DUNE-FEM (unstable)



class  Dune::Fem::GridPartInterface< GridPartTraits >
 Interface for the GridPart classes A GridPart class allows to access only a specific subset of a grid's entities. A GridPart implementation provides the corresponding index set and a begin/end iterator pair for accessing those entities, the corresponding intersection iterators and a appropriate communication method. GridParts are used to parametrize spaces (see DiscreteFunctionSpaceDefault [in dune-fem]). More...
class  Dune::Fem::GridPartDefault< GridPartTraits >
 Default implementation for the GridPart classes. More...

Detailed Description

Grid parts allow to define a view on a given DUNE grid, treating the underlying grid as a container for entities.

All parts of the dune-fem package rely on grid parts to access the entities of the grid. For example, discrete functions are defined on the set of entities accesseable by the given GridPart implementation using the iterator and index set provided by the GridPart.

Interface and available Implementations

The interface for a GridPart is implemented by the class template GridPartInterface. Basically, a GridPart provides the following functionality:

  • The underlying grid can be accessed through the grid method.
  • The indexSet method provides a suitable dune-fem index set for the grid part.
  • Pairs of begin / end methods provide iterators over the entities of a given codimension belonging to the grid part.
  • A pair of ibegin / iend methods provide suitable intersection iterators for a given entity of codimension 0.
  • For parallel computations, a suitable communicate method is provided.

The following grid parts have been implemented:

  • LeafGridPart: A view of the leaf grid,
  • LevelGridPart: A view of a given grid level,
  • FilteredGridPart: A view filtering another grid part.

    Implement a grid part for a given grid view (Suggestion: use the name GridPart).
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