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Dune Core Modules (2.9.0)

4#include <array>
5#include <memory>
12#include <dune/alugrid/common/declaration.hh>
13#include <dune/alugrid/3d/alu3dinclude.hh>
15namespace Dune
17 template< class Grid >
18 class ReferenceGridFactory;
21 template< class GridImp, class GeometryImpl, int nChild >
22 class ALULocalGeometryStorage
23 {
24 typedef ALULocalGeometryStorage< GridImp, GeometryImpl, nChild > ThisType;
26 // array with pointers to the geometries
27 std::array< GeometryImpl, nChild > geoms_;
29 // count local geometry creation
30 int count_;
32 // true if geoms have been initialized
33 bool initialized_;
35 // type of grid impl
36 typedef typename GridImp :: ctype ctype;
37 enum{ dimension = GridImp :: dimension };
38 enum{ dimensionworld = GridImp :: dimensionworld };
40 template <int dummy, int dim, int dimworld, int >
41 struct CreateGeometries;
43 template <int dummy, int dimworld>
44 struct CreateGeometries<dummy, 2, dimworld, ALU3DSPACE triangle >
45 {
46 template <class Storage>
47 static inline void createGeometries(Storage& storage,
48 const GeometryType& type,
49 const bool nonConform )
50 {
51 if( nonConform )
52 {
53 typedef ALUGrid< 2, dimworld, simplex, nonconforming, ALUGridNoComm > Grid;
54 storage.template createGeometries< Grid > (type);
55 }
56 else
57 {
58 typedef ALUGrid< 2, dimworld, simplex, conforming, ALUGridNoComm > Grid;
59 storage.template createGeometries< Grid > (type);
60 }
61 }
62 };
64 template <int dummy, int dimworld>
65 struct CreateGeometries<dummy, 2, dimworld, ALU3DSPACE tetra >
66 {
67 template <class Storage>
68 static inline void createGeometries(Storage& storage,
69 const GeometryType& type,
70 const bool nonConform )
71 {
72 if( nonConform )
73 {
74 typedef ALUGrid< 2, dimworld, simplex, nonconforming, ALUGridNoComm > Grid;
75 storage.template createGeometries< Grid > (type);
76 }
77 else
78 {
79 typedef ALUGrid< 2, dimworld, simplex, conforming, ALUGridNoComm > Grid;
80 storage.template createGeometries< Grid > (type);
81 }
82 }
83 };
85 template <int dummy>
86 struct CreateGeometries<dummy, 3, 3, ALU3DSPACE tetra >
87 {
88 template <class Storage>
89 static inline void createGeometries(Storage& storage,
90 const GeometryType& type,
91 const bool nonConform )
92 {
93 alugrid_assert ( nonConform ) ;
94 {
95 typedef ALUGrid< 3, 3, simplex, nonconforming, ALUGridNoComm > Grid;
96 storage.template createGeometries< Grid > (type);
97 }
98 /*
99 // TODO, implement this for refinement of all edges (conforming)
100 else
101 {
102 typedef ALUGrid< 3, 3, simplex, conforming, ALUGridNoComm > Grid;
103 storage.template createGeometries< Grid > (type);
104 }
105 */
106 }
107 };
109 template <int dummy, int dimworld>
110 struct CreateGeometries<dummy, 2, dimworld, ALU3DSPACE quadrilateral >
111 {
112 template <class Storage>
113 static void createGeometries(Storage& storage,
114 const GeometryType& type,
115 const bool nonConform )
116 {
117 alugrid_assert ( nonConform ) ;
118 {
119 typedef ALUGrid< 2, dimworld, cube, nonconforming, ALUGridNoComm > Grid;
120 storage.template createGeometries< Grid > (type);
121 }
122 }
123 };
125 template <int dummy, int dimworld>
126 struct CreateGeometries<dummy, 2, dimworld, ALU3DSPACE hexa >
127 {
128 template <class Storage>
129 static void createGeometries(Storage& storage,
130 const GeometryType& type,
131 const bool nonConform )
132 {
133 alugrid_assert ( nonConform ) ;
134 {
135 typedef ALUGrid< 2, dimworld, cube, nonconforming, ALUGridNoComm > Grid;
136 storage.template createGeometries< Grid > (type);
137 }
138 }
139 };
141 template <int dummy>
142 struct CreateGeometries<dummy, 3, 3, ALU3DSPACE hexa >
143 {
144 template <class Storage>
145 static void createGeometries(Storage& storage,
146 const GeometryType& type,
147 const bool nonConform )
148 {
149 alugrid_assert ( nonConform );
150 {
151 typedef ALUGrid< 3, 3, cube, nonconforming, ALUGridNoComm > Grid;
152 storage.template createGeometries< Grid > (type);
153 }
154 }
155 };
157 public:
158 // create empty storage
159 inline ALULocalGeometryStorage ( const GeometryType type, const bool nonConform )
160 : count_( 0 ), initialized_( false )
161 {
162 // initialize geometries
163 initialize( type, nonConform );
164 }
166 // create empty storage
167 inline ALULocalGeometryStorage ()
168 : count_( 0 ), initialized_( false )
169 {
170 }
172 // return reference to local geometry
173 inline const GeometryImpl& operator [] (int child) const
174 {
175 alugrid_assert ( geomCreated(child) );
176 // this method is not thread safe yet
177 return geoms_[child];
178 }
181 static inline const ThisType& storage( const GeometryType type, const bool nonConforming )
182 {
183 if( type.isSimplex() )
184 {
185 // create static variable for this thread
186 static ThisType simplexGeoms( type, nonConforming );
187 return simplexGeoms ;
188 }
189 else
190 {
191 // should be a cube geometry a this point
192 alugrid_assert( type.isCube() );
194 // create static variable
195 static ThisType cubeGeoms( type, nonConforming );
196 return cubeGeoms ;
197 }
198 }
200 protected:
201 // check if geometry has been created
202 inline bool geomCreated(int child) const { return geoms_[child].valid(); }
205 inline bool initialize( const GeometryType type, const bool nonConform )
206 {
207 if( ! initialized_ )
208 {
209 // first set flag, because this method might be called again during
210 // creation of local geometries and then result in an infinite loop
211 initialized_ = true ;
213 // the idea is to create a grid containing the reference element,
214 // refine once and the store the father - child relations
215 CreateGeometries<0, dimension, dimensionworld, GridImp :: elementType >
216 ::createGeometries(*this, type, nonConform);
217 return true;
218 }
219 return false;
220 }
222 template < class Grid >
223 inline void createGeometries(const GeometryType& type)
224 {
225 static bool firstCall = true ;
226 if( firstCall )
227 {
228 firstCall = false ;
230 // create factory for the reference element grid
231 ReferenceGridFactory< Grid > factory;
233 const auto& refElem =
236 // insert vertices
237 FieldVector<ctype, dimensionworld> pos( 0 );
238 const int vxSize = refElem.size(dimension);
239 for(int i=0; i<vxSize; ++i)
240 {
241 FieldVector<ctype, dimension> position = refElem.position(i, dimension );
242 // copy position
243 for(int d = 0; d<dimension; ++d )
244 pos[ d ] = position[ d ];
246 factory.insertVertex( pos );
247 }
249 std::vector< unsigned int > vertices( vxSize );
250 // create grid with reference element
251 for(size_t i=0; i<vertices.size(); ++i) vertices[ i ] = i;
252 factory.insertElement(type, vertices);
254 std::unique_ptr< Grid > gridPtr( factory.createGrid() );
255 Grid& grid = *gridPtr;
257 // refine once to get children in the reference element
258 const int level = 1;
259 grid.globalRefine( level );
261 {
262 typedef typename Grid :: MacroGridView MacroGridView;
263 MacroGridView macroView = grid.template macroGridView< All_Partition > ();
264 typedef typename MacroGridView :: template Codim< 0 > :: Iterator Iterator;
266 Iterator it = macroView.template begin<0> ();
268 if( it == macroView.template end<0>() )
269 DUNE_THROW(InvalidStateException,"Empty Grid, should contain at least 1 element");
271 typedef typename Iterator :: Entity EntityType;
273 const EntityType& entity = *it;
274 const typename EntityType :: Geometry& geo = entity.geometry();
275 typedef typename EntityType :: HierarchicIterator HierarchicIteratorType;
276 const HierarchicIteratorType end = entity.hend( level );
278 int childNum = 0;
279 for( HierarchicIteratorType child = entity.hbegin( level );
280 child != end; ++child, ++childNum )
281 {
282 create( geo, child->geometry(), childNum );
283 }
284 }
285 }
286 }
288 // create local geometry
289 template< class Geometry >
290 inline void create ( const Geometry &father,
291 const Geometry &son,
292 const int child )
293 {
294 alugrid_assert ( !geomCreated( child ) );
295 alugrid_assert ( (child >= 0) && (child < nChild) );
297 alugrid_assert ( (count_ < nChild) );
298 ++count_;
300 geoms_[ child ].buildGeomInFather( father, son );
301 }
303 };
305} // namespace Dune
A few common exception classes.
Different resources needed by all grid implementations.
Provide a generic factory class for unstructured grids.
#define DUNE_THROW(E, m)
Definition: exceptions.hh:218
constexpr GeometryType triangle
GeometryType representing a triangle.
Definition: type.hh:518
constexpr GeometryType quadrilateral
GeometryType representing a quadrilateral (a square).
Definition: type.hh:524
ImplementationDefined child(Node &&node, Indices... indices)
Extracts the child of a node given by a sequence of compile-time and run-time indices.
Definition: childextraction.hh:126
Dune namespace.
Definition: alignedallocator.hh:13
static const ReferenceElement & general(const GeometryType &type)
get general reference elements
Definition: referenceelements.hh:198
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