Dune Core Modules (2.9.0)

Go to the documentation of this file.
1// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (C) DUNE Project contributors, see file LICENSE.md in module root
2// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-GPL-2.0-only-with-DUNE-exception
3// -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
4// vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
8#include <new>
9#include <iostream>
10#include <vector>
11#include <list>
12#include <map>
13#include <set>
14#include <tuple>
16#include "cmath"
18// MPI header
19#if HAVE_MPI
20#include <mpi.h>
25#if HAVE_MPI
32#include "solvercategory.hh"
33#include "istlexception.hh"
37template<int dim, template<class,class> class Comm>
38void testRedistributed(int s);
41namespace Dune {
59 {
60 enum AttributeSet {
61 owner=1, overlap=2, copy=3
62 };
63 };
76 template <class G, class L>
78 {
79 public:
81 typedef G GlobalIdType;
84 typedef L LocalIdType;
92 typedef std::tuple<GlobalIdType,LocalIdType,int> IndexTripel;
99 typedef std::tuple<int,GlobalIdType,int> RemoteIndexTripel;
107 {
108 if (std::get<2>(x)!=OwnerOverlapCopyAttributeSet::owner &&
109 std::get<2>(x)!=OwnerOverlapCopyAttributeSet::overlap &&
110 std::get<2>(x)!=OwnerOverlapCopyAttributeSet::copy)
111 DUNE_THROW(ISTLError,"OwnerOverlapCopyCommunication: global index not in index set");
112 localindices.insert(x);
113 }
121 {
122 if (std::get<2>(x)!=OwnerOverlapCopyAttributeSet::owner &&
123 std::get<2>(x)!=OwnerOverlapCopyAttributeSet::overlap &&
124 std::get<2>(x)!=OwnerOverlapCopyAttributeSet::copy)
125 DUNE_THROW(ISTLError,"OwnerOverlapCopyCommunication: global index not in index set");
126 remoteindices.insert(x);
127 }
133 const std::set<IndexTripel>& localIndices () const
134 {
135 return localindices;
136 }
142 const std::set<RemoteIndexTripel>& remoteIndices () const
143 {
144 return remoteindices;
145 }
150 void clear ()
151 {
152 localindices.clear();
153 remoteindices.clear();
154 }
156 private:
158 std::set<IndexTripel> localindices;
160 std::set<RemoteIndexTripel> remoteindices;
161 };
164#if HAVE_MPI
172 template <class GlobalIdType, class LocalIdType=int>
174 {
175 template<typename M, typename G, typename L>
176 friend void loadMatrixMarket(M&,
177 const std::string&,
179 bool);
180 // used types
183 typedef typename std::set<IndexTripel>::const_iterator localindex_iterator;
184 typedef typename std::set<RemoteIndexTripel>::const_iterator remoteindex_iterator;
185 typedef typename OwnerOverlapCopyAttributeSet::AttributeSet AttributeSet;
187 public:
191 typedef typename RI::RemoteIndex RX;
193 typedef Dune::Interface IF;
198 protected:
202 template<typename T>
204 {
205 typedef typename CommPolicy<T>::IndexedType V;
207 static V gather(const T& a, std::size_t i)
208 {
209 return a[i];
210 }
212 static void scatter(T& a, V v, std::size_t i)
213 {
214 a[i] = v;
215 }
216 };
217 template<typename T>
218 struct AddGatherScatter
219 {
220 typedef typename CommPolicy<T>::IndexedType V;
222 static V gather(const T& a, std::size_t i)
223 {
224 return a[i];
225 }
227 static void scatter(T& a, V v, std::size_t i)
228 {
229 a[i] += v;
230 }
231 };
233 void buildOwnerOverlapToAllInterface () const
234 {
235 if (OwnerOverlapToAllInterfaceBuilt)
236 OwnerOverlapToAllInterface.free();
237 OwnerOverlapSet sourceFlags;
238 Combine<OwnerOverlapSet,EnumItem<AttributeSet,OwnerOverlapCopyAttributeSet::copy>,AttributeSet>
239 destFlags;
240 OwnerOverlapToAllInterface.build(ri,sourceFlags,destFlags);
241 OwnerOverlapToAllInterfaceBuilt = true;
242 }
244 void buildOwnerToAllInterface () const
245 {
246 if (OwnerToAllInterfaceBuilt)
247 OwnerToAllInterface.free();
248 OwnerSet sourceFlags;
249 AllSet destFlags;
250 OwnerToAllInterface.build(ri,sourceFlags,destFlags);
251 OwnerToAllInterfaceBuilt = true;
252 }
254 void buildOwnerCopyToAllInterface () const
255 {
256 if (OwnerCopyToAllInterfaceBuilt)
257 OwnerCopyToAllInterface.free();
259 typedef Combine<EnumItem<AttributeSet,OwnerOverlapCopyAttributeSet::owner>,EnumItem<AttributeSet,OwnerOverlapCopyAttributeSet::copy>,AttributeSet> OwnerCopySet;
260 OwnerCopySet sourceFlags;
261 Combine<OwnerCopySet,EnumItem<AttributeSet,OwnerOverlapCopyAttributeSet::overlap>,AttributeSet> destFlags;
262 OwnerCopyToAllInterface.build(ri,sourceFlags,destFlags);
263 OwnerCopyToAllInterfaceBuilt = true;
264 }
266 void buildOwnerCopyToOwnerCopyInterface () const
267 {
268 if (OwnerCopyToOwnerCopyInterfaceBuilt)
269 OwnerCopyToOwnerCopyInterface.free();
272 typedef Combine<EnumItem<AttributeSet,OwnerOverlapCopyAttributeSet::owner>,EnumItem<AttributeSet,OwnerOverlapCopyAttributeSet::copy>,AttributeSet> OwnerCopySet;
273 OwnerCopySet sourceFlags;
274 OwnerCopySet destFlags;
275 OwnerCopyToOwnerCopyInterface.build(ri,sourceFlags,destFlags);
276 OwnerCopyToOwnerCopyInterfaceBuilt = true;
277 }
279 void buildCopyToAllInterface () const
280 {
281 if (CopyToAllInterfaceBuilt)
282 CopyToAllInterface.free();
283 CopySet sourceFlags;
284 AllSet destFlags;
285 CopyToAllInterface.build(ri,sourceFlags,destFlags);
286 CopyToAllInterfaceBuilt = true;
287 }
289 public:
296 return category_;
297 }
299 const Communication<MPI_Comm>& communicator() const
300 {
301 return cc;
302 }
310 template<class T>
311 void copyOwnerToAll (const T& source, T& dest) const
312 {
313 if (!OwnerToAllInterfaceBuilt)
314 buildOwnerToAllInterface ();
315 BC communicator;
316 communicator.template build<T>(OwnerToAllInterface);
317 communicator.template forward<CopyGatherScatter<T> >(source,dest);
318 communicator.free();
319 }
327 template<class T>
328 void copyCopyToAll (const T& source, T& dest) const
329 {
330 if (!CopyToAllInterfaceBuilt)
331 buildCopyToAllInterface ();
332 BC communicator;
333 communicator.template build<T>(CopyToAllInterface);
334 communicator.template forward<CopyGatherScatter<T> >(source,dest);
335 communicator.free();
336 }
344 template<class T>
345 void addOwnerOverlapToAll (const T& source, T& dest) const
346 {
347 if (!OwnerOverlapToAllInterfaceBuilt)
348 buildOwnerOverlapToAllInterface ();
349 BC communicator;
350 communicator.template build<T>(OwnerOverlapToAllInterface);
351 communicator.template forward<AddGatherScatter<T> >(source,dest);
352 communicator.free();
353 }
361 template<class T>
362 void addOwnerCopyToAll (const T& source, T& dest) const
363 {
364 if (!OwnerCopyToAllInterfaceBuilt)
365 buildOwnerCopyToAllInterface ();
366 BC communicator;
367 communicator.template build<T>(OwnerCopyToAllInterface);
368 communicator.template forward<AddGatherScatter<T> >(source,dest);
369 communicator.free();
370 }
378 template<class T>
379 void addOwnerCopyToOwnerCopy (const T& source, T& dest) const
380 {
381 if (!OwnerCopyToOwnerCopyInterfaceBuilt)
382 buildOwnerCopyToOwnerCopyInterface ();
383 BC communicator;
384 communicator.template build<T>(OwnerCopyToOwnerCopyInterface);
385 communicator.template forward<AddGatherScatter<T> >(source,dest);
386 communicator.free();
387 }
397 template<class T1, class T2>
398 void dot (const T1& x, const T1& y, T2& result) const
399 {
400 using real_type = typename FieldTraits<typename T1::field_type>::real_type;
401 // set up mask vector
402 if (mask.size()!=static_cast<typename std::vector<double>::size_type>(x.size()))
403 {
404 mask.resize(x.size());
405 for (typename std::vector<double>::size_type i=0; i<mask.size(); i++)
406 mask[i] = 1;
407 for (typename PIS::const_iterator i=pis.begin(); i!=pis.end(); ++i)
408 if (i->local().attribute()!=OwnerOverlapCopyAttributeSet::owner)
409 mask[i->local().local()] = 0;
410 }
411 result = T2(0.0);
413 for (typename T1::size_type i=0; i<x.size(); i++)
414 result += (x[i]*(y[i]))*static_cast<real_type>(mask[i]);
415 result = cc.sum(result);
416 }
424 template<class T1>
425 typename FieldTraits<typename T1::field_type>::real_type norm (const T1& x) const
426 {
427 using real_type = typename FieldTraits<typename T1::field_type>::real_type;
429 // set up mask vector
430 if (mask.size()!=static_cast<typename std::vector<double>::size_type>(x.size()))
431 {
432 mask.resize(x.size());
433 for (typename std::vector<double>::size_type i=0; i<mask.size(); i++)
434 mask[i] = 1;
435 for (typename PIS::const_iterator i=pis.begin(); i!=pis.end(); ++i)
436 if (i->local().attribute()!=OwnerOverlapCopyAttributeSet::owner)
437 mask[i->local().local()] = 0;
438 }
439 auto result = real_type(0.0);
440 for (typename T1::size_type i=0; i<x.size(); i++)
441 result += Impl::asVector(x[i]).two_norm2()*mask[i];
442 using std::sqrt;
443 return sqrt(cc.sum(result));
444 }
463 {
464 return pis;
465 }
472 {
473 return ri;
474 }
481 {
482 return pis;
483 }
491 {
492 return ri;
493 }
495 void buildGlobalLookup()
496 {
497 if(globalLookup_) {
498 if(pis.seqNo()==oldseqNo)
499 // Nothing changed!
500 return;
501 delete globalLookup_;
502 }
504 globalLookup_ = new GlobalLookupIndexSet(pis);
505 oldseqNo = pis.seqNo();
506 }
508 void buildGlobalLookup(std::size_t size)
509 {
510 if(globalLookup_) {
511 if(pis.seqNo()==oldseqNo)
512 // Nothing changed!
513 return;
514 delete globalLookup_;
515 }
516 globalLookup_ = new GlobalLookupIndexSet(pis, size);
517 oldseqNo = pis.seqNo();
518 }
520 void freeGlobalLookup()
521 {
522 delete globalLookup_;
523 globalLookup_=0;
524 }
526 const GlobalLookupIndexSet& globalLookup() const
527 {
528 assert(globalLookup_ != 0);
529 return *globalLookup_;
530 }
537 template<class T1>
538 void project (T1& x) const
539 {
540 for (typename PIS::const_iterator i=pis.begin(); i!=pis.end(); ++i)
541 if (i->local().attribute()==OwnerOverlapCopyAttributeSet::copy)
542 x[i->local().local()] = 0;
543 }
556 bool freecomm_ = false)
557 : comm(comm_), cc(comm_), pis(), ri(pis,pis,comm_),
558 OwnerToAllInterfaceBuilt(false), OwnerOverlapToAllInterfaceBuilt(false),
559 OwnerCopyToAllInterfaceBuilt(false), OwnerCopyToOwnerCopyInterfaceBuilt(false),
560 CopyToAllInterfaceBuilt(false), globalLookup_(0), category_(cat_),
561 freecomm(freecomm_)
562 {}
573 : comm(MPI_COMM_WORLD), cc(MPI_COMM_WORLD), pis(), ri(pis,pis,MPI_COMM_WORLD),
574 OwnerToAllInterfaceBuilt(false), OwnerOverlapToAllInterfaceBuilt(false),
575 OwnerCopyToAllInterfaceBuilt(false), OwnerCopyToOwnerCopyInterfaceBuilt(false),
576 CopyToAllInterfaceBuilt(false), globalLookup_(0), category_(cat_), freecomm(false)
577 {}
587 MPI_Comm comm_,
589 bool freecomm_ = false)
590 : comm(comm_), cc(comm_), OwnerToAllInterfaceBuilt(false),
591 OwnerOverlapToAllInterfaceBuilt(false), OwnerCopyToAllInterfaceBuilt(false),
592 OwnerCopyToOwnerCopyInterfaceBuilt(false), CopyToAllInterfaceBuilt(false),
593 globalLookup_(0), category_(cat_), freecomm(freecomm_)
594 {
595 // set up an ISTL index set
596 pis.beginResize();
597 for (localindex_iterator i=indexinfo.localIndices().begin(); i!=indexinfo.localIndices().end(); ++i)
598 {
599 if (std::get<2>(*i)==OwnerOverlapCopyAttributeSet::owner)
600 pis.add(std::get<0>(*i),LI(std::get<1>(*i),OwnerOverlapCopyAttributeSet::owner,true));
601 if (std::get<2>(*i)==OwnerOverlapCopyAttributeSet::overlap)
602 pis.add(std::get<0>(*i),LI(std::get<1>(*i),OwnerOverlapCopyAttributeSet::overlap,true));
603 if (std::get<2>(*i)==OwnerOverlapCopyAttributeSet::copy)
604 pis.add(std::get<0>(*i),LI(std::get<1>(*i),OwnerOverlapCopyAttributeSet::copy,true));
605 // std::cout << cc.rank() << ": adding index " << std::get<0>(*i) << " " << std::get<1>(*i) << " " << std::get<2>(*i) << std::endl;
606 }
607 pis.endResize();
609 // build remote indices WITHOUT communication
610 // std::cout << cc.rank() << ": build remote indices" << std::endl;
611 ri.setIndexSets(pis,pis,cc);
612 if (indexinfo.remoteIndices().size()>0)
613 {
614 remoteindex_iterator i=indexinfo.remoteIndices().begin();
615 int p = std::get<0>(*i);
616 RILM modifier = ri.template getModifier<false,true>(p);
617 typename PIS::const_iterator pi=pis.begin();
618 for ( ; i!=indexinfo.remoteIndices().end(); ++i)
619 {
620 // handle processor change
621 if (p!=std::get<0>(*i))
622 {
623 p = std::get<0>(*i);
624 modifier = ri.template getModifier<false,true>(p);
625 pi=pis.begin();
626 }
628 // position to correct entry in parallel index set
629 while (pi->global()!=std::get<1>(*i) && pi!=pis.end())
630 ++pi;
631 if (pi==pis.end())
632 DUNE_THROW(ISTLError,"OwnerOverlapCopyCommunication: global index not in index set");
634 // insert entry
635 // std::cout << cc.rank() << ": adding remote index " << std::get<0>(*i) << " " << std::get<1>(*i) << " " << std::get<2>(*i) << std::endl;
636 if (std::get<2>(*i)==OwnerOverlapCopyAttributeSet::owner)
637 modifier.insert(RX(OwnerOverlapCopyAttributeSet::owner,&(*pi)));
638 if (std::get<2>(*i)==OwnerOverlapCopyAttributeSet::overlap)
639 modifier.insert(RX(OwnerOverlapCopyAttributeSet::overlap,&(*pi)));
640 if (std::get<2>(*i)==OwnerOverlapCopyAttributeSet::copy)
641 modifier.insert(RX(OwnerOverlapCopyAttributeSet::copy,&(*pi)));
642 }
643 }else{
644 // Force remote indices to be synced!
645 ri.template getModifier<false,true>(0);
646 }
647 }
649 // destructor: free memory in some objects
651 {
652 ri.free();
653 if (OwnerToAllInterfaceBuilt) OwnerToAllInterface.free();
654 if (OwnerOverlapToAllInterfaceBuilt) OwnerOverlapToAllInterface.free();
655 if (OwnerCopyToAllInterfaceBuilt) OwnerCopyToAllInterface.free();
656 if (OwnerCopyToOwnerCopyInterfaceBuilt) OwnerCopyToOwnerCopyInterface.free();
657 if (CopyToAllInterfaceBuilt) CopyToAllInterface.free();
658 if (globalLookup_) delete globalLookup_;
659 if (freecomm==true)
660 if(comm!=MPI_COMM_NULL)
661 {
662#ifdef MPI_2
663 // If it is possible to query whether MPI_Finalize
664 // was called, only free the communicator before
665 // calling MPI_Finalize.
666 int wasFinalized = 0;
667 MPI_Finalized( &wasFinalized );
668 if(!wasFinalized)
670 MPI_Comm_free(&comm);
671 }
672 }
674 private:
676 {}
677 MPI_Comm comm;
678 Communication<MPI_Comm> cc;
679 PIS pis;
680 RI ri;
681 mutable IF OwnerToAllInterface;
682 mutable bool OwnerToAllInterfaceBuilt;
683 mutable IF OwnerOverlapToAllInterface;
684 mutable bool OwnerOverlapToAllInterfaceBuilt;
685 mutable IF OwnerCopyToAllInterface;
686 mutable bool OwnerCopyToAllInterfaceBuilt;
687 mutable IF OwnerCopyToOwnerCopyInterface;
688 mutable bool OwnerCopyToOwnerCopyInterfaceBuilt;
689 mutable IF CopyToAllInterface;
690 mutable bool CopyToAllInterfaceBuilt;
691 mutable std::vector<double> mask;
692 int oldseqNo;
693 GlobalLookupIndexSet* globalLookup_;
694 const SolverCategory::Category category_;
695 bool freecomm;
696 };
703} // end namespace
A set containing everything.
Definition: enumset.hh:44
A communicator that uses buffers to gather and scatter the data to be send or received.
Definition: communicator.hh:458
void free()
Free the allocated memory (i.e. buffers and message information.
A set combining two other sets.
Definition: enumset.hh:111
Specialization of Communication for MPI.
Definition: mpicommunication.hh:108
T sum(const T &in) const
Compute the sum of the argument over all processes and return the result in every process....
Definition: mpicommunication.hh:201
A constant random access iterator for the Dune::ArrayList class.
Definition: arraylist.hh:370
A set consisting only of one item.
Definition: enumset.hh:61
derive error class from the base class in common
Definition: istlexception.hh:19
Information about the index distribution.
Definition: owneroverlapcopy.hh:78
std::tuple< GlobalIdType, LocalIdType, int > IndexTripel
A triple describing a local index.
Definition: owneroverlapcopy.hh:92
void addRemoteIndex(const RemoteIndexTripel &x)
Add a new remote index triple to the set of remote indices.
Definition: owneroverlapcopy.hh:120
G GlobalIdType
The type of the global index.
Definition: owneroverlapcopy.hh:81
const std::set< IndexTripel > & localIndices() const
Get the set of indices local to the process.
Definition: owneroverlapcopy.hh:133
const std::set< RemoteIndexTripel > & remoteIndices() const
Get the set of remote indices.
Definition: owneroverlapcopy.hh:142
L LocalIdType
The type of the local index.
Definition: owneroverlapcopy.hh:84
void clear()
Remove all indices from the sets.
Definition: owneroverlapcopy.hh:150
void addLocalIndex(const IndexTripel &x)
Add a new index triple to the set of local indices.
Definition: owneroverlapcopy.hh:106
std::tuple< int, GlobalIdType, int > RemoteIndexTripel
A triple describing a remote index.
Definition: owneroverlapcopy.hh:99
Communication interface between remote and local indices.
Definition: interface.hh:209
A class setting up standard communication for a two-valued attribute set with owner/overlap/copy sema...
Definition: owneroverlapcopy.hh:174
FieldTraits< typenameT1::field_type >::real_type norm(const T1 &x) const
Compute the global Euclidean norm of a vector.
Definition: owneroverlapcopy.hh:425
OwnerOverlapCopyCommunication(const IndexInfoFromGrid< GlobalIdType, LocalIdType > &indexinfo, MPI_Comm comm_, SolverCategory::Category cat_=SolverCategory::overlapping, bool freecomm_=false)
Definition: owneroverlapcopy.hh:586
SolverCategory::Category category() const
Get Solver Category.
Definition: owneroverlapcopy.hh:295
void addOwnerCopyToOwnerCopy(const T &source, T &dest) const
Communicate values from owner and copy data points to owner and copy data points and add them to thos...
Definition: owneroverlapcopy.hh:379
RemoteIndices & remoteIndices()
Get the underlying remote indices.
Definition: owneroverlapcopy.hh:490
const ParallelIndexSet & indexSet() const
Get the underlying parallel index set.
Definition: owneroverlapcopy.hh:462
void addOwnerOverlapToAll(const T &source, T &dest) const
Communicate values from owner data points to all other data points and add them to those values.
Definition: owneroverlapcopy.hh:345
Dune::RemoteIndices< PIS > RemoteIndices
The type of the remote indices.
Definition: owneroverlapcopy.hh:452
void project(T1 &x) const
Set vector to zero at copy dofs.
Definition: owneroverlapcopy.hh:538
void copyCopyToAll(const T &source, T &dest) const
Communicate values from copy data points to all other data points.
Definition: owneroverlapcopy.hh:328
Dune::GlobalLookupIndexSet< ParallelIndexSet > GlobalLookupIndexSet
The type of the reverse lookup of indices.
Definition: owneroverlapcopy.hh:456
OwnerOverlapCopyCommunication(MPI_Comm comm_, SolverCategory::Category cat_=SolverCategory::overlapping, bool freecomm_=false)
Construct the communication without any indices.
Definition: owneroverlapcopy.hh:554
ParallelIndexSet & indexSet()
Get the underlying parallel index set.
Definition: owneroverlapcopy.hh:480
void dot(const T1 &x, const T1 &y, T2 &result) const
Compute a global dot product of two vectors.
Definition: owneroverlapcopy.hh:398
OwnerOverlapCopyCommunication(SolverCategory::Category cat_=SolverCategory::overlapping)
Construct the communication without any indices using MPI_COMM_WORLD.
Definition: owneroverlapcopy.hh:572
void copyOwnerToAll(const T &source, T &dest) const
Communicate values from owner data points to all other data points.
Definition: owneroverlapcopy.hh:311
const RemoteIndices & remoteIndices() const
Get the underlying remote indices.
Definition: owneroverlapcopy.hh:471
friend void loadMatrixMarket(M &, const std::string &, OwnerOverlapCopyCommunication< G, L > &, bool)
Load a parallel matrix/vector stored in matrix market format.
Definition: matrixmarket.hh:1269
void addOwnerCopyToAll(const T &source, T &dest) const
Communicate values from owner and copy data points to all other data points and add them to those val...
Definition: owneroverlapcopy.hh:362
Dune::ParallelIndexSet< GlobalIdType, LI, 512 > ParallelIndexSet
The type of the parallel index set.
Definition: owneroverlapcopy.hh:449
An index present on the local process with an additional attribute flag.
Definition: plocalindex.hh:49
Modifier for adding and/or deleting remote indices from the remote index list.
Definition: remoteindices.hh:551
void insert(const RemoteIndex &index)
Insert an index to the list.
Definition: remoteindices.hh:1605
Information about an index residing on another processor.
Definition: remoteindices.hh:73
void setIndexSets(const ParallelIndexSet &source, const ParallelIndexSet &destination, const MPI_Comm &comm, const std::vector< int > &neighbours=std::vector< int >())
Set the index sets and communicator we work with.
Definition: remoteindices.hh:984
void free()
Free the index lists.
Definition: remoteindices.hh:1429
Provides utility classes for syncing distributed data via MPI communication.
Implements an utility class that provides collective communication methods for sequential programs.
Provides a map between global and local indices.
Classes for building sets out of enumeration values.
void beginResize()
Indicate that the index set is to be resized.
void build(const R &remoteIndices, const T1 &sourceFlags, const T2 &destFlags)
Builds the interface.
Definition: interface.hh:461
void add(const GlobalIndex &global)
Add an new index to the set.
iterator begin()
Get an iterator over the indices positioned at the first index.
iterator end()
Get an iterator over the indices positioned after the last index.
void endResize()
Indicate that the resizing finishes.
int seqNo() const
Get the internal sequence number.
void free()
Frees memory allocated during the build.
Definition: interface.hh:492
#define DUNE_THROW(E, m)
Definition: exceptions.hh:218
Provides classes for reading and writing MatrixMarket Files with an extension for parallel matrices.
Implements an utility class that provides MPI's collective communication methods.
Dune namespace.
Definition: alignedallocator.hh:13
Classes describing a distributed indexset.
V::value_type IndexedType
The type we get at each index with operator[].
Definition: communicator.hh:147
Attribute set for overlapping Schwarz.
Definition: owneroverlapcopy.hh:59
gather/scatter callback for communcation
Definition: owneroverlapcopy.hh:204
Definition: solvercategory.hh:23
@ overlapping
Category for overlapping solvers.
Definition: solvercategory.hh:29
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