Dune Core Modules (2.5.2)

typetraits.hh File Reference

Traits for type conversions and type information. More...

#include <complex>
#include <type_traits>
#include <dune/common/deprecated.hh>

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  Dune::detail::voider<... >
 Helper to make void_t work with gcc versions prior to gcc 5.0. More...
struct  Dune::Empty
 Just an empty class. More...
struct  Dune::IsInteroperable< T1, T2 >
 Checks whether two types are interoperable. More...
struct  Dune::EnableIfInterOperable< T1, T2, Type >
 Enable typedef if two types are interoperable. More...
struct  Dune::AlwaysFalse< T >
 template which always yields a false value More...
struct  Dune::AlwaysTrue< T >
 template which always yields a true value More...
struct  Dune::is_indexable< T, I >
struct  Dune::is_range< T, typename >
struct  Dune::IsTuple< T >
 Check if T is a std::tuple<...> More...
struct  Dune::IsTupleOrDerived< T >
 Check if T derived from a std::tuple<...> More...
struct  Dune::IsIntegralConstant< T >
 Check if T is an std::integral_constant<I, i> More...
struct  Dune::SizeOf< T >
 Compute size of variadic type list. More...


namespace  Dune
 Dune namespace.


template<class... Types>
using Dune::void_t = typename detail::voider< Types... >::type
 Is void for all valid input types (see N3911). The workhorse for C++11 SFINAE-techniques.
template<class Type >
using Dune::field_t = typename FieldTraits< Type >::field_type
 Convenient access to FieldTraits<Type>::field_type.
template<class Type >
using Dune::real_t = typename FieldTraits< Type >::real_type
 Convenient access to FieldTraits<Type>::real_type.


template<typename T >
struct Dune::DUNE_DEPRECATED_MSG ("Use <type_traits> instead!") ConstantVolatileTraits
 Determines whether a type is const or volatile and provides the unqualified types. More...
template<typename T >
struct Dune::DUNE_DEPRECATED_MSG ("Use std::is_volatile instead!") IsVolatile
 Tests whether a type is volatile. More...
template<typename T >
struct Dune::DUNE_DEPRECATED_MSG ("Use std::is_const instead!") IsConst
 Tests whether a type is constant. More...
template<class From , class To >
struct Dune::DUNE_DEPRECATED_MSG ("Use std::is_convertible/std::is_same instead!") Conversion
 Checks whether a type is convertible to another. More...
template<class Base , class Derived >
struct Dune::DUNE_DEPRECATED_MSG ("Use std::is_base_of instead!") IsBaseOf
 Checks whether a type is derived from another. More...

Detailed Description

Traits for type conversions and type information.

Markus Blatt, Christian Engwer
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