Dune Core Modules (2.10.0)
3// SPDX-FileCopyrightInfo: Copyright © DUNE Project contributors, see file LICENSE.md in module root
value_type & back()
return reference to last element
Definition: densevector.hh:318
P1 basis in dim-d enriched by an (order dim+1) element bubble function.
Definition: localbasis.hh:35
static constexpr void evaluateJacobian(const DomainType &in, std::vector< JacobianType > &out)
Evaluate Jacobian of all shape functions.
Definition: localbasis.hh:76
static constexpr void evaluateFunction(const DomainType &in, std::vector< RangeType > &out)
Evaluate all shape functions.
Definition: localbasis.hh:61
static constexpr void partial(const std::array< unsigned int, dim > &order, const DomainType &in, std::vector< RangeType > &out)
Evaluate partial derivatives of all shape functions.
Definition: localbasis.hh:96
static constexpr unsigned int order() noexcept
Returns maximal polynomial order of the basis functions.
Definition: localbasis.hh:130
static constexpr std::size_t size() noexcept
Returns number of shape functions.
Definition: localbasis.hh:55
Interpolation into the SimplexP1BubbleLocalBasis.
Definition: localinterpolation.hh:34
Implements a matrix constructed from a given type representing a field and compile-time given number ...
Implements a vector constructed from a given type representing a field and a compile-time given size.
Some useful basic math stuff.
constexpr Base power(Base m, Exponent p)
Power method for integer exponents.
Definition: math.hh:75
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