Dune Core Modules (2.3.1)

1// -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
2// vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
6// only include if ALUGrid is used
10#include <dune/grid/io/file/dgfparser/dgfparser.hh>
11#include <dune/grid/io/file/dgfparser/parser.hh>
12#include <dune/grid/io/file/dgfparser/blocks/projection.hh>
14#include <dune/grid/common/intersection.hh>
16namespace Dune
19 // External Forward Declarations
20 // -----------------------------
22 template< class GridImp, class IntersectionImp >
23 class Intersection;
27 // DGFGridInfo (specialization for ALUGrid)
28 // ----------------------------------------
31 template< int dimw >
32 struct DGFGridInfo< ALUCubeGrid< 3, dimw > >
33 {
34 static int refineStepsForHalf () { return 1; }
35 static double refineWeight () { return 0.125; }
36 };
38 template< int dimw >
39 struct DGFGridInfo< ALUSimplexGrid< 3, dimw > >
40 {
41 static int refineStepsForHalf () { return 1; }
42 static double refineWeight () { return 0.125; }
43 };
45 template<int dimw>
46 struct DGFGridInfo< ALUSimplexGrid< 2, dimw > >
47 {
48 static int refineStepsForHalf () { return 1; }
49 static double refineWeight () { return 0.25; }
50 };
52 template<int dimw>
53 struct DGFGridInfo< ALUCubeGrid< 2, dimw > >
54 {
55 static int refineStepsForHalf () { return 1; }
56 static double refineWeight () { return 0.25; }
57 };
59 template<int dimw>
60 struct DGFGridInfo< Dune::ALUConformGrid< 2, dimw > >
61 {
62 static int refineStepsForHalf () { return 2; }
63 static double refineWeight () { return 0.5; }
64 };
66 template<int dimg, int dimw, ALUGridElementType eltype, ALUGridRefinementType refinementtype, class Comm >
67 struct DGFGridInfo< Dune::ALUGrid< dimg, dimw, eltype, refinementtype, Comm > >
68 {
69 static int refineStepsForHalf () { return ( refinementtype == conforming ) ? dimg : 1; }
70 static double refineWeight () { return ( refinementtype == conforming ) ? 0.5 : 1.0/(std::pow( 2.0, double(dimg))); }
71 };
74 // DGFGridFactory for AluGrid
75 // --------------------------
77 // template< int dim, int dimworld > // for a first version
78 template < class G >
79 struct DGFBaseFactory
80 {
81 typedef G Grid;
82 const static int dimension = Grid::dimension;
83 typedef MPIHelper::MPICommunicator MPICommunicatorType;
84 typedef typename Grid::template Codim<0>::Entity Element;
85 typedef typename Grid::template Codim<dimension>::Entity Vertex;
86 typedef Dune::GridFactory<Grid> GridFactory;
88 DGFBaseFactory ()
89 : factory_( ),
90 dgf_( 0, 1 )
91 {}
93 explicit DGFBaseFactory ( MPICommunicatorType comm )
94 : factory_(),
95 dgf_( rank(comm), size(comm) )
96 {}
98 Grid *grid () const
99 {
100 return grid_;
101 }
103 template< class Intersection >
104 bool wasInserted ( const Intersection &intersection ) const
105 {
106 return factory_.wasInserted( intersection );
107 }
109 template< class GG, class II >
110 int boundaryId ( const Intersection< GG, II > & intersection ) const
111 {
112 typedef Dune::Intersection< GG, II > Intersection;
113 typename Intersection::EntityPointer inside = intersection.inside();
114 const typename Intersection::Entity & entity = *inside;
115 const int face = intersection.indexInInside();
117 const ReferenceElement< double, dimension > & refElem =
119 int corners = refElem.size( face, 1, dimension );
120 std :: vector< unsigned int > bound( corners );
121 for( int i=0; i < corners; ++i )
122 {
123 const int k = refElem.subEntity( face, 1, i, dimension );
124 bound[ i ] = factory_.insertionIndex( *entity.template subEntity< dimension >( k ) );
125 }
127 DuneGridFormatParser::facemap_t::key_type key( bound, false );
128 const DuneGridFormatParser::facemap_t::const_iterator pos = dgf_.facemap.find( key );
129 if( pos != dgf_.facemap.end() )
130 return dgf_.facemap.find( key )->second.first;
131 else
132 return (intersection.boundary() ? 1 : 0);
133 }
135 template< class GG, class II >
136 const typename DGFBoundaryParameter::type &
137 boundaryParameter ( const Intersection< GG, II > & intersection ) const
138 {
139 typedef Dune::Intersection< GG, II > Intersection;
140 typename Intersection::EntityPointer inside = intersection.inside();
141 const typename Intersection::Entity & entity = *inside;
142 const int face = intersection.indexInInside();
144 const ReferenceElement< double, dimension > & refElem =
146 int corners = refElem.size( face, 1, dimension );
147 std :: vector< unsigned int > bound( corners );
148 for( int i=0; i < corners; ++i )
149 {
150 const int k = refElem.subEntity( face, 1, i, dimension );
151 bound[ i ] = factory_.insertionIndex( *entity.template subEntity< dimension >( k ) );
152 }
154 DuneGridFormatParser::facemap_t::key_type key( bound, false );
155 const DuneGridFormatParser::facemap_t::const_iterator pos = dgf_.facemap.find( key );
156 if( pos != dgf_.facemap.end() )
157 return dgf_.facemap.find( key )->second.second;
158 else
160 }
162 template< int codim >
163 int numParameters () const
164 {
165 if( codim == 0 )
166 return dgf_.nofelparams;
167 else if( codim == dimension )
168 return dgf_.nofvtxparams;
169 else
170 return 0;
171 }
173 // return true if boundary parameters found
174 bool haveBoundaryParameters () const
175 {
176 return dgf_.haveBndParameters;
177 }
179 std::vector< double > &parameter ( const Element &element )
180 {
181 if( numParameters< 0 >() <= 0 )
182 {
183 DUNE_THROW( InvalidStateException,
184 "Calling DGFGridFactory::parameter is only allowed if there are parameters." );
185 }
186 return dgf_.elParams[ factory_.insertionIndex( element ) ];
187 }
189 std::vector< double > &parameter ( const Vertex &vertex )
190 {
191 if( numParameters< dimension >() <= 0 )
192 {
193 DUNE_THROW( InvalidStateException,
194 "Calling DGFGridFactory::parameter is only allowed if there are parameters." );
195 }
196 return dgf_.vtxParams[ factory_.insertionIndex( vertex ) ];
197 }
199 protected:
200 bool generateALUGrid( const ALUGridElementType eltype,
201 std::istream &file,
202 MPICommunicatorType communicator,
203 const std::string &filename );
205 bool generateALU2dGrid( const ALUGridElementType eltype,
206 std::istream &file,
207 MPICommunicatorType communicator,
208 const std::string &filename );
210 static Grid* callDirectly( const char* gridname,
211 const int rank,
212 const char *filename,
213 MPICommunicatorType communicator )
214 {
216 // in parallel runs add rank to filename
217 std :: stringstream tmps;
218 tmps << filename << "." << rank;
219 const std :: string &tmp = tmps.str();
221 // if file exits then use it
222 if( fileExists( tmp.c_str() ) )
223 return new Grid( tmp.c_str(), communicator );
224 #endif
225 // for rank 0 we also check the normal file name
226 if( rank == 0 )
227 {
228 if( fileExists( filename ) )
229 return new Grid( filename , communicator );
231 // only throw this exception on rank 0 because
232 // for the other ranks we can still create empty grids
233 DUNE_THROW( GridError, "Unable to create " << gridname << " from '"
234 << filename << "'." );
235 }
236 else
237 dwarn << "WARNING: P[" << rank << "]: Creating empty grid!" << std::endl;
239 // return empty grid on all other processes
240 return new Grid( communicator );
241 }
242 static bool fileExists ( const char *fileName )
243 {
244 std :: ifstream testfile( fileName );
245 if( !testfile )
246 return false;
247 testfile.close();
248 return true;
249 }
250 static int rank( MPICommunicatorType MPICOMM )
251 {
252 int rank = 0;
253#if HAVE_MPI
254 MPI_Comm_rank( MPICOMM, &rank );
256 return rank;
257 }
258 static int size( MPICommunicatorType MPICOMM )
259 {
260 int size = 1;
261#if HAVE_MPI
262 MPI_Comm_size( MPICOMM, &size );
264 return size;
265 }
266 Grid *grid_;
267 GridFactory factory_;
268 DuneGridFormatParser dgf_;
269 };
271 // note: template parameter dimw is only added to avoid ALUSimplexGrid deprecation warning
272 template < int dimw >
273 struct DGFGridFactory< ALUSimplexGrid<3,dimw> > :
274 public DGFBaseFactory< ALUSimplexGrid<3,dimw> >
275 {
276 typedef ALUSimplexGrid<3,dimw> DGFGridType;
277 typedef DGFBaseFactory< DGFGridType > BaseType;
278 typedef typename BaseType :: MPICommunicatorType MPICommunicatorType;
279 protected:
280 using BaseType :: grid_;
281 using BaseType :: callDirectly;
282 public:
283 explicit DGFGridFactory ( std::istream &input,
284 MPICommunicatorType comm = MPIHelper::getCommunicator() )
285 : DGFBaseFactory< DGFGridType >( comm )
286 {
287 input.clear();
288 input.seekg( 0 );
289 if( !input )
290 DUNE_THROW( DGFException, "Error resetting input stream." );
291 generate( input, comm );
292 }
294 explicit DGFGridFactory ( const std::string &filename,
295 MPICommunicatorType comm = MPIHelper::getCommunicator())
296 : DGFBaseFactory< DGFGridType >( comm )
297 {
298 std::ifstream input( filename.c_str() );
300 bool fileFound = input.is_open() ;
301 if( fileFound )
302 fileFound = generate( input, comm, filename );
304 if( ! fileFound )
305 grid_ = callDirectly( "ALUSimplexGrid< 3 , 3 >", this->rank( comm ), filename.c_str(), comm );
306 }
308 protected:
309 bool generate( std::istream &file, MPICommunicatorType comm, const std::string &filename = "" );
310 };
312 // note: template parameter dimw is only added to avoid ALUCubeGrid deprecation warning
313 template < int dimw >
314 struct DGFGridFactory< ALUCubeGrid<3, dimw> > :
315 public DGFBaseFactory< ALUCubeGrid<3, dimw> >
316 {
317 typedef ALUCubeGrid<3,dimw> DGFGridType;
318 typedef DGFBaseFactory< DGFGridType > BaseType;
319 typedef typename BaseType :: MPICommunicatorType MPICommunicatorType;
320 protected:
321 using BaseType :: grid_;
322 using BaseType :: callDirectly;
323 public:
324 explicit DGFGridFactory ( std::istream &input,
325 MPICommunicatorType comm = MPIHelper::getCommunicator() )
326 : DGFBaseFactory< DGFGridType >( comm )
327 {
328 input.clear();
329 input.seekg( 0 );
330 if( !input )
331 DUNE_THROW( DGFException, "Error resetting input stream." );
332 generate( input, comm );
333 }
335 explicit DGFGridFactory ( const std::string &filename,
336 MPICommunicatorType comm = MPIHelper::getCommunicator())
337 : DGFBaseFactory< DGFGridType >( comm )
338 {
339 std::ifstream input( filename.c_str() );
340 bool fileFound = input.is_open() ;
341 if( fileFound )
342 fileFound = generate( input, comm, filename );
344 if( ! fileFound )
345 grid_ = callDirectly( "ALUCubeGrid< 3 , 3 >", this->rank( comm ), filename.c_str(), comm );
346 }
348 protected:
349 bool generate( std::istream &file, MPICommunicatorType comm, const std::string &filename = "" );
350 };
352 template < ALUGridElementType eltype, ALUGridRefinementType refinementtype, class Comm >
353 struct DGFGridFactory< ALUGrid<3,3, eltype, refinementtype, Comm > > :
354 public DGFBaseFactory< ALUGrid<3,3, eltype, refinementtype, Comm > >
355 {
356 typedef ALUGrid<3,3, eltype, refinementtype, Comm > DGFGridType;
357 typedef DGFBaseFactory< DGFGridType > BaseType;
358 typedef typename BaseType :: MPICommunicatorType MPICommunicatorType;
359 protected:
360 using BaseType :: grid_;
361 using BaseType :: callDirectly;
362 public:
363 explicit DGFGridFactory ( std::istream &input,
364 MPICommunicatorType comm = MPIHelper::getCommunicator() )
365 : BaseType( comm )
366 {
367 input.clear();
368 input.seekg( 0 );
369 if( !input )
370 DUNE_THROW( DGFException, "Error resetting input stream." );
371 generate( input, comm );
372 }
374 explicit DGFGridFactory ( const std::string &filename,
375 MPICommunicatorType comm = MPIHelper::getCommunicator())
376 : BaseType( comm )
377 {
378 std::ifstream input( filename.c_str() );
379 bool fileFound = input.is_open() ;
380 if( fileFound )
381 fileFound = generate( input, comm, filename );
383 if( ! fileFound )
384 grid_ = callDirectly( "ALUGrid< 3, 3, eltype, ref, comm >", this->rank( comm ), filename.c_str(), comm );
385 }
387 protected:
388 bool generate( std::istream &file, MPICommunicatorType comm, const std::string &filename = "" );
389 };
391 template <int dimw>
392 struct DGFGridFactory< ALUConformGrid<2,dimw> > :
393 public DGFBaseFactory< ALUConformGrid<2,dimw> >
394 {
395 typedef DGFBaseFactory< ALUConformGrid<2,dimw> > Base;
396 typedef typename Base:: MPICommunicatorType MPICommunicatorType;
397 typedef typename Base::Grid Grid;
398 const static int dimension = Grid::dimension;
399 typedef typename Base::GridFactory GridFactory;
401 explicit DGFGridFactory ( std::istream &input,
402 MPICommunicatorType comm = MPIHelper::getCommunicator() )
403 : Base()
404 {
405 input.clear();
406 input.seekg( 0 );
407 if( !input )
408 DUNE_THROW( DGFException, "Error resetting input stream." );
409 generate( input, comm );
410 }
412 explicit DGFGridFactory ( const std::string &filename,
413 MPICommunicatorType comm = MPIHelper::getCommunicator())
414 : DGFBaseFactory< ALUConformGrid<2,dimw> >()
415 {
416 std::ifstream input( filename.c_str() );
417 if( !input )
418 DUNE_THROW( DGFException, "Macrofile '" << filename << "' not found." );
419 if( !generate( input, comm, filename ) )
420 {
421 if( Base::fileExists( filename.c_str() ) )
422 Base::grid_ = new Grid( filename );
423 else
424 DUNE_THROW( GridError, "Unable to create a 2d ALUGrid from '" << filename << "'." );
425 }
426 }
427 protected:
428 bool generate( std::istream &file, MPICommunicatorType comm, const std::string &filename = "" );
429 using Base::grid_;
430 using Base::factory_;
431 using Base::dgf_;
432 };
434 template <int dimw>
435 struct DGFGridFactory< ALUSimplexGrid<2,dimw> > :
436 public DGFBaseFactory< ALUSimplexGrid<2,dimw> >
437 {
438 typedef DGFBaseFactory< ALUSimplexGrid<2,dimw> > Base;
439 typedef typename Base::MPICommunicatorType MPICommunicatorType;
440 typedef typename Base::Grid Grid;
441 const static int dimension = Grid::dimension;
442 typedef typename Base::GridFactory GridFactory;
444 explicit DGFGridFactory ( std::istream &input,
445 MPICommunicatorType comm = MPIHelper::getCommunicator() )
446 : Base()
447 {
448 input.clear();
449 input.seekg( 0 );
450 if( !input )
451 DUNE_THROW(DGFException, "Error resetting input stream." );
452 generate( input, comm );
453 }
455 explicit DGFGridFactory ( const std::string &filename,
456 MPICommunicatorType comm = MPIHelper::getCommunicator())
457 : DGFBaseFactory< ALUSimplexGrid<2,dimw> >()
458 {
459 std::ifstream input( filename.c_str() );
460 if( !input )
461 DUNE_THROW( DGFException, "Macrofile '" << filename << "' not found." );
462 if( !generate( input, comm, filename ) )
463 {
464 if( Base::fileExists( filename.c_str() ) )
465 Base::grid_ = new Grid( filename );
466 else
467 DUNE_THROW( GridError, "Unable to create a 2d ALUGrid from '" << filename << "'." );
468 }
469 }
471 protected:
472 bool generate( std::istream &file, MPICommunicatorType comm, const std::string &filename = "" );
473 using Base::grid_;
474 using Base::factory_;
475 using Base::dgf_;
476 };
478 template <int dimw>
479 struct DGFGridFactory< ALUCubeGrid<2,dimw> > :
480 public DGFBaseFactory< ALUCubeGrid<2,dimw> >
481 {
482 typedef DGFBaseFactory< ALUCubeGrid<2,dimw> > Base;
483 typedef typename Base::MPICommunicatorType MPICommunicatorType;
484 typedef typename Base::Grid Grid;
485 const static int dimension = Grid::dimension;
486 typedef typename Base::GridFactory GridFactory;
488 explicit DGFGridFactory ( std::istream &input,
489 MPICommunicatorType comm = MPIHelper::getCommunicator() )
490 : Base()
491 {
492 input.clear();
493 input.seekg( 0 );
494 if( !input )
495 DUNE_THROW(DGFException, "Error resetting input stream." );
496 generate( input, comm );
497 }
499 explicit DGFGridFactory ( const std::string &filename,
500 MPICommunicatorType comm = MPIHelper::getCommunicator())
501 : DGFBaseFactory< ALUCubeGrid<2,dimw> >()
502 {
503 std::ifstream input( filename.c_str() );
504 if( !input )
505 DUNE_THROW( DGFException, "Macrofile '" << filename << "' not found." );
506 if( !generate( input, comm, filename ) )
507 {
508 if( Base::fileExists( filename.c_str() ) )
509 Base::grid_ = new Grid( filename );
510 else
511 DUNE_THROW( GridError, "Unable to create a 2d ALUGrid from '" << filename << "'." );
512 }
513 }
515 protected:
516 bool generate( std::istream &file, MPICommunicatorType comm, const std::string &filename = "" );
517 using Base::grid_;
518 using Base::factory_;
519 using Base::dgf_;
520 };
522 template < int dimw, ALUGridElementType eltype, ALUGridRefinementType refinementtype, class Comm >
523 struct DGFGridFactory< ALUGrid<2, dimw, eltype, refinementtype, Comm > > :
524 public DGFBaseFactory< ALUGrid< 2, dimw, eltype, refinementtype, Comm > >
525 {
526 typedef ALUGrid< 2, dimw, eltype, refinementtype, Comm > DGFGridType;
527 typedef DGFBaseFactory< DGFGridType > BaseType;
528 typedef typename BaseType :: MPICommunicatorType MPICommunicatorType;
529 typedef typename BaseType::Grid Grid;
530 const static int dimension = Grid::dimension;
531 typedef typename BaseType::GridFactory GridFactory;
533 explicit DGFGridFactory ( std::istream &input,
534 MPICommunicatorType comm = MPIHelper::getCommunicator() )
535 : BaseType( comm )
536 {
537 input.clear();
538 input.seekg( 0 );
539 if( !input )
540 DUNE_THROW(DGFException, "Error resetting input stream." );
541 generate( input, comm );
542 }
544 explicit DGFGridFactory ( const std::string &filename,
545 MPICommunicatorType comm = MPIHelper::getCommunicator())
546 : BaseType( comm )
547 {
548 std::ifstream input( filename.c_str() );
549 if( !input )
550 DUNE_THROW( DGFException, "Macrofile '" << filename << "' not found." );
551 if( !generate( input, comm, filename ) )
552 {
553 if( BaseType::fileExists( filename.c_str() ) )
554 grid_ = new Grid( filename );
555 else
556 DUNE_THROW( GridError, "Unable to create a 2d ALUGrid from '" << filename << "'." );
557 }
558 }
560 protected:
561 bool generate( std::istream &file, MPICommunicatorType comm, const std::string &filename = "" );
562 using BaseType::grid_;
563 using BaseType::factory_;
564 using BaseType::dgf_;
565 };
569#include "dgfalu.cc"
571#endif // #if HAVE_ALUGRID
573#endif // #ifndef DUNE_DGFPARSERALU_HH
Provides base classes for ALUGrid.
@ dimension
The dimension of the grid.
Definition: grid.hh:400
Intersection of a mesh entities of codimension 0 ("elements") with a "neighboring" element or with th...
Definition: intersection.hh:161
GridImp::template Codim< 0 >::EntityPointer EntityPointer
Pointer to the type of entities that this Intersection belongs to.
Definition: intersection.hh:191
GridImp::template Codim< 0 >::Entity Entity
Type of entity that this Intersection belongs to.
Definition: intersection.hh:188
MPI_Comm MPICommunicator
The type of the mpi communicator.
Definition: mpihelper.hh:174
static MPICommunicator getCommunicator()
get the default communicator
Definition: mpihelper.hh:182
#define DUNE_THROW(E, m)
Definition: exceptions.hh:244
DWarnType dwarn(std::cerr)
Stream for warnings indicating problems.
Definition: stdstreams.hh:160
Dune namespace.
Definition: alignment.hh:14
basic element types for ALUGrid
Definition: declaration.hh:18
static const type & defaultValue()
default constructor
Definition: parser.hh:26
std::string type
type of additional boundary parameters
Definition: parser.hh:23
static double refineWeight()
static int refineStepsForHalf()
number of globalRefine steps needed to refuce h by 0.5
static const ReferenceElement< ctype, dim > & general(const GeometryType &type)
get general reference elements
Definition: referenceelements.hh:568
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