Dune Core Modules (2.9.0)

Todo List
Namespace Dune

put vtk io intro here ...

Don't use this matrix

Class Dune::Amg::AMG< M, X, S, PI, A >
drop the smoother template parameter and replace with dynamic construction
Class Dune::ArPackPlusPlus_Algorithms< BCRSMatrix, BlockVector >

The current implementation is limited to DUNE-ISTL BCRSMatrix types with blocklevel 2. An extension to blocklevel >= 2 might be provided in a future version.

Maybe make ARPACK++ parameter ncv available to the user.

Member Dune::ArrayListIterator< T, N, A >::advance (difference_type n)
Please doc me!
Member Dune::ArrayListIterator< T, N, A >::distanceTo (const ArrayListIterator< T, N, A > &other) const
Please doc me!
Member Dune::ArrayListIterator< T, N, A >::position ()
Please doc me!
Class Dune::BDMatrix< B, A >
It would be safer and more efficient to have a real implementation of a block-diagonal matrix and not just subclassing from BCRSMatrix. But that's quite a lot of work for that little advantage.
Class Dune::BTDMatrix< B, A >
It would be safer and more efficient to have a real implementation of a block-tridiagonal matrix and not just subclassing from BCRSMatrix. But that's quite a lot of work for that little advantage.
Member Dune::CollectiveIterator< T, A >::iterator::iterator (const RealIterator &iter, const ConstRealIterator &end, GlobalIndex &index)
Please doc me!
Member Dune::CollectiveIterator< T, A >::iterator::iterator (const iterator &other)
Please doc me!
Member Dune::CollectiveIterator< T, A >::iterator::operator!= (const iterator &other) const
Please doc me!
Member Dune::CollectiveIterator< T, A >::iterator::operator* () const
Please doc me!
Member Dune::CollectiveIterator< T, A >::iterator::operator++ ()
Please doc me!
Member Dune::CollectiveIterator< T, A >::iterator::operator-> () const
Please doc me!
Member Dune::CollectiveIterator< T, A >::iterator::operator== (const iterator &other) const
Please doc me!
Member Dune::CollectiveIterator< T, A >::iterator::process () const
Please doc me!
Member Dune::ConstArrayListIterator< T, N, A >::advance (difference_type n)
Please doc me!
Member Dune::ConstArrayListIterator< T, N, A >::distanceTo (const ConstArrayListIterator< T, N, A > &other) const
Please doc me!
Class Dune::DebugStream< thislevel, dlevel, alevel, activator >
Fix visibility of internal data
Member Dune::DGLocalFiniteElement< FE >::DGLocalFiniteElement (const GeometryType &gt, const typename Base::Key &key)
Please doc me !
Member Dune::DualP1LocalFiniteElement< D, R, dim, faceDual >::DualP1LocalFiniteElement ()
Please doc me !
Member Dune::DualP1LocalFiniteElement< D, R, dim, faceDual >::localBasis () const
Please doc me !
Member Dune::DualP1LocalFiniteElement< D, R, dim, faceDual >::localCoefficients () const
Please doc me !
Member Dune::DualP1LocalFiniteElement< D, R, dim, faceDual >::localInterpolation () const
Please doc me !
Member Dune::DualP1LocalFiniteElement< D, R, dim, faceDual >::Traits
Please doc me !
Member Dune::DualP1LocalFiniteElement< D, R, dim, faceDual >::type ()
Please doc me !
Member Dune::DualQ1LocalFiniteElement< D, R, dim, faceDual >::DualQ1LocalFiniteElement ()
Please doc me !
Member Dune::DualQ1LocalFiniteElement< D, R, dim, faceDual >::localBasis () const
Please doc me !
Member Dune::DualQ1LocalFiniteElement< D, R, dim, faceDual >::localCoefficients () const
Please doc me !
Member Dune::DualQ1LocalFiniteElement< D, R, dim, faceDual >::localInterpolation () const
Please doc me !
Member Dune::DualQ1LocalFiniteElement< D, R, dim, faceDual >::Traits
Please doc me !
Member Dune::DualQ1LocalFiniteElement< D, R, dim, faceDual >::type ()
Please doc me !
Class Dune::DualQ1LocalInterpolation< dim, LB >
Please doc me!
Member Dune::Functions::BSplinePreBasis< GV >::BSplinePreBasis (const GridView &gridView, const std::vector< double > &knotVector, unsigned int order, bool makeOpen=true)
maybe test whether the knot vector is already open?
Member Dune::Functions::BSplinePreBasis< GV >::BSplinePreBasis (const GridView &gridView, const FieldVector< double, dim > &lowerLeft, const FieldVector< double, dim > &upperRight, const std::array< unsigned int, dim > &elements, unsigned int order, bool makeOpen=true)
maybe test whether the knot vector is already open?
Member Dune::Functions::BSplinePreBasis< GV >::evaluateFunction (const typename GV::ctype &in, std::vector< R > &out, const std::vector< R > &knotVector, unsigned int order, unsigned int currentKnotSpan)
We only hand out function values for those basis functions whose support overlaps the current knot span. However, in the preceding loop we still computed all values_. This won't scale.
Member Dune::Functions::BSplinePreBasis< GV >::evaluateFunctionFull (const typename GV::ctype &in, DynamicMatrix< R > &out, const std::vector< R > &knotVector, unsigned int order, unsigned int currentKnotSpan)
This method is a hack! I computes the derivatives of ALL B-splines, even the ones that are zero on the current knot span. I need it as an intermediate step to get the derivatives working. It will/must be removed as soon as possible.
Member Dune::Functions::staticFindInRange (F &&f, Args &&... args)
Should this be just the StaticForLoop?
Member Dune::GenericLocalFiniteElement< BasisF, CoeffF, InterpolF >::GenericLocalFiniteElement (const GenericLocalFiniteElement &other)
Please doc me
Member Dune::GenericLocalFiniteElement< BasisF, CoeffF, InterpolF >::GenericLocalFiniteElement (const GeometryType &gt, const Key &key)
Please doc me
Member Dune::GenericLocalFiniteElement< BasisF, CoeffF, InterpolF >::localBasis () const
Please doc me !
Member Dune::GenericLocalFiniteElement< BasisF, CoeffF, InterpolF >::localCoefficients () const
Please doc me !
Member Dune::GenericLocalFiniteElement< BasisF, CoeffF, InterpolF >::localInterpolation () const
Please doc me !
Member Dune::GenericLocalFiniteElement< BasisF, CoeffF, InterpolF >::type () const
Please doc me !
Member Dune::GmshReader< GridType >::read (const std::string &fileName, bool verbose=true, bool insertBoundarySegments=true)
doc me
Member Dune::GmshReader< GridType >::read (Dune::GridFactory< Grid > &factory, const std::string &fileName, std::vector< int > &boundarySegmentToPhysicalEntity, std::vector< int > &elementToPhysicalEntity, bool verbose, bool insertBoundarySegments)
This interface is error-prone and should not be exposed to the user. However, the compile-time overloads may not provide sufficient runtime flexibility in all cases. Therefore this interface is kept until a better interface can be agreed on. See https://gitlab.dune-project.org/core/dune-grid/-/issues/107
Member Dune::GmshReader< GridType >::read (Dune::GridFactory< Grid > &factory, const std::string &fileName, bool verbose=true, bool insertBoundarySegments=true)
doc me
Member Dune::GmshReader< GridType >::read (const std::string &fileName, std::vector< int > &boundarySegmentToPhysicalEntity, std::vector< int > &elementToPhysicalEntity, bool verbose=true, bool insertBoundarySegments=true)
This interface is error-prone and should not be exposed to the user. However, the compile-time overloads may not provide sufficient runtime flexibility in all cases. Therefore this interface is kept until a better interface can be agreed on. See https://gitlab.dune-project.org/core/dune-grid/-/issues/107
Member Dune::GridView< ViewTraits >::contains (const EntityType &e) const
Currently we call the implementation on the IndexSet. This may lead to suboptimal efficiency.
Class Dune::HierarchicalP2LocalFiniteElement< D, R, dim >
Please doc me !
Member Dune::HierarchicalP2LocalFiniteElement< D, R, dim >::HierarchicalP2LocalFiniteElement ()
Please doc me !
Member Dune::HierarchicalP2LocalFiniteElement< D, R, dim >::localBasis () const
Please doc me !
Member Dune::HierarchicalP2LocalFiniteElement< D, R, dim >::localCoefficients () const
Please doc me !
Member Dune::HierarchicalP2LocalFiniteElement< D, R, dim >::localInterpolation () const
Please doc me !
Member Dune::HierarchicalP2LocalFiniteElement< D, R, dim >::Traits
Please doc me !
Member Dune::HierarchicalP2LocalFiniteElement< D, R, dim >::type ()
Please doc me !
Class Dune::HierarchicalP2WithElementBubbleLocalFiniteElement< D, R, dim >
Please doc me !
Member Dune::HierarchicalP2WithElementBubbleLocalFiniteElement< D, R, dim >::HierarchicalP2WithElementBubbleLocalFiniteElement ()
Please doc me !
Member Dune::HierarchicalP2WithElementBubbleLocalFiniteElement< D, R, dim >::localBasis () const
Please doc me !
Member Dune::HierarchicalP2WithElementBubbleLocalFiniteElement< D, R, dim >::localCoefficients () const
Please doc me !
Member Dune::HierarchicalP2WithElementBubbleLocalFiniteElement< D, R, dim >::localInterpolation () const
Please doc me !
Member Dune::HierarchicalP2WithElementBubbleLocalFiniteElement< D, R, dim >::Traits
Please doc me !
Member Dune::HierarchicalP2WithElementBubbleLocalFiniteElement< D, R, dim >::type ()
Please doc me !
Class Dune::HierarchicalPrismP2LocalFiniteElement< D, R >
Please doc me !
Member Dune::HierarchicalPrismP2LocalFiniteElement< D, R >::HierarchicalPrismP2LocalFiniteElement ()
Please doc me !
Member Dune::HierarchicalPrismP2LocalFiniteElement< D, R >::localBasis () const
Please doc me !
Member Dune::HierarchicalPrismP2LocalFiniteElement< D, R >::localCoefficients () const
Please doc me !
Member Dune::HierarchicalPrismP2LocalFiniteElement< D, R >::localInterpolation () const
Please doc me !
Member Dune::HierarchicalPrismP2LocalFiniteElement< D, R >::Traits
Please doc me !
Member Dune::HierarchicalPrismP2LocalFiniteElement< D, R >::type ()
Please doc me !
Member Dune::IdentityGrid< HostGrid >::globalRefine (int refCount)
optimize implementation
Member Dune::IdentityGrid< HostGrid >::HostGridType
Should not be public
Member Dune::IdentityGridEntity< 0, dim, GridImp >::IdentityGridEntity (const IdentityGridEntity &original)
Please doc me !
Member Dune::IdentityGridEntity< 0, dim, GridImp >::mightBeCoarsened () const
Please doc me !
Member Dune::IdentityGridEntity< 0, dim, GridImp >::operator= (const IdentityGridEntity &original)
Please doc me !
Member Dune::IdentityGridEntity< 0, dim, GridImp >::operator= (IdentityGridEntity &&original)
Please doc me !
Member Dune::IdentityGridEntity< 0, dim, GridImp >::wasRefined () const
Please doc me !
Member Dune::IdentityGridEntity< codim, dim, GridImp >::IdentityGridEntity (const IdentityGridEntity &original)
Please doc me !
Member Dune::IdentityGridEntity< codim, dim, GridImp >::operator= (IdentityGridEntity &&original)
Please doc me !
Member Dune::IdentityGridEntity< codim, dim, GridImp >::operator= (const IdentityGridEntity &original)
Please doc me !
Member Dune::IdentityGridHierarchicIterator< GridImp >::IdentityGridHierarchicIterator (const GridImp *identityGrid, const Entity &startEntity, int maxLevel, bool endDummy)
Please doc me !
Member Dune::IdentityGridHierarchicIterator< GridImp >::increment ()
Please doc me !
Member Dune::IdentityGridLeafIterator< codim, pitype, GridImp >::IdentityGridLeafIterator (const GridImp *identityGrid)
Please doc me !
Class Dune::IdentityGridLevelIndexSet< GridImp >
Take the index types from the host grid
Class Dune::IdentityGridLevelIntersection< GridImp >
Please doc me !
Class Dune::IdentityGridLevelIntersectionIterator< GridImp >
Please doc me !
Member Dune::Intersection< GridImp, IntersectionImp >::IntersectionIterator< GridImp, IntersectionImp, IntersectionImp >
cleanup this hack
Member Dune::IntersectionIteratorWrapper< GridImp, IntersectionIteratorImpl >::boundary () const
connection with boundary information, processor/outer boundary
Member Dune::L2LocalFiniteElement< FE >::L2LocalFiniteElement (const GeometryType &gt, const typename Base::Key &key)
Please doc me !
Member Dune::LagrangeLocalFiniteElement< LP, dimDomain, D, R, SF, CF >::LagrangeLocalFiniteElement (const GeometryType &gt, unsigned int order)
Please doc me !
Member Dune::LocalFiniteElementTraits< LB, LC, LI >::LocalBasisType
Please doc me !
Member Dune::LocalFiniteElementTraits< LB, LC, LI >::LocalCoefficientsType
Please doc me !
Member Dune::LocalFiniteElementTraits< LB, LC, LI >::LocalInterpolationType
Please doc me !
Member Dune::makeScalarProduct (std::shared_ptr< const Comm > comm, SolverCategory::Category category)
this helper function should be replaced by a proper factory
Class Dune::Mapper< G, MapperImp, IndexType >
IndexType should be extracted from MapperImp, but gcc doesn't let me
Member Dune::MonomialLocalFiniteElement< D, R, d, p >::localBasis () const
Please doc me !
Member Dune::MonomialLocalFiniteElement< D, R, d, p >::localCoefficients () const
Please doc me !
Member Dune::MonomialLocalFiniteElement< D, R, d, p >::localInterpolation () const
Please doc me !
Member Dune::MonomialLocalFiniteElement< D, R, d, p >::type () const
Please doc me !
Member Dune::MonomImp::Evaluate< Traits, c >::eval (const typename Traits::DomainType &in, const std::array< unsigned int, Traits::dimDomain > &derivatives, typename Traits::RangeFieldType prod, int bound, int &index, Access &access)
Class Dune::MPITraits< IndexPair< TG, ParallelLocalIndex< TA > > >
Please doc me!
Class Dune::MPITraits< ParallelLocalIndex< T > >
Please doc me!
Member Dune::OrthonormalLocalFiniteElement< dimDomain, D, R, SF, CF >::OrthonormalLocalFiniteElement (const GeometryType &gt, unsigned int order)
Please doc me !
Member Dune::P0LocalFiniteElement< D, R, d >::localBasis () const
Please doc me !
Member Dune::P0LocalFiniteElement< D, R, d >::localCoefficients () const
Please doc me !
Member Dune::P0LocalFiniteElement< D, R, d >::localInterpolation () const
Please doc me !
Member Dune::P0LocalFiniteElement< D, R, d >::P0LocalFiniteElement (const GeometryType &type)
Please doc me !
Member Dune::P0LocalFiniteElement< D, R, d >::Traits
Please doc me !
Member Dune::P0LocalFiniteElement< D, R, d >::type () const
Please doc me !
Member Dune::ParameterTree::get (const std::string &key, const char *defaultValue) const
This is a hack so get("my_key", "xyz") compiles (without this method "xyz" resolves to bool instead of std::string)
Class Dune::PersistentContainerVector< G, IndexSet, Vector >
Actually, we use a mapper rather than an index set. This would automatically resolve two problems:
  • support multiple geometry types,
  • the requirement to store a reference to the index set .
Member Dune::Pk2DLocalFiniteElement
Please doc me !
Member Dune::Pk3DLocalFiniteElement
Please doc me !
Class Dune::PowerIteration_Algorithms< BCRSMatrix, BlockVector >
The current implementation is limited to DUNE-ISTL BCRSMatrix types with blocklevel 2. An extension to blocklevel >= 2 might be provided in a future version.
Member Dune::RaviartThomasSimplexLocalFiniteElement< dimDomain, D, R, SF, CF >::RaviartThomasSimplexLocalFiniteElement (const GeometryType &gt, unsigned int order)
Please doc me
Member Dune::RefinedP0LocalFiniteElement< D, R, 1 >::localBasis () const
Please doc me !
Member Dune::RefinedP0LocalFiniteElement< D, R, 1 >::localCoefficients () const
Please doc me !
Member Dune::RefinedP0LocalFiniteElement< D, R, 1 >::localInterpolation () const
Please doc me !
Member Dune::RefinedP0LocalFiniteElement< D, R, 1 >::RefinedP0LocalFiniteElement ()
Please doc me !
Member Dune::RefinedP0LocalFiniteElement< D, R, 1 >::Traits
Please doc me !
Member Dune::RefinedP0LocalFiniteElement< D, R, 1 >::type ()
Please doc me !
Member Dune::RefinedP0LocalFiniteElement< D, R, 2 >::localBasis () const
Please doc me !
Member Dune::RefinedP0LocalFiniteElement< D, R, 2 >::localCoefficients () const
Please doc me !
Member Dune::RefinedP0LocalFiniteElement< D, R, 2 >::localInterpolation () const
Please doc me !
Member Dune::RefinedP0LocalFiniteElement< D, R, 2 >::RefinedP0LocalFiniteElement ()
Please doc me !
Member Dune::RefinedP0LocalFiniteElement< D, R, 2 >::Traits
Please doc me !
Member Dune::RefinedP0LocalFiniteElement< D, R, 2 >::type ()
Please doc me !
Member Dune::RefinedP0LocalFiniteElement< D, R, 3 >::localBasis () const
Please doc me !
Member Dune::RefinedP0LocalFiniteElement< D, R, 3 >::localCoefficients () const
Please doc me !
Member Dune::RefinedP0LocalFiniteElement< D, R, 3 >::localInterpolation () const
Please doc me !
Member Dune::RefinedP0LocalFiniteElement< D, R, 3 >::RefinedP0LocalFiniteElement ()
Please doc me !
Member Dune::RefinedP0LocalFiniteElement< D, R, 3 >::Traits
Please doc me !
Member Dune::RefinedP0LocalFiniteElement< D, R, 3 >::type ()
Please doc me !
Member Dune::SPDomain< ct, dim >::cube () const
please doc me
Member Dune::SPDomain< ct, dim >::SPDomain (const std::vector< Cube > &cubes, const Topology &topology)
please doc me
Member Dune::SPDomain< ct, dim >::topology () const
please doc me
Member Dune::SPMultiIndex< dim >::codimension () const
please doc me
Member Dune::SPMultiIndex< dim >::increment (const This &bound, const int k=1)
please doc me
Member Dune::TypeListElement< i, TypeList< T... > >::Type
Implement without using std::tuple.
Member Dune::TypeListElement< i, TypeList< T... > >::type
Implement without using std::tuple.
Class MatrixInfo< BCRSMatrix >
The current implementation is limited to DUNE-ISTL BCRSMatrix types with blocklevel 2. An extension to blocklevel >= 2 might be provided in a future version.
File test-referenceelements.cc
For several element types the subEntities() method is not tested yet!
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