Dune Core Modules (unstable)

1 // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright © DUNE Project contributors, see file LICENSE.md in module root
2 // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-GPL-2.0-only-with-DUNE-exception
3 // -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
4 // vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
9 #include <cstddef>
10 #include <memory>
11 #include <string>
12 #include <typeinfo>
13 #include <vector>
16 #include <dune/common/fvector.hh>
18 #include <dune/geometry/referenceelements.hh>
22 #include <dune/grid/io/file/vtk/pvtuwriter.hh>
23 #include <dune/grid/io/file/vtk/vtuwriter.hh>
25 namespace Dune
26 {
30  namespace VTK {
33  template<typename Cell_>
35  typedef typename Cell_::Geometry::ctype DF;
36  static const unsigned mydim = Cell_::mydimension;
39  public:
41  typedef Cell_ Cell;
44  virtual std::string name() const = 0;
47  virtual unsigned ncomps() const = 0;
50  virtual void addArray(PVTUWriter& writer) = 0;
52  virtual bool beginWrite(VTUWriter& writer, std::size_t nitems) = 0;
59  virtual void write(const Cell& /* cell */, const Domain& /* xl */) {
60  DUNE_THROW(NotImplemented, "FunctionWriterBase::write(const Cell&, "
61  "const Domain&): Either the derived class " <<
62  typeid(*this).name() << " failed to implement this method "
63  "or this method is not meant to be called on the derived "
64  "class and was called in error.");
65  }
71  virtual void write(const Cell& cell, unsigned cornerIndex) {
72  write(cell,
73  Refelems::general(cell.type()).position(cornerIndex, mydim));
74  }
76  virtual void endWrite() = 0;
78  virtual ~FunctionWriterBase() {}
79  };
82  //
83  // A Generic Function writer for VTKFunctions
84  //
87  template<typename Func>
89  : public FunctionWriterBase<typename Func::Entity>
90  {
92  std::shared_ptr<const Func> func;
93  VTK::Precision precision_;
94  std::shared_ptr<DataArrayWriter> arraywriter;
96  public:
97  VTKFunctionWriter(const std::shared_ptr<const Func>& func_,
98  VTK::Precision prec = VTK::Precision::float32)
99  : func(func_), precision_(prec)
100  { }
103  virtual std::string name() const { return func->name(); }
106  virtual unsigned ncomps() const {
107  if(func->ncomps() == 2) return 3;
108  else return func->ncomps();
109  }
112  virtual void addArray(PVTUWriter& writer) {
113  writer.addArray(name(), ncomps(), precision_);
114  }
117  virtual bool beginWrite(VTUWriter& writer, std::size_t nitems) {
118  arraywriter.reset(writer.makeArrayWriter(name(), ncomps(),
119  nitems, precision_));
120  return !arraywriter->writeIsNoop();
121  }
124  virtual void write(const typename Base::Cell& cell,
125  const typename Base::Domain& xl) {
126  for(int d = 0; d < func->ncomps(); ++d)
127  arraywriter->write(func->evaluate(d, cell, xl));
128  for(unsigned d = func->ncomps(); d < ncomps(); ++d)
129  arraywriter->write(0);
130  }
133  virtual void endWrite() {
134  arraywriter.reset();
135  }
136  };
139  //
140  // Writers for the grid information
141  //
144  template<typename Cell>
146  : public FunctionWriterBase<Cell>
147  {
150  VTK::Precision precision_;
151  std::shared_ptr<DataArrayWriter> arraywriter;
153  public:
154  explicit CoordinatesWriter(VTK::Precision prec = VTK::Precision::float32)
155  : precision_(prec)
156  {}
159  virtual std::string name() const { return "Coordinates"; }
162  virtual unsigned ncomps() const { return 3; }
165  virtual void addArray(PVTUWriter& writer) {
166  writer.addArray(name(), ncomps(), precision_);
167  }
170  virtual bool beginWrite(VTUWriter& writer, std::size_t nitems) {
171  arraywriter.reset(writer.makeArrayWriter(name(), ncomps(),
172  nitems, precision_));
173  return !arraywriter->writeIsNoop();
174  }
176  virtual void write(const typename Base::Cell& cell,
177  const typename Base::Domain& xl) {
179  = cell.geometry().global(xl);
180  for(unsigned d = 0; d < 3 && d < Base::Cell::Geometry::coorddimension; ++d)
181  arraywriter->write(xg[d]);
182  for(unsigned d = Base::Cell::Geometry::coorddimension; d < 3; ++d)
183  arraywriter->write(0);
184  }
186  virtual void endWrite() {
187  arraywriter.reset();
188  }
189  };
192  template<typename IteratorFactory>
194  : public FunctionWriterBase<typename IteratorFactory::Cell>
195  {
197  static const unsigned mydim = Base::Cell::mydimension;
199  const IteratorFactory& factory;
200  std::shared_ptr<DataArrayWriter> arraywriter;
201  std::vector<unsigned> pointIndices;
203  public:
205  ConformingConnectivityWriter(const IteratorFactory& factory_)
206  : factory(factory_)
207  { }
210  virtual std::string name() const { return "connectivity"; }
213  virtual unsigned ncomps() const { return 1; }
216  virtual void addArray(PVTUWriter& writer) {
217  writer.addArray(name(), ncomps(), Precision::int32);
218  }
221  virtual bool beginWrite(VTUWriter& writer, std::size_t nitems) {
222  arraywriter.reset(writer.makeArrayWriter(name(), ncomps(),
223  nitems, Precision::int32));
224  if(arraywriter->writeIsNoop())
225  return false;
228  pointIndices.resize(factory.indexSet().size(mydim));
229  const typename IteratorFactory::PointIterator& pend =
230  factory.endPoints();
231  typename IteratorFactory::PointIterator pit = factory.beginPoints();
232  unsigned counter = 0;
233  while(pit != pend) {
234  pointIndices[factory.indexSet().subIndex
235  (pit->cell(), pit->duneIndex(), mydim)] = counter;
236  ++counter;
237  ++pit;
238  }
239  return true;
240  }
242  virtual void write(const typename Base::Cell& cell, unsigned cornerIndex)
243  {
244  // if pointIndices is empty, we're in writeIsNoop mode
245  if(pointIndices.size() == 0)
246  return;
247  arraywriter->write(pointIndices[factory.indexSet().subIndex
248  (cell, cornerIndex, mydim)]);
249  }
251  virtual void endWrite() {
252  arraywriter.reset();
253  pointIndices.clear();
254  }
255  };
258  template<typename Cell>
260  : public FunctionWriterBase<Cell>
261  {
262  std::shared_ptr<DataArrayWriter> arraywriter;
263  unsigned counter;
265  public:
267  virtual std::string name() const { return "connectivity"; }
270  virtual unsigned ncomps() const { return 1; }
273  virtual void addArray(PVTUWriter& writer) {
274  writer.addArray(name(), ncomps(), Precision::int32);
275  }
278  virtual bool beginWrite(VTUWriter& writer, std::size_t nitems) {
279  arraywriter.reset(writer.makeArrayWriter(name(), ncomps(),
280  nitems, Precision::int32));
281  counter = 0;
282  return !arraywriter->writeIsNoop();
283  }
285  virtual void write(const Cell& /* cell */, unsigned /* cornerIndex */)
286  {
287  arraywriter->write(counter);
288  ++counter;
289  }
291  virtual void endWrite() {
292  arraywriter.reset();
293  }
294  };
297  template<typename Cell>
299  : public FunctionWriterBase<Cell>
300  {
303  std::shared_ptr<DataArrayWriter> arraywriter;
304  unsigned offset;
306  public:
308  virtual std::string name() const { return "offsets"; }
311  virtual unsigned ncomps() const { return 1; }
314  virtual void addArray(PVTUWriter& writer) {
315  writer.addArray(name(), ncomps(), Precision::int32);
316  }
319  virtual bool beginWrite(VTUWriter& writer, std::size_t nitems) {
320  arraywriter.reset(writer.makeArrayWriter(name(), ncomps(),
321  nitems, Precision::int32));
322  offset = 0;
323  return !arraywriter->writeIsNoop();
324  }
326  virtual void write(const Cell& cell, const typename Base::Domain&) {
327  offset += cell.geometry().corners();
328  arraywriter->write(offset);
329  }
331  virtual void endWrite() {
332  arraywriter.reset();
333  }
334  };
337  template<typename Cell>
339  : public FunctionWriterBase<Cell>
340  {
343  std::shared_ptr<DataArrayWriter> arraywriter;
345  public:
347  virtual std::string name() const { return "types"; }
350  virtual unsigned ncomps() const { return 1; }
353  virtual void addArray(PVTUWriter& writer) {
354  writer.addArray(name(), ncomps(), Precision::uint8);
355  }
358  virtual bool beginWrite(VTUWriter& writer, std::size_t nitems) {
359  arraywriter.reset(writer.makeArrayWriter
360  ( name(), ncomps(), nitems, Precision::uint8));
361  return !arraywriter->writeIsNoop();
362  }
364  virtual void write(const Cell& cell, const typename Base::Domain&) {
365  arraywriter->write(geometryType(cell.type()));
366  }
368  virtual void endWrite() {
369  arraywriter.reset();
370  }
371  };
373  } // namespace VTK
377 } // namespace Dune
vector space out of a tensor product of fields.
Definition: fvector.hh:95
Default exception for dummy implementations.
Definition: exceptions.hh:263
writer for the connectivity array in conforming mode
Definition: functionwriter.hh:195
virtual void addArray(PVTUWriter &writer)
add this field to the given parallel writer
Definition: functionwriter.hh:216
virtual std::string name() const
return name
Definition: functionwriter.hh:210
virtual void write(const typename Base::Cell &cell, unsigned cornerIndex)
write at the given corner
Definition: functionwriter.hh:242
ConformingConnectivityWriter(const IteratorFactory &factory_)
create a writer with the given iteratorfactory
Definition: functionwriter.hh:205
virtual unsigned ncomps() const
return number of components of the vector
Definition: functionwriter.hh:213
virtual bool beginWrite(VTUWriter &writer, std::size_t nitems)
start writing with the given writer
Definition: functionwriter.hh:221
virtual void endWrite()
signal end of writing
Definition: functionwriter.hh:251
writer for the Coordinates array
Definition: functionwriter.hh:147
virtual void write(const typename Base::Cell &cell, const typename Base::Domain &xl)
write at the given position
Definition: functionwriter.hh:176
virtual std::string name() const
return name
Definition: functionwriter.hh:159
virtual void endWrite()
signal end of writing
Definition: functionwriter.hh:186
virtual unsigned ncomps() const
return number of components of the vector
Definition: functionwriter.hh:162
virtual void addArray(PVTUWriter &writer)
add this field to the given parallel writer
Definition: functionwriter.hh:165
virtual bool beginWrite(VTUWriter &writer, std::size_t nitems)
start writing with the given writer
Definition: functionwriter.hh:170
Base class for function writers.
Definition: functionwriter.hh:34
virtual std::string name() const =0
return name
virtual unsigned ncomps() const =0
return number of components of the vector
virtual void write(const Cell &, const Domain &)
write at the given position
Definition: functionwriter.hh:59
virtual void addArray(PVTUWriter &writer)=0
add this field to the given parallel writer
virtual void endWrite()=0
signal end of writing
virtual bool beginWrite(VTUWriter &writer, std::size_t nitems)=0
start writing with the given writer
virtual ~FunctionWriterBase()
Definition: functionwriter.hh:78
virtual void write(const Cell &cell, unsigned cornerIndex)
write at the given corner
Definition: functionwriter.hh:71
writer for the connectivity array in nonconforming mode
Definition: functionwriter.hh:261
virtual unsigned ncomps() const
return number of components of the vector
Definition: functionwriter.hh:270
virtual std::string name() const
return name
Definition: functionwriter.hh:267
virtual void write(const Cell &, unsigned)
write at the given corner
Definition: functionwriter.hh:285
virtual void addArray(PVTUWriter &writer)
add this field to the given parallel writer
Definition: functionwriter.hh:273
virtual bool beginWrite(VTUWriter &writer, std::size_t nitems)
start writing with the given writer
Definition: functionwriter.hh:278
virtual void endWrite()
signal end of writing
Definition: functionwriter.hh:291
writer for the offsets array
Definition: functionwriter.hh:300
virtual void addArray(PVTUWriter &writer)
add this field to the given parallel writer
Definition: functionwriter.hh:314
virtual void endWrite()
signal end of writing
Definition: functionwriter.hh:331
virtual std::string name() const
return name
Definition: functionwriter.hh:308
virtual void write(const Cell &cell, const typename Base::Domain &)
write at the given position
Definition: functionwriter.hh:326
virtual bool beginWrite(VTUWriter &writer, std::size_t nitems)
start writing with the given writer
Definition: functionwriter.hh:319
virtual unsigned ncomps() const
return number of components of the vector
Definition: functionwriter.hh:311
Dump a .vtu/.vtp files contents to a stream.
Definition: pvtuwriter.hh:62
void addArray(const std::string &name, unsigned ncomps, Precision prec)
Add an array to the output file.
Definition: pvtuwriter.hh:207
writer for the types array
Definition: functionwriter.hh:340
virtual unsigned ncomps() const
return number of components of the vector
Definition: functionwriter.hh:350
virtual bool beginWrite(VTUWriter &writer, std::size_t nitems)
start writing with the given writer
Definition: functionwriter.hh:358
virtual std::string name() const
return name
Definition: functionwriter.hh:347
virtual void write(const Cell &cell, const typename Base::Domain &)
write at the given position
Definition: functionwriter.hh:364
virtual void addArray(PVTUWriter &writer)
add this field to the given parallel writer
Definition: functionwriter.hh:353
virtual void endWrite()
signal end of writing
Definition: functionwriter.hh:368
Base class for function writers.
Definition: functionwriter.hh:90
virtual std::string name() const
return name
Definition: functionwriter.hh:103
virtual unsigned ncomps() const
return number of components of the vector
Definition: functionwriter.hh:106
virtual bool beginWrite(VTUWriter &writer, std::size_t nitems)
start writing with the given writer
Definition: functionwriter.hh:117
virtual void addArray(PVTUWriter &writer)
add this field to the given parallel writer
Definition: functionwriter.hh:112
virtual void write(const typename Base::Cell &cell, const typename Base::Domain &xl)
write at the given position
Definition: functionwriter.hh:124
virtual void endWrite()
signal end of writing
Definition: functionwriter.hh:133
Dump a .vtu/.vtp files contents to a stream.
Definition: vtuwriter.hh:98
DataArrayWriter * makeArrayWriter(const std::string &name, unsigned ncomps, unsigned nitems, Precision prec)
acquire a DataArrayWriter
Definition: vtuwriter.hh:380
Data array writers for the VTKWriter.
A few common exception classes.
Common stuff for the VTKWriter.
which precision to use when writing out data to vtk files
Definition: common.hh:271
GeometryType geometryType(const Dune::GeometryType &t)
mapping from GeometryType to VTKGeometryType
Definition: common.hh:151
Implements a vector constructed from a given type representing a field and a compile-time given size.
#define DUNE_THROW(E, m)
Definition: exceptions.hh:218
Dune namespace.
Definition: alignedallocator.hh:13
Class providing access to the singletons of the reference elements.
Definition: referenceelements.hh:128
static const ReferenceElement & general(const GeometryType &type)
get general reference elements
Definition: referenceelements.hh:156
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