Dune Core Modules (2.9.0)

4#include <fstream>
5#include <sstream>
6#include <vector>
11#include <dune/grid/spgrid/cube.hh>
13#include <dune/grid/spgrid/multiindex.hh>
14#include <dune/grid/spgrid/refinement.hh>
16namespace Dune
19 // SPGridIOData
20 // ------------
22 template< class ctype, int dim, template< int > class Ref >
23 struct SPGridIOData
24 {
25 typedef SPTopology< dim > Topology;
26 typedef SPCube< ctype, dim > Cube;
27 typedef typename Cube::GlobalVector GlobalVector;
28 typedef SPMultiIndex< dim > MultiIndex;
29 typedef Ref< dim > Refinement;
30 typedef typename Refinement::Policy RefinementPolicy;
32 ctype time;
33 std::vector< Cube > cubes;
34 Topology topology;
35 MultiIndex cells;
36 MultiIndex overlap;
37 int partitions;
38 int maxLevel;
39 std::vector< RefinementPolicy > refinements;
41 bool write ( std::ostream &stream ) const;
42 bool write ( const std::string &filename ) const;
43 bool read ( std::istream &stream, const std::string &info = "" );
44 bool read ( const std::string &filename );
46 private:
47 static std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > version ()
48 {
49 return std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int >( DUNE_SPGRID_VERSION_MAJOR, DUNE_SPGRID_VERSION_MINOR );
50 }
52 static std::string readLine ( std::istream &stream, unsigned int *count = 0 );
53 };
57 // Implementation of SPGridIOData
58 // ------------------------------
60 template< class ctype, int dim, template< int > class Ref >
61 inline bool SPGridIOData< ctype, dim, Ref >::write ( std::ostream &stream ) const
62 {
63 // write header
64 stream << "SPGrid";
65 stream << " dimension=" << dim;
66 stream << " version=" << version().first << "." << version().second;
67 stream << std::endl << std::endl;
69 // write generic information
70 stream << "time " << time << std::endl;
71 stream << std::endl;
73 // write domain information
74 stream << "domain";
75 for( typename std::vector< Cube >::const_iterator it = cubes.begin(); it != cubes.end(); ++it )
76 stream << " " << *it;
77 stream << std::endl;
79 stream << "periodic";
80 for( int i = 0; i < dim; ++i )
81 {
82 if( topology.periodic( i ) )
83 stream << " " << i;
84 }
85 stream << std::endl << std::endl;
87 // write discretization information
88 stream << "cells " << cells << std::endl;
89 stream << "partitions " << partitions << std::endl;
90 stream << "overlap " << overlap << std::endl;
91 stream << std::endl;
93 // write refinement information
94 stream << "maxLevel " << maxLevel << std::endl;
95 stream << "refinement " << Refinement::type() << std::endl;
96 stream << "refinements";
97 for( unsigned int i = 0; i < refinements.size(); ++i )
98 stream << " " << refinements[ i ];
99 stream << std::endl;
100 return bool( stream );
101 }
104 template< class ctype, int dim, template< int > class Ref >
105 inline bool SPGridIOData< ctype, dim, Ref >::write ( const std::string &filename ) const
106 {
107 std::ofstream stream( filename.c_str() );
108 return (stream ? write( stream ) : false);
109 }
112 template< class ctype, int dim, template< int > class Ref >
113 inline bool
114 SPGridIOData< ctype, dim, Ref >::read ( std::istream &stream, const std::string &info )
115 {
116 unsigned int lineNr = 0;
117 std::string line = readLine( stream, &lineNr );
118 std::istringstream lineIn( line );
119 lineIn >> match( std::string( "SPGrid" ) );
120 if( lineIn.fail() )
121 {
122 std::cerr << info << "[ " << lineNr << " ]: 'SPGrid' expected." << std::endl;
123 return false;
124 }
126 int fdim = -1;
128 while( isGood( lineIn ) )
129 {
130 std::string tag;
131 lineIn >> tag;
133 const size_t eq = tag.find( '=' );
134 const std::string key = tag.substr( 0, eq );
135 const std::string value = (eq+1 < tag.size() ? tag.substr( eq+1 ) : std::string());
136 std::istringstream valueIn( value );
137 if( key == "version" )
138 {
139 // ensure that the check passes on read failure
140 std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > fileVersion;
141 valueIn >> fileVersion.first >> match( '.' ) >> fileVersion.second;
142 if( fileVersion > version() )
143 {
144 std::cerr << info << "[ " << lineNr << " ]: File was created by newer version of SPGrid." << std::endl;
145 return false;
146 }
147 }
148 else if( key == "dimension" )
149 valueIn >> fdim;
150 else
151 {
152 std::cerr << info << "[ " << lineNr << " ]: Invalid tag: '" << key << "'." << std::endl;
153 return false;
154 }
155 if( !valueIn )
156 {
157 std::cerr << info << "[ " << lineNr << " ]: Invalid value for tag '" << key << "'." << std::endl;
158 return false;
159 }
160 }
162 if( fdim != dim )
163 {
164 std::cerr << info << "[ " << lineNr << " ]: File has wrong grid dimension." << std::endl;
165 return false;
166 }
168 partitions = 1;
169 overlap = MultiIndex::zero();
170 time = ctype( 0 );
171 cubes.clear();
173 const unsigned int flagDomain = 1;
174 const unsigned int flagCells = 2;
175 const unsigned int flagMaxLevel = 4;
176 const unsigned int flagRefinement = 8;
177 const unsigned int flagAll = 15;
178 unsigned int flags = 0;
180 while( true )
181 {
182 std::string line = readLine( stream, &lineNr );
183 if( line.empty() )
184 break;
185 std::istringstream lineIn( line );
187 std::string cmd;
188 lineIn >> cmd;
190 if( cmd == "time" )
191 lineIn >> time;
192 else if ( cmd == "domain" )
193 {
194 while( isGood( lineIn ) )
195 {
196 Cube cube;
197 lineIn >> cube;
198 if( lineIn )
199 cubes.push_back( cube );
200 }
201 if( lineIn )
202 flags |= flagDomain;
203 }
204 else if( cmd == "periodic" )
205 {
206 int periodic = 0;
207 while( isGood( lineIn ) )
208 {
209 int axis;
210 lineIn >> axis;
211 if( (axis < 0) || (axis >= dim) )
212 {
213 std::cerr << info << "[ " << lineNr << " ]: Invalid periodic axis: " << axis << "." << std::endl;
214 return false;
215 }
216 periodic |= (1 << axis);
217 }
218 topology = Topology( periodic );
219 }
220 else if( cmd == "cells" )
221 {
222 lineIn >> cells;
223 if( lineIn )
224 flags |= flagCells;
225 }
226 else if( cmd == "partitions" )
227 {
228 lineIn >> partitions;
229 }
230 else if( cmd == "overlap" )
231 lineIn >> overlap;
232 else if( cmd == "maxLevel" )
233 {
234 lineIn >> maxLevel;
235 flags |= flagMaxLevel;
236 }
237 else if( cmd == "refinement" )
238 {
239 lineIn >> match( Refinement::type() );
240 flags |= flagRefinement;
241 }
242 else if( cmd == "refinements" )
243 {
244 while( isGood( lineIn ) )
245 {
246 RefinementPolicy policy;
247 lineIn >> policy;
248 refinements.push_back( policy );
249 }
250 }
251 else
252 {
253 std::cerr << info << "[ " << lineNr << " ]: Invalid statement: '" << cmd << "'." << std::endl;
254 return false;
255 }
256 if( lineIn.fail() )
257 {
258 std::cerr << info << "[ " << lineNr << " ]: Invalid arguments for '" << cmd << "'." << std::endl;
259 return false;
260 }
261 }
263 if( flags != flagAll )
264 {
265 std::cerr << info << ": File misses required field." << std::endl;
266 return false;
267 }
268 return true;
269 }
272 template< class ctype, int dim, template< int > class Ref >
273 inline bool SPGridIOData< ctype, dim, Ref >::read ( const std::string &filename )
274 {
275 std::ifstream stream( filename.c_str() );
276 return (stream ? read( stream, filename ) : false);
277 }
280 template< class ctype, int dim, template< int > class Ref >
281 inline std::string SPGridIOData< ctype, dim, Ref >::readLine ( std::istream &stream, unsigned int *count )
282 {
283 std::string line;
284 while( line.empty() && !stream.eof() )
285 {
286 std::getline( stream, line );
287 if( count != 0 )
288 ++(*count);
290 // remove leading white space
291 const size_t first = line.find_first_not_of( " \t" );
292 if( first != std::string::npos )
293 line = line.substr( first );
295 // remove trailing comments
296 line = line.substr( 0, line.find_first_of( '#' ) );
297 }
298 return line;
299 }
301} // namespace Dune
303#endif // #ifndef DUNE_SPGRID_FILEIO_HH
A few common exception classes.
topology of a Cartesian grid
Implements a vector constructed from a given type representing a field and a compile-time given size.
bool eq(const T &first, const T &second, typename EpsilonType< T >::Type epsilon)
test for equality using epsilon
Definition: float_cmp.cc:144
auto periodic(RawPreBasisIndicator &&rawPreBasisIndicator, PIS &&periodicIndexSet)
Create a pre-basis factory that can create a periodic pre-basis.
Definition: periodicbasis.hh:191
constexpr GeometryType line
GeometryType representing a line.
Definition: type.hh:512
Dune namespace.
Definition: alignedallocator.hh:13
@ cube
use only cube elements (i.e., quadrilaterals or hexahedra)
Definition: declaration.hh:19
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