Dune Core Modules (2.5.0)
Parameter to be used for the parallel level- and leaf iterators.
Definition: gridenums.hh:134
Attributes used in the generic overlap model.
Definition: gridenums.hh:28
PartitionSet<(1<< p)> partitionSet()
Creates a PartitionSet for the given PartitionType.
Definition: partitionset.hh:180
PartitionSet<... > All
Type of PartitionSet for all partitions.
Definition: partitionset.hh:216
Interior interior
PartitionSet for the interior partition.
Definition: partitionset.hh:220
PartitionSet<... > InteriorBorder
Type of PartitionSet for the interior and border partitions.
Definition: partitionset.hh:207
Overlap overlap
PartitionSet for the overlap partition.
Definition: partitionset.hh:226
PartitionSet<... > Border
Type of PartitionSet for the border partition.
Definition: partitionset.hh:195
PartitionSet<... > Front
Type of PartitionSet for the front partition.
Definition: partitionset.hh:201
InteriorBorder interiorBorder
PartitionSet for the interior and border partitions.
Definition: partitionset.hh:235
PartitionSet<... > Overlap
Type of PartitionSet for the overlap partition.
Definition: partitionset.hh:198
Front front
PartitionSet for the front partition.
Definition: partitionset.hh:229
PartitionSet<... > Interior
Type of PartitionSet for the interior partition.
Definition: partitionset.hh:192
InteriorBorderOverlapFront interiorBorderOverlapFront
PartitionSet for the interior, border, overlap and front partitions.
Definition: partitionset.hh:241
Border border
PartitionSet for the border partition.
Definition: partitionset.hh:223
Ghost ghost
PartitionSet for the ghost partition.
Definition: partitionset.hh:232
InteriorBorderOverlap interiorBorderOverlap
PartitionSet for the interior, border and overlap partitions.
Definition: partitionset.hh:238
PartitionSet<... > Ghost
Type of PartitionSet for the ghost partition.
Definition: partitionset.hh:204
PartitionSet<... > InteriorBorderOverlap
Type of PartitionSet for the interior, border and overlap partitions.
Definition: partitionset.hh:210
PartitionSet<... > InteriorBorderOverlapFront
Type of PartitionSet for the interior, border, overlap and front partitions.
Definition: partitionset.hh:213
static constexpr bool contains(PartitionSet< contained_partitions >)
Tests whether the given PartitionSet is contained in this set.
Definition: partitionset.hh:154
constexpr bool operator==(PartitionSet< p2 >) const
Tests whether two PartitionsSet are equal.
Definition: partitionset.hh:161
static constexpr PartitionIteratorType partitionIterator()
Returns the PartitionIteratorType that can be used to iterate over the partitions in the set.
Definition: partitionset.hh:141
constexpr bool operator!=(PartitionSet< p2 >) const
Tests whether two PartitionsSet are not equal.
Definition: partitionset.hh:168
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os, const PartitionSet &)
Writes the PartitionSet to an output stream.
Definition: partitionset.hh:118
struct PartitionSet< partitions &~p > operator-(const PartitionSet< p > &set) const
Returns a new PartitionSet that does not contain the partitions in set.
Definition: partitionset.hh:112
static constexpr bool contains(PartitionType pt)
Tests whether the given PartitionType is contained in this set.
Definition: partitionset.hh:147
Traits for type conversions and type information.
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