return "ascii";
1221 if (outputtype==VTK::base64)
1222 return "binary";
1223 if (outputtype==VTK::appendedraw)
1224 return "appended";
1225 if (outputtype==VTK::appendedbase64)
1226 return "appended";
1227 DUNE_THROW(IOError, "VTKWriter: unsupported OutputType" << outputtype);
1228 }
1230 std::string getTypeString() const
1231 {
1232 if (n==1)
1233 return "PolyData";
1234 else
1235 return "UnstructuredGrid";
1236 }
1239 virtual void countEntities(int &nvertices_, int &ncells_, int &ncorners_)
1240 {
1241 nvertices_ = 0;
1242 ncells_ = 0;
1243 ncorners_ = 0;
1244 for (CellIterator it=cellBegin(); it!=cellEnd(); ++it)
1245 {
1246 ncells_++;
1247 // because of the use of vertexmapper->map(), this iteration must be
1248 // in the order of Dune's numbering.
1249 const int subEntities = it->subEntities(n);
1250 for (int i=0; i<subEntities; ++i)
1251 {
1252 ncorners_++;
1253 if (datamode == VTK::conforming)
1254 {
1255 int alpha = vertexmapper->subIndex(*it,i,n);
1256 if (number[alpha]<0)
1257 number[alpha] = nvertices_++;
1258 }
1259 else
1260 {
1261 nvertices_++;
1262 }
1263 }
1264 }
1265 }
1267 template<typename T>
1268 std::tuple<std::string,std::string> getDataNames(const T& data) const
1269 {
1270 std::string scalars = "";
1271 for (auto it = data.begin(),
1272 end = data.end();
1273 it != end;
1274 ++it)
1275 if (it->fieldInfo().type() == VTK::FieldInfo::Type::scalar)
1276 {
1277 scalars = it->name();
1278 break;
1279 }
1281 std::string vectors = "";
1282 for (auto it = data.begin(),
1283 end = data.end();
1284 it != end;
1285 ++it)
1286 if (it->fieldInfo().type() == VTK::FieldInfo::Type::vector)
1287 {
1288 vectors = it->name();
1289 break;
1290 }
1291 return std::make_tuple(scalars,vectors);
1292 }
1294 template<typename Data, typename Iterator>
1295 void writeData(VTK::VTUWriter& writer, const Data& data, const Iterator begin, const Iterator end, int nentries)
1296 {
1297 for (auto it = data.begin(),
1298 iend = data.end();
1299 it != iend;
1300 ++it)
1301 {
1302 const auto& f = *it;
1303 VTK::FieldInfo fieldInfo = f.fieldInfo();
1304 std::size_t writecomps = fieldInfo.size();
1305 switch (fieldInfo.type())
1306 {
1308 break;
1310 // vtk file format: a vector data always should have 3 comps (with
1311 // 3rd comp = 0 in 2D case)
1312 if (writecomps > 3)
1313 DUNE_THROW(IOError,"Cannot write VTK vectors with more than 3 components (components was " << writecomps << ")");
1314 writecomps = 3;
1315 break;
1317 DUNE_THROW(NotImplemented,"VTK output for tensors not implemented yet");
1318 }
1319 std::shared_ptr<VTK::DataArrayWriter> p
1320 (writer.makeArrayWriter(f.name(), writecomps, nentries, fieldInfo.precision()));
1321 if(!p->writeIsNoop())
1322 for (Iterator eit = begin; eit!=end; ++eit)
1323 {
1324 const Entity & e = *eit;
1325 f.bind(e);
1326 f.write(eit.position(),*p);
1327 f.unbind();
1328 // vtk file format: a vector data always should have 3 comps
1329 // (with 3rd comp = 0 in 2D case)
1330 for (std::size_t j=fieldInfo.size(); j < writecomps; ++j)
1331 p->write(0.0);
1332 }
1333 }
1334 }
1337 virtual void writeCellData(VTK::VTUWriter& writer)
1338 {
1339 if(celldata.size() == 0)
1340 return;
1342 std::string scalars, vectors;
1343 std::tie(scalars,vectors) = getDataNames(celldata);
1345 writer.beginCellData(scalars, vectors);
1346 writeData(writer,celldata,cellBegin(),cellEnd(),ncells);
1347 writer.endCellData();
1348 }
1351 virtual void writeVertexData(VTK::VTUWriter& writer)
1352 {
1353 if(vertexdata.size() == 0)
1354 return;
1356 std::string scalars, vectors;
1357 std::tie(scalars,vectors) = getDataNames(vertexdata);
1359 writer.beginPointData(scalars, vectors);
1360 writeData(writer,vertexdata,vertexBegin(),vertexEnd(),nvertices);
1361 writer.endPointData();
1362 }
1365 virtual void writeGridPoints(VTK::VTUWriter& writer)
1366 {
1367 writer.beginPoints();
1369 std::shared_ptr<VTK::DataArrayWriter> p
1370 (writer.makeArrayWriter("Coordinates", 3, nvertices, coordPrec));
1371 if(!p->writeIsNoop()) {
1372 VertexIterator vEnd = vertexEnd();
1373 for (VertexIterator vit=vertexBegin(); vit!=vEnd; ++vit)
1374 {
1375 int dimw=w;
1376 for (int j=0; j<std::min(dimw,3); j++)
1377 p->write((*vit).geometry().corner(vit.localindex())[j]);
1378 for (int j=std::min(dimw,3); j<3; j++)
1379 p->write(0.0);
1380 }
1381 }
1382 // free the VTK::DataArrayWriter before touching the stream
1383 p.reset();
1385 writer.endPoints();
1386 }
1389 virtual void writeGridCells(VTK::VTUWriter& writer)
1390 {
1391 writer.beginCells();
1393 // connectivity
1394 {
1395 std::shared_ptr<VTK::DataArrayWriter> p1
1396 (writer.makeArrayWriter("connectivity", 1, ncorners, VTK::Precision::int32));
1397 if(!p1->writeIsNoop())
1398 for (CornerIterator it=cornerBegin(); it!=cornerEnd(); ++it)
1399 p1->write(it.id());
1400 }
1402 // offsets
1403 {
1404 std::shared_ptr<VTK::DataArrayWriter> p2
1405 (writer.makeArrayWriter("offsets", 1, ncells, VTK::Precision::int32));
1406 if(!p2->writeIsNoop()) {
1407 int offset = 0;
1408 for (CellIterator it=cellBegin(); it!=cellEnd(); ++it)
1409 {
1410 offset += it->subEntities(n);
1411 p2->write(offset);
1412 }
1413 }
1414 }
1416 // types
1417 if (n>1)
1418 {
1419 {
1420 std::shared_ptr<VTK::DataArrayWriter> p3
1421 (writer.makeArrayWriter("types", 1, ncells, VTK::Precision::uint8));
1423 if(!p3->writeIsNoop())
1424 {
1425 for (CellIterator it=cellBegin(); it!=cellEnd(); ++it)
1426 {
1427 int vtktype = VTK::geometryType(it->type());
1428 p3->write(vtktype);
1429 }
1430 }
1431 }
1434 // if polyhedron cells found also cell faces need to be written
1435 if( polyhedralCellsPresent_ )
1436 {
1437 writeCellFaces( writer );
1438 }
1439 }
1441 writer.endCells();
1442 }
1444 protected:
1445 bool checkForPolyhedralCells() const
1446 {
1447 // check if polyhedron cells are present
1448 for( const auto& geomType : gridView_.indexSet().types( 0 ) )
1449 {
1450 if( VTK::geometryType( geomType ) == VTK::polyhedron )
1451 {
1452 return true;
1453 }
1454 }
1455 return false;
1456 }
1459 virtual void writeCellFaces(VTK::VTUWriter& writer)
1460 {
1461 if( ! faceVertices_ )
1462 {
1463 faceVertices_.reset( new std::pair< std::vector<int>, std::vector<int> > () );
1464 // fill face vertex structure
1465 fillFaceVertices( cornerBegin(), cornerEnd(), gridView_.indexSet(),
1466 faceVertices_->first, faceVertices_->second );
1467 }
1469 std::vector< int >& faces = faceVertices_->first;
1470 std::vector< int >& faceOffsets = faceVertices_->second;
1471 assert( int(faceOffsets.size()) == ncells );
1473 {
1474 std::shared_ptr<VTK::DataArrayWriter> p4
1475 (writer.makeArrayWriter("faces", 1, faces.size(), VTK::Precision::int32));
1476 if(!p4->writeIsNoop())
1477 {
1478 for( const auto& face : faces )
1479 p4->write( face );
1480 }
1481 }
1483 {
1484 std::shared_ptr<VTK::DataArrayWriter> p5
1485 (writer.makeArrayWriter("faceoffsets", 1, ncells, VTK::Precision::int32));
1486 if(!p5->writeIsNoop())
1487 {
1488 for( const auto& offset : faceOffsets )
1489 p5->write( offset );
1491 // clear face vertex structure
1492 faceVertices_.reset();
1493 }
1494 }
1495 }
1497 template <class CornerIterator, class IndexSet, class T>
1498 inline void fillFaceVertices( CornerIterator it,
1499 const CornerIterator end,
1500 const IndexSet& indexSet,
1501 std::vector<T>& faces,
1502 std::vector<T>& faceOffsets )
1503 {
1504 if( n == 3 && it != end )
1505 {
1506 // clear output arrays
1507 faces.clear();
1508 faces.reserve( 15 * ncells );
1509 faceOffsets.clear();
1510 faceOffsets.reserve( ncells );
1512 int offset = 0;
1514 Cell element = *it;
1515 int elIndex = indexSet.index( element );
1516 std::vector< T > vertices;
1517 vertices.reserve( 30 );
1518 for( ; it != end; ++it )
1519 {
1520 const Cell& cell = *it ;
1521 const int cellIndex = indexSet.index( cell ) ;
1522 if( elIndex != cellIndex )
1523 {
1524 fillFacesForElement( element, indexSet, vertices, offset, faces, faceOffsets );
1526 vertices.clear();
1527 element = cell ;
1528 elIndex = cellIndex ;
1529 }
1530 vertices.push_back( it.id() );
1531 }
1533 // fill faces for last element
1534 fillFacesForElement( element, indexSet, vertices, offset, faces, faceOffsets );
1535 }
1536 }
1538 template <class Entity, class IndexSet, class T>
1539 static void fillFacesForElement( const Entity& element,
1540 const IndexSet& indexSet,
1541 const std::vector<T>& vertices,
1542 T& offset,
1543 std::vector<T>& faces,
1544 std::vector<T>& faceOffsets )
1545 {
1546 const int dim = n;
1548 std::map< T, T > vxMap;
1550 // get number of local faces
1551 const int nVertices = element.subEntities( dim );
1552 for( int vx = 0; vx < nVertices; ++ vx )
1553 {
1554 const int vxIdx = indexSet.subIndex( element, vx, dim );
1555 vxMap[ vxIdx ] = vertices[ vx ];
1556 }
1558 // get number of local faces
1559 const int nFaces = element.subEntities( 1 );
1560 // store number of faces for current element
1561 faces.push_back( nFaces );
1562 ++offset;
1563 // extract each face as a set of vertex indices
1564 for( int fce = 0; fce < nFaces; ++ fce )
1565 {
1566 // obtain face
1567 const auto face = element.template subEntity< 1 > ( fce );
1569 // get all vertex indices from current face
1570 const int nVxFace = face.subEntities( dim );
1571 faces.push_back( nVxFace );
1572 ++offset ;
1573 for( int i=0; i<nVxFace; ++i )
1574 {
1575 const T vxIndex = indexSet.subIndex( face, i, dim );
1576 assert( vxMap.find( vxIndex ) != vxMap.end() );
1577 faces.push_back( vxMap[ vxIndex ] );
1578 ++offset ;
1579 }
1580 }
1582 // store face offset for each element
1583 faceOffsets.push_back( offset );
1584 }
1586 protected:
1587 // the list of registered functions
1588 std::list<VTKLocalFunction> celldata;
1589 std::list<VTKLocalFunction> vertexdata;
1591 // the grid
1592 GridView gridView_;
1594 // temporary grid information
1595 int ncells;
1596 int nvertices;
1597 int ncorners;
1598 private:
1599 VertexMapper* vertexmapper;
1600 // in conforming mode, for each vertex id (as obtained by vertexmapper)
1601 // hold its number in the iteration order (VertexIterator)
1602 std::vector<int> number;
1603 VTK::DataMode datamode;
1604 VTK::Precision coordPrec;
1606 // true if polyhedral cells are present in the grid
1607 const bool polyhedralCellsPresent_;
1609 // pointer holding face vertex connectivity if needed
1610 std::shared_ptr< std::pair< std::vector<int>, std::vector<int> > > faceVertices_;
1612 protected:
1613 VTK::OutputType outputtype;
1614 };
vector space out of a tensor product of fields.
Definition: fvector.hh:92
Base class for stl conformant forward iterators.
Definition: iteratorfacades.hh:142
Grid view abstract base class.
Definition: gridview.hh:66
Default exception class for I/O errors.
Definition: exceptions.hh:323
Index Set Interface base class.
Definition: indexidset.hh:78
IndexType index(const typename Traits::template Codim< cc >::Entity &e) const
Map entity to index. The result of calling this method with an entity that is not in the index set is...
Definition: indexidset.hh:113
Implementation class for a multiple codim and multiple geometry type mapper.
Definition: mcmgmapper.hh:129
size_type size() const
Return total number of entities in the entity set managed by the mapper.
Definition: mcmgmapper.hh:204
Index subIndex(const typename GV::template Codim< 0 >::Entity &e, int i, unsigned int codim) const
Map subentity of codim 0 entity to starting index in array for dof block.
Definition: mcmgmapper.hh:185
Default exception for dummy implementations.
Definition: exceptions.hh:355
Take a vector and interpret it as cell data for the VTKWriter.
Definition: function.hh:97
Take a vector and interpret it as point data for the VTKWriter.
Definition: function.hh:205
A base class for grid functions with any return type and dimension.
Definition: function.hh:42
Base class to write pvd-files which contains a list of all collected vtk-files.
Definition: vtksequencewriterbase.hh:34
Writer for the output of grid functions in the vtk format.
Definition: vtksequencewriter.hh:29
Iterator over the grids elements.
Definition: vtkwriter.hh:385
CellIterator(const GridCellIterator &x)
construct a CellIterator from the gridview's Iterator.
Definition: vtkwriter.hh:388
const FieldVector< DT, n > position() const
Definition: vtkwriter.hh:391
Iterate over the elements' corners.
Definition: vtkwriter.hh:539
int id() const
Process-local consecutive zero-starting vertex id.
Definition: vtkwriter.hh:597
Type erasure wrapper for VTK data sets.
Definition: vtkwriter.hh:156
void unbind() const
Unbind the data set from the currently bound entity.
Definition: vtkwriter.hh:360
VTKLocalFunction(F &&f, VTK::FieldInfo fieldInfo)
Construct a VTKLocalFunction for a dune-functions style LocalFunction.
Definition: vtkwriter.hh:307
std::string name() const
Returns the name of the data set.
Definition: vtkwriter.hh:342
const VTK::FieldInfo & fieldInfo() const
Returns the VTK::FieldInfo for the data set.
Definition: vtkwriter.hh:348
void bind(const Entity &e) const
Bind the data set to grid entity e.
Definition: vtkwriter.hh:354
VTKLocalFunction(const std::shared_ptr< const VTKFunction > &vtkFunctionPtr)
Construct a VTKLocalFunction for a legacy VTKFunction.
Definition: vtkwriter.hh:331
void write(const Coordinate &pos, Writer &w) const
Write the value of the data set at local coordinate pos to the writer w.
Definition: vtkwriter.hh:366
Iterate over the grid's vertices.
Definition: vtkwriter.hh:424
FieldVector< DT, n > position() const
position of vertex inside the entity
Definition: vtkwriter.hh:501
int localindex() const
index of vertex within the entity, in Dune-numbering
Definition: vtkwriter.hh:496
Writer for the output of grid functions in the vtk format.
Definition: vtkwriter.hh:95
void addCellData(const Container &v, const std::string &name, int ncomps=1, VTK::Precision prec=VTK::Precision::float32)
Add a grid function (represented by container) that lives on the cells of the grid to the visualizati...
Definition: vtkwriter.hh:695
void clear()
clear list of registered functions
Definition: vtkwriter.hh:775
std::string write(const std::string &name, VTK::OutputType type=VTK::ascii)
write output (interface might change later)
Definition: vtkwriter.hh:803
std::string getParallelHeaderName(const std::string &name, const std::string &path, int commSize) const
return name of a parallel header file
Definition: vtkwriter.hh:920
void addVertexData(const std::shared_ptr< const VTKFunction > &p)
Add a grid function that lives on the vertices of the grid to the visualization.
Definition: vtkwriter.hh:713
std::string getSerialPieceName(const std::string &name, const std::string &path) const
return name of a serial piece file
Definition: vtkwriter.hh:940
void addCellData(const std::shared_ptr< const VTKFunction > &p)
Add a grid function that lives on the cells of the grid to the visualization.
Definition: vtkwriter.hh:649
void addVertexData(F &&f, VTK::FieldInfo vtkFieldInfo)
Add a function by sampling it on the grid vertices.
Definition: vtkwriter.hh:738
virtual void writeCellData(VTK::VTUWriter &writer)
write cell data
Definition: vtkwriter.hh:1337
virtual void countEntities(int &nvertices_, int &ncells_, int &ncorners_)
count the vertices, cells and corners
Definition: vtkwriter.hh:1239
std::string getParallelPieceName(const std::string &name, const std::string &path, int commRank, int commSize) const
return name of a parallel piece file (or header name)
Definition: vtkwriter.hh:855
virtual void writeGridCells(VTK::VTUWriter &writer)
write the connectivity array
Definition: vtkwriter.hh:1389
virtual void writeCellFaces(VTK::VTUWriter &writer)
write the connectivity array
Definition: vtkwriter.hh:1459
std::string write(const std::string &name, VTK::OutputType type, const int commRank, const int commSize)
write output (interface might change later)
Definition: vtkwriter.hh:965
VTK::Precision coordPrecision() const
get the precision with which coordinates are written out
Definition: vtkwriter.hh:782
virtual void writeGridPoints(VTK::VTUWriter &writer)
write the positions of vertices
Definition: vtkwriter.hh:1365
virtual void writeVertexData(VTK::VTUWriter &writer)
write vertex data
Definition: vtkwriter.hh:1351
void addCellData(F &&f, VTK::FieldInfo vtkFieldInfo)
Add a function by sampling it on the element centers.
Definition: vtkwriter.hh:674
void addVertexData(const Container &v, const std::string &name, int ncomps=1, VTK::Precision prec=VTK::Precision::float32)
Add a grid function (represented by container) that lives on the vertices of the grid to the visualiz...
Definition: vtkwriter.hh:760
virtual ~VTKWriter()
Definition: vtkwriter.hh:786
VTKWriter(const GridView &gridView, VTK::DataMode dm=VTK::conforming, VTK::Precision coordPrecision=VTK::Precision::float32)
Construct a VTKWriter working on a specific GridView.
Definition: vtkwriter.hh:636
std::string pwrite(const std::string &name, const std::string &path, const std::string &extendpath, VTK::OutputType ot, const int commRank, const int commSize)
write output; interface might change later
Definition: vtkwriter.hh:1043
std::string pwrite(const std::string &name, const std::string &path, const std::string &extendpath, VTK::OutputType type=VTK::ascii)
write output (interface might change later)
Definition: vtkwriter.hh:835
base class for data array writers
Definition: dataarraywriter.hh:56
void write(T data)
write one element of data
Definition: dataarraywriter.hh:69
Descriptor struct for VTK fields.
Definition: common.hh:328
@ tensor
tensor field (always 3x3)
@ vector
vector-valued field (always 3D, will be padded if necessary)
std::string name() const
The name of the data field.
Definition: common.hh:352
Dump a .vtu/.vtp files contents to a stream.
Definition: pvtuwriter.hh:62
Dump a .vtu/.vtp files contents to a stream.
Definition: vtuwriter.hh:98
DataArrayWriter * makeArrayWriter(const std::string &name, unsigned ncomps, unsigned nitems, Precision prec)
acquire a DataArrayWriter
Definition: vtuwriter.hh:380
void endCellData()
finish CellData section
Definition: vtuwriter.hh:220
void beginCells()
start section for the grid cells/PolyData lines
Definition: vtuwriter.hh:274
void endPointData()
finish PointData section
Definition: vtuwriter.hh:182
void beginCellData(const std::string &scalars="", const std::string &vectors="")
start CellData section
Definition: vtuwriter.hh:205
void beginPointData(const std::string &scalars="", const std::string &vectors="")
start PointData section
Definition: vtuwriter.hh:167
void endPoints()
finish section for the point coordinates
Definition: vtuwriter.hh:249
void endCells()
start section for the grid cells/PolyData lines
Definition: vtuwriter.hh:285
void beginPoints()
start section for the point coordinates
Definition: vtuwriter.hh:238
Data array writers for the VTKWriter.
A few common exception classes.
Common stuff for the VTKWriter.
which precision to use when writing out data to vtk files
Definition: common.hh:271
How the bulk data should be stored in the file.
Definition: common.hh:43
which type of VTK file to write
Definition: common.hh:252
Whether to produce conforming or non-conforming output.
Definition: common.hh:67
Functions for VTK output.
typename Impl::voider< Types... >::type void_t
Is void for all valid input types. The workhorse for C++11 SFINAE-techniques.
Definition: typetraits.hh:40
#define DUNE_THROW(E,...)
Definition: exceptions.hh:312
const IndexSet & indexSet() const
obtain the index set
Definition: gridview.hh:177
Traits::Grid Grid
type of the grid
Definition: gridview.hh:83
Traits::IndexSet IndexSet
type of the index set
Definition: gridview.hh:86
const Communication & comm() const
obtain communication object
Definition: gridview.hh:273
static constexpr int dimension
The dimension of the grid.
Definition: gridview.hh:134
Grid::ctype ctype
type used for coordinates in grid
Definition: gridview.hh:131
static constexpr int dimensionworld
The dimension of the world the grid lives in.
Definition: gridview.hh:137
Parameter to be used for the parallel level- and leaf iterators.
Definition: gridenums.hh:136
Attributes used in the generic overlap model.
Definition: gridenums.hh:30
@ All_Partition
all entities
Definition: gridenums.hh:141
@ InteriorBorder_Partition
interior and border entities
Definition: gridenums.hh:138
@ InteriorEntity
all interior entities
Definition: gridenums.hh:31
constexpr auto min
Function object that returns the smaller of the given values.
Definition: hybridutilities.hh:507
MCMGLayout mcmgVertexLayout()
layout for vertices (dim-0 entities)
Definition: mcmgmapper.hh:107
std::string relativePath(const std::string &newbase, const std::string &p)
compute a relative path between two paths
Definition: path.cc:149
std::string concatPaths(const std::string &base, const std::string &p)
concatenate two paths
Definition: path.cc:28
Utility class for handling nested indentation in output.
This file implements iterator facade classes for writing stl conformant iterators.
Mapper for multiple codim and multiple geometry types.
Dune namespace.
Definition: alignedallocator.hh:13
constexpr std::integral_constant< std::size_t, sizeof...(II)> size(std::integer_sequence< T, II... >)
Return the size of the sequence.
Definition: integersequence.hh:75
STL namespace.
Utilities for handling filesystem paths.
Static tag representing a codimension.
Definition: dimension.hh:24
static const ReferenceElement & general(const GeometryType &type)
get general reference elements
Definition: referenceelements.hh:156
Type trait to determine whether an instance of T has an operator[](I), i.e. whether it can be indexed...
Definition: typetraits.hh:250
Base class for polymorphic container of underlying data set.
Definition: vtkwriter.hh:164
virtual void write(const Coordinate &pos, Writer &w, std::size_t count) const =0
Evaluate data set at local position pos inside the current entity and write result to w.
virtual void unbind()=0
Unbind data set from current grid entity - mostly here for performance and symmetry reasons.
virtual void bind(const Entity &e)=0
Bind data set to grid entity - must be called before evaluating (i.e. calling write())
Type erasure implementation for functions conforming to the dune-functions LocalFunction interface.
Definition: vtkwriter.hh:188
virtual void write(const Coordinate &pos, Writer &w, std::size_t count) const
Evaluate data set at local position pos inside the current entity and write result to w.
Definition: vtkwriter.hh:206
virtual void unbind()
Unbind data set from current grid entity - mostly here for performance and symmetry reasons.
Definition: vtkwriter.hh:201
virtual void bind(const Entity &e)
Bind data set to grid entity - must be called before evaluating (i.e. calling write())
Definition: vtkwriter.hh:196
Type erasure implementation for C++ functions, i.e., functions that can be evaluated in global coordi...
Definition: vtkwriter.hh:236
virtual void unbind()
Unbind data set from current grid entity - mostly here for performance and symmetry reasons.
Definition: vtkwriter.hh:250
virtual void write(const Coordinate &pos, Writer &w, std::size_t count) const
Evaluate data set at local position pos inside the current entity and write result to w.
Definition: vtkwriter.hh:255
virtual void bind(const Entity &e)
Bind data set to grid entity - must be called before evaluating (i.e. calling write())
Definition: vtkwriter.hh:245
Type erasure implementation for legacy VTKFunctions.
Definition: vtkwriter.hh:276
virtual void unbind()
Unbind data set from current grid entity - mostly here for performance and symmetry reasons.
Definition: vtkwriter.hh:287
virtual void write(const Coordinate &pos, Writer &w, std::size_t count) const
Evaluate data set at local position pos inside the current entity and write result to w.
Definition: vtkwriter.hh:292
virtual void bind(const Entity &e)
Bind data set to grid entity - must be called before evaluating (i.e. calling write())
Definition: vtkwriter.hh:282
Traits for type conversions and type information.
Definition of macros controlling symbol visibility at the ABI level.
Mark a symbol as being for internal use within the current DSO only.
Definition: visibility.hh:28
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