Dune Core Modules (2.6.0)

Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
2 // vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
6 #include <cassert>
7 #include <map>
8 #include <utility>
11 // Explicitly use C linkage as scotch does not extern "C" in its headers.
12 // Works because ParMETIS/METIS checks whether compiler is C++ and otherwise
13 // does not use extern "C". Therfore no nested extern "C" will be created
14 extern "C"
15 {
16 #include <parmetis.h>
17 }
18 #endif
20 #include <dune/common/timer.hh>
21 #include <dune/common/unused.hh>
22 #include <dune/common/enumset.hh>
32 #include <dune/istl/paamg/graph.hh>
42 namespace Dune
43 {
44  namespace Metis
45  {
46  // Explicitly specify a real_t and idx_t for older (Par)METIS versions that do not
47  // provide these typedefs
49  using real_t = ::real_t;
50 #else
51  using real_t = float;
52 #endif
55  using idx_t = ::idx_t;
57  using idx_t = SCOTCH_Num;
59  using idx_t = int;
60 #else
61  using idx_t = std::size_t;
62 #endif
63  }
66 #if HAVE_MPI
80  template<class G, class T1, class T2>
82  {
84  typedef typename IndexSet::LocalIndex::Attribute Attribute;
86  IndexSet& indexSet = oocomm.indexSet();
87  const typename Dune::OwnerOverlapCopyCommunication<T1,T2>::GlobalLookupIndexSet& lookup =oocomm.globalLookup();
89  // The type of the const vertex iterator.
90  typedef typename G::ConstVertexIterator VertexIterator;
93  std::size_t sum=0, needed = graph.noVertices()-indexSet.size();
94  std::vector<std::size_t> neededall(oocomm.communicator().size(), 0);
96  MPI_Allgather(&needed, 1, MPITraits<std::size_t>::getType() , &(neededall[0]), 1, MPITraits<std::size_t>::getType(), oocomm.communicator());
97  for(int i=0; i<oocomm.communicator().size(); ++i)
98  sum=sum+neededall[i]; // MAke this for generic
100  if(sum==0)
101  // Nothing to do
102  return;
104  //Compute Maximum Global Index
105  T1 maxgi=0;
106  typedef typename IndexSet::const_iterator Iterator;
107  Iterator end;
108  end = indexSet.end();
109  for(Iterator it = indexSet.begin(); it != end; ++it)
110  maxgi=std::max(maxgi,it->global());
112  //Process p creates global indices consecutively
113  //starting atmaxgi+\sum_{i=1}^p neededall[i]
114  // All created indices are owned by the process
115  maxgi=oocomm.communicator().max(maxgi);
116  ++maxgi; //Sart with the next free index.
118  for(int i=0; i<oocomm.communicator().rank(); ++i)
119  maxgi=maxgi+neededall[i]; // TODO: make this more generic
121  // Store the global index information for repairing the remote index information
122  std::map<int,SLList<std::pair<T1,Attribute> > > globalIndices;
123  storeGlobalIndicesOfRemoteIndices(globalIndices, oocomm.remoteIndices());
124  indexSet.beginResize();
126  for(VertexIterator vertex = graph.begin(), vend=graph.end(); vertex != vend; ++vertex) {
127  const typename IndexSet::IndexPair* pair=lookup.pair(*vertex);
128  if(pair==0) {
129  // No index yet, add new one
130  indexSet.add(maxgi, typename IndexSet::LocalIndex(*vertex, OwnerOverlapCopyAttributeSet::owner, false));
131  ++maxgi;
132  }
133  }
135  indexSet.endResize();
137  repairLocalIndexPointers(globalIndices, oocomm.remoteIndices(), indexSet);
139  oocomm.freeGlobalLookup();
140  oocomm.buildGlobalLookup();
141 #ifdef DEBUG_REPART
142  std::cout<<"Holes are filled!"<<std::endl;
143  std::cout<<oocomm.communicator().rank()<<": "<<oocomm.indexSet()<<std::endl;
144 #endif
145  }
147  namespace
148  {
150  class ParmetisDuneIndexMap
151  {
152  public:
153  template<class Graph, class OOComm>
154  ParmetisDuneIndexMap(const Graph& graph, const OOComm& com);
155  int toParmetis(int i) const
156  {
157  return duneToParmetis[i];
158  }
159  int toLocalParmetis(int i) const
160  {
161  return duneToParmetis[i]-base_;
162  }
163  int operator[](int i) const
164  {
165  return duneToParmetis[i];
166  }
167  int toDune(int i) const
168  {
169  return parmetisToDune[i];
170  }
171  std::vector<int>::size_type numOfOwnVtx() const
172  {
173  return parmetisToDune.size();
174  }
175  Metis::idx_t* vtxDist()
176  {
177  return &vtxDist_[0];
178  }
179  int globalOwnerVertices;
180  private:
181  int base_;
182  std::vector<int> duneToParmetis;
183  std::vector<int> parmetisToDune;
184  // range of vertices for processor i: vtxdist[i] to vtxdist[i+1] (parmetis global)
185  std::vector<Metis::idx_t> vtxDist_;
186  };
188  template<class G, class OOComm>
189  ParmetisDuneIndexMap::ParmetisDuneIndexMap(const G& graph, const OOComm& oocomm)
190  : duneToParmetis(graph.noVertices(), -1), vtxDist_(oocomm.communicator().size()+1)
191  {
192  int npes=oocomm.communicator().size(), mype=oocomm.communicator().rank();
194  typedef typename OOComm::ParallelIndexSet::const_iterator Iterator;
195  typedef typename OOComm::OwnerSet OwnerSet;
197  int numOfOwnVtx=0;
198  Iterator end = oocomm.indexSet().end();
199  for(Iterator index = oocomm.indexSet().begin(); index != end; ++index) {
200  if (OwnerSet::contains(index->local().attribute())) {
201  numOfOwnVtx++;
202  }
203  }
204  parmetisToDune.resize(numOfOwnVtx);
205  std::vector<int> globalNumOfVtx(npes);
206  // make this number available to all processes
207  MPI_Allgather(&numOfOwnVtx, 1, MPI_INT, &(globalNumOfVtx[0]), 1, MPI_INT, oocomm.communicator());
209  int base=0;
210  vtxDist_[0] = 0;
211  for(int i=0; i<npes; i++) {
212  if (i<mype) {
213  base += globalNumOfVtx[i];
214  }
215  vtxDist_[i+1] = vtxDist_[i] + globalNumOfVtx[i];
216  }
217  globalOwnerVertices=vtxDist_[npes];
218  base_=base;
220  // The type of the const vertex iterator.
221  typedef typename G::ConstVertexIterator VertexIterator;
222 #ifdef DEBUG_REPART
223  std::cout << oocomm.communicator().rank()<<" vtxDist: ";
224  for(int i=0; i<= npes; ++i)
225  std::cout << vtxDist_[i]<<" ";
226  std::cout<<std::endl;
227 #endif
229  // Traverse the graph and assign a new consecutive number/index
230  // starting by "base" to all owner vertices.
231  // The new index is used as the ParMETIS global index and is
232  // stored in the vector "duneToParmetis"
233  VertexIterator vend = graph.end();
234  for(VertexIterator vertex = graph.begin(); vertex != vend; ++vertex) {
235  const typename OOComm::ParallelIndexSet::IndexPair* index=oocomm.globalLookup().pair(*vertex);
236  assert(index);
237  if (OwnerSet::contains(index->local().attribute())) {
238  // assign and count the index
239  parmetisToDune[base-base_]=index->local();
240  duneToParmetis[index->local()] = base++;
241  }
242  }
244  // At this point, every process knows the ParMETIS global index
245  // of it's owner vertices. The next step is to get the
246  // ParMETIS global index of the overlap vertices from the
247  // associated processes. To do this, the Dune::Interface class
248  // is used.
249 #ifdef DEBUG_REPART
250  std::cout <<oocomm.communicator().rank()<<": before ";
251  for(std::size_t i=0; i<duneToParmetis.size(); ++i)
252  std::cout<<duneToParmetis[i]<<" ";
253  std::cout<<std::endl;
254 #endif
255  oocomm.copyOwnerToAll(duneToParmetis,duneToParmetis);
256 #ifdef DEBUG_REPART
257  std::cout <<oocomm.communicator().rank()<<": after ";
258  for(std::size_t i=0; i<duneToParmetis.size(); ++i)
259  std::cout<<duneToParmetis[i]<<" ";
260  std::cout<<std::endl;
261 #endif
262  }
263  }
265  struct RedistributeInterface
266  : public Interface
267  {
268  void setCommunicator(MPI_Comm comm)
269  {
270  communicator_=comm;
271  }
272  template<class Flags,class IS>
273  void buildSendInterface(const std::vector<int>& toPart, const IS& idxset)
274  {
275  std::map<int,int> sizes;
277  typedef typename IS::const_iterator IIter;
278  for(IIter i=idxset.begin(), end=idxset.end(); i!=end; ++i)
279  if(Flags::contains(i->local().attribute()))
280  ++sizes[toPart[i->local()]];
282  // Allocate the necessary space
283  typedef std::map<int,int>::const_iterator MIter;
284  for(MIter i=sizes.begin(), end=sizes.end(); i!=end; ++i)
285  interfaces()[i->first].first.reserve(i->second);
287  //Insert the interface information
288  typedef typename IS::const_iterator IIter;
289  for(IIter i=idxset.begin(), end=idxset.end(); i!=end; ++i)
290  if(Flags::contains(i->local().attribute()))
291  interfaces()[toPart[i->local()]].first.add(i->local());
292  }
294  void reserveSpaceForReceiveInterface(int proc, int size)
295  {
296  interfaces()[proc].second.reserve(size);
297  }
298  void addReceiveIndex(int proc, std::size_t idx)
299  {
300  interfaces()[proc].second.add(idx);
301  }
302  template<typename TG>
303  void buildReceiveInterface(std::vector<std::pair<TG,int> >& indices)
304  {
305  typedef typename std::vector<std::pair<TG,int> >::const_iterator VIter;
306  std::size_t i=0;
307  for(VIter idx=indices.begin(); idx!= indices.end(); ++idx) {
308  interfaces()[idx->second].second.add(i++);
309  }
310  }
312  ~RedistributeInterface()
313  {}
315  };
317  namespace
318  {
328  template<class GI>
329  void createSendBuf(std::vector<GI>& ownerVec, std::set<GI>& overlapVec, std::set<int>& neighbors, char *sendBuf, int buffersize, MPI_Comm comm) {
330  // Pack owner vertices
331  std::size_t s=ownerVec.size();
332  int pos=0;
333  if(s==0)
334  ownerVec.resize(1); // otherwise would read beyond the memory bound
335  MPI_Pack(&s, 1, MPITraits<std::size_t>::getType(), sendBuf, buffersize, &pos, comm);
336  MPI_Pack(&(ownerVec[0]), s, MPITraits<GI>::getType(), sendBuf, buffersize, &pos, comm);
337  s = overlapVec.size();
338  MPI_Pack(&s, 1, MPITraits<std::size_t>::getType(), sendBuf, buffersize, &pos, comm);
339  typedef typename std::set<GI>::iterator Iter;
340  for(Iter i=overlapVec.begin(), end= overlapVec.end(); i != end; ++i)
341  MPI_Pack(const_cast<GI*>(&(*i)), 1, MPITraits<GI>::getType(), sendBuf, buffersize, &pos, comm);
343  s=neighbors.size();
344  MPI_Pack(&s, 1, MPITraits<std::size_t>::getType(), sendBuf, buffersize, &pos, comm);
345  typedef typename std::set<int>::iterator IIter;
347  for(IIter i=neighbors.begin(), end= neighbors.end(); i != end; ++i)
348  MPI_Pack(const_cast<int*>(&(*i)), 1, MPI_INT, sendBuf, buffersize, &pos, comm);
349  }
358  template<class GI>
359  void saveRecvBuf(char *recvBuf, int bufferSize, std::vector<std::pair<GI,int> >& ownerVec,
360  std::set<GI>& overlapVec, std::set<int>& neighbors, RedistributeInterface& inf, int from, MPI_Comm comm) {
361  std::size_t size;
362  int pos=0;
363  // unpack owner vertices
364  MPI_Unpack(recvBuf, bufferSize, &pos, &size, 1, MPITraits<std::size_t>::getType(), comm);
365  inf.reserveSpaceForReceiveInterface(from, size);
366  ownerVec.reserve(ownerVec.size()+size);
367  for(; size!=0; --size) {
368  GI gi;
369  MPI_Unpack(recvBuf, bufferSize, &pos, &gi, 1, MPITraits<GI>::getType(), comm);
370  ownerVec.push_back(std::make_pair(gi,from));
371  }
372  // unpack overlap vertices
373  MPI_Unpack(recvBuf, bufferSize, &pos, &size, 1, MPITraits<std::size_t>::getType(), comm);
374  typename std::set<GI>::iterator ipos = overlapVec.begin();
375  Dune::dverb << "unpacking "<<size<<" overlap"<<std::endl;
376  for(; size!=0; --size) {
377  GI gi;
378  MPI_Unpack(recvBuf, bufferSize, &pos, &gi, 1, MPITraits<GI>::getType(), comm);
379  ipos=overlapVec.insert(ipos, gi);
380  }
381  //unpack neighbors
382  MPI_Unpack(recvBuf, bufferSize, &pos, &size, 1, MPITraits<std::size_t>::getType(), comm);
383  Dune::dverb << "unpacking "<<size<<" neighbors"<<std::endl;
384  typename std::set<int>::iterator npos = neighbors.begin();
385  for(; size!=0; --size) {
386  int n;
387  MPI_Unpack(recvBuf, bufferSize, &pos, &n, 1, MPI_INT, comm);
388  npos=neighbors.insert(npos, n);
389  }
390  }
405  template<typename T>
406  void getDomain(const MPI_Comm& comm, T *part, int numOfOwnVtx, int nparts, int *myDomain, std::vector<int> &domainMapping) {
407  int npes, mype;
408  MPI_Comm_size(comm, &npes);
409  MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &mype);
410  MPI_Status status;
412  *myDomain = -1;
413  int i=0;
414  int j=0;
416  std::vector<int> domain(nparts, 0);
417  std::vector<int> assigned(npes, 0);
418  // init domain Mapping
419  domainMapping.assign(domainMapping.size(), -1);
421  // count the occurrence of domains
422  for (i=0; i<numOfOwnVtx; i++) {
423  domain[part[i]]++;
424  }
426  std::vector<int> domainMatrix(npes * nparts, -1);
428  // init buffer with the own domain
429  int *buf = new int[nparts];
430  for (i=0; i<nparts; i++) {
431  buf[i] = domain[i];
432  domainMatrix[mype*nparts+i] = domain[i];
433  }
434  int pe=0;
435  int src = (mype-1+npes)%npes;
436  int dest = (mype+1)%npes;
437  // ring communication, we need n-1 communications for n processors
438  for (i=0; i<npes-1; i++) {
439  MPI_Sendrecv_replace(buf, nparts, MPI_INT, dest, 0, src, 0, comm, &status);
440  // pe is the process of the actual received buffer
441  pe = ((mype-1-i)+npes)%npes;
442  for(j=0; j<nparts; j++) {
443  // save the values to the domain matrix
444  domainMatrix[pe*nparts+j] = buf[j];
445  }
446  }
447  delete[] buf;
449  // Start the domain calculation.
450  // The process which contains the maximum number of vertices of a
451  // particular domain is selected to choose it's favorate domain
452  int maxOccurance = 0;
453  pe = -1;
454  std::set<std::size_t> unassigned;
456  for(i=0; i<nparts; i++) {
457  for(j=0; j<npes; j++) {
458  // process has no domain assigned
459  if (assigned[j]==0) {
460  if (maxOccurance < domainMatrix[j*nparts+i]) {
461  maxOccurance = domainMatrix[j*nparts+i];
462  pe = j;
463  }
464  }
466  }
467  if (pe!=-1) {
468  // process got a domain, ...
469  domainMapping[i] = pe;
470  // ...mark as assigned
471  assigned[pe] = 1;
472  if (pe==mype) {
473  *myDomain = i;
474  }
475  pe = -1;
476  }
477  else
478  {
479  unassigned.insert(i);
480  }
481  maxOccurance = 0;
482  }
484  typename std::vector<int>::iterator next_free = assigned.begin();
486  for(typename std::set<std::size_t>::iterator domain = unassigned.begin(),
487  end = unassigned.end(); domain != end; ++domain)
488  {
489  next_free = std::find_if(next_free, assigned.end(), std::bind(std::less<int>(), std::placeholders::_1, 1));
490  assert(next_free != assigned.end());
491  domainMapping[*domain] = next_free-assigned.begin();
492  *next_free = 1;
493  }
494  }
496  struct SortFirst
497  {
498  template<class T>
499  bool operator()(const T& t1, const T& t2) const
500  {
501  return t1<t2;
502  }
503  };
516  template<class GI>
517  void mergeVec(std::vector<std::pair<GI, int> >& ownerVec, std::set<GI>& overlapSet) {
519  typedef typename std::vector<std::pair<GI,int> >::const_iterator VIter;
520 #ifdef DEBUG_REPART
521  // Safety check for duplicates.
522  if(ownerVec.size()>0)
523  {
524  VIter old=ownerVec.begin();
525  for(VIter i=old+1, end=ownerVec.end(); i != end; old=i++)
526  {
527  if(i->first==old->first)
528  {
529  std::cerr<<"Value at indes"<<old-ownerVec.begin()<<" is the same as at index "
530  <<i-ownerVec.begin()<<" ["<<old->first<<","<<old->second<<"]==["
531  <<i->first<<","<<i->second<<"]"<<std::endl;
532  throw "Huch!";
533  }
534  }
535  }
537 #endif
539  typedef typename std::set<GI>::iterator SIter;
540  VIter v=ownerVec.begin(), vend=ownerVec.end();
541  for(SIter s=overlapSet.begin(), send=overlapSet.end(); s!=send;)
542  {
543  while(v!=vend && v->first<*s) ++v;
544  if(v!=vend && v->first==*s) {
545  // Move to the next element before erasing
546  // thus s stays valid!
547  SIter tmp=s;
548  ++s;
549  overlapSet.erase(tmp);
550  }else
551  ++s;
552  }
553  }
569  template<class OwnerSet, class Graph, class IS, class GI>
570  void getNeighbor(const Graph& g, std::vector<int>& part,
571  typename Graph::VertexDescriptor vtx, const IS& indexSet,
572  int toPe, std::set<GI>& neighbor, std::set<int>& neighborProcs) {
573  typedef typename Graph::ConstEdgeIterator Iter;
574  for(Iter edge=g.beginEdges(vtx), end=g.endEdges(vtx); edge!=end; ++edge)
575  {
576  const typename IS::IndexPair* pindex = indexSet.pair(edge.target());
577  assert(pindex);
578  if(part[pindex->local()]!=toPe || !OwnerSet::contains(pindex->local().attribute()))
579  {
580  // is sent to another process and therefore becomes overlap
581  neighbor.insert(pindex->global());
582  neighborProcs.insert(part[pindex->local()]);
583  }
584  }
585  }
587  template<class T, class I>
588  void my_push_back(std::vector<T>& ownerVec, const I& index, int proc)
589  {
591  ownerVec.push_back(index);
592  }
594  template<class T, class I>
595  void my_push_back(std::vector<std::pair<T,int> >& ownerVec, const I& index, int proc)
596  {
597  ownerVec.push_back(std::make_pair(index,proc));
598  }
599  template<class T>
600  void reserve(std::vector<T>&, RedistributeInterface&, int)
601  {}
602  template<class T>
603  void reserve(std::vector<std::pair<T,int> >& ownerVec, RedistributeInterface& redist, int proc)
604  {
605  redist.reserveSpaceForReceiveInterface(proc, ownerVec.size());
606  }
626  template<class OwnerSet, class G, class IS, class T, class GI>
627  void getOwnerOverlapVec(const G& graph, std::vector<int>& part, IS& indexSet,
628  int myPe, int toPe, std::vector<T>& ownerVec, std::set<GI>& overlapSet,
629  RedistributeInterface& redist, std::set<int>& neighborProcs) {
631  //typedef typename IndexSet::const_iterator Iterator;
632  typedef typename IS::const_iterator Iterator;
633  for(Iterator index = indexSet.begin(); index != indexSet.end(); ++index) {
634  // Only Process owner vertices, the others are not in the parmetis graph.
635  if(OwnerSet::contains(index->local().attribute()))
636  {
637  if(part[index->local()]==toPe)
638  {
639  getNeighbor<OwnerSet>(graph, part, index->local(), indexSet,
640  toPe, overlapSet, neighborProcs);
641  my_push_back(ownerVec, index->global(), toPe);
642  }
643  }
644  }
645  reserve(ownerVec, redist, toPe);
647  }
656  template<class F, class IS>
657  inline bool isOwner(IS& indexSet, int index) {
659  const typename IS::IndexPair* pindex=indexSet.pair(index);
661  assert(pindex);
662  return F::contains(pindex->local().attribute());
663  }
666  class BaseEdgeFunctor
667  {
668  public:
669  BaseEdgeFunctor(Metis::idx_t* adj,const ParmetisDuneIndexMap& data)
670  : i_(), adj_(adj), data_(data)
671  {}
673  template<class T>
674  void operator()(const T& edge)
675  {
676  // Get the egde weight
677  // const Weight& weight=edge.weight();
678  adj_[i_] = data_.toParmetis(edge.target());
679  i_++;
680  }
681  std::size_t index()
682  {
683  return i_;
684  }
686  private:
687  std::size_t i_;
688  Metis::idx_t* adj_;
689  const ParmetisDuneIndexMap& data_;
690  };
692  template<typename G>
693  struct EdgeFunctor
694  : public BaseEdgeFunctor
695  {
696  EdgeFunctor(Metis::idx_t* adj, const ParmetisDuneIndexMap& data, std::size_t)
697  : BaseEdgeFunctor(adj, data)
698  {}
700  Metis::idx_t* getWeights()
701  {
702  return NULL;
703  }
704  void free(){}
705  };
707  template<class G, class V, class E, class VM, class EM>
708  class EdgeFunctor<Dune::Amg::PropertiesGraph<G,V,E,VM,EM> >
709  : public BaseEdgeFunctor
710  {
711  public:
712  EdgeFunctor(Metis::idx_t* adj, const ParmetisDuneIndexMap& data, std::size_t s)
713  : BaseEdgeFunctor(adj, data)
714  {
715  weight_=new Metis::idx_t[s];
716  }
718  template<class T>
719  void operator()(const T& edge)
720  {
721  weight_[index()]=edge.properties().depends() ? 3 : 1;
722  BaseEdgeFunctor::operator()(edge);
723  }
724  Metis::idx_t* getWeights()
725  {
726  return weight_;
727  }
728  void free(){
729  if(weight_!=0) {
730  delete weight_;
731  weight_=0;
732  }
733  }
734  private:
735  Metis::idx_t* weight_;
736  };
753  template<class F, class G, class IS, class EW>
754  void getAdjArrays(G& graph, IS& indexSet, Metis::idx_t *xadj,
755  EW& ew)
756  {
757  int j=0;
759  // The type of the const vertex iterator.
760  typedef typename G::ConstVertexIterator VertexIterator;
761  //typedef typename IndexSet::const_iterator Iterator;
762  typedef typename IS::const_iterator Iterator;
764  VertexIterator vend = graph.end();
765  Iterator end;
767  for(VertexIterator vertex = graph.begin(); vertex != vend; ++vertex) {
768  if (isOwner<F>(indexSet,*vertex)) {
769  // The type of const edge iterator.
770  typedef typename G::ConstEdgeIterator EdgeIterator;
771  EdgeIterator eend = vertex.end();
772  xadj[j] = ew.index();
773  j++;
774  for(EdgeIterator edge = vertex.begin(); edge != eend; ++edge) {
775  ew(edge);
776  }
777  }
778  }
779  xadj[j] = ew.index();
780  }
781  } // end anonymous namespace
783  template<class G, class T1, class T2>
784  bool buildCommunication(const G& graph, std::vector<int>& realparts,
787  RedistributeInterface& redistInf,
788  bool verbose=false);
790 #ifndef METIS_VER_MAJOR
791  extern "C"
792  {
793  // backwards compatibility to parmetis < 4.0.0
794  void METIS_PartGraphKway(int *nvtxs, Metis::idx_t *xadj, Metis::idx_t *adjncy, Metis::idx_t *vwgt,
795  Metis::idx_t *adjwgt, int *wgtflag, int *numflag, int *nparts,
796  int *options, int *edgecut, Metis::idx_t *part);
798  void METIS_PartGraphRecursive(int *nvtxs, Metis::idx_t *xadj, Metis::idx_t *adjncy, Metis::idx_t *vwgt,
799  Metis::idx_t *adjwgt, int *wgtflag, int *numflag, int *nparts,
800  int *options, int *edgecut, Metis::idx_t *part);
801  }
802 #endif
803 #endif // HAVE_PARMETIS
805  template<class S, class T>
806  inline void print_carray(S& os, T* array, std::size_t l)
807  {
808  for(T *cur=array, *end=array+l; cur!=end; ++cur)
809  os<<*cur<<" ";
810  }
812  template<class S, class T>
813  inline bool isValidGraph(std::size_t noVtx, std::size_t gnoVtx, S noEdges, T* xadj,
814  T* adjncy, bool checkSymmetry)
815  {
816  bool correct=true;
818  for(Metis::idx_t vtx=0; vtx<(Metis::idx_t)noVtx; ++vtx) {
819  if(xadj[vtx]>noEdges||xadj[vtx]<0) {
820  std::cerr <<"Check graph: xadj["<<vtx<<"]="<<xadj[vtx]<<" (>"
821  <<noEdges<<") out of range!"<<std::endl;
822  correct=false;
823  }
824  if(xadj[vtx+1]>noEdges||xadj[vtx+1]<0) {
825  std::cerr <<"Check graph: xadj["<<vtx+1<<"]="<<xadj[vtx+1]<<" (>"
826  <<noEdges<<") out of range!"<<std::endl;
827  correct=false;
828  }
829  // Check numbers in adjncy
830  for(Metis::idx_t i=xadj[vtx]; i< xadj[vtx+1]; ++i) {
831  if(adjncy[i]<0||((std::size_t)adjncy[i])>gnoVtx) {
832  std::cerr<<" Edge "<<adjncy[i]<<" out of range ["<<0<<","<<noVtx<<")"
833  <<std::endl;
834  correct=false;
835  }
836  }
837  if(checkSymmetry) {
838  for(Metis::idx_t i=xadj[vtx]; i< xadj[vtx+1]; ++i) {
839  Metis::idx_t target=adjncy[i];
840  // search for symmetric edge
841  int found=0;
842  for(Metis::idx_t j=xadj[target]; j< xadj[target+1]; ++j)
843  if(adjncy[j]==vtx)
844  found++;
845  if(found!=1) {
846  std::cerr<<"Edge ("<<target<<","<<vtx<<") "<<i<<" time"<<std::endl;
847  correct=false;
848  }
849  }
850  }
851  }
852  return correct;
853  }
855  template<class M, class T1, class T2>
856  bool commGraphRepartition(const M& mat, Dune::OwnerOverlapCopyCommunication<T1,T2>& oocomm,
857  Metis::idx_t nparts,
859  RedistributeInterface& redistInf,
860  bool verbose=false)
861  {
862  if(verbose && oocomm.communicator().rank()==0)
863  std::cout<<"Repartitioning from "<<oocomm.communicator().size()
864  <<" to "<<nparts<<" parts"<<std::endl;
865  Timer time;
866  int rank = oocomm.communicator().rank();
868  int* part = new int[1];
869  part[0]=0;
870 #else
871  Metis::idx_t* part = new Metis::idx_t[1]; // where all our data moves to
873  if(nparts>1) {
875  part[0]=rank;
877  { // sublock for automatic memory deletion
879  // Build the graph of the communication scheme and create an appropriate indexset.
880  // calculate the neighbour vertices
881  int noNeighbours = oocomm.remoteIndices().neighbours();
882  typedef typename Dune::OwnerOverlapCopyCommunication<T1,T2>::RemoteIndices RemoteIndices;
883  typedef typename RemoteIndices::const_iterator
884  NeighbourIterator;
886  for(NeighbourIterator n= oocomm.remoteIndices().begin(); n != oocomm.remoteIndices().end();
887  ++n)
888  if(n->first==rank) {
889  //do not include ourselves.
890  --noNeighbours;
891  break;
892  }
894  // A parmetis graph representing the communication graph.
895  // The diagonal entries are the number of nodes on the process.
896  // The offdiagonal entries are the number of edges leading to other processes.
898  Metis::idx_t *xadj=new Metis::idx_t[2];
899  Metis::idx_t *vtxdist=new Metis::idx_t[oocomm.communicator().size()+1];
900  Metis::idx_t *adjncy=new Metis::idx_t[noNeighbours];
901 #ifdef USE_WEIGHTS
902  Metis::idx_t *vwgt = 0;
903  Metis::idx_t *adjwgt = 0;
904 #endif
906  // each process has exactly one vertex!
907  for(int i=0; i<oocomm.communicator().size(); ++i)
908  vtxdist[i]=i;
909  vtxdist[oocomm.communicator().size()]=oocomm.communicator().size();
911  xadj[0]=0;
912  xadj[1]=noNeighbours;
914  // count edges to other processor
915  // a vector mapping the index to the owner
916  // std::vector<int> owner(mat.N(), oocomm.communicator().rank());
917  // for(NeighbourIterator n= oocomm.remoteIndices().begin(); n != oocomm.remoteIndices().end();
918  // ++n)
919  // {
920  // if(n->first!=oocomm.communicator().rank()){
921  // typedef typename RemoteIndices::RemoteIndexList RIList;
922  // const RIList& rlist = *(n->second.first);
923  // typedef typename RIList::const_iterator LIter;
924  // for(LIter entry=rlist.begin(); entry!=rlist.end(); ++entry){
925  // if(entry->attribute()==OwnerOverlapCopyAttributeSet::owner)
926  // owner[entry->localIndexPair().local()] = n->first;
927  // }
928  // }
929  // }
931  // std::map<int,Metis::idx_t> edgecount; // edges to other processors
932  // typedef typename M::ConstRowIterator RIter;
933  // typedef typename M::ConstColIterator CIter;
935  // // calculate edge count
936  // for(RIter row=mat.begin(), endr=mat.end(); row != endr; ++row)
937  // if(owner[row.index()]==OwnerOverlapCopyAttributeSet::owner)
938  // for(CIter entry= row->begin(), ende = row->end(); entry != ende; ++entry)
939  // ++edgecount[owner[entry.index()]];
941  // setup edge and weight pattern
942  typedef typename RemoteIndices::const_iterator NeighbourIterator;
944  Metis::idx_t* adjp=adjncy;
946 #ifdef USE_WEIGHTS
947  vwgt = new Metis::idx_t[1];
948  vwgt[0]= mat.N(); // weight is numer of rows TODO: Should actually be the nonzeros.
950  adjwgt = new Metis::idx_t[noNeighbours];
951  Metis::idx_t* adjwp=adjwgt;
952 #endif
954  for(NeighbourIterator n= oocomm.remoteIndices().begin(); n != oocomm.remoteIndices().end();
955  ++n)
956  if(n->first != rank) {
957  *adjp=n->first;
958  ++adjp;
959 #ifdef USE_WEIGHTS
960  *adjwp=1; //edgecount[n->first];
961  ++adjwp;
962 #endif
963  }
964  assert(isValidGraph(vtxdist[rank+1]-vtxdist[rank],
965  vtxdist[oocomm.communicator().size()],
966  noNeighbours, xadj, adjncy, false));
968  Metis::idx_t wgtflag=0, numflag=0;
969  Metis::idx_t edgecut;
970 #ifdef USE_WEIGHTS
971  wgtflag=3;
972 #endif
973  Metis::real_t *tpwgts = new Metis::real_t[nparts];
974  for(int i=0; i<nparts; ++i)
975  tpwgts[i]=1.0/nparts;
976  int options[5] ={ 0,1,15,0,0};
977  MPI_Comm comm=oocomm.communicator();
979  Dune::dinfo<<rank<<" vtxdist: ";
980  print_carray(Dune::dinfo, vtxdist, oocomm.communicator().size()+1);
981  Dune::dinfo<<std::endl<<rank<<" xadj: ";
982  print_carray(Dune::dinfo, xadj, 2);
983  Dune::dinfo<<std::endl<<rank<<" adjncy: ";
984  print_carray(Dune::dinfo, adjncy, noNeighbours);
986 #ifdef USE_WEIGHTS
987  Dune::dinfo<<std::endl<<rank<<" vwgt: ";
988  print_carray(Dune::dinfo, vwgt, 1);
989  Dune::dinfo<<std::endl<<rank<<" adwgt: ";
990  print_carray(Dune::dinfo, adjwgt, noNeighbours);
991 #endif
992  Dune::dinfo<<std::endl;
993  oocomm.communicator().barrier();
994  if(verbose && oocomm.communicator().rank()==0)
995  std::cout<<"Creating comm graph took "<<time.elapsed()<<std::endl;
996  time.reset();
999  Metis::real_t ubvec = 1.15;
1000  int ncon=1;
1002  //=======================================================
1003  // ParMETIS_V3_PartKway
1004  //=======================================================
1005  ParMETIS_V3_PartKway(vtxdist, xadj, adjncy,
1006  vwgt, adjwgt, &wgtflag,
1007  &numflag, &ncon, &nparts, tpwgts, &ubvec, options, &edgecut, part,
1008  &comm);
1009  if(verbose && oocomm.communicator().rank()==0)
1010  std::cout<<"ParMETIS took "<<time.elapsed()<<std::endl;
1011  time.reset();
1012 #else
1013  Timer time1;
1014  std::size_t gnoedges=0;
1015  int* noedges = 0;
1016  noedges = new int[oocomm.communicator().size()];
1017  Dune::dverb<<"noNeighbours: "<<noNeighbours<<std::endl;
1018  // gather number of edges for each vertex.
1019  MPI_Allgather(&noNeighbours,1,MPI_INT,noedges,1, MPI_INT,oocomm.communicator());
1021  if(verbose && oocomm.communicator().rank()==0)
1022  std::cout<<"Gathering noedges took "<<time1.elapsed()<<std::endl;
1023  time1.reset();
1025  Metis::idx_t noVertices = vtxdist[oocomm.communicator().size()];
1026  Metis::idx_t *gxadj = 0;
1027  Metis::idx_t *gvwgt = 0;
1028  Metis::idx_t *gadjncy = 0;
1029  Metis::idx_t *gadjwgt = 0;
1030  Metis::idx_t *gpart = 0;
1031  int* displ = 0;
1032  int* noxs = 0;
1033  int* xdispl = 0; // displacement for xadj
1034  int* novs = 0;
1035  int* vdispl=0; // real vertex displacement
1036 #ifdef USE_WEIGHTS
1037  std::size_t localNoVtx=vtxdist[rank+1]-vtxdist[rank];
1038 #endif
1039  std::size_t gxadjlen = vtxdist[oocomm.communicator().size()]-vtxdist[0]+oocomm.communicator().size();
1041  {
1042  Dune::dinfo<<"noedges: ";
1043  print_carray(Dune::dinfo, noedges, oocomm.communicator().size());
1044  Dune::dinfo<<std::endl;
1045  displ = new int[oocomm.communicator().size()];
1046  xdispl = new int[oocomm.communicator().size()];
1047  noxs = new int[oocomm.communicator().size()];
1048  vdispl = new int[oocomm.communicator().size()];
1049  novs = new int[oocomm.communicator().size()];
1051  for(int i=0; i < oocomm.communicator().size(); ++i) {
1052  noxs[i]=vtxdist[i+1]-vtxdist[i]+1;
1053  novs[i]=vtxdist[i+1]-vtxdist[i];
1054  }
1056  Metis::idx_t *so= vtxdist;
1057  int offset = 0;
1058  for(int *xcurr = xdispl, *vcurr = vdispl, *end=vdispl+oocomm.communicator().size();
1059  vcurr!=end; ++vcurr, ++xcurr, ++so, ++offset) {
1060  *vcurr = *so;
1061  *xcurr = offset + *so;
1062  }
1064  int *pdispl =displ;
1065  int cdispl = 0;
1066  *pdispl = 0;
1067  for(int *curr=noedges, *end=noedges+oocomm.communicator().size()-1;
1068  curr!=end; ++curr) {
1069  ++pdispl; // next displacement
1070  cdispl += *curr; // next value
1071  *pdispl = cdispl;
1072  }
1073  Dune::dinfo<<"displ: ";
1074  print_carray(Dune::dinfo, displ, oocomm.communicator().size());
1075  Dune::dinfo<<std::endl;
1077  // calculate global number of edges
1078  // It is bigger than the actual one as we habe size-1 additional end entries
1079  for(int *curr=noedges, *end=noedges+oocomm.communicator().size();
1080  curr!=end; ++curr)
1081  gnoedges += *curr;
1083  // alocate gobal graph
1084  Dune::dinfo<<"gxadjlen: "<<gxadjlen<<" noVertices: "<<noVertices
1085  <<" gnoedges: "<<gnoedges<<std::endl;
1086  gxadj = new Metis::idx_t[gxadjlen];
1087  gpart = new Metis::idx_t[noVertices];
1088 #ifdef USE_WEIGHTS
1089  gvwgt = new Metis::idx_t[noVertices];
1090  gadjwgt = new Metis::idx_t[gnoedges];
1091 #endif
1092  gadjncy = new Metis::idx_t[gnoedges];
1093  }
1095  if(verbose && oocomm.communicator().rank()==0)
1096  std::cout<<"Preparing global graph took "<<time1.elapsed()<<std::endl;
1097  time1.reset();
1098  // Communicate data
1100  MPI_Allgatherv(xadj,2,MPITraits<Metis::idx_t>::getType(),
1101  gxadj,noxs,xdispl,MPITraits<Metis::idx_t>::getType(),
1102  comm);
1103  MPI_Allgatherv(adjncy,noNeighbours,MPITraits<Metis::idx_t>::getType(),
1104  gadjncy,noedges,displ,MPITraits<Metis::idx_t>::getType(),
1105  comm);
1106 #ifdef USE_WEIGHTS
1107  MPI_Allgatherv(adjwgt,noNeighbours,MPITraits<Metis::idx_t>::getType(),
1108  gadjwgt,noedges,displ,MPITraits<Metis::idx_t>::getType(),
1109  comm);
1110  MPI_Allgatherv(vwgt,localNoVtx,MPITraits<Metis::idx_t>::getType(),
1111  gvwgt,novs,vdispl,MPITraits<Metis::idx_t>::getType(),
1112  comm);
1113 #endif
1114  if(verbose && oocomm.communicator().rank()==0)
1115  std::cout<<"Gathering global graph data took "<<time1.elapsed()<<std::endl;
1116  time1.reset();
1118  {
1119  // create the real gxadj array
1120  // i.e. shift entries and add displacements.
1122  print_carray(Dune::dinfo, gxadj, gxadjlen);
1124  int offset = 0;
1125  Metis::idx_t increment = vtxdist[1];
1126  Metis::idx_t *start=gxadj+1;
1127  for(int i=1; i<oocomm.communicator().size(); ++i) {
1128  offset+=1;
1129  int lprev = vtxdist[i]-vtxdist[i-1];
1130  int l = vtxdist[i+1]-vtxdist[i];
1131  start+=lprev;
1132  assert((start+l+offset)-gxadj<=static_cast<Metis::idx_t>(gxadjlen));
1133  increment = *(start-1);
1134  std::transform(start+offset, start+l+offset, start, std::bind(std::plus<Metis::idx_t>(), std::placeholders::_1, increment));
1135  }
1136  Dune::dinfo<<std::endl<<"shifted xadj:";
1137  print_carray(Dune::dinfo, gxadj, noVertices+1);
1138  Dune::dinfo<<std::endl<<" gadjncy: ";
1139  print_carray(Dune::dinfo, gadjncy, gnoedges);
1140 #ifdef USE_WEIGHTS
1141  Dune::dinfo<<std::endl<<" gvwgt: ";
1142  print_carray(Dune::dinfo, gvwgt, noVertices);
1143  Dune::dinfo<<std::endl<<"adjwgt: ";
1144  print_carray(Dune::dinfo, gadjwgt, gnoedges);
1145  Dune::dinfo<<std::endl;
1146 #endif
1147  // everything should be fine now!!!
1148  if(verbose && oocomm.communicator().rank()==0)
1149  std::cout<<"Postprocesing global graph data took "<<time1.elapsed()<<std::endl;
1150  time1.reset();
1151 #ifndef NDEBUG
1152  assert(isValidGraph(noVertices, noVertices, gnoedges,
1153  gxadj, gadjncy, true));
1154 #endif
1156  if(verbose && oocomm.communicator().rank()==0)
1157  std::cout<<"Creating grah one 1 process took "<<time.elapsed()<<std::endl;
1158  time.reset();
1159  options[0]=0; options[1]=1; options[2]=1; options[3]=3; options[4]=3;
1160 #if METIS_VER_MAJOR >= 5
1161  Metis::idx_t ncon = 1;
1162  Metis::idx_t moptions[METIS_NOPTIONS];
1163  METIS_SetDefaultOptions(moptions);
1164  moptions[METIS_OPTION_NUMBERING] = numflag;
1165  METIS_PartGraphRecursive(&noVertices, &ncon, gxadj, gadjncy, gvwgt, NULL, gadjwgt,
1166  &nparts, NULL, NULL, moptions, &edgecut, gpart);
1167 #else
1168  // Call metis
1169  METIS_PartGraphRecursive(&noVertices, gxadj, gadjncy, gvwgt, gadjwgt, &wgtflag,
1170  &numflag, &nparts, options, &edgecut, gpart);
1171 #endif
1173  if(verbose && oocomm.communicator().rank()==0)
1174  std::cout<<"METIS took "<<time.elapsed()<<std::endl;
1175  time.reset();
1177  Dune::dinfo<<std::endl<<"part:";
1178  print_carray(Dune::dinfo, gpart, noVertices);
1180  delete[] gxadj;
1181  delete[] gadjncy;
1182 #ifdef USE_WEIGHTS
1183  delete[] gvwgt;
1184  delete[] gadjwgt;
1185 #endif
1186  }
1187  // Scatter result
1188  MPI_Scatter(gpart, 1, MPITraits<Metis::idx_t>::getType(), part, 1,
1189  MPITraits<Metis::idx_t>::getType(), 0, comm);
1191  {
1192  // release remaining memory
1193  delete[] gpart;
1194  delete[] noedges;
1195  delete[] displ;
1196  }
1199 #endif
1200  delete[] xadj;
1201  delete[] vtxdist;
1202  delete[] adjncy;
1203 #ifdef USE_WEIGHTS
1204  delete[] vwgt;
1205  delete[] adjwgt;
1206 #endif
1207  delete[] tpwgts;
1208  }
1209  }else{
1210  part[0]=0;
1211  }
1212 #endif
1213  Dune::dinfo<<" repart "<<rank <<" -> "<< part[0]<<std::endl;
1215  std::vector<int> realpart(mat.N(), part[0]);
1216  delete[] part;
1218  oocomm.copyOwnerToAll(realpart, realpart);
1220  if(verbose && oocomm.communicator().rank()==0)
1221  std::cout<<"Scattering repartitioning took "<<time.elapsed()<<std::endl;
1222  time.reset();
1225  oocomm.buildGlobalLookup(mat.N());
1226  Dune::Amg::MatrixGraph<M> graph(const_cast<M&>(mat));
1227  fillIndexSetHoles(graph, oocomm);
1228  if(verbose && oocomm.communicator().rank()==0)
1229  std::cout<<"Filling index set took "<<time.elapsed()<<std::endl;
1230  time.reset();
1232  if(verbose) {
1233  int noNeighbours=oocomm.remoteIndices().neighbours();
1234  noNeighbours = oocomm.communicator().sum(noNeighbours)
1235  / oocomm.communicator().size();
1236  if(oocomm.communicator().rank()==0)
1237  std::cout<<"Average no neighbours was "<<noNeighbours<<std::endl;
1238  }
1239  bool ret = buildCommunication(graph, realpart, oocomm, outcomm, redistInf,
1240  verbose);
1241  if(verbose && oocomm.communicator().rank()==0)
1242  std::cout<<"Building index sets took "<<time.elapsed()<<std::endl;
1243  time.reset();
1246  return ret;
1248  }
1264  template<class G, class T1, class T2>
1265  bool graphRepartition(const G& graph, Dune::OwnerOverlapCopyCommunication<T1,T2>& oocomm, Metis::idx_t nparts,
1267  RedistributeInterface& redistInf,
1268  bool verbose=false)
1269  {
1270  Timer time;
1272  MPI_Comm comm=oocomm.communicator();
1273  oocomm.buildGlobalLookup(graph.noVertices());
1274  fillIndexSetHoles(graph, oocomm);
1276  if(verbose && oocomm.communicator().rank()==0)
1277  std::cout<<"Filling holes took "<<time.elapsed()<<std::endl;
1278  time.reset();
1280  // simple precondition checks
1282 #ifdef PERF_REPART
1283  // Profiling variables
1284  double t1=0.0, t2=0.0, t3=0.0, t4=0.0, tSum=0.0;
1285 #endif
1288  // MPI variables
1289  int mype = oocomm.communicator().rank();
1291  assert(nparts<=static_cast<Metis::idx_t>(oocomm.communicator().size()));
1293  int myDomain = -1;
1295  //
1296  // 1) Prepare the required parameters for using ParMETIS
1297  // Especially the arrays that represent the graph must be
1298  // generated by the DUNE Graph and IndexSet input variables.
1299  // These are the arrays:
1300  // - vtxdist
1301  // - xadj
1302  // - adjncy
1303  //
1304  //
1305 #ifdef PERF_REPART
1306  // reset timer for step 1)
1307  t1=MPI_Wtime();
1308 #endif
1311  typedef typename Dune::OwnerOverlapCopyCommunication<T1,T2> OOComm;
1312  typedef typename OOComm::OwnerSet OwnerSet;
1314  // Create the vtxdist array and parmetisVtxMapping.
1315  // Global communications are necessary
1316  // The parmetis global identifiers for the owner vertices.
1317  ParmetisDuneIndexMap indexMap(graph,oocomm);
1318  Metis::idx_t *part = new Metis::idx_t[indexMap.numOfOwnVtx()];
1319  for(std::size_t i=0; i < indexMap.numOfOwnVtx(); ++i)
1320  part[i]=mype;
1323  if(oocomm.communicator().rank()==0 && nparts>1)
1324  std::cerr<<"ParMETIS not activated. Will repartition to 1 domain instead of requested "
1325  <<nparts<<" domains."<<std::endl;
1326  nparts=1; // No parmetis available, fallback to agglomerating to 1 process
1328 #else
1330  if(nparts>1) {
1331  // Create the xadj and adjncy arrays
1332  Metis::idx_t *xadj = new Metis::idx_t[indexMap.numOfOwnVtx()+1];
1333  Metis::idx_t *adjncy = new Metis::idx_t[graph.noEdges()];
1334  EdgeFunctor<G> ef(adjncy, indexMap, graph.noEdges());
1335  getAdjArrays<OwnerSet>(graph, oocomm.globalLookup(), xadj, ef);
1337  //
1338  // 2) Call ParMETIS
1339  //
1340  //
1341  Metis::idx_t numflag=0, wgtflag=0, options[3], edgecut=0, ncon=1;
1342  //float *tpwgts = NULL;
1343  Metis::real_t *tpwgts = new Metis::real_t[nparts];
1344  for(int i=0; i<nparts; ++i)
1345  tpwgts[i]=1.0/nparts;
1346  Metis::real_t ubvec[1];
1347  options[0] = 0; // 0=default, 1=options are defined in [1]+[2]
1348 #ifdef DEBUG_REPART
1349  options[1] = 3; // show info: 0=no message
1350 #else
1351  options[1] = 0; // show info: 0=no message
1352 #endif
1353  options[2] = 1; // random number seed, default is 15
1354  wgtflag = (ef.getWeights()!=NULL) ? 1 : 0;
1355  numflag = 0;
1356  edgecut = 0;
1357  ncon=1;
1358  ubvec[0]=1.05; // recommended by ParMETIS
1360 #ifdef DEBUG_REPART
1361  if (mype == 0) {
1362  std::cout<<std::endl;
1363  std::cout<<"Testing ParMETIS_V3_PartKway with options[1-2] = {"
1364  <<options[1]<<" "<<options[2]<<"}, Ncon: "
1365  <<ncon<<", Nparts: "<<nparts<<std::endl;
1366  }
1367 #endif
1368 #ifdef PERF_REPART
1369  // stop the time for step 1)
1370  t1=MPI_Wtime()-t1;
1371  // reset timer for step 2)
1372  t2=MPI_Wtime();
1373 #endif
1375  if(verbose) {
1376  oocomm.communicator().barrier();
1377  if(oocomm.communicator().rank()==0)
1378  std::cout<<"Preparing for parmetis took "<<time.elapsed()<<std::endl;
1379  }
1380  time.reset();
1382  //=======================================================
1383  // ParMETIS_V3_PartKway
1384  //=======================================================
1385  ParMETIS_V3_PartKway(indexMap.vtxDist(), xadj, adjncy,
1386  NULL, ef.getWeights(), &wgtflag,
1387  &numflag, &ncon, &nparts, tpwgts, ubvec, options, &edgecut, part, &const_cast<MPI_Comm&>(comm));
1390  delete[] xadj;
1391  delete[] adjncy;
1392  delete[] tpwgts;
1394  ef.free();
1396 #ifdef DEBUG_REPART
1397  if (mype == 0) {
1398  std::cout<<std::endl;
1399  std::cout<<"ParMETIS_V3_PartKway reported a cut of "<<edgecut<<std::endl;
1400  std::cout<<std::endl;
1401  }
1402  std::cout<<mype<<": PARMETIS-Result: ";
1403  for(int i=0; i < indexMap.vtxDist()[mype+1]-indexMap.vtxDist()[mype]; ++i) {
1404  std::cout<<part[i]<<" ";
1405  }
1406  std::cout<<std::endl;
1407  std::cout<<"Testing ParMETIS_V3_PartKway with options[1-2] = {"
1408  <<options[1]<<" "<<options[2]<<"}, Ncon: "
1409  <<ncon<<", Nparts: "<<nparts<<std::endl;
1410 #endif
1411 #ifdef PERF_REPART
1412  // stop the time for step 2)
1413  t2=MPI_Wtime()-t2;
1414  // reset timer for step 3)
1415  t3=MPI_Wtime();
1416 #endif
1419  if(verbose) {
1420  oocomm.communicator().barrier();
1421  if(oocomm.communicator().rank()==0)
1422  std::cout<<"Parmetis took "<<time.elapsed()<<std::endl;
1423  }
1424  time.reset();
1425  }else
1426 #endif
1427  {
1428  // Everything goes to process 0!
1429  for(std::size_t i=0; i<indexMap.numOfOwnVtx(); ++i)
1430  part[i]=0;
1431  }
1434  //
1435  // 3) Find a optimal domain based on the ParMETIS repartitioning
1436  // result
1437  //
1439  std::vector<int> domainMapping(nparts);
1440  if(nparts>1)
1441  getDomain(comm, part, indexMap.numOfOwnVtx(), nparts, &myDomain, domainMapping);
1442  else
1443  domainMapping[0]=0;
1445 #ifdef DEBUG_REPART
1446  std::cout<<mype<<": myDomain: "<<myDomain<<std::endl;
1447  std::cout<<mype<<": DomainMapping: ";
1448  for(auto j : range(nparts)) {
1449  std::cout<<" do: "<<j<<" pe: "<<domainMapping[j]<<" ";
1450  }
1451  std::cout<<std::endl;
1452 #endif
1454  // Make a domain mapping for the indexset and translate
1455  //domain number to real process number
1456  // domainMapping is the one of parmetis, that is without
1457  // the overlap/copy vertices
1458  std::vector<int> setPartition(oocomm.indexSet().size(), -1);
1460  typedef typename OOComm::ParallelIndexSet::const_iterator Iterator;
1461  std::size_t i=0; // parmetis index
1462  for(Iterator index = oocomm.indexSet().begin(); index != oocomm.indexSet().end(); ++index)
1463  if(OwnerSet::contains(index->local().attribute())) {
1464  setPartition[index->local()]=domainMapping[part[i++]];
1465  }
1467  delete[] part;
1468  oocomm.copyOwnerToAll(setPartition, setPartition);
1469  // communication only needed for ALU
1470  // (ghosts with same global id as owners on the same process)
1471  if (oocomm.getSolverCategory() ==
1472  static_cast<int>(SolverCategory::nonoverlapping))
1473  oocomm.copyCopyToAll(setPartition, setPartition);
1474  bool ret = buildCommunication(graph, setPartition, oocomm, outcomm, redistInf,
1475  verbose);
1476  if(verbose) {
1477  oocomm.communicator().barrier();
1478  if(oocomm.communicator().rank()==0)
1479  std::cout<<"Creating indexsets took "<<time.elapsed()<<std::endl;
1480  }
1481  return ret;
1482  }
1486  template<class G, class T1, class T2>
1487  bool buildCommunication(const G& graph,
1488  std::vector<int>& setPartition, Dune::OwnerOverlapCopyCommunication<T1,T2>& oocomm,
1490  RedistributeInterface& redistInf,
1491  bool verbose)
1492  {
1493  typedef typename Dune::OwnerOverlapCopyCommunication<T1,T2> OOComm;
1494  typedef typename OOComm::OwnerSet OwnerSet;
1496  Timer time;
1498  // Build the send interface
1499  redistInf.buildSendInterface<OwnerSet>(setPartition, oocomm.indexSet());
1501 #ifdef PERF_REPART
1502  // stop the time for step 3)
1503  t3=MPI_Wtime()-t3;
1504  // reset timer for step 4)
1505  t4=MPI_Wtime();
1506 #endif
1509  //
1510  // 4) Create the output IndexSet and RemoteIndices
1511  // 4.1) Determine the "send to" and "receive from" relation
1512  // according to the new partition using a MPI ring
1513  // communication.
1514  //
1515  // 4.2) Depends on the "send to" and "receive from" vector,
1516  // the processes will exchange the vertices each other
1517  //
1518  // 4.3) Create the IndexSet, RemoteIndices and the new MPI
1519  // communicator
1520  //
1522  //
1523  // 4.1) Let's start...
1524  //
1525  int npes = oocomm.communicator().size();
1526  int *sendTo = 0;
1527  int noSendTo = 0;
1528  std::set<int> recvFrom;
1530  // the max number of vertices is stored in the sendTo buffer,
1531  // not the number of vertices to send! Because the max number of Vtx
1532  // is used as the fixed buffer size by the MPI send/receive calls
1534  typedef typename std::vector<int>::const_iterator VIter;
1535  int mype = oocomm.communicator().rank();
1537  {
1538  std::set<int> tsendTo;
1539  for(VIter i=setPartition.begin(), iend = setPartition.end(); i!=iend; ++i)
1540  tsendTo.insert(*i);
1542  noSendTo = tsendTo.size();
1543  sendTo = new int[noSendTo];
1544  typedef std::set<int>::const_iterator iterator;
1545  int idx=0;
1546  for(iterator i=tsendTo.begin(); i != tsendTo.end(); ++i, ++idx)
1547  sendTo[idx]=*i;
1548  }
1550  //
1551  int* gnoSend= new int[oocomm.communicator().size()];
1552  int* gsendToDispl = new int[oocomm.communicator().size()+1];
1554  MPI_Allgather(&noSendTo, 1, MPI_INT, gnoSend, 1,
1555  MPI_INT, oocomm.communicator());
1557  // calculate total receive message size
1558  int totalNoRecv = 0;
1559  for(int i=0; i<npes; ++i)
1560  totalNoRecv += gnoSend[i];
1562  int *gsendTo = new int[totalNoRecv];
1564  // calculate displacement for allgatherv
1565  gsendToDispl[0]=0;
1566  for(int i=0; i<npes; ++i)
1567  gsendToDispl[i+1]=gsendToDispl[i]+gnoSend[i];
1569  // gather the data
1570  MPI_Allgatherv(sendTo, noSendTo, MPI_INT, gsendTo, gnoSend, gsendToDispl,
1571  MPI_INT, oocomm.communicator());
1573  // Extract from which processes we will receive data
1574  for(int proc=0; proc < npes; ++proc)
1575  for(int i=gsendToDispl[proc]; i < gsendToDispl[proc+1]; ++i)
1576  if(gsendTo[i]==mype)
1577  recvFrom.insert(proc);
1579  bool existentOnNextLevel = recvFrom.size()>0;
1581  // Delete memory
1582  delete[] gnoSend;
1583  delete[] gsendToDispl;
1584  delete[] gsendTo;
1587 #ifdef DEBUG_REPART
1588  if(recvFrom.size()) {
1589  std::cout<<mype<<": recvFrom: ";
1590  typedef typename std::set<int>::const_iterator siter;
1591  for(siter i=recvFrom.begin(); i!= recvFrom.end(); ++i) {
1592  std::cout<<*i<<" ";
1593  }
1594  }
1596  std::cout<<std::endl<<std::endl;
1597  std::cout<<mype<<": sendTo: ";
1598  for(int i=0; i<noSendTo; i++) {
1599  std::cout<<sendTo[i]<<" ";
1600  }
1601  std::cout<<std::endl<<std::endl;
1602 #endif
1604  if(verbose)
1605  if(oocomm.communicator().rank()==0)
1606  std::cout<<" Communicating the receive information took "<<
1607  time.elapsed()<<std::endl;
1608  time.reset();
1610  //
1611  // 4.2) Start the communication
1612  //
1614  // Get all the owner and overlap vertices for myself ans save
1615  // it in the vectors myOwnerVec and myOverlapVec.
1616  // The received vertices from the other processes are simple
1617  // added to these vector.
1618  //
1621  typedef typename OOComm::ParallelIndexSet::GlobalIndex GI;
1622  typedef std::vector<GI> GlobalVector;
1623  std::vector<std::pair<GI,int> > myOwnerVec;
1624  std::set<GI> myOverlapSet;
1625  GlobalVector sendOwnerVec;
1626  std::set<GI> sendOverlapSet;
1627  std::set<int> myNeighbors;
1629  // getOwnerOverlapVec<OwnerSet>(graph, setPartition, oocomm.globalLookup(),
1630  // mype, mype, myOwnerVec, myOverlapSet, redistInf, myNeighbors);
1632  char **sendBuffers=new char*[noSendTo];
1633  MPI_Request *requests = new MPI_Request[noSendTo];
1635  // Create all messages to be sent
1636  for(int i=0; i < noSendTo; ++i) {
1637  // clear the vector for sending
1638  sendOwnerVec.clear();
1639  sendOverlapSet.clear();
1640  // get all owner and overlap vertices for process j and save these
1641  // in the vectors sendOwnerVec and sendOverlapSet
1642  std::set<int> neighbors;
1643  getOwnerOverlapVec<OwnerSet>(graph, setPartition, oocomm.globalLookup(),
1644  mype, sendTo[i], sendOwnerVec, sendOverlapSet, redistInf,
1645  neighbors);
1646  // +2, we need 2 integer more for the length of each part
1647  // (owner/overlap) of the array
1648  int buffersize=0;
1649  int tsize;
1650  MPI_Pack_size(1, MPITraits<std::size_t>::getType(), oocomm.communicator(), &buffersize);
1651  MPI_Pack_size(sendOwnerVec.size(), MPITraits<GI>::getType(), oocomm.communicator(), &tsize);
1652  buffersize +=tsize;
1653  MPI_Pack_size(1, MPITraits<std::size_t>::getType(), oocomm.communicator(), &tsize);
1654  buffersize +=tsize;
1655  MPI_Pack_size(sendOverlapSet.size(), MPITraits<GI>::getType(), oocomm.communicator(), &tsize);
1656  buffersize += tsize;
1657  MPI_Pack_size(1, MPITraits<std::size_t>::getType(), oocomm.communicator(), &tsize);
1658  buffersize += tsize;
1659  MPI_Pack_size(neighbors.size(), MPI_INT, oocomm.communicator(), &tsize);
1660  buffersize += tsize;
1662  sendBuffers[i] = new char[buffersize];
1664 #ifdef DEBUG_REPART
1665  std::cout<<mype<<" sending "<<sendOwnerVec.size()<<" owner and "<<
1666  sendOverlapSet.size()<<" overlap to "<<sendTo[i]<<" buffersize="<<buffersize<<std::endl;
1667 #endif
1668  createSendBuf(sendOwnerVec, sendOverlapSet, neighbors, sendBuffers[i], buffersize, oocomm.communicator());
1669  MPI_Issend(sendBuffers[i], buffersize, MPI_PACKED, sendTo[i], 99, oocomm.communicator(), requests+i);
1670  }
1672  if(verbose) {
1673  oocomm.communicator().barrier();
1674  if(oocomm.communicator().rank()==0)
1675  std::cout<<" Creating sends took "<<
1676  time.elapsed()<<std::endl;
1677  }
1678  time.reset();
1680  // Receive Messages
1681  int noRecv = recvFrom.size();
1682  int oldbuffersize=0;
1683  char* recvBuf = 0;
1684  while(noRecv>0) {
1685  // probe for an incoming message
1686  MPI_Status stat;
1687  MPI_Probe(MPI_ANY_SOURCE, 99, oocomm.communicator(), &stat);
1688  int buffersize;
1689  MPI_Get_count(&stat, MPI_PACKED, &buffersize);
1691  if(oldbuffersize<buffersize) {
1692  // buffer too small, reallocate
1693  delete[] recvBuf;
1694  recvBuf = new char[buffersize];
1695  oldbuffersize = buffersize;
1696  }
1697  MPI_Recv(recvBuf, buffersize, MPI_PACKED, stat.MPI_SOURCE, 99, oocomm.communicator(), &stat);
1698  saveRecvBuf(recvBuf, buffersize, myOwnerVec, myOverlapSet, myNeighbors, redistInf,
1699  stat.MPI_SOURCE, oocomm.communicator());
1700  --noRecv;
1701  }
1703  if(recvBuf)
1704  delete[] recvBuf;
1706  time.reset();
1707  // Wait for sending messages to complete
1708  MPI_Status *statuses = new MPI_Status[noSendTo];
1709  int send = MPI_Waitall(noSendTo, requests, statuses);
1711  // check for errors
1712  if(send==MPI_ERR_IN_STATUS) {
1713  std::cerr<<mype<<": Error in sending :"<<std::endl;
1714  // Search for the error
1715  for(int i=0; i< noSendTo; i++)
1716  if(statuses[i].MPI_ERROR!=MPI_SUCCESS) {
1717  char message[300];
1718  int messageLength;
1719  MPI_Error_string(statuses[i].MPI_ERROR, message, &messageLength);
1720  std::cerr<<" source="<<statuses[i].MPI_SOURCE<<" message: ";
1721  for(int j = 0; j < messageLength; j++)
1722  std::cout<<message[j];
1723  }
1724  std::cerr<<std::endl;
1725  }
1727  if(verbose) {
1728  oocomm.communicator().barrier();
1729  if(oocomm.communicator().rank()==0)
1730  std::cout<<" Receiving and saving took "<<
1731  time.elapsed()<<std::endl;
1732  }
1733  time.reset();
1735  for(int i=0; i < noSendTo; ++i)
1736  delete[] sendBuffers[i];
1738  delete[] sendBuffers;
1739  delete[] statuses;
1740  delete[] requests;
1742  redistInf.setCommunicator(oocomm.communicator());
1744  //
1745  // 4.2) Create the IndexSet etc.
1746  //
1748  // build the new outputIndexSet
1751  int color=0;
1753  if (!existentOnNextLevel) {
1754  // this process is not used anymore
1755  color= MPI_UNDEFINED;
1756  }
1757  MPI_Comm outputComm;
1759  MPI_Comm_split(oocomm.communicator(), color, oocomm.communicator().rank(), &outputComm);
1760  outcomm = new OOComm(outputComm,oocomm.getSolverCategory(),true);
1762  // translate neighbor ranks.
1763  int newrank=outcomm->communicator().rank();
1764  int *newranks=new int[oocomm.communicator().size()];
1765  std::vector<int> tneighbors;
1766  tneighbors.reserve(myNeighbors.size());
1768  typename OOComm::ParallelIndexSet& outputIndexSet = outcomm->indexSet();
1770  MPI_Allgather(&newrank, 1, MPI_INT, newranks, 1,
1771  MPI_INT, oocomm.communicator());
1772  typedef typename std::set<int>::const_iterator IIter;
1774 #ifdef DEBUG_REPART
1775  std::cout<<oocomm.communicator().rank()<<" ";
1776  for(IIter i=myNeighbors.begin(), end=myNeighbors.end();
1777  i!=end; ++i) {
1778  assert(newranks[*i]>=0);
1779  std::cout<<*i<<"->"<<newranks[*i]<<" ";
1780  tneighbors.push_back(newranks[*i]);
1781  }
1782  std::cout<<std::endl;
1783 #else
1784  for(IIter i=myNeighbors.begin(), end=myNeighbors.end();
1785  i!=end; ++i) {
1786  tneighbors.push_back(newranks[*i]);
1787  }
1788 #endif
1789  delete[] newranks;
1790  myNeighbors.clear();
1792  if(verbose) {
1793  oocomm.communicator().barrier();
1794  if(oocomm.communicator().rank()==0)
1795  std::cout<<" Calculating new neighbours ("<<tneighbors.size()<<") took "<<
1796  time.elapsed()<<std::endl;
1797  }
1798  time.reset();
1801  outputIndexSet.beginResize();
1802  // 1) add the owner vertices
1803  // Sort the owners
1804  std::sort(myOwnerVec.begin(), myOwnerVec.end(), SortFirst());
1805  // The owners are sorted according to there global index
1806  // Therefore the entries of ownerVec are the same as the
1807  // ones in the resulting index set.
1808  typedef typename OOComm::ParallelIndexSet::LocalIndex LocalIndex;
1809  typedef typename std::vector<std::pair<GI,int> >::const_iterator VPIter;
1810  int i=0;
1811  for(VPIter g=myOwnerVec.begin(), end =myOwnerVec.end(); g!=end; ++g, ++i ) {
1812  outputIndexSet.add(g->first,LocalIndex(i, OwnerOverlapCopyAttributeSet::owner, true));
1813  redistInf.addReceiveIndex(g->second, i);
1814  }
1816  if(verbose) {
1817  oocomm.communicator().barrier();
1818  if(oocomm.communicator().rank()==0)
1819  std::cout<<" Adding owner indices took "<<
1820  time.elapsed()<<std::endl;
1821  }
1822  time.reset();
1825  // After all the vertices are received, the vectors must
1826  // be "merged" together to create the final vectors.
1827  // Because some vertices that are sent as overlap could now
1828  // already included as owner vertiecs in the new partition
1829  mergeVec(myOwnerVec, myOverlapSet);
1831  // Trick to free memory
1832  myOwnerVec.clear();
1833  myOwnerVec.swap(myOwnerVec);
1835  if(verbose) {
1836  oocomm.communicator().barrier();
1837  if(oocomm.communicator().rank()==0)
1838  std::cout<<" Merging indices took "<<
1839  time.elapsed()<<std::endl;
1840  }
1841  time.reset();
1844  // 2) add the overlap vertices
1845  typedef typename std::set<GI>::const_iterator SIter;
1846  for(SIter g=myOverlapSet.begin(), end=myOverlapSet.end(); g!=end; ++g, i++) {
1847  outputIndexSet.add(*g,LocalIndex(i, OwnerOverlapCopyAttributeSet::copy, true));
1848  }
1849  myOverlapSet.clear();
1850  outputIndexSet.endResize();
1853  int numOfOwnVtx =0;
1854  typedef typename OOComm::ParallelIndexSet::const_iterator Iterator;
1855  Iterator end = outputIndexSet.end();
1856  for(Iterator index = outputIndexSet.begin(); index != end; ++index) {
1857  if (OwnerSet::contains(index->local().attribute())) {
1858  numOfOwnVtx++;
1859  }
1860  }
1861  numOfOwnVtx = oocomm.communicator().sum(numOfOwnVtx);
1862  // if(numOfOwnVtx!=indexMap.globalOwnerVertices)
1863  // {
1864  // std::cerr<<numOfOwnVtx<<"!="<<indexMap.globalOwnerVertices<<" owners missing or additional ones!"<<std::endl;
1865  // DUNE_THROW(ISTLError, numOfOwnVtx<<"!="<<indexMap.globalOwnerVertices<<" owners missing or additional ones"
1866  // <<" during repartitioning.");
1867  // }
1868  Iterator index=outputIndexSet.begin();
1869  if(index!=end) {
1870  ++index;
1871  for(Iterator old = outputIndexSet.begin(); index != end; old=index++) {
1872  if(old->global()>index->global())
1873  DUNE_THROW(ISTLError, "Index set's globalindex not sorted correctly");
1874  }
1875  }
1876 #endif
1877  if(verbose) {
1878  oocomm.communicator().barrier();
1879  if(oocomm.communicator().rank()==0)
1880  std::cout<<" Adding overlap indices took "<<
1881  time.elapsed()<<std::endl;
1882  }
1883  time.reset();
1886  if(color != MPI_UNDEFINED) {
1887  outcomm->remoteIndices().setNeighbours(tneighbors);
1888  outcomm->remoteIndices().template rebuild<true>();
1890  }
1892  // release the memory
1893  delete[] sendTo;
1895  if(verbose) {
1896  oocomm.communicator().barrier();
1897  if(oocomm.communicator().rank()==0)
1898  std::cout<<" Storing indexsets took "<<
1899  time.elapsed()<<std::endl;
1900  }
1902 #ifdef PERF_REPART
1903  // stop the time for step 4) and print the results
1904  t4=MPI_Wtime()-t4;
1905  tSum = t1 + t2 + t3 + t4;
1906  std::cout<<std::endl
1907  <<mype<<": WTime for step 1): "<<t1
1908  <<" 2): "<<t2
1909  <<" 3): "<<t3
1910  <<" 4): "<<t4
1911  <<" total: "<<tSum
1912  <<std::endl;
1913 #endif
1915  return color!=MPI_UNDEFINED;
1917  }
1918 #else
1919  template<class G, class P,class T1, class T2, class R>
1920  bool graphRepartition(const G& graph, P& oocomm, int nparts,
1921  P*& outcomm,
1922  R& redistInf,
1923  bool v=false)
1924  {
1925  if(nparts!=oocomm.size())
1926  DUNE_THROW(NotImplemented, "only available for MPI programs");
1927  }
1930  template<class G, class P,class T1, class T2, class R>
1931  bool commGraphRepartition(const G& graph, P& oocomm, int nparts,
1932  P*& outcomm,
1933  R& redistInf,
1934  bool v=false)
1935  {
1936  if(nparts!=oocomm.size())
1937  DUNE_THROW(NotImplemented, "only available for MPI programs");
1938  }
1939 #endif // HAVE_MPI
1940 } // end of namespace Dune
1941 #endif
The (undirected) graph of a matrix.
Definition: graph.hh:49
int rank() const
Return rank, is between 0 and size()-1.
Definition: mpicollectivecommunication.hh:163
int size() const
Number of processes in set, is greater than 0.
Definition: mpicollectivecommunication.hh:169
T sum(const T &in) const
Compute the sum of the argument over all processes and return the result in every process....
Definition: mpicollectivecommunication.hh:176
int barrier() const
Wait until all processes have arrived at this point in the program.
Definition: mpicollectivecommunication.hh:240
T max(const T &in) const
Compute the maximum of the argument over all processes and return the result in every process....
Definition: mpicollectivecommunication.hh:225
Index Set Interface base class.
Definition: indexidset.hh:76
IndexType size(GeometryType type) const
Return total number of entities of given geometry type in entity set .
Definition: indexidset.hh:220
MPI_Comm communicator_
The MPI communicator we use.
Definition: interface.hh:314
size_type N() const
Return the number of rows.
Definition: matrix.hh:690
A class setting up standard communication for a two-valued attribute set with owner/overlap/copy sema...
Definition: owneroverlapcopy.hh:172
const ParallelIndexSet & indexSet() const
Get the underlying parallel index set.
Definition: owneroverlapcopy.hh:463
void copyCopyToAll(const T &source, T &dest) const
Communicate values from copy data points to all other data points.
Definition: owneroverlapcopy.hh:332
const RemoteIndices & remoteIndices() const
Get the underlying remote indices.
Definition: owneroverlapcopy.hh:472
void copyOwnerToAll(const T &source, T &dest) const
Communicate values from owner data points to all other data points.
Definition: owneroverlapcopy.hh:315
SolverCategory::Category getSolverCategory() const
Get Solver Category.
Definition: owneroverlapcopy.hh:299
Manager class for the mapping between local indices and globally unique indices.
Definition: indexset.hh:217
LocalIndex::Attribute Attribute
The type of the attribute.
Definition: remoteindices.hh:224
const_iterator end() const
Get an iterator over all remote index lists.
Definition: remoteindices.hh:1536
int neighbours() const
Get the number of processors we share indices with.
Definition: remoteindices.hh:1453
const_iterator begin() const
Get an iterator over all remote index lists.
Definition: remoteindices.hh:1529
A simple stop watch.
Definition: timer.hh:41
void reset() noexcept
Reset timer while keeping the running/stopped state.
Definition: timer.hh:55
double elapsed() const noexcept
Get elapsed user-time from last reset until now/last stop in seconds.
Definition: timer.hh:75
Provides utility classes for syncing distributed data via MPI communication.
Classes for building sets out of enumeration values.
Provides classes for building the matrix graph.
const IndexPair * pair(const std::size_t &local) const
Get the index pair corresponding to a local index.
size_t size() const
Get the total number (public and nonpublic) indices.
void repairLocalIndexPointers(std::map< int, SLList< std::pair< typename T::GlobalIndex, typename T::LocalIndex::Attribute >, A > > &globalMap, RemoteIndices< T, A1 > &remoteIndices, const T &indexSet)
Repair the pointers to the local indices in the remote indices.
Definition: indicessyncer.hh:490
iterator begin()
Get an iterator over the indices positioned at the first index.
iterator end()
Get an iterator over the indices positioned after the last index.
const InformationMap & interfaces() const
Get information about the interfaces.
Definition: interface.hh:422
void storeGlobalIndicesOfRemoteIndices(std::map< int, SLList< std::pair< typename T::GlobalIndex, typename T::LocalIndex::Attribute >, A > > &globalMap, const RemoteIndices< T, A1 > &remoteIndices)
Stores the corresponding global indices of the remote index information.
Definition: indicessyncer.hh:461
constexpr index_constant< 1 > _1
Compile time index with value 1.
Definition: indices.hh:53
typename FieldTraits< Type >::real_type real_t
Convenient access to FieldTraits<Type>::real_type.
Definition: typetraits.hh:357
A macro to mark intentionally unused function parameters with.
Definition: unused.hh:25
#define DUNE_THROW(E, m)
Definition: exceptions.hh:216
constexpr GeometryType vertex
GeometryType representing a vertex.
Definition: type.hh:727
DInfoType dinfo(std::cout)
Stream for informative output.
Definition: stdstreams.hh:138
DVerbType dverb(std::cout)
Singleton of verbose debug stream.
Definition: stdstreams.hh:114
Provides a map between global and local indices.
Class for adding missing indices of a distributed index set in a local communication.
Traits classes for mapping types onto MPI_Datatype.
Dune namespace.
Definition: alignedallocator.hh:10
void fillIndexSetHoles(const G &graph, Dune::OwnerOverlapCopyCommunication< T1, T2 > &oocomm)
Fills the holes in an index set.
Definition: repartition.hh:81
bool graphRepartition(const G &graph, Dune::OwnerOverlapCopyCommunication< T1, T2 > &oocomm, Metis::idx_t nparts, Dune::OwnerOverlapCopyCommunication< T1, T2 > *&outcomm, RedistributeInterface &redistInf, bool verbose=false)
execute a graph repartition for a giving graph and indexset.
Definition: repartition.hh:1265
Classes providing communication interfaces for overlapping Schwarz methods.
Utilities for reduction like operations on ranges.
Classes describing a distributed indexset.
Standard Dune debug streams.
A traits class describing the mapping of types onto MPI_Datatypes.
Definition: mpitraits.hh:38
@ nonoverlapping
Category for non-overlapping solvers.
Definition: solvercategory.hh:25
A simple timing class.
Definition of the DUNE_UNUSED macro for the case that config.h is not available.
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