Dune Core Modules (unstable)

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1 // -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
2 // vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
3 // SPDX-FileCopyrightInfo: Copyright © DUNE Project contributors, see file LICENSE.md in module root
4 // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-GPL-2.0-only-with-DUNE-exception
8 #include <cmath>
9 #include <cstddef>
10 #include <iostream>
11 #include <algorithm>
12 #include <initializer_list>
16 #include <dune/common/fvector.hh>
18 #include <dune/common/precision.hh>
21 #include <dune/common/matrixconcepts.hh>
23 namespace Dune
24 {
26  namespace Impl
27  {
29  template<class M>
30  class ColumnVectorView
31  {
32  public:
34  using value_type = typename M::value_type;
35  using size_type = typename M::size_type;
37  constexpr ColumnVectorView(M& matrix, size_type col) :
38  matrix_(matrix),
39  col_(col)
40  {}
42  constexpr size_type N () const {
43  return matrix_.N();
44  }
46  template<class M_ = M,
47  std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<M_,M> and not std::is_const_v<M_>, int> = 0>
48  constexpr value_type& operator[] (size_type row) {
49  return matrix_[row][col_];
50  }
52  constexpr const value_type& operator[] (size_type row) const {
53  return matrix_[row][col_];
54  }
56  protected:
57  M& matrix_;
58  const size_type col_;
59  };
61  }
63  template<typename M>
64  struct FieldTraits< Impl::ColumnVectorView<M> >
65  {
66  using field_type = typename FieldTraits<M>::field_type;
67  using real_type = typename FieldTraits<M>::real_type;
68  };
81  template< class K, int ROWS, int COLS = ROWS > class FieldMatrix;
84  template< class K, int ROWS, int COLS >
85  struct DenseMatVecTraits< FieldMatrix<K,ROWS,COLS> >
86  {
87  typedef FieldMatrix<K,ROWS,COLS> derived_type;
89  // each row is implemented by a field vector
90  typedef FieldVector<K,COLS> row_type;
92  typedef row_type &row_reference;
93  typedef const row_type &const_row_reference;
95  typedef std::array<row_type,ROWS> container_type;
96  typedef K value_type;
97  typedef typename container_type::size_type size_type;
98  };
100  template< class K, int ROWS, int COLS >
101  struct FieldTraits< FieldMatrix<K,ROWS,COLS> >
102  {
103  typedef typename FieldTraits<K>::field_type field_type;
104  typedef typename FieldTraits<K>::real_type real_type;
105  };
115  template<class K, int ROWS, int COLS>
116  class FieldMatrix : public DenseMatrix< FieldMatrix<K,ROWS,COLS> >
117  {
118  std::array< FieldVector<K,COLS>, ROWS > _data;
120  public:
123  constexpr static int rows = ROWS;
125  constexpr static int cols = COLS;
127  typedef typename Base::size_type size_type;
128  typedef typename Base::row_type row_type;
130  typedef typename Base::row_reference row_reference;
133  //===== constructors
136  constexpr FieldMatrix() = default;
140  constexpr FieldMatrix(std::initializer_list<Dune::FieldVector<K, cols> > const &l) {
141  assert(l.size() == rows); // Actually, this is not needed any more!
142  for(std::size_t i=0; i<std::min(static_cast<std::size_t>(ROWS), l.size()); ++i)
143  _data[i] = std::data(l)[i];
144  }
146  template <class T,
147  typename = std::enable_if_t<HasDenseMatrixAssigner<FieldMatrix, T>::value>>
148  FieldMatrix(T const& rhs)
149  {
150  *this = rhs;
151  }
153  using Base::operator=;
156  FieldMatrix& operator=(const FieldMatrix&) = default;
159  template<typename T>
161  {
162  _data = x._data;
163  return *this;
164  }
167  template <typename T, int rows, int cols>
172  {
174  for( int i = 0; i < ROWS; ++i )
175  for( int j = 0; j < COLS; ++j )
176  AT[j][i] = (*this)[i][j];
177  return AT;
178  }
181  template <class OtherScalar>
182  friend auto operator+ ( const FieldMatrix& matrixA,
183  const FieldMatrix<OtherScalar,ROWS,COLS>& matrixB)
184  {
187  for (size_type i = 0; i < ROWS; ++i)
188  for (size_type j = 0; j < COLS; ++j)
189  result[i][j] = matrixA[i][j] + matrixB[i][j];
191  return result;
192  }
195  template <class OtherScalar>
196  friend auto operator- ( const FieldMatrix& matrixA,
197  const FieldMatrix<OtherScalar,ROWS,COLS>& matrixB)
198  {
201  for (size_type i = 0; i < ROWS; ++i)
202  for (size_type j = 0; j < COLS; ++j)
203  result[i][j] = matrixA[i][j] - matrixB[i][j];
205  return result;
206  }
209  template <class Scalar,
210  std::enable_if_t<IsNumber<Scalar>::value, int> = 0>
211  friend auto operator* ( const FieldMatrix& matrix, Scalar scalar)
212  {
215  for (size_type i = 0; i < ROWS; ++i)
216  for (size_type j = 0; j < COLS; ++j)
217  result[i][j] = matrix[i][j] * scalar;
219  return result;
220  }
223  template <class Scalar,
224  std::enable_if_t<IsNumber<Scalar>::value, int> = 0>
225  friend auto operator* ( Scalar scalar, const FieldMatrix& matrix)
226  {
229  for (size_type i = 0; i < ROWS; ++i)
230  for (size_type j = 0; j < COLS; ++j)
231  result[i][j] = scalar * matrix[i][j];
233  return result;
234  }
237  template <class Scalar,
238  std::enable_if_t<IsNumber<Scalar>::value, int> = 0>
239  friend auto operator/ ( const FieldMatrix& matrix, Scalar scalar)
240  {
243  for (size_type i = 0; i < ROWS; ++i)
244  for (size_type j = 0; j < COLS; ++j)
245  result[i][j] = matrix[i][j] / scalar;
247  return result;
248  }
252  template <class OtherScalar, int otherCols>
253  friend auto operator* ( const FieldMatrix& matrixA,
255  {
258  for (size_type i = 0; i < matrixA.mat_rows(); ++i)
259  for (size_type j = 0; j < matrixB.mat_cols(); ++j)
260  {
261  result[i][j] = 0;
262  for (size_type k = 0; k < matrixA.mat_cols(); ++k)
263  result[i][j] += matrixA[i][k] * matrixB[k][j];
264  }
266  return result;
267  }
275  template <class OtherMatrix, std::enable_if_t<
276  Impl::IsStaticSizeMatrix_v<OtherMatrix>
277  and not Impl::IsFieldMatrix_v<OtherMatrix>
278  , int> = 0>
279  friend auto operator* ( const FieldMatrix& matrixA,
280  const OtherMatrix& matrixB)
281  {
284  for (std::size_t j=0; j<rows; ++j)
285  matrixB.mtv(matrixA[j], result[j]);
286  return result;
287  }
295  template <class OtherMatrix, std::enable_if_t<
296  Impl::IsStaticSizeMatrix_v<OtherMatrix>
297  and not Impl::IsFieldMatrix_v<OtherMatrix>
298  , int> = 0>
299  friend auto operator* ( const OtherMatrix& matrixA,
300  const FieldMatrix& matrixB)
301  {
304  for (std::size_t j=0; j<cols; ++j)
305  {
306  auto B_j = Impl::ColumnVectorView(matrixB, j);
307  auto result_j = Impl::ColumnVectorView(result, j);
308  matrixA.mv(B_j, result_j);
309  }
310  return result;
311  }
314  template<int l>
316  {
319  for (size_type i=0; i<l; i++) {
320  for (size_type j=0; j<cols; j++) {
321  C[i][j] = 0;
322  for (size_type k=0; k<rows; k++)
323  C[i][j] += M[i][k]*(*this)[k][j];
324  }
325  }
326  return C;
327  }
329  using Base::rightmultiply;
332  template <int r, int c>
334  {
335  static_assert(r == c, "Cannot rightmultiply with non-square matrix");
336  static_assert(r == cols, "Size mismatch");
337  FieldMatrix<K,rows,cols> C(*this);
339  for (size_type i=0; i<rows; i++)
340  for (size_type j=0; j<cols; j++) {
341  (*this)[i][j] = 0;
342  for (size_type k=0; k<cols; k++)
343  (*this)[i][j] += C[i][k]*M[k][j];
344  }
345  return *this;
346  }
349  template<int l>
351  {
354  for (size_type i=0; i<rows; i++) {
355  for (size_type j=0; j<l; j++) {
356  C[i][j] = 0;
357  for (size_type k=0; k<cols; k++)
358  C[i][j] += (*this)[i][k]*M[k][j];
359  }
360  }
361  return C;
362  }
364  // make this thing a matrix
365  static constexpr size_type mat_rows() { return ROWS; }
366  static constexpr size_type mat_cols() { return COLS; }
368  row_reference mat_access ( size_type i )
369  {
371  return _data[i];
372  }
374  const_row_reference mat_access ( size_type i ) const
375  {
377  return _data[i];
378  }
379  };
381 #ifndef DOXYGEN // hide specialization
384  template<class K>
385  class FieldMatrix<K,1,1> : public DenseMatrix< FieldMatrix<K,1,1> >
386  {
387  FieldVector<K,1> _data;
388  typedef DenseMatrix< FieldMatrix<K,1,1> > Base;
389  public:
390  // standard constructor and everything is sufficient ...
392  //===== type definitions and constants
395  typedef typename Base::size_type size_type;
399  constexpr static int blocklevel = 1;
401  typedef typename Base::row_type row_type;
403  typedef typename Base::row_reference row_reference;
404  typedef typename Base::const_row_reference const_row_reference;
408  constexpr static int rows = 1;
411  constexpr static int cols = 1;
413  //===== constructors
416  constexpr FieldMatrix() = default;
420  FieldMatrix(std::initializer_list<Dune::FieldVector<K, 1>> const &l)
421  {
422  std::copy_n(l.begin(), std::min(static_cast< std::size_t >( 1 ), l.size()), &_data);
423  }
425  template <class T,
426  typename = std::enable_if_t<HasDenseMatrixAssigner<FieldMatrix, T>::value>>
427  FieldMatrix(T const& rhs)
428  {
429  *this = rhs;
430  }
432  using Base::operator=;
435  FieldMatrix<K, 1, 1> transposed() const
436  {
437  return *this;
438  }
441  template <class OtherScalar>
442  friend auto operator+ ( const FieldMatrix& matrixA,
443  const FieldMatrix<OtherScalar,1,1>& matrixB)
444  {
445  return FieldMatrix<typename PromotionTraits<K,OtherScalar>::PromotedType,1,1>{matrixA[0][0] + matrixB[0][0]};
446  }
449  template <class Scalar,
450  std::enable_if_t<IsNumber<Scalar>::value, int> = 0>
451  friend auto operator+ ( const FieldMatrix& matrix,
452  const Scalar& scalar)
453  {
454  return FieldMatrix<typename PromotionTraits<K,Scalar>::PromotedType,1,1>{matrix[0][0] + scalar};
455  }
458  template <class Scalar,
459  std::enable_if_t<IsNumber<Scalar>::value, int> = 0>
460  friend auto operator+ ( const Scalar& scalar,
461  const FieldMatrix& matrix)
462  {
463  return FieldMatrix<typename PromotionTraits<Scalar,K>::PromotedType,1,1>{scalar + matrix[0][0]};
464  }
467  template <class OtherScalar>
468  friend auto operator- ( const FieldMatrix& matrixA,
469  const FieldMatrix<OtherScalar,1,1>& matrixB)
470  {
471  return FieldMatrix<typename PromotionTraits<K,OtherScalar>::PromotedType,1,1>{matrixA[0][0] - matrixB[0][0]};
472  }
475  template <class Scalar,
476  std::enable_if_t<IsNumber<Scalar>::value, int> = 0>
477  friend auto operator- ( const FieldMatrix& matrix,
478  const Scalar& scalar)
479  {
480  return FieldMatrix<typename PromotionTraits<K,Scalar>::PromotedType,1,1>{matrix[0][0] - scalar};
481  }
484  template <class Scalar,
485  std::enable_if_t<IsNumber<Scalar>::value, int> = 0>
486  friend auto operator- ( const Scalar& scalar,
487  const FieldMatrix& matrix)
488  {
489  return FieldMatrix<typename PromotionTraits<Scalar,K>::PromotedType,1,1>{scalar - matrix[0][0]};
490  }
493  template <class Scalar,
494  std::enable_if_t<IsNumber<Scalar>::value, int> = 0>
495  friend auto operator* ( const FieldMatrix& matrix, Scalar scalar)
496  {
497  return FieldMatrix<typename PromotionTraits<K,Scalar>::PromotedType,1,1> {matrix[0][0] * scalar};
498  }
501  template <class Scalar,
502  std::enable_if_t<IsNumber<Scalar>::value, int> = 0>
503  friend auto operator* ( Scalar scalar, const FieldMatrix& matrix)
504  {
505  return FieldMatrix<typename PromotionTraits<K,Scalar>::PromotedType,1,1> {scalar * matrix[0][0]};
506  }
509  template <class Scalar,
510  std::enable_if_t<IsNumber<Scalar>::value, int> = 0>
511  friend auto operator/ ( const FieldMatrix& matrix, Scalar scalar)
512  {
513  return FieldMatrix<typename PromotionTraits<K,Scalar>::PromotedType,1,1> {matrix[0][0] / scalar};
514  }
516  //===== solve
520  template <class OtherScalar, int otherCols>
521  friend auto operator* ( const FieldMatrix& matrixA,
522  const FieldMatrix<OtherScalar, 1, otherCols>& matrixB)
523  {
524  FieldMatrix<typename PromotionTraits<K,OtherScalar>::PromotedType,1,otherCols> result;
526  for (size_type j = 0; j < matrixB.mat_cols(); ++j)
527  result[0][j] = matrixA[0][0] * matrixB[0][j];
529  return result;
530  }
538  template <class OtherMatrix, std::enable_if_t<
539  Impl::IsStaticSizeMatrix_v<OtherMatrix>
540  and not Impl::IsFieldMatrix_v<OtherMatrix>
541  and (OtherMatrix::rows==1)
542  , int> = 0>
543  friend auto operator* ( const FieldMatrix& matrixA,
544  const OtherMatrix& matrixB)
545  {
546  using Field = typename PromotionTraits<K, typename OtherMatrix::field_type>::PromotedType;
548  for (std::size_t j=0; j<rows; ++j)
549  matrixB.mtv(matrixA[j], result[j]);
550  return result;
551  }
559  template <class OtherMatrix, std::enable_if_t<
560  Impl::IsStaticSizeMatrix_v<OtherMatrix>
561  and not Impl::IsFieldMatrix_v<OtherMatrix>
562  and (OtherMatrix::cols==1)
563  , int> = 0>
564  friend auto operator* ( const OtherMatrix& matrixA,
565  const FieldMatrix& matrixB)
566  {
567  using Field = typename PromotionTraits<K, typename OtherMatrix::field_type>::PromotedType;
569  for (std::size_t j=0; j<cols; ++j)
570  {
571  auto B_j = Impl::ColumnVectorView(matrixB, j);
572  auto result_j = Impl::ColumnVectorView(result, j);
573  matrixA.mv(B_j, result_j);
574  }
575  return result;
576  }
579  template<int l>
580  FieldMatrix<K,l,1> leftmultiplyany (const FieldMatrix<K,l,1>& M) const
581  {
582  FieldMatrix<K,l,1> C;
583  for (size_type j=0; j<l; j++)
584  C[j][0] = M[j][0]*(*this)[0][0];
585  return C;
586  }
590  {
591  _data[0] *= M[0][0];
592  return *this;
593  }
596  template<int l>
597  FieldMatrix<K,1,l> rightmultiplyany (const FieldMatrix<K,1,l>& M) const
598  {
599  FieldMatrix<K,1,l> C;
601  for (size_type j=0; j<l; j++)
602  C[0][j] = M[0][j]*_data[0];
603  return C;
604  }
606  // make this thing a matrix
607  static constexpr size_type mat_rows() { return 1; }
608  static constexpr size_type mat_cols() { return 1; }
610  row_reference mat_access ([[maybe_unused]] size_type i)
611  {
612  DUNE_ASSERT_BOUNDS(i == 0);
613  return _data;
614  }
616  const_row_reference mat_access ([[maybe_unused]] size_type i) const
617  {
618  DUNE_ASSERT_BOUNDS(i == 0);
619  return _data;
620  }
623  FieldMatrix& operator+= (const K& k)
624  {
625  _data[0] += k;
626  return (*this);
627  }
630  FieldMatrix& operator-= (const K& k)
631  {
632  _data[0] -= k;
633  return (*this);
634  }
637  FieldMatrix& operator*= (const K& k)
638  {
639  _data[0] *= k;
640  return (*this);
641  }
644  FieldMatrix& operator/= (const K& k)
645  {
646  _data[0] /= k;
647  return (*this);
648  }
650  //===== conversion operator
652  operator const K& () const { return _data[0]; }
654  };
657  template<typename K>
658  std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& s, const FieldMatrix<K,1,1>& a)
659  {
660  s << a[0][0];
661  return s;
662  }
664 #endif // DOXYGEN
666  namespace FMatrixHelp {
669  template <typename K>
670  static inline K invertMatrix (const FieldMatrix<K,1,1> &matrix, FieldMatrix<K,1,1> &inverse)
671  {
672  using real_type = typename FieldTraits<K>::real_type;
673  inverse[0][0] = real_type(1.0)/matrix[0][0];
674  return matrix[0][0];
675  }
678  template <typename K>
679  static inline K invertMatrix_retTransposed (const FieldMatrix<K,1,1> &matrix, FieldMatrix<K,1,1> &inverse)
680  {
681  return invertMatrix(matrix,inverse);
682  }
686  template <typename K>
687  static inline K invertMatrix (const FieldMatrix<K,2,2> &matrix, FieldMatrix<K,2,2> &inverse)
688  {
689  using real_type = typename FieldTraits<K>::real_type;
690  // code generated by maple
691  K det = (matrix[0][0]*matrix[1][1] - matrix[0][1]*matrix[1][0]);
692  K det_1 = real_type(1.0)/det;
693  inverse[0][0] = matrix[1][1] * det_1;
694  inverse[0][1] = - matrix[0][1] * det_1;
695  inverse[1][0] = - matrix[1][0] * det_1;
696  inverse[1][1] = matrix[0][0] * det_1;
697  return det;
698  }
702  template <typename K>
703  static inline K invertMatrix_retTransposed (const FieldMatrix<K,2,2> &matrix, FieldMatrix<K,2,2> &inverse)
704  {
705  using real_type = typename FieldTraits<K>::real_type;
706  // code generated by maple
707  K det = (matrix[0][0]*matrix[1][1] - matrix[0][1]*matrix[1][0]);
708  K det_1 = real_type(1.0)/det;
709  inverse[0][0] = matrix[1][1] * det_1;
710  inverse[1][0] = - matrix[0][1] * det_1;
711  inverse[0][1] = - matrix[1][0] * det_1;
712  inverse[1][1] = matrix[0][0] * det_1;
713  return det;
714  }
717  template <typename K>
718  static inline K invertMatrix (const FieldMatrix<K,3,3> &matrix, FieldMatrix<K,3,3> &inverse)
719  {
720  using real_type = typename FieldTraits<K>::real_type;
721  // code generated by maple
722  K t4 = matrix[0][0] * matrix[1][1];
723  K t6 = matrix[0][0] * matrix[1][2];
724  K t8 = matrix[0][1] * matrix[1][0];
725  K t10 = matrix[0][2] * matrix[1][0];
726  K t12 = matrix[0][1] * matrix[2][0];
727  K t14 = matrix[0][2] * matrix[2][0];
729  K det = (t4*matrix[2][2]-t6*matrix[2][1]-t8*matrix[2][2]+
730  t10*matrix[2][1]+t12*matrix[1][2]-t14*matrix[1][1]);
731  K t17 = real_type(1.0)/det;
733  inverse[0][0] = (matrix[1][1] * matrix[2][2] - matrix[1][2] * matrix[2][1])*t17;
734  inverse[0][1] = -(matrix[0][1] * matrix[2][2] - matrix[0][2] * matrix[2][1])*t17;
735  inverse[0][2] = (matrix[0][1] * matrix[1][2] - matrix[0][2] * matrix[1][1])*t17;
736  inverse[1][0] = -(matrix[1][0] * matrix[2][2] - matrix[1][2] * matrix[2][0])*t17;
737  inverse[1][1] = (matrix[0][0] * matrix[2][2] - t14) * t17;
738  inverse[1][2] = -(t6-t10) * t17;
739  inverse[2][0] = (matrix[1][0] * matrix[2][1] - matrix[1][1] * matrix[2][0]) * t17;
740  inverse[2][1] = -(matrix[0][0] * matrix[2][1] - t12) * t17;
741  inverse[2][2] = (t4-t8) * t17;
743  return det;
744  }
747  template <typename K>
748  static inline K invertMatrix_retTransposed (const FieldMatrix<K,3,3> &matrix, FieldMatrix<K,3,3> &inverse)
749  {
750  using real_type = typename FieldTraits<K>::real_type;
751  // code generated by maple
752  K t4 = matrix[0][0] * matrix[1][1];
753  K t6 = matrix[0][0] * matrix[1][2];
754  K t8 = matrix[0][1] * matrix[1][0];
755  K t10 = matrix[0][2] * matrix[1][0];
756  K t12 = matrix[0][1] * matrix[2][0];
757  K t14 = matrix[0][2] * matrix[2][0];
759  K det = (t4*matrix[2][2]-t6*matrix[2][1]-t8*matrix[2][2]+
760  t10*matrix[2][1]+t12*matrix[1][2]-t14*matrix[1][1]);
761  K t17 = real_type(1.0)/det;
763  inverse[0][0] = (matrix[1][1] * matrix[2][2] - matrix[1][2] * matrix[2][1])*t17;
764  inverse[1][0] = -(matrix[0][1] * matrix[2][2] - matrix[0][2] * matrix[2][1])*t17;
765  inverse[2][0] = (matrix[0][1] * matrix[1][2] - matrix[0][2] * matrix[1][1])*t17;
766  inverse[0][1] = -(matrix[1][0] * matrix[2][2] - matrix[1][2] * matrix[2][0])*t17;
767  inverse[1][1] = (matrix[0][0] * matrix[2][2] - t14) * t17;
768  inverse[2][1] = -(t6-t10) * t17;
769  inverse[0][2] = (matrix[1][0] * matrix[2][1] - matrix[1][1] * matrix[2][0]) * t17;
770  inverse[1][2] = -(matrix[0][0] * matrix[2][1] - t12) * t17;
771  inverse[2][2] = (t4-t8) * t17;
773  return det;
774  }
777  template< class K, int m, int n, int p >
778  static inline void multMatrix ( const FieldMatrix< K, m, n > &A,
779  const FieldMatrix< K, n, p > &B,
781  {
782  typedef typename FieldMatrix< K, m, p > :: size_type size_type;
784  for( size_type i = 0; i < m; ++i )
785  {
786  for( size_type j = 0; j < p; ++j )
787  {
788  ret[ i ][ j ] = K( 0 );
789  for( size_type k = 0; k < n; ++k )
790  ret[ i ][ j ] += A[ i ][ k ] * B[ k ][ j ];
791  }
792  }
793  }
796  template <typename K, int rows, int cols>
798  {
799  typedef typename FieldMatrix<K,rows,cols>::size_type size_type;
801  for(size_type i=0; i<cols; i++)
802  for(size_type j=0; j<cols; j++)
803  {
804  ret[i][j]=0.0;
805  for(size_type k=0; k<rows; k++)
806  ret[i][j]+=matrix[k][i]*matrix[k][j];
807  }
808  }
810  using Dune::DenseMatrixHelp::multAssign;
813  template <typename K, int rows, int cols>
814  static inline void multAssignTransposed( const FieldMatrix<K,rows,cols> &matrix, const FieldVector<K,rows> & x, FieldVector<K,cols> & ret)
815  {
816  typedef typename FieldMatrix<K,rows,cols>::size_type size_type;
818  for(size_type i=0; i<cols; ++i)
819  {
820  ret[i] = 0.0;
821  for(size_type j=0; j<rows; ++j)
822  ret[i] += matrix[j][i]*x[j];
823  }
824  }
827  template <typename K, int rows, int cols>
829  {
831  multAssign(matrix,x,ret);
832  return ret;
833  }
836  template <typename K, int rows, int cols>
838  {
840  multAssignTransposed( matrix, x, ret );
841  return ret;
842  }
844  } // end namespace FMatrixHelp
848 } // end namespace
850 #include "fmatrixev.hh"
851 #endif
Macro for wrapping boundary checks.
A dense n x m matrix.
Definition: densematrix.hh:140
derived_type operator-() const
Matrix negation.
Definition: densematrix.hh:298
void mtv(const X &x, Y &y) const
y = A^T x
Definition: densematrix.hh:387
FieldMatrix< K, ROWS, COLS > & rightmultiply(const DenseMatrix< M2 > &M)
Multiplies M from the right to this matrix.
Definition: densematrix.hh:645
constexpr size_type M() const
number of columns
Definition: densematrix.hh:703
derived_type & operator/=(const field_type &k)
vector space division by scalar
Definition: densematrix.hh:329
derived_type & operator-=(const DenseMatrix< Other > &x)
vector space subtraction
Definition: densematrix.hh:312
derived_type & operator+=(const DenseMatrix< Other > &x)
vector space addition
Definition: densematrix.hh:289
constexpr static int blocklevel
The number of block levels we contain. This is the leaf, that is, 1.
Definition: densematrix.hh:178
derived_type & operator*=(const field_type &k)
vector space multiplication with scalar
Definition: densematrix.hh:321
Traits::row_type row_type
The type used to represent a row (must fulfill the Dune::DenseVector interface)
Definition: densematrix.hh:169
Traits::size_type size_type
The type used for the index access and size operation.
Definition: densematrix.hh:166
Traits::const_row_reference const_row_reference
The type used to represent a reference to a constant row (usually const row_type &)
Definition: densematrix.hh:175
Traits::row_reference row_reference
The type used to represent a reference to a row (usually row_type &)
Definition: densematrix.hh:172
A dense n x m matrix.
Definition: fmatrix.hh:117
constexpr FieldMatrix()=default
Default constructor.
FieldMatrix & operator=(const FieldMatrix< T, ROWS, COLS > &x)
copy assignment from FieldMatrix over a different field
Definition: fmatrix.hh:160
FieldMatrix & operator=(FieldMatrix< T, rows, cols > const &)=delete
no copy assignment from FieldMatrix of different size
FieldMatrix< K, l, cols > leftmultiplyany(const FieldMatrix< K, l, rows > &M) const
Multiplies M from the left to this matrix, this matrix is not modified.
Definition: fmatrix.hh:315
friend auto operator*(const FieldMatrix &matrix, Scalar scalar)
vector space multiplication with scalar
Definition: fmatrix.hh:211
FieldMatrix< K, rows, l > rightmultiplyany(const FieldMatrix< K, cols, l > &M) const
Multiplies M from the right to this matrix, this matrix is not modified.
Definition: fmatrix.hh:350
constexpr FieldMatrix(std::initializer_list< Dune::FieldVector< K, cols > > const &l)
Constructor initializing the matrix from a list of vector.
Definition: fmatrix.hh:140
FieldMatrix & operator=(const FieldMatrix &)=default
copy assignment operator
FieldMatrix< K, COLS, ROWS > transposed() const
Return transposed of the matrix as FieldMatrix.
Definition: fmatrix.hh:171
constexpr static int rows
The number of rows.
Definition: fmatrix.hh:123
constexpr static int cols
The number of columns.
Definition: fmatrix.hh:125
friend auto operator/(const FieldMatrix &matrix, Scalar scalar)
vector space division by scalar
Definition: fmatrix.hh:239
FieldMatrix & rightmultiply(const FieldMatrix< K, r, c > &M)
Multiplies M from the right to this matrix.
Definition: fmatrix.hh:333
friend auto operator+(const FieldMatrix &matrixA, const FieldMatrix< OtherScalar, ROWS, COLS > &matrixB)
vector space addition – two-argument version
Definition: fmatrix.hh:182
Implements a matrix constructed from a given type representing a field and a compile-time given numbe...
A few common exception classes.
static K invertMatrix_retTransposed(const FieldMatrix< K, 1, 1 > &matrix, FieldMatrix< K, 1, 1 > &inverse)
invert scalar without changing the original matrix
Definition: fmatrix.hh:679
static FieldVector< K, rows > mult(const FieldMatrix< K, rows, cols > &matrix, const FieldVector< K, cols > &x)
calculates ret = matrix * x
Definition: fmatrix.hh:828
static void multMatrix(const FieldMatrix< K, m, n > &A, const FieldMatrix< K, n, p > &B, FieldMatrix< K, m, p > &ret)
calculates ret = A * B
Definition: fmatrix.hh:778
static K invertMatrix(const FieldMatrix< K, 1, 1 > &matrix, FieldMatrix< K, 1, 1 > &inverse)
invert scalar without changing the original matrix
Definition: fmatrix.hh:670
static FieldVector< K, cols > multTransposed(const FieldMatrix< K, rows, cols > &matrix, const FieldVector< K, rows > &x)
calculates ret = matrix^T * x
Definition: fmatrix.hh:837
static void multTransposedMatrix(const FieldMatrix< K, rows, cols > &matrix, FieldMatrix< K, cols, cols > &ret)
calculates ret= A_t*A
Definition: fmatrix.hh:797
static void multAssignTransposed(const FieldMatrix< K, rows, cols > &matrix, const FieldVector< K, rows > &x, FieldVector< K, cols > &ret)
calculates ret = matrix^T * x
Definition: fmatrix.hh:814
Eigenvalue computations for the FieldMatrix class.
Implements a vector constructed from a given type representing a field and a compile-time given size.
#define DUNE_ASSERT_BOUNDS(cond)
If DUNE_CHECK_BOUNDS is defined: check if condition cond holds; otherwise, do nothing.
Definition: boundschecking.hh:30
constexpr auto min
Function object that returns the smaller of the given values.
Definition: hybridutilities.hh:506
typename Overloads::ScalarType< std::decay_t< V > >::type Scalar
Element type of some SIMD type.
Definition: interface.hh:235
Dune namespace.
Definition: alignedallocator.hh:13
Various precision settings for calculations with FieldMatrix and FieldVector.
Compute type of the result of an arithmetic operation involving two different number types.
Compute type of the result of an arithmetic operation involving two different number types.
Definition: promotiontraits.hh:27
Traits for type conversions and type information.
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