Dune Core Modules (2.6.0)

1// -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
2// vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
7#include <cstdarg>
8#include <cstdio>
9#include <cstring>
10#include <fstream>
11#include <iostream>
12#include <map>
13#include <memory>
14#include <string>
15#include <vector>
20#include <dune/geometry/type.hh>
25namespace Dune
35 {
41 };
42 };
44 namespace {
46 // arbitrary dimension, implementation is in specialization
47 template< int dimension, int dimWorld = dimension >
48 class GmshReaderQuadraticBoundarySegment
49 {};
51 // quadratic boundary segments in 1d
52 /*
53 Note the points
55 (0) (alpha) (1)
57 are mapped to the points in global coordinates
59 p0 p2 p1
61 alpha is determined automatically from the given points.
62 */
63 template< int dimWorld >
64 struct GmshReaderQuadraticBoundarySegment< 2, dimWorld >
65 : public Dune::BoundarySegment< 2, dimWorld >
66 {
67 typedef Dune::FieldVector< double, dimWorld > GlobalVector;
69 GmshReaderQuadraticBoundarySegment ( const GlobalVector &p0_, const GlobalVector &p1_, const GlobalVector &p2_)
70 : p0(p0_), p1(p1_), p2(p2_)
71 {
72 GlobalVector d1 = p1;
73 d1 -= p0;
74 GlobalVector d2 = p2;
75 d2 -= p1;
77 alpha=d1.two_norm()/(d1.two_norm()+d2.two_norm());
78 if (alpha<1E-6 || alpha>1-1E-6)
79 DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "ration in quadratic boundary segment bad");
80 }
82 virtual GlobalVector operator() ( const Dune::FieldVector<double,1> &local ) const
83 {
84 GlobalVector y;
85 y = 0.0;
86 y.axpy((local[0]-alpha)*(local[0]-1.0)/alpha,p0);
87 y.axpy(local[0]*(local[0]-1.0)/(alpha*(alpha-1.0)),p1);
88 y.axpy(local[0]*(local[0]-alpha)/(1.0-alpha),p2);
89 return y;
90 }
92 private:
93 GlobalVector p0,p1,p2;
94 double alpha;
95 };
98 // quadratic boundary segments in 2d
99 /* numbering of points corresponding to gmsh:
101 2
103 5 4
105 0 3 1
107 Note: The vertices 3, 4, 5 are not necessarily at the edge midpoints but can
108 be placed with parameters alpha, beta , gamma at the following positions
109 in local coordinates:
112 2 = (0,1)
114 5 = (0,beta) 4 = (1-gamma/sqrt(2),gamma/sqrt(2))
116 0 = (0,0) 3 = (alpha,0) 1 = (1,0)
118 The parameters alpha, beta, gamma are determined from the given vertices in
119 global coordinates.
120 */
121 template<>
122 class GmshReaderQuadraticBoundarySegment< 3, 3 >
123 : public Dune::BoundarySegment< 3 >
124 {
125 public:
126 GmshReaderQuadraticBoundarySegment (Dune::FieldVector<double,3> p0_, Dune::FieldVector<double,3> p1_,
129 : p0(p0_), p1(p1_), p2(p2_), p3(p3_), p4(p4_), p5(p5_)
130 {
131 sqrt2 = sqrt(2.0);
134 d1 = p3; d1 -= p0;
135 d2 = p1; d2 -= p3;
136 alpha=d1.two_norm()/(d1.two_norm()+d2.two_norm());
137 if (alpha<1E-6 || alpha>1-1E-6)
138 DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "alpha in quadratic boundary segment bad");
140 d1 = p5; d1 -= p0;
141 d2 = p2; d2 -= p5;
142 beta=d1.two_norm()/(d1.two_norm()+d2.two_norm());
143 if (beta<1E-6 || beta>1-1E-6)
144 DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "beta in quadratic boundary segment bad");
146 d1 = p4; d1 -= p1;
147 d2 = p2; d2 -= p4;
148 gamma=sqrt2*(d1.two_norm()/(d1.two_norm()+d2.two_norm()));
149 if (gamma<1E-6 || gamma>1-1E-6)
150 DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "gamma in quadratic boundary segment bad");
151 }
153 virtual Dune::FieldVector<double,3> operator() (const Dune::FieldVector<double,2>& local) const
154 {
156 y = 0.0;
157 y.axpy(phi0(local),p0);
158 y.axpy(phi1(local),p1);
159 y.axpy(phi2(local),p2);
160 y.axpy(phi3(local),p3);
161 y.axpy(phi4(local),p4);
162 y.axpy(phi5(local),p5);
163 return y;
164 }
166 private:
167 // The six Lagrange basis function on the reference element
168 // for the points given above
170 double phi0 (const Dune::FieldVector<double,2>& local) const
171 {
172 return (alpha*beta-beta*local[0]-alpha*local[1])*(1-local[0]-local[1])/(alpha*beta);
173 }
174 double phi3 (const Dune::FieldVector<double,2>& local) const
175 {
176 return local[0]*(1-local[0]-local[1])/(alpha*(1-alpha));
177 }
178 double phi1 (const Dune::FieldVector<double,2>& local) const
179 {
180 return local[0]*(gamma*local[0]-(sqrt2-gamma-sqrt2*alpha)*local[1]-alpha*gamma)/(gamma*(1-alpha));
181 }
182 double phi5 (const Dune::FieldVector<double,2>& local) const
183 {
184 return local[1]*(1-local[0]-local[1])/(beta*(1-beta));
185 }
186 double phi4 (const Dune::FieldVector<double,2>& local) const
187 {
188 return local[0]*local[1]/((1-gamma/sqrt2)*gamma/sqrt2);
189 }
190 double phi2 (const Dune::FieldVector<double,2>& local) const
191 {
192 return local[1]*(beta*(1-gamma/sqrt2)-local[0]*(beta-gamma/sqrt2)-local[1]*(1-gamma/sqrt2))/((1-gamma/sqrt2)*(beta-1));
193 }
195 Dune::FieldVector<double,3> p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5;
196 double alpha,beta,gamma,sqrt2;
197 };
199 } // end empty namespace
202 template<typename GridType>
204 {
205 protected:
206 // private data
208 bool verbose;
209 bool insert_boundary_segments;
210 unsigned int number_of_real_vertices;
211 int boundary_element_count;
212 int element_count;
213 // read buffer
214 char buf[512];
215 std::string fileName;
216 // exported data
217 std::vector<int> boundary_id_to_physical_entity;
218 std::vector<int> element_index_to_physical_entity;
220 // static data
221 static const int dim = GridType::dimension;
222 static const int dimWorld = GridType::dimensionworld;
223 static_assert( (dimWorld <= 3), "GmshReader requires dimWorld <= 3." );
225 // typedefs
228 // don't use something like
229 // readfile(file, 1, "%s\n", buf);
230 // to skip the rest of of the line -- that will only skip the next
231 // whitespace-separated word! Use skipline() instead.
232 void readfile(FILE * file, int cnt, const char * format,
233 void* t1, void* t2 = 0, void* t3 = 0, void* t4 = 0,
234 void* t5 = 0, void* t6 = 0, void* t7 = 0, void* t8 = 0,
235 void* t9 = 0, void* t10 = 0)
236 {
237 off_t pos = ftello(file);
238 int c = fscanf(file, format, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10);
239 if (c != cnt)
240 DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "Error parsing " << fileName << " "
241 "file pos " << pos
242 << ": Expected '" << format << "', only read " << c << " entries instead of " << cnt << ".");
243 }
245 // skip over the rest of the line, including the terminating newline
246 void skipline(FILE * file)
247 {
248 int c;
249 do {
250 c = std::fgetc(file);
251 } while(c != '\n' && c != EOF);
252 }
254 public:
256 GmshReaderParser(Dune::GridFactory<GridType>& _factory, bool v, bool i) :
257 factory(_factory), verbose(v), insert_boundary_segments(i) {}
259 std::vector<int> & boundaryIdMap()
260 {
261 return boundary_id_to_physical_entity;
262 }
264 std::vector<int> & elementIndexMap()
265 {
266 return element_index_to_physical_entity;
267 }
269 void read (const std::string& f)
270 {
271 if (verbose) std::cout << "Reading " << dim << "d Gmsh grid..." << std::endl;
273 // open file name, we use C I/O
274 fileName = f;
275 FILE* file = fopen(fileName.c_str(),"r");
276 if (file==0)
277 DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "Could not open " << fileName);
279 //=========================================
280 // Header: Read vertices into vector
281 // Check vertices that are needed
282 //=========================================
284 number_of_real_vertices = 0;
285 boundary_element_count = 0;
286 element_count = 0;
288 // process header
289 double version_number;
290 int file_type, data_size;
292 readfile(file,1,"%s\n",buf);
293 if (strcmp(buf,"$MeshFormat")!=0)
294 DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "expected $MeshFormat in first line");
295 readfile(file,3,"%lg %d %d\n",&version_number,&file_type,&data_size);
296 if( (version_number < 2.0) || (version_number > 2.2) )
297 DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "can only read Gmsh version 2 files");
298 if (verbose) std::cout << "version " << version_number << " Gmsh file detected" << std::endl;
299 readfile(file,1,"%s\n",buf);
300 if (strcmp(buf,"$EndMeshFormat")!=0)
301 DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "expected $EndMeshFormat");
303 // node section
304 int number_of_nodes;
306 readfile(file,1,"%s\n",buf);
307 if (strcmp(buf,"$Nodes")!=0)
308 DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "expected $Nodes");
309 readfile(file,1,"%d\n",&number_of_nodes);
310 if (verbose) std::cout << "file contains " << number_of_nodes << " nodes" << std::endl;
312 // read nodes
313 // The '+1' is due to the fact that gmsh numbers node starting from 1 rather than from 0
314 std::vector< GlobalVector > nodes( number_of_nodes+1 );
315 {
316 int id;
317 double x[ 3 ];
318 for( int i = 1; i <= number_of_nodes; ++i )
319 {
320 readfile(file,4, "%d %lg %lg %lg\n", &id, &x[ 0 ], &x[ 1 ], &x[ 2 ] );
322 if (id > number_of_nodes) {
324 "Only dense sequences of node indices are currently supported (node index "
325 << id << " is invalid).");
326 }
328 // just store node position
329 for( int j = 0; j < dimWorld; ++j )
330 nodes[ id ][ j ] = x[ j ];
331 }
332 readfile(file,1,"%s\n",buf);
333 if (strcmp(buf,"$EndNodes")!=0)
334 DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "expected $EndNodes");
335 }
337 // element section
338 readfile(file,1,"%s\n",buf);
339 if (strcmp(buf,"$Elements")!=0)
340 DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "expected $Elements");
341 int number_of_elements;
342 readfile(file,1,"%d\n",&number_of_elements);
343 if (verbose) std::cout << "file contains " << number_of_elements << " elements" << std::endl;
345 //=========================================
346 // Pass 1: Select and insert those vertices in the file that
347 // actually occur as corners of an element.
348 //=========================================
350 long section_element_offset = ftell(file);
351 std::map<int,unsigned int> renumber;
352 for (int i=1; i<=number_of_elements; i++)
353 {
354 int id, elm_type, number_of_tags;
355 readfile(file,3,"%d %d %d ",&id,&elm_type,&number_of_tags);
356 for (int k=1; k<=number_of_tags; k++)
357 {
358 int blub;
359 readfile(file,1,"%d ",&blub);
360 // k == 1: physical entity (not used here)
361 // k == 2: elementary entity (not used here either)
362 // if version_number < 2.2:
363 // k == 3: mesh partition 0
364 // else
365 // k == 3: number of mesh partitions
366 // k => 4: mesh partition k-4
367 }
368 pass1HandleElement(file, elm_type, renumber, nodes);
369 }
370 if (verbose) std::cout << "number of real vertices = " << number_of_real_vertices << std::endl;
371 if (verbose) std::cout << "number of boundary elements = " << boundary_element_count << std::endl;
372 if (verbose) std::cout << "number of elements = " << element_count << std::endl;
373 readfile(file,1,"%s\n",buf);
374 if (strcmp(buf,"$EndElements")!=0)
375 DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "expected $EndElements");
376 boundary_id_to_physical_entity.resize(boundary_element_count);
377 element_index_to_physical_entity.resize(element_count);
379 //==============================================
380 // Pass 2: Insert boundary segments and elements
381 //==============================================
383 fseek(file, section_element_offset, SEEK_SET);
384 boundary_element_count = 0;
385 element_count = 0;
386 for (int i=1; i<=number_of_elements; i++)
387 {
388 int id, elm_type, number_of_tags;
389 readfile(file,3,"%d %d %d ",&id,&elm_type,&number_of_tags);
390 int physical_entity = -1;
392 for (int k=1; k<=number_of_tags; k++)
393 {
394 int blub;
395 readfile(file,1,"%d ",&blub);
396 if (k==1) physical_entity = blub;
397 }
398 pass2HandleElement(file, elm_type, renumber, nodes, physical_entity);
399 }
400 readfile(file,1,"%s\n",buf);
401 if (strcmp(buf,"$EndElements")!=0)
402 DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "expected $EndElements");
404 fclose(file);
405 }
412 void pass1HandleElement(FILE* file, const int elm_type,
413 std::map<int,unsigned int> & renumber,
414 const std::vector< GlobalVector > & nodes)
415 {
416 // some data about gmsh elements
417 const int nDofs[12] = {-1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 8, 6, 5, 3, 6, -1, 10};
418 const int nVertices[12] = {-1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 8, 6, 5, 2, 3, -1, 4};
419 const int elementDim[12] = {-1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 2, -1, 3};
421 // test whether we support the element type
422 if ( not (elm_type >= 0 && elm_type < 12 // index in suitable range?
423 && (elementDim[elm_type] == dim || elementDim[elm_type] == (dim-1) ) ) ) // real element or boundary element?
424 {
425 skipline(file); // skip rest of line if element is unknown
426 return;
427 }
429 // The format string for parsing is n times '%d' in a row
430 std::string formatString = "%d";
431 for (int i=1; i<nDofs[elm_type]; i++)
432 formatString += " %d";
433 formatString += "\n";
435 // '10' is the largest number of dofs we may encounter in a .msh file
436 std::vector<int> elementDofs(10);
438 readfile(file,nDofs[elm_type], formatString.c_str(),
439 &(elementDofs[0]),&(elementDofs[1]),&(elementDofs[2]),
440 &(elementDofs[3]),&(elementDofs[4]),&(elementDofs[5]),
441 &(elementDofs[6]),&(elementDofs[7]),&(elementDofs[8]),
442 &(elementDofs[9]));
444 // insert each vertex if it hasn't been inserted already
445 for (int i=0; i<nVertices[elm_type]; i++)
446 if (renumber.find(elementDofs[i])==renumber.end())
447 {
448 renumber[elementDofs[i]] = number_of_real_vertices++;
449 factory.insertVertex(nodes[elementDofs[i]]);
450 }
452 // count elements and boundary elements
453 if (elementDim[elm_type] == dim)
454 element_count++;
455 else
456 boundary_element_count++;
458 }
462 // generic-case: This is not supposed to be used at runtime.
463 template <class E, class V, class V2>
464 void boundarysegment_insert(
465 const V& nodes,
466 const E& elementDofs,
467 const V2& vertices
468 )
469 {
470 DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "tried to create a 3D boundary segment in a non-3D Grid");
471 }
473 // 3d-case:
474 template <class E, class V>
475 void boundarysegment_insert(
476 const std::vector<FieldVector<double, 3> >& nodes,
477 const E& elementDofs,
478 const V& vertices
479 )
480 {
481 std::array<FieldVector<double,dimWorld>, 6> v;
482 for (int i=0; i<6; i++)
483 for (int j=0; j<dimWorld; j++)
484 v[i][j] = nodes[elementDofs[i]][j];
486 BoundarySegment<dim,dimWorld>* newBoundarySegment
487 = (BoundarySegment<dim,dimWorld>*) new GmshReaderQuadraticBoundarySegment< 3, 3 >( v[0], v[1], v[2],
488 v[3], v[4], v[5] );
490 factory.insertBoundarySegment( vertices,
491 std::shared_ptr<BoundarySegment<dim,dimWorld> >(newBoundarySegment) );
492 }
500 virtual void pass2HandleElement(FILE* file, const int elm_type,
501 std::map<int,unsigned int> & renumber,
502 const std::vector< GlobalVector > & nodes,
503 const int physical_entity)
504 {
505 // some data about gmsh elements
506 const int nDofs[12] = {-1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 8, 6, 5, 3, 6, -1, 10};
507 const int nVertices[12] = {-1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 8, 6, 5, 2, 3, -1, 4};
508 const int elementDim[12] = {-1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 2, -1, 3};
510 // test whether we support the element type
511 if ( not (elm_type >= 0 && elm_type < 12 // index in suitable range?
512 && (elementDim[elm_type] == dim || elementDim[elm_type] == (dim-1) ) ) ) // real element or boundary element?
513 {
514 skipline(file); // skip rest of line if element is unknown
515 return;
516 }
518 // The format string for parsing is n times '%d' in a row
519 std::string formatString = "%d";
520 for (int i=1; i<nDofs[elm_type]; i++)
521 formatString += " %d";
522 formatString += "\n";
524 // '10' is the largest number of dofs we may encounter in a .msh file
525 std::vector<int> elementDofs(10);
527 readfile(file,nDofs[elm_type], formatString.c_str(),
528 &(elementDofs[0]),&(elementDofs[1]),&(elementDofs[2]),
529 &(elementDofs[3]),&(elementDofs[4]),&(elementDofs[5]),
530 &(elementDofs[6]),&(elementDofs[7]),&(elementDofs[8]),
531 &(elementDofs[9]));
533 // correct differences between gmsh and Dune in the local vertex numbering
534 switch (elm_type)
535 {
536 case 3 : // 4-node quadrilateral
537 std::swap(elementDofs[2],elementDofs[3]);
538 break;
539 case 5 : // 8-node hexahedron
540 std::swap(elementDofs[2],elementDofs[3]);
541 std::swap(elementDofs[6],elementDofs[7]);
542 break;
543 case 7 : // 5-node pyramid
544 std::swap(elementDofs[2],elementDofs[3]);
545 break;
546 }
548 // renumber corners to account for the explicitly given vertex
549 // numbering in the file
550 std::vector<unsigned int> vertices(nVertices[elm_type]);
552 for (int i=0; i<nVertices[elm_type]; i++)
553 vertices[i] = renumber[elementDofs[i]];
555 // If it is an element, insert it as such
556 if (elementDim[elm_type] == dim) {
558 switch (elm_type)
559 {
560 case 1 : // 2-node line
562 break;
563 case 2 : // 3-node triangle
565 break;
566 case 3 : // 4-node quadrilateral
568 break;
569 case 4 : // 4-node tetrahedron
571 break;
572 case 5 : // 8-node hexahedron
574 break;
575 case 6 : // 6-node prism
577 break;
578 case 7 : // 5-node pyramid
580 break;
581 case 9 : // 6-node triangle
583 break;
584 case 11 : // 10-node tetrahedron
586 break;
587 }
589 } else {
590 // it must be a boundary segment then
591 if (insert_boundary_segments) {
593 switch (elm_type)
594 {
595 case 1 : // 2-node line
596 factory.insertBoundarySegment(vertices);
597 break;
599 case 2 : // 3-node triangle
600 factory.insertBoundarySegment(vertices);
601 break;
603 case 8 : { // 3-node line
604 std::array<FieldVector<double,dimWorld>, 3> v;
605 for (int i=0; i<dimWorld; i++) {
606 v[0][i] = nodes[elementDofs[0]][i];
607 v[1][i] = nodes[elementDofs[2]][i]; // yes, the renumbering is intended!
608 v[2][i] = nodes[elementDofs[1]][i];
609 }
610 BoundarySegment<dim,dimWorld>* newBoundarySegment
611 = (BoundarySegment<dim,dimWorld>*) new GmshReaderQuadraticBoundarySegment< 2, dimWorld >(v[0], v[1], v[2]);
612 factory.insertBoundarySegment(vertices,
613 std::shared_ptr<BoundarySegment<dim,dimWorld> >(newBoundarySegment));
614 break;
615 }
616 case 9 : { // 6-node triangle
617 boundarysegment_insert(nodes, elementDofs, vertices);
618 break;
619 }
621 }
623 }
624 }
626 // count elements and boundary elements
627 if (elementDim[elm_type] == dim) {
628 element_index_to_physical_entity[element_count] = physical_entity;
629 element_count++;
630 } else {
631 boundary_id_to_physical_entity[boundary_element_count] = physical_entity;
632 boundary_element_count++;
633 }
635 }
637 };
655 template<typename GridType>
657 {
658 public:
659 typedef GridType Grid;
662 static Grid* read (const std::string& fileName, bool verbose = true, bool insertBoundarySegments=true)
663 {
664 // make a grid factory
667 // create parse object
668 GmshReaderParser<Grid> parser(factory,verbose,insertBoundarySegments);
669 parser.read(fileName);
671 return factory.createGrid();
672 }
675 static Grid* read (const std::string& fileName,
676 std::vector<int>& boundarySegmentToPhysicalEntity,
677 std::vector<int>& elementToPhysicalEntity,
678 bool verbose = true, bool insertBoundarySegments=true)
679 {
680 // make a grid factory
683 // create parse object
684 GmshReaderParser<Grid> parser(factory,verbose,insertBoundarySegments);
685 parser.read(fileName);
687 boundarySegmentToPhysicalEntity.swap(parser.boundaryIdMap());
688 elementToPhysicalEntity.swap(parser.elementIndexMap());
690 return factory.createGrid();
691 }
694 static void read (Dune::GridFactory<Grid>& factory, const std::string& fileName,
695 bool verbose = true, bool insertBoundarySegments=true)
696 {
697 // create parse object
698 GmshReaderParser<Grid> parser(factory,verbose,insertBoundarySegments);
699 parser.read(fileName);
700 }
703 static void read (Dune::GridFactory<Grid>& factory,
704 const std::string& fileName,
705 std::vector<int>& boundarySegmentToPhysicalEntity,
706 std::vector<int>& elementToPhysicalEntity,
707 bool verbose = true, bool insertBoundarySegments=true)
708 {
709 // create parse object
710 GmshReaderParser<Grid> parser(factory,verbose,insertBoundarySegments);
711 parser.read(fileName);
713 boundarySegmentToPhysicalEntity.swap(parser.boundaryIdMap());
714 elementToPhysicalEntity.swap(parser.elementIndexMap());
715 }
716 };
720} // namespace Dune
Base class for grid boundary segments of arbitrary geometry.
FieldTraits< value_type >::real_type two_norm() const
two norm sqrt(sum over squared values of entries)
Definition: densevector.hh:590
derived_type & axpy(const field_type &a, const DenseVector< Other > &y)
vector space axpy operation ( *this += a y )
Definition: densevector.hh:524
vector space out of a tensor product of fields.
Definition: fvector.hh:93
dimension independent parts for GmshReaderParser
Definition: gmshreader.hh:204
void pass1HandleElement(FILE *file, const int elm_type, std::map< int, unsigned int > &renumber, const std::vector< GlobalVector > &nodes)
Process one element during the first pass through the list of all elements.
Definition: gmshreader.hh:412
virtual void pass2HandleElement(FILE *file, const int elm_type, std::map< int, unsigned int > &renumber, const std::vector< GlobalVector > &nodes, const int physical_entity)
Process one element during the second pass through the list of all elements.
Definition: gmshreader.hh:500
Read Gmsh mesh file.
Definition: gmshreader.hh:657
static Grid * read(const std::string &fileName, std::vector< int > &boundarySegmentToPhysicalEntity, std::vector< int > &elementToPhysicalEntity, bool verbose=true, bool insertBoundarySegments=true)
Definition: gmshreader.hh:675
static Grid * read(const std::string &fileName, bool verbose=true, bool insertBoundarySegments=true)
Definition: gmshreader.hh:662
static void read(Dune::GridFactory< Grid > &factory, const std::string &fileName, bool verbose=true, bool insertBoundarySegments=true)
Definition: gmshreader.hh:694
static void read(Dune::GridFactory< Grid > &factory, const std::string &fileName, std::vector< int > &boundarySegmentToPhysicalEntity, std::vector< int > &elementToPhysicalEntity, bool verbose=true, bool insertBoundarySegments=true)
Definition: gmshreader.hh:703
Provide a generic factory class for unstructured grids.
Definition: gridfactory.hh:263
virtual void insertElement(const GeometryType &type, const std::vector< unsigned int > &vertices)
Insert an element into the coarse grid.
Definition: gridfactory.hh:290
virtual GridType * createGrid()
Finalize grid creation and hand over the grid.
Definition: gridfactory.hh:316
virtual void insertVertex(const FieldVector< ctype, dimworld > &pos)
Insert a vertex into the coarse grid.
Definition: gridfactory.hh:279
virtual void insertBoundarySegment(const std::vector< unsigned int > &vertices)
insert a boundary segment
Definition: gridfactory.hh:308
Default exception class for I/O errors.
Definition: exceptions.hh:229
Provide a generic factory class for unstructured grids.
A few common exception classes.
Implements a vector constructed from a given type representing a field and a compile-time given size.
#define DUNE_THROW(E, m)
Definition: exceptions.hh:216
constexpr GeometryType line
GeometryType representing a line.
Definition: type.hh:733
constexpr GeometryType prism
GeometryType representing a 3D prism.
Definition: type.hh:763
constexpr GeometryType triangle
GeometryType representing a triangle.
Definition: type.hh:739
constexpr GeometryType quadrilateral
GeometryType representing a quadrilateral (a square).
Definition: type.hh:745
constexpr GeometryType hexahedron
GeometryType representing a hexahedron.
Definition: type.hh:769
constexpr GeometryType pyramid
GeometryType representing a 3D pyramid.
Definition: type.hh:757
constexpr GeometryType tetrahedron
GeometryType representing a tetrahedron.
Definition: type.hh:751
static std::string formatString(const std::string &s, const T &... args)
Format values according to printf format string.
Definition: stringutility.hh:72
Dune namespace.
Definition: alignedallocator.hh:10
Base class for classes implementing geometries of boundary segments.
Definition: boundarysegment.hh:30
Options for read operation.
Definition: gmshreader.hh:35
Definition: gmshreader.hh:36
@ firstOrder
edges are straight lines.
Definition: gmshreader.hh:38
@ secondOrder
quadratic boundary approximation.
Definition: gmshreader.hh:40
A unique label for each type of element that can occur in a grid.
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