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Dune Core Modules (2.9.0)

Go to the documentation of this file.
4#include <type_traits>
5#include <memory>
6#include <vector>
12#include <dune/grid/utility/persistentcontainer.hh>
14#include <dune/alugrid/common/alugrid_assert.hh>
22namespace Dune
26 template <class GridImp>
28 {
30 template<int cd>
31 struct Codim
32 {
33 template<PartitionIteratorType pitype>
34 struct Partition
35 {
36 typedef typename GridImp::Traits::template Codim<cd>::template Partition<pitype>::LevelIterator Iterator;
37 };
38 };
39 };
42 template <class GridImp>
44 {
46 template<int cd>
47 struct Codim
48 {
49 template<PartitionIteratorType pitype>
50 struct Partition
51 {
52 typedef typename GridImp::Traits::template Codim<cd>::
53 template Partition<pitype>::LeafIterator Iterator;
54 };
55 };
56 };
64 template < class GridImp, class IteratorImp >
66 public IndexSet< GridImp, DefaultIndexSet <GridImp, IteratorImp>,
67 unsigned int, std::vector< GeometryType > >
68 {
69 typedef GridImp GridType;
70 enum { dim = GridType::dimension };
72 public:
73 enum { ncodim = GridType::dimension + 1 };
76 typedef unsigned int IndexType;
78 typedef std::vector< GeometryType > Types;
80 private:
82 typedef IteratorImp IteratorType ;
84 public:
85 struct Index
86 {
87 int index_;
88 Index() : index_( -1 ) {}
89 int index() const { return index_; }
90 void set( const int index ) { index_ = index; }
91 };
93 typedef PersistentContainer< GridType, Index > PersistentContainerType ;
94 typedef std::vector< std::unique_ptr< PersistentContainerType > > PersistentContainerVectorType;
96 private:
99 template< int codim >
100 struct InsertEntityLoop
101 {
102 // determine next codim with a sealing of the grid's dimension
103 static const int nextCodim = codim == dim ? dim : codim + 1;
105 static void apply ( const typename GridType::template Codim< 0 >::Entity &entity,
106 PersistentContainerVectorType &indexContainer,
107 std::vector< int > &sizes )
108 {
109 PersistentContainerType &codimContainer = *(indexContainer[ codim ]);
110 if( codim == 0 )
111 {
112 Index &idx = codimContainer[ entity ];
113 if( idx.index() < 0 )
114 idx.set( sizes[ codim ]++ );
115 }
116 else
117 {
118 const int subEntities = entity.subEntities( codim );
119 for( int i = 0; i < subEntities; ++i )
120 {
121 Index &idx = codimContainer( entity, i );
122 if( idx.index() < 0 )
123 idx.set( sizes[ codim ]++ );
124 }
125 }
127 if( codim < dim )
128 {
129 // call next codim, dim will end this loop
130 InsertEntityLoop< nextCodim >::apply( entity, indexContainer, sizes );
131 }
132 }
133 };
135 template <class EntityType, int codim>
136 struct EntitySpec
137 {
138 static IndexType subIndex( const PersistentContainerType& indexContainer,
139 const EntityType & e,
140 int i )
141 {
142 // if the codimension equals that of the entity simply return the index
143 if( codim == EntityType::codimension )
144 return indexContainer[ e ].index();
146 DUNE_THROW(NotImplemented,"subIndex for entities with codimension > 0 is not implemented");
147 return IndexType(-1);
148 }
149 };
151 template <class EntityType>
152 struct EntitySpec<EntityType,0>
153 {
154 static IndexType subIndex( const PersistentContainerType& indexContainer,
155 const EntityType & e,
156 int i )
157 {
158 alugrid_assert ( indexContainer( e, i ).index() >= 0 );
159 return indexContainer( e, i ).index();
160 }
161 };
163 // no copying
164 DefaultIndexSet( const DefaultIndexSet& org ) = delete;
166 public:
169 using IndexSet<GridType, DefaultIndexSet>::subIndex;
173 DefaultIndexSet( const GridType& grid ,
174 const IteratorType& begin,
175 const IteratorType& end,
176 const int level = -1 )
177 : grid_(grid),
178 indexContainers_( ncodim ),
179 size_( ncodim, -1 ),
180 level_(level)
181 {
182 for( int codim=0; codim < ncodim; ++codim )
183 {
184 indexContainers_[ codim ].reset( new PersistentContainerType( grid, codim ) );
185 }
187 calcNewIndex (begin, end);
188 }
190 const PersistentContainerType& indexContainer( const size_t codim ) const
191 {
192 alugrid_assert ( codim < indexContainers_.size() );
193 alugrid_assert ( indexContainers_[ codim ] );
194 return *( indexContainers_[ codim ] );
195 }
197 PersistentContainerType& indexContainer( const size_t codim )
198 {
199 alugrid_assert ( codim < indexContainers_.size() );
200 alugrid_assert ( indexContainers_[ codim ] );
201 return *( indexContainers_[ codim ] );
202 }
205 template<class EntityType>
206 IndexType index (const EntityType & en) const
207 {
208 enum { cd = EntityType::codimension };
209 // this must not be true for vertices
210 // therefore only check other codims
212 const int codim = cd;
213 alugrid_assert ( (codim == dim) ? (1) : ( level_ < 0 ) || (level_ == en.level() ));
214 alugrid_assert ( indexContainer( codim )[ en ].index() >= 0 );
216 return indexContainer( cd )[ en ].index();
217 }
220 template<int cd>
221 IndexType index (const typename GridImp::template Codim<cd>::Entity& en) const
222 {
223 // this must not be true for vertices
224 // therefore only check other codims
226 const int codim = cd;
227 //const bool isLeaf = (codim == 0) ? en.isLeaf() : true ;
229 alugrid_assert ( (codim == dim) ? (true) : ( level_ < 0 ) || (level_ == en.level() ));
230 alugrid_assert ( indexContainer( cd )[ en ].index() >= 0 );
232 return indexContainer( cd )[ en ].index();
233 }
237 template< int cc >
238 IndexType subIndex ( const typename std::remove_const< GridImp >::type::Traits::template Codim< cc >::Entity &e,
239 int i, unsigned int codim ) const
240 {
241 alugrid_assert ( (codim != 0) || (level_ < 0) || ( level_ == e.level() ) );
242 typedef typename std::remove_const< GridImp >::type::Traits::template Codim< cc >::Entity Entity;
243 return EntitySpec< Entity, cc >::subIndex( indexContainer( codim ), e, i );
244 }
247 template<class EntityType>
248 bool contains (const EntityType& en) const
249 {
250 enum { cd = EntityType::codimension };
251 return (indexContainer( cd )[ en ].index() >= 0 );
252 }
255 IndexType size ( int codim ) const
256 {
257 alugrid_assert ( codim >= 0 && codim <= GridType::dimension );
258 return size_[ codim ];
259 }
264 {
265 if( typeNotValid(type) ) return 0;
266 return size_[GridType::dimension-type.dim()];
267 }
271 void calcNewIndex ( const IteratorType &begin, const IteratorType &end )
272 {
273 // resize arrays to new size
274 // and set size to zero
275 for( int cd = 0; cd < ncodim; ++cd )
276 {
277 indexContainer( cd ).resize( Index() );
278 indexContainer( cd ).fill( Index() );
279 size_[ cd ] = 0;
280 }
282 // grid walk to setup index set
283 for( IteratorType it = begin; it != end; ++it )
284 {
285 const typename IteratorType::Entity &entity = *it;
286 alugrid_assert ( ( level_ < 0 ) ? entity.isLeaf() : (entity.level() == level_) );
287 InsertEntityLoop< 0 >::apply( entity, indexContainers_, size_ );
288 }
290 // remember the number of entity on level and cd = 0
291 for(int cd=0; cd<ncodim; ++cd)
292 {
294 const int gridSize = ( level_ < 0 ) ? grid_.size( cd ) : grid_.size( level_, cd);
295 const int mySize = size_[cd];
296 if( mySize > gridSize )
297 {
298 std::cout << "DefaultIndexSet[ " << level_ << " ]: " << mySize << " s | g " << gridSize << std::endl;
299 }
300 // this assertion currently fails for 3d conforming
301 // alugrid_assert ( ( grid_.conformingRefinement() && dim == 3 && level_ >= 0 ) ? true : (mySize <= gridSize) );
303 }
304 }
307 const std::vector<GeometryType>& geomTypes (int codim) const
308 {
309 return grid_.geomTypes( codim );
310 }
313 Types types( const int codim ) const
314 {
315 return geomTypes( codim );
316 }
319 bool containsIndex ( const int cd, const int idx ) const
320 {
321 alugrid_assert ( (typename PersistentContainerType::Size)idx < indexContainer( cd ).size() );
322 return ((indexContainer( cd ).begin() + idx)->index() >= 0);
323 }
325 private:
326 // return whether set has this type stored or not
327 bool typeNotValid (const GeometryType & type) const
328 {
329 int codim = GridType::dimension - type.dim();
330 const std::vector<GeometryType> & geomT = geomTypes(codim);
331 for(size_t i=0; i<geomT.size(); ++i) if(geomT[i] == type) return false;
332 return true;
333 }
335 // grid this index set belongs to
336 const GridType& grid_;
339 PersistentContainerVectorType indexContainers_;
341 // number of entitys of each level an codim
342 std::vector< int > size_;
344 // the level for which this index set is created
345 const int level_;
346 };
352 template <class Grid>
354 {
355 public:
357 typedef int IndexType;
359 public:
360 struct Index
361 {
362 IndexType index_;
363 Index() : index_( -1 ) {}
364 int index() const { return index_; }
365 void set( const int index ) { index_ = index; }
366 };
369 typedef std::vector< Index > SegmentIndexVectorType;
370 protected:
371 SegmentIndexVectorType segmentIndex_;
372 int numSegments_;
374 public:
376 : segmentIndex_(),
377 numSegments_( -1 )
378 {
379 }
382 IndexType index ( const int segmentId ) const
383 {
384 alugrid_assert( valid() );
385 alugrid_assert( segmentId < int(segmentIndex_.size() ) );
386 alugrid_assert( segmentIndex_[ segmentId ].index() >= 0 );
387 return segmentIndex_[ segmentId ].index();
388 }
390 IndexType size() const
391 {
392 alugrid_assert( valid() );
393 return numSegments_;
394 }
398 template <class GridViewType>
399 void update( const GridViewType& gridView )
400 {
401 numSegments_ = 0 ;
402 segmentIndex_.clear();
404 const auto end = gridView.template end<0, Interior_Partition> ();
405 for( auto it = gridView.template begin<0, Interior_Partition> (); it != end; ++ it )
406 {
407 const auto& entity = *it;
408 const auto endi = gridView.iend( entity );
409 for( auto i = gridView.ibegin( entity ); i != endi; ++i )
410 {
411 const auto& intersection = *i;
412 if( intersection.boundary() )
413 {
414 const int id = intersection.impl().segmentId();
415 if( int(segmentIndex_.size()) <= id )
416 segmentIndex_.resize( id+1 );
417 if( segmentIndex_[ id ].index() < 0 )
418 segmentIndex_[ id ].set( numSegments_ ++ );
419 }
420 }
421 }
423 // if segment index is consecutive use identity
424 if( numSegments_ == int(segmentIndex_.size()) )
425 {
426 for( int i=0; i<numSegments_; ++ i )
427 {
428 segmentIndex_[ i ].set( i );
429 }
430 }
431 }
433 bool valid () const { return numSegments_ >= 0; }
434 void invalidate () { numSegments_ = -1; }
435 };
437} // namespace Dune
interfaces and wrappers needed for the callback adaptation provided by AlbertaGrid and dune-ALUGrid
DefaultBoundarySegmentIndexSet creates an index set for the macro boundary segments.
Definition: defaultindexsets.hh:354
int IndexType
type of index
Definition: defaultindexsets.hh:357
void update(const GridViewType &gridView)
Definition: defaultindexsets.hh:399
std::vector< Index > SegmentIndexVectorType
type of geometry types
Definition: defaultindexsets.hh:369
IndexType index(const int segmentId) const
return LevelIndex of given entity
Definition: defaultindexsets.hh:382
DefaultIndexSet creates an index set by using the grids persistent container an a given pair of itera...
Definition: defaultindexsets.hh:68
IndexType size(GeometryType type) const
Definition: defaultindexsets.hh:263
std::vector< GeometryType > Types
type of geometry types
Definition: defaultindexsets.hh:78
Types types(const int codim) const
deliver all geometry types used in this grid
Definition: defaultindexsets.hh:313
IndexType size(int codim) const
return size of IndexSet for a given level and codim
Definition: defaultindexsets.hh:255
IndexType index(const typename GridImp::template Codim< cd >::Entity &en) const
return LevelIndex of given entity
Definition: defaultindexsets.hh:221
bool contains(const EntityType &en) const
returns true if this set provides an index for given entity
Definition: defaultindexsets.hh:248
void calcNewIndex(const IteratorType &begin, const IteratorType &end)
Definition: defaultindexsets.hh:271
const std::vector< GeometryType > & geomTypes(int codim) const
deliver all geometry types used in this grid
Definition: defaultindexsets.hh:307
unsigned int IndexType
type of index
Definition: defaultindexsets.hh:76
bool containsIndex(const int cd, const int idx) const
returns true if this set provides an index for given entity
Definition: defaultindexsets.hh:319
IndexType index(const EntityType &en) const
return LevelIndex of given entity
Definition: defaultindexsets.hh:206
IndexType subIndex(const typename std::remove_const< GridImp >::type::Traits::template Codim< cc >::Entity &e, int i, unsigned int codim) const
Definition: defaultindexsets.hh:238
DefaultIndexSet(const GridType &grid, const IteratorType &begin, const IteratorType &end, const int level=-1)
Definition: defaultindexsets.hh:173
Wrapper class for entities.
Definition: entity.hh:66
Unique label for each type of entities that can occur in DUNE grids.
Definition: type.hh:125
constexpr unsigned int dim() const
Return dimension of the type.
Definition: type.hh:371
Index Set Interface base class.
Definition: indexidset.hh:78
A class for storing data during an adaptation cycle.
Definition: persistentcontainer.hh:22
Different resources needed by all grid implementations.
#define DUNE_THROW(E, m)
Definition: exceptions.hh:218
Dune namespace.
Definition: alignedallocator.hh:13
The types of the iterator.
Definition: defaultindexsets.hh:48
LeafIterator tpyes for all codims and partition types.
Definition: defaultindexsets.hh:44
The types.
Definition: defaultindexsets.hh:32
LevelIterator tpyes for all codims and partition types.
Definition: defaultindexsets.hh:28
Various macros to work with Dune module version numbers.
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