Dune Core Modules (2.5.2)

Deprecated List
Member Dune::Amg::KAMG< M, X, S, PI, K, A >::KAMG (const Operator &fineOperator, const C &criterion, const SmootherArgs &smootherArgs, std::size_t gamma, std::size_t preSmoothingSteps=1, std::size_t postSmoothingSteps=1, std::size_t maxLevelKrylovSteps=3, double minDefectReduction=1e-1, const ParallelInformation &pinfo=ParallelInformation()) DUNE_DEPRECATED
Use KAMG(const Operator&, const C&, const SmootherArgs, const ParallelInformation) instead. All parameters can be set in the criterion!
Member Dune::CommDataHandleIF< DataHandleImp, DataTypeImp >::fixedsize (int dim, int codim) const
This method (with the lower-case 's') is deprecated. Use 'fixedSize' instead!
Class Dune::EntityPointer< GridImp, IteratorImp >
The EntityPointer is deprecated and will be removed after the release of dune-grid-2.4. It is not needed anymore because starting with dune-grid-2.4, you can now simply copy and store entities directly. If you need to store many entities for an extended time, use EntitySeed instead. Please note that due to the effort required by this change, those grids that are deprecated in dune-grid-2.4 will not have copyable entities, so if you are forced to use one of those grids, you will have to continue using EntityPointer as well.
Member Dune::EntityPointer< GridImp, IteratorImp >::level () const DUNE_ENTITYPOINTER_DEPRECATED_MSG
Will be removed after the release of dune-grid-2.4. Use the method level() from the dereferenced Entity instead.
Member Dune::EntityPointer< GridImp, IteratorImp >::operator!= (const Entity &rhs) const
This method only exists for backwards compatibility during the 2.4 release cycle and will be removed after dune-grid-2.4 is released.
Member Dune::EntityPointer< GridImp, IteratorImp >::operator== (const Entity &rhs) const
This method only exists for backwards compatibility during the 2.4 release cycle and will be removed after dune-grid-2.4 is released.
Member Dune::Intersection< GridImp, IntersectionImp >::DUNE_DEPRECATED_MSG ("Deprecated: codimensions of an intersection are always 1!")
This number is deprecated, because it is always 1 anyway.
Member Dune::Intersection< GridImp, IntersectionImp >::DUNE_DEPRECATED_MSG ("Deprecated: get this dimension from the grid itself, or from an element!")
This number is deprecated: First, it doesn't really give any information about the intersection itself. Secondly: the fact the Intersection::dimension is NOT the dimension of the intersection confused too many people.
Class Dune::SubsamplingVTKSequenceWriter< GridView >
Please use VTKSequenceWriter together with a SubsamplingVTKWriter instead!
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