DUNE-FEM (unstable)



class  DuneODE::ExplMultiStepBase< Operator >
class  DuneODE::ExplicitRungeKuttaSolver< DestinationImp >
 Exlicit RungeKutta ODE solver. More...
class  Dune::Fem::TimeProvider< Communication >
 manager for global simulation time of time-dependent solutions More...
class  Dune::Fem::TimeProviderBase
 general base for time providers More...
class  FixedStepTimerProvider
 simple time provider for constant time steps More...
class  Dune::Fem::GridTimeProvider< Grid >
 the same functionality as the Dune::TimeProvider. More...

Detailed Description

A variety of runge kutta have so far been implemented based on the pardg package. These include explicit ssp methods upto order 4 through Dune::ExplicitRungeKuttaSolver and Dune::ExplicitTimeStepper (where the second version uses pardg). Furthermore implicit methods and IMEX schemes up to order 4 can be used through Dune::ImplicitOdeSolver and Dune::SemiImplicitOdeSolver. Each of these classes require an operator defining the right hand side for its construction; the template argument is a Dune::DiscreteFunctionSpace and the operator has to be derived from the Dune::SpaceOperatorInterface<DiscreteFunctionSpace>. Further arguments in the constructor are an instance of the Dune::Timeprovider and the requested order of the scheme which can be chosen during runtime.

The management of the simulation time is performed by an instance of the Dune::TimeProvider class. The time at which the space operator is to be evaluated is passed to the operator in the setTime method on the Dune::SpaceOperatorInterface and it is assumed that through the method timeStepEstimate on the Dune::SpaceOperatorInterface an upper estimate for the time step is provided satifying at the least the stability restriction of the forward euler method. This estimate is then multiplied by an additional factor depending on the ode solver used and then passed to the instance of the Dune::TimeProvider.

The interface for ODE solvers is defined by the class OdeSolverInterface. The interface for discretization operators working with the OdeSolvers is described by the class SpaceOperatorInterface.
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