Dune Core Modules (2.7.1)

1// -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
2// vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
8#include <dune/localfunctions/common/localfiniteelementtraits.hh>
9#include <dune/localfunctions/utility/l2interpolation.hh>
10#include <dune/localfunctions/utility/dglocalcoefficients.hh>
12namespace Dune
20 template< class BasisF, class CoeffF, class InterpolF>
22 {
24 typedef LocalFiniteElementTraits< typename BasisF::Object,
25 typename CoeffF::Object,
26 typename InterpolF::Object > Traits;
28 typedef typename BasisF::Key Key;
29 static const unsigned int dimDomain = BasisF::dimension;
31 typedef BasisF BasisFactory;
32 typedef CoeffF CoefficientFactory;
33 typedef InterpolF InterpolationFactory;
35 static_assert(std::is_same<Key, typename CoeffF::Key>::value,
36 "incompatible keys between BasisCreator and CoefficientsCreator");
37 static_assert(std::is_same<Key, typename InterpolF::Key>::value,
38 "incompatible keys between BasisCreator and InterpolationCreator" );
41 GenericLocalFiniteElement ( const GeometryType &gt, const Key &key )
42 : topologyId_( gt.id() ),
43 key_( key ),
44 finiteElement_()
45 {
47 }
51 : topologyId_( other.topologyId_ ),
52 key_( other.key_ ),
53 finiteElement_()
54 {
56 }
59 {
60 finiteElement_.release();
61 }
65 const typename Traits::LocalBasisType& localBasis () const
66 {
67 return *(finiteElement_.basis_);
68 }
73 {
74 return *(finiteElement_.coeff_);
75 }
80 {
81 return *(finiteElement_.interpol_);
82 }
85 unsigned int size () const
86 {
87 return finiteElement_.basis_->size();
88 }
93 {
94 return GeometryType(topologyId_,dimDomain);
95 }
100 DUNE_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use type().id() instead!")
101 unsigned int topologyId () const
102 {
103 return topologyId_;
104 }
105 private:
106 struct FiniteElement
107 {
108 FiniteElement() : basis_(0), coeff_(0), interpol_(0) {}
109 template <class Topology>
110 void create( const Key &key )
111 {
112 release();
113 basis_ = BasisF::template create<Topology>(key);
114 coeff_ = CoeffF::template create<Topology>(key);
115 interpol_ = InterpolF::template create<Topology>(key);
116 }
117 void release()
118 {
119 if (basis_)
120 BasisF::release(basis_);
121 if (coeff_)
122 CoeffF::release(coeff_);
123 if (interpol_)
124 InterpolF::release(interpol_);
125 basis_=0;
126 coeff_=0;
127 interpol_=0;
128 }
129 template< class Topology >
130 struct Maker
131 {
132 static void apply ( const Key &key, FiniteElement &finiteElement )
133 {
134 finiteElement.template create<Topology>(key);
135 };
136 };
137 typename Traits::LocalBasisType *basis_;
138 typename Traits::LocalCoefficientsType *coeff_;
139 typename Traits::LocalInterpolationType *interpol_;
140 };
141 unsigned int topologyId_;
142 Key key_;
143 FiniteElement finiteElement_;
144 };
152 template <class FE>
154 : public GenericLocalFiniteElement< typename FE::BasisFactory,
155 DGLocalCoefficientsFactory< typename FE::BasisFactory >,
156 typename FE::InterpolationFactory>
157 {
158 typedef GenericLocalFiniteElement< typename FE::BasisFactory,
160 typename FE::InterpolationFactory> Base;
161 public:
162 typedef typename Base::Traits Traits;
166 DGLocalFiniteElement ( const GeometryType &gt, const typename Base::Key &key )
167 : Base( gt, key )
168 {}
169 };
177 template <class FE>
179 : public GenericLocalFiniteElement< typename FE::BasisFactory,
180 DGLocalCoefficientsFactory< typename FE::BasisFactory >,
181 LocalL2InterpolationFactory< typename FE::BasisFactory, false > >
182 {
183 typedef GenericLocalFiniteElement< typename FE::BasisFactory,
186 public:
187 typedef typename Base::Traits Traits;
191 L2LocalFiniteElement ( const GeometryType &gt, const typename Base::Key &key )
192 : Base( gt, key )
193 {}
194 };
Unique label for each type of entities that can occur in DUNE grids.
Definition: type.hh:279
decltype(auto) apply(F &&f, ArgTuple &&args)
Apply function with arguments given as tuple.
Definition: apply.hh:46
Mark some entity as deprecated.
Definition: deprecated.hh:169
bool gt(const T &first, const T &second, typename EpsilonType< T >::Type epsilon)
test if first greater than second
Definition: float_cmp.cc:156
Dune namespace.
Definition: alignedallocator.hh:14
A factory class for the dg local coefficients.
Definition: dglocalcoefficients.hh:57
Takes the basis and interpolation factory from a given LocalFiniteElement (derived from GenericLocalF...
Definition: localfiniteelement.hh:157
DGLocalFiniteElement(const GeometryType &gt, const typename Base::Key &key)
Definition: localfiniteelement.hh:166
A LocalFiniteElement implementation based on three TopologyFactories providing the LocalBasis,...
Definition: localfiniteelement.hh:22
GeometryType type() const
Definition: localfiniteelement.hh:92
GenericLocalFiniteElement(const GenericLocalFiniteElement &other)
Definition: localfiniteelement.hh:50
const Traits::LocalInterpolationType & localInterpolation() const
Definition: localfiniteelement.hh:79
unsigned int size() const
Number of shape functions in this finite element.
Definition: localfiniteelement.hh:85
unsigned int topologyId() const
Definition: localfiniteelement.hh:101
GenericLocalFiniteElement(const GeometryType &gt, const Key &key)
Definition: localfiniteelement.hh:41
const Traits::LocalCoefficientsType & localCoefficients() const
Definition: localfiniteelement.hh:72
const Traits::LocalBasisType & localBasis() const
Definition: localfiniteelement.hh:65
Takes the basis factory from a given LocalFiniteElement (derived from GenericLocalFiniteElement) and ...
Definition: localfiniteelement.hh:182
L2LocalFiniteElement(const GeometryType &gt, const typename Base::Key &key)
Definition: localfiniteelement.hh:191
traits helper struct
Definition: localfiniteelementtraits.hh:11
LB LocalBasisType
Definition: localfiniteelementtraits.hh:14
LC LocalCoefficientsType
Definition: localfiniteelementtraits.hh:18
LI LocalInterpolationType
Definition: localfiniteelementtraits.hh:22
A factory class for the local l2 interpolations taking a basis factory.
Definition: l2interpolation.hh:197
A unique label for each type of element that can occur in a grid.
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