Dune Core Modules (2.9.0)

Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (C) DUNE Project contributors, see file LICENSE.md in module root
2 // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-GPL-2.0-only-with-DUNE-exception
3 // -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
4 // vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
5 #ifndef DUNE_ISTL_LDL_HH
6 #define DUNE_ISTL_LDL_HH
10 #include <iostream>
11 #include <memory>
12 #include <type_traits>
14 #ifdef __cplusplus
15 extern "C"
16 {
17 #include "ldl.h"
18 #include "amd.h"
19 }
20 #endif
24 #include <dune/istl/bccsmatrixinitializer.hh>
25 #include <dune/istl/solvers.hh>
26 #include <dune/istl/solvertype.hh>
27 #include <dune/istl/solverfactory.hh>
29 namespace Dune {
41  // forward declarations
42  template<class M, class T, class TM, class TD, class TA>
43  class SeqOverlappingSchwarz;
45  template<class T, bool tag>
46  struct SeqOverlappingSchwarzAssemblerHelper;
54  template<class Matrix>
55  class LDL
56  {};
71  template<typename T, typename A, int n, int m>
72  class LDL<BCRSMatrix<FieldMatrix<T,n,m>,A > >
73  : public InverseOperator<BlockVector<FieldVector<T,m>, typename std::allocator_traits<A>::template rebind_alloc<FieldVector<T,m> > >,
74  BlockVector<FieldVector<T,n>, typename std::allocator_traits<A>::template rebind_alloc<FieldVector<T,n> > > >
75  {
76  public:
81  typedef Dune::ISTL::Impl::BCCSMatrix<T,int> LDLMatrix;
83  typedef ISTL::Impl::BCCSMatrixInitializer<BCRSMatrix<FieldMatrix<T,n,m>,A>, int> MatrixInitializer;
85  typedef Dune::BlockVector<FieldVector<T,m>, typename std::allocator_traits<A>::template rebind_alloc<FieldVector<T,m> > > domain_type;
87  typedef Dune::BlockVector<FieldVector<T,n>, typename std::allocator_traits<A>::template rebind_alloc<FieldVector<T,n> > > range_type;
91  {
92  return SolverCategory::Category::sequential;
93  }
104  LDL(const Matrix& matrix, int verbose=0) : matrixIsLoaded_(false), verbose_(verbose)
105  {
106  //check whether T is a supported type
107  static_assert(std::is_same<T,double>::value,"Unsupported Type in LDL (only double supported)");
108  setMatrix(matrix);
109  }
120  LDL(const Matrix& matrix, int verbose, bool) : matrixIsLoaded_(false), verbose_(verbose)
121  {
122  //check whether T is a supported type
123  static_assert(std::is_same<T,double>::value,"Unsupported Type in LDL (only double supported)");
124  setMatrix(matrix);
125  }
136  LDL(const Matrix& matrix, const ParameterTree& config)
137  : LDL(matrix, config.get<int>("verbose", 0))
138  {}
141  LDL() : matrixIsLoaded_(false), verbose_(0)
142  {}
145  virtual ~LDL()
146  {
147  if ((ldlMatrix_.N() + ldlMatrix_.M() > 0) || matrixIsLoaded_)
148  free();
149  }
153  {
154  const int dimMat(ldlMatrix_.N());
155  ldl_perm(dimMat, Y_, reinterpret_cast<double*>(&b[0]), P_);
156  ldl_lsolve(dimMat, Y_, Lp_, Li_, Lx_);
157  ldl_dsolve(dimMat, Y_, D_);
158  ldl_ltsolve(dimMat, Y_, Lp_, Li_, Lx_);
159  ldl_permt(dimMat, reinterpret_cast<double*>(&x[0]), Y_, P_);
160  // this is a direct solver
161  res.iterations = 1;
162  res.converged = true;
163  }
166  virtual void apply(domain_type& x, range_type& b, [[maybe_unused]] double reduction, InverseOperatorResult& res)
167  {
168  apply(x,b,res);
169  }
176  void apply(T* x, T* b)
177  {
178  const int dimMat(ldlMatrix_.N());
179  ldl_perm(dimMat, Y_, b, P_);
180  ldl_lsolve(dimMat, Y_, Lp_, Li_, Lx_);
181  ldl_dsolve(dimMat, Y_, D_);
182  ldl_ltsolve(dimMat, Y_, Lp_, Li_, Lx_);
183  ldl_permt(dimMat, x, Y_, P_);
184  }
186  void setOption([[maybe_unused]] unsigned int option, [[maybe_unused]] double value)
187  {}
190  void setMatrix(const Matrix& matrix)
191  {
192  if ((ldlMatrix_.N() + ldlMatrix_.M() > 0) || matrixIsLoaded_)
193  free();
195  if (ldlMatrix_.N() + ldlMatrix_.M() + ldlMatrix_.nonzeroes() != 0)
196  ldlMatrix_.free();
197  ldlMatrix_.setSize(MatrixDimension<Matrix>::rowdim(matrix),
198  MatrixDimension<Matrix>::coldim(matrix));
199  ISTL::Impl::BCCSMatrixInitializer<Matrix, int> initializer(ldlMatrix_);
201  copyToBCCSMatrix(initializer, matrix);
203  decompose();
204  }
206  template<class S>
207  void setSubMatrix(const Matrix& matrix, const S& rowIndexSet)
208  {
209  if ((ldlMatrix_.N() + ldlMatrix_.M() > 0) || matrixIsLoaded_)
210  free();
212  if (ldlMatrix_.N() + ldlMatrix_.M() + ldlMatrix_.nonzeroes() != 0)
213  ldlMatrix_.free();
215  ldlMatrix_.setSize(rowIndexSet.size()*MatrixDimension<Matrix>::rowdim(matrix) / matrix.N(),
216  rowIndexSet.size()*MatrixDimension<Matrix>::coldim(matrix) / matrix.M());
217  ISTL::Impl::BCCSMatrixInitializer<Matrix, int> initializer(ldlMatrix_);
219  copyToBCCSMatrix(initializer, ISTL::Impl::MatrixRowSubset<Matrix,std::set<std::size_t> >(matrix,rowIndexSet));
221  decompose();
222  }
228  inline void setVerbosity(int v)
229  {
230  verbose_=v;
231  }
238  {
239  return ldlMatrix_;
240  }
246  void free()
247  {
248  delete [] D_;
249  delete [] Y_;
250  delete [] Lp_;
251  delete [] Lx_;
252  delete [] Li_;
253  delete [] P_;
254  delete [] Pinv_;
255  ldlMatrix_.free();
256  matrixIsLoaded_ = false;
257  }
260  inline const char* name()
261  {
262  return "LDL";
263  }
269  inline double* getD()
270  {
271  return D_;
272  }
278  inline int* getLp()
279  {
280  return Lp_;
281  }
287  inline int* getLi()
288  {
289  return Li_;
290  }
296  inline double* getLx()
297  {
298  return Lx_;
299  }
301  private:
302  template<class M,class X, class TM, class TD, class T1>
303  friend class SeqOverlappingSchwarz;
305  friend struct SeqOverlappingSchwarzAssemblerHelper<LDL<Matrix>,true>;
308  void decompose()
309  {
310  // allocate vectors
311  const int dimMat(ldlMatrix_.N());
312  D_ = new double [dimMat];
313  Y_ = new double [dimMat];
314  Lp_ = new int [dimMat + 1];
315  Parent_ = new int [dimMat];
316  Lnz_ = new int [dimMat];
317  Flag_ = new int [dimMat];
318  Pattern_ = new int [dimMat];
319  P_ = new int [dimMat];
320  Pinv_ = new int [dimMat];
322  double Info [AMD_INFO];
323  if(amd_order (dimMat, ldlMatrix_.getColStart(), ldlMatrix_.getRowIndex(), P_, (double *) NULL, Info) < AMD_OK)
324  DUNE_THROW(InvalidStateException,"Error: AMD failed!");
325  if(verbose_ > 0)
326  amd_info (Info);
327  // compute the symbolic factorisation
328  ldl_symbolic(dimMat, ldlMatrix_.getColStart(), ldlMatrix_.getRowIndex(), Lp_, Parent_, Lnz_, Flag_, P_, Pinv_);
329  // initialise those entries of additionalVectors_ whose dimension is known only now
330  Lx_ = new double [Lp_[dimMat]];
331  Li_ = new int [Lp_[dimMat]];
332  // compute the numeric factorisation
333  const int rank(ldl_numeric(dimMat, ldlMatrix_.getColStart(), ldlMatrix_.getRowIndex(), ldlMatrix_.getValues(),
334  Lp_, Parent_, Lnz_, Li_, Lx_, D_, Y_, Pattern_, Flag_, P_, Pinv_));
335  // free temporary vectors
336  delete [] Flag_;
337  delete [] Pattern_;
338  delete [] Parent_;
339  delete [] Lnz_;
341  if(rank!=dimMat)
342  DUNE_THROW(InvalidStateException,"Error: LDL factorisation failed!");
343  }
345  LDLMatrix ldlMatrix_;
346  bool matrixIsLoaded_;
347  int verbose_;
348  int* Lp_;
349  int* Parent_;
350  int* Lnz_;
351  int* Flag_;
352  int* Pattern_;
353  int* P_;
354  int* Pinv_;
355  double* D_;
356  double* Y_;
357  double* Lx_;
358  int* Li_;
359  };
361  template<typename T, typename A, int n, int m>
362  struct IsDirectSolver<LDL<BCRSMatrix<FieldMatrix<T,n,m>,A> > >
363  {
364  enum {value = true};
365  };
367  template<typename T, typename A, int n, int m>
368  struct StoresColumnCompressed<LDL<BCRSMatrix<FieldMatrix<T,n,m>,A> > >
369  {
370  enum {value = true};
371  };
373  struct LDLCreator {
374  template<class F> struct isValidBlock : std::false_type{};
375  template<int k> struct isValidBlock<FieldVector<double,k>> : std::true_type{};
377  template<typename TL, typename M>
378  std::shared_ptr<Dune::InverseOperator<typename Dune::TypeListElement<1, TL>::type,
379  typename Dune::TypeListElement<2, TL>::type>>
380  operator() (TL /*tl*/, const M& mat, const Dune::ParameterTree& config,
381  std::enable_if_t<
382  isValidBlock<typename Dune::TypeListElement<1, TL>::type::block_type>::value,int> = 0) const
383  {
384  int verbose = config.get("verbose", 0);
385  return std::make_shared<Dune::LDL<M>>(mat,verbose);
386  }
388  // second version with SFINAE to validate the template parameters of LDL
389  template<typename TL, typename M>
390  std::shared_ptr<Dune::InverseOperator<typename Dune::TypeListElement<1, TL>::type,
391  typename Dune::TypeListElement<2, TL>::type>>
392  operator() (TL /*tl*/, const M& /*mat*/, const Dune::ParameterTree& /*config*/,
393  std::enable_if_t<
394  !isValidBlock<typename Dune::TypeListElement<1, TL>::type::block_type>::value,int> = 0) const
395  {
396  DUNE_THROW(UnsupportedType,
397  "Unsupported Type in LDL (only double and std::complex<double> supported)");
398  }
399  };
400  DUNE_REGISTER_DIRECT_SOLVER("ldl", Dune::LDLCreator());
402 } // end namespace Dune
406 #endif //DUNE_ISTL_LDL_HH
A sparse block matrix with compressed row storage.
Definition: bcrsmatrix.hh:466
A vector of blocks with memory management.
Definition: bvector.hh:395
A dense n x m matrix.
Definition: fmatrix.hh:117
Default exception if a function was called while the object is not in a valid state for that function...
Definition: exceptions.hh:281
Abstract base class for all solvers.
Definition: solver.hh:99
Use the LDL package to directly solve linear systems – empty default class.
Definition: ldl.hh:56
A generic dynamic dense matrix.
Definition: matrix.hh:561
size_type M() const
Return the number of columns.
Definition: matrix.hh:700
size_type N() const
Return the number of rows.
Definition: matrix.hh:695
Hierarchical structure of string parameters.
Definition: parametertree.hh:37
std::string get(const std::string &key, const std::string &defaultValue) const
get value as string
Definition: parametertree.cc:185
Sequential overlapping Schwarz preconditioner.
Definition: overlappingschwarz.hh:755
A few common exception classes.
#define DUNE_THROW(E, m)
Definition: exceptions.hh:218
Dune::BlockVector< FieldVector< T, m >, typename std::allocator_traits< A >::template rebind_alloc< FieldVector< T, m > > > domain_type
The type of the domain of the solver.
Definition: ldl.hh:85
Dune::ISTL::Impl::BCCSMatrix< T, int > LDLMatrix
The corresponding SuperLU Matrix type.
Definition: ldl.hh:81
void setVerbosity(int v)
Sets the verbosity level for the solver.
Definition: ldl.hh:228
void apply(T *x, T *b)
Additional apply method with c-arrays in analogy to superlu.
Definition: ldl.hh:176
virtual void apply(domain_type &x, range_type &b, [[maybe_unused]] double reduction, InverseOperatorResult &res)
apply inverse operator, with given convergence criteria.
Definition: ldl.hh:166
double * getLx()
Get factorization Lx.
Definition: ldl.hh:296
Dune::BlockVector< FieldVector< T, n >, typename std::allocator_traits< A >::template rebind_alloc< FieldVector< T, n > > > range_type
The type of the range of the solver.
Definition: ldl.hh:87
virtual ~LDL()
Default constructor.
Definition: ldl.hh:145
void free()
Free allocated space.
Definition: ldl.hh:246
virtual void apply(domain_type &x, range_type &b, InverseOperatorResult &res)
Apply inverse operator,.
Definition: ldl.hh:152
void setMatrix(const Matrix &matrix)
Initialize data from given matrix.
Definition: ldl.hh:190
const char * name()
Get method name.
Definition: ldl.hh:260
int * getLi()
Get factorization Li.
Definition: ldl.hh:287
LDL(const Matrix &matrix, int verbose, bool)
Constructor for compatibility with SuperLU standard constructor.
Definition: ldl.hh:120
LDL(const Matrix &matrix, const ParameterTree &config)
Constructs the LDL solver.
Definition: ldl.hh:136
int * getLp()
Get factorization Lp.
Definition: ldl.hh:278
virtual SolverCategory::Category category() const
Category of the solver (see SolverCategory::Category)
Definition: ldl.hh:90
ISTL::Impl::BCCSMatrixInitializer< BCRSMatrix< FieldMatrix< T, n, m >, A >, int > MatrixInitializer
Type of an associated initializer class.
Definition: ldl.hh:83
Default constructor.
Definition: ldl.hh:141
double * getD()
Get factorization diagonal matrix D.
Definition: ldl.hh:269
LDLMatrix & getInternalMatrix()
Return the column compress matrix.
Definition: ldl.hh:237
LDL(const Matrix &matrix, int verbose=0)
Construct a solver object from a BCRSMatrix.
Definition: ldl.hh:104
Dune namespace.
Definition: alignedallocator.hh:13
Implementations of the inverse operator interface.
Templates characterizing the type of a solver.
Statistics about the application of an inverse operator.
Definition: solver.hh:48
int iterations
Number of iterations.
Definition: solver.hh:67
bool converged
True if convergence criterion has been met.
Definition: solver.hh:73
Definition: solvercategory.hh:23
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