Dune TypeTree (2.8)
92 decltype(auto) childStorage (NodePtr&& nodePtr, HybridTreePath<Indices...> tp, std::index_sequence<i...>)
141 static_assert(sizeof...(Indices) > 0, "childStorage() cannot be called with an empty list of child indices");
186 static_assert(sizeof...(Indices) > 0, "childStorage() cannot be called with an empty TreePath");
207 : public filter_void<std::decay_t<decltype(child(std::declval<Node>(),index_constant<indices>{}...))>>
233 using type = typename std::decay<decltype(child(std::declval<Node>(),std::declval<TreePath>()))>::type;
288 // helper function for check in member child() functions that tolerates being passed something that
A hybrid version of TreePath that supports both compile time and run time indices.
Definition: treepath.hh:79
std::size_t degree(const Node &node)
Returns the degree of node as run time information.
Definition: nodeinterface.hh:76
constexpr std::size_t treePathSize(const HybridTreePath< T... > &)
Returns the size (number of components) of the given HybridTreePath.
Definition: treepath.hh:196
constexpr HybridTreePath< T... > treePath(const T &... t)
Constructs a new HybridTreePath from the given indices.
Definition: treepath.hh:188
typename impl::_is_flat_index< std::decay_t< T > >::type is_flat_index
Type trait that determines whether T is a flat index in the context of child extraction.
Definition: childextraction.hh:282
typename impl::_Child< Node, indices... >::type Child
Template alias for the type of a child node given by a list of child indices.
Definition: childextraction.hh:223
typename impl::_ChildForTreePath< Node, TreePath >::type ChildForTreePath
Template alias for the type of a child node given by a TreePath or a HybridTreePath type.
Definition: childextraction.hh:250
ImplementationDefined child(Node &&node, HybridTreePath< Indices... > treePath)
Extracts the child of a node given by a HybridTreePath object.
Definition: childextraction.hh:171