Dune TypeTree (2.8)
99 template<typename... U, typename std::enable_if<(sizeof...(T) > 0 && sizeof...(U) == sizeof...(T)),bool>::type = true>
278 constexpr HybridTreePath<T...,std::size_t> push_back(const HybridTreePath<T...>& tp, std::size_t i)
299 constexpr HybridTreePath<T...,index_constant<i>> push_back(const HybridTreePath<T...>& tp, index_constant<i> i_ = {})
309 constexpr HybridTreePath<std::size_t,T...> push_front(const HybridTreePath<T...>& tp, std::size_t element)
330 constexpr HybridTreePath<index_constant<i>,T...> push_front(const HybridTreePath<T...>& tp, index_constant<i> _i = {})
379 struct TreePathPopBack<HybridTreePath<index_constant<j>,index_constant<k>,index_constant<l>...>,i...>
390 struct TreePathConcat<HybridTreePath<index_constant<i>...>,HybridTreePath<index_constant<k>...> >
433 using TreePath [[deprecated("use StaticTreePath, this type will be removed after DUNE 2.7")]] = HybridTreePath<Dune::index_constant<i>...>;
A hybrid version of TreePath that supports both compile time and run time indices.
Definition: treepath.hh:79
constexpr auto operator[](Dune::index_constant< i > pos) const
Get the index value at position pos.
Definition: treepath.hh:118
constexpr std::size_t element(std::size_t pos) const
Get the index value at position pos.
Definition: treepath.hh:142
constexpr HybridTreePath(std::tuple< T... > t)
Constructor from a std::tuple
Definition: treepath.hh:94
constexpr HybridTreePath(U... t)
Constructor from arguments.
Definition: treepath.hh:100
constexpr HybridTreePath()
Default constructor.
Definition: treepath.hh:87
static constexpr std::size_t size()
Get the size (length) of this path.
Definition: treepath.hh:111
constexpr auto element(Dune::index_constant< i > pos={}) const
Get the last index value.
Definition: treepath.hh:136
static constexpr index_sequence enumerate()
Returns an index_sequence for enumerating the components of this HybridTreePath.
Definition: treepath.hh:105
constexpr std::size_t operator[](std::size_t pos) const
Get the index value at position pos.
Definition: treepath.hh:124
auto back() const
Get the last index value.
Definition: treepath.hh:153
std::index_sequence_for< T... > index_sequence
An index_sequence for the entries in this HybridTreePath.
Definition: treepath.hh:84
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os, const HybridTreePath< T... > &tp)
Dumps a HybridTreePath to a stream.
Definition: treepath.hh:424
constexpr auto back(const HybridTreePath< T... > &tp) -> decltype(treePathEntry< sizeof...(T) -1 >(tp))
Returns a copy of the last element of the HybridTreePath.
Definition: treepath.hh:254
constexpr std::size_t treePathSize(const HybridTreePath< T... > &)
Returns the size (number of components) of the given HybridTreePath.
Definition: treepath.hh:196
constexpr HybridTreePath< T... > hybridTreePath(const T &... t)
Constructs a new HybridTreePath from the given indices.
Definition: treepath.hh:177
constexpr auto front(const HybridTreePath< T... > &tp) -> decltype(treePathEntry< 0 >(tp))
Returns a copy of the first element of the HybridTreePath.
Definition: treepath.hh:267
constexpr auto treePathEntry(const HybridTreePath< T... > &tp, index_constant< i >={}) -> typename std::decay< decltype(std::get< i >(tp._data))>::type
Returns a copy of the i-th element of the HybridTreePath.
Definition: treepath.hh:219
constexpr std::size_t treePathIndex(const HybridTreePath< T... > &tp, index_constant< i >={})
Returns the index value of the i-th element of the HybridTreePath.
Definition: treepath.hh:242
constexpr HybridTreePath< T... > treePath(const T &... t)
Constructs a new HybridTreePath from the given indices.
Definition: treepath.hh:188
constexpr HybridTreePath< T..., index_constant< i > > push_back(const HybridTreePath< T... > &tp, index_constant< i > i_={})
Appends a compile time index to a HybridTreePath.
Definition: treepath.hh:299
constexpr HybridTreePath< index_constant< i >, T... > push_front(const HybridTreePath< T... > &tp, index_constant< i > _i={})
Prepends a compile time index to a HybridTreePath.
Definition: treepath.hh:330