
Repository Layout

In order to avoid turning the repositories into a messy heap of branches sprawling all over the place, the Gitolite server on git.dune-project.org enforces a certain repository layout w.r.t. to the naming of branches. This layout is also used to provide different levels of write access to different groups of people.

General layout

The general layout of the repositories is based around the idea of “subtrees” of branches for different purposes as well as a pair of main branches:

Branch Name Purpose
master Main development branch (corresponds to SVN trunk)
release Current release branch (2.2 during repository creation)
This branch was not created during repository creation as some issues need to be ironed out first1.
releases/<x.y>[-<suffix>] Release branch for the given DUNE version.
The version should start with the numeric version of the release (e.g. “2.2”), followed by an optional suffix, e.g. “2.2-cmake”.
Keeping the numbers up front makes for better ordering of the releases in listings.
feature/<name> Feature branch
Please use descriptive names. For consistency, I suggest joining words with dashes, not underscores.
Examples: feature/cmake feature/dynamic-geometry-initialization
p/<username>/<whatever> Personal branch of user username
This personal namespace provides users with an easy way to share ideas and transfer code between computers.
Branches in this namespace are globally readable, but can only be written to by their owner.
Commits to these branches will not be announced on the mailing list.
v<x.y.z> Annotated2 release tag for the given DUNE version.
As started with the 2.1 series, we should always use triplets for release tags, even for the initial release (e.g. v2.2.0).
Historic releases have not been renamed to follow the triplet convention, though.


Currently there are four different groups that grant varying levels of write access:

  • developers Everybody with DUNE developer status (as taken from the SVN access file).
  • releasemanagers Have some additional rights in addition to developers. Currently just contains all developers.
  • committers Everybody with commit rights to the core repositories who doesn’t have DUNE developer status (again as taken from the SVN access file).
  • contributors New tier without access to the release branches and the master branch.


Remember: Read access in Git is always decided at the repository level - you cannot have private branches!

There is anonymous read access to the complete repositories. Write access depends on the branch location:

Branch Name Group Rights
/4. master developers Normal Updates
maintainers Readonly - but are normally members of developers
committers Normal Updates
contributors Readonly
/4. release developers Readonly
maintainers Normal Updates
committers Readonly
contributors Readonly
/4. releases/* developers Readonly
maintainers Normal Updates\
Create new branches
committers Readonly
contributors Readonly
/4. feature/* developers Normal Updates\
Create new branches\
Delete branches
maintainers Readonly - but are normally members of developers
committers Normal Updates\
Create new branches\
Delete branches
contributors Normal Updates
/2. p//* Normal Updates\
Forced Updates\
Create new branches\
Delete branches
everyone else Readonly
/4. tags (v2.x.y) developers Readonly
maintainers Create new tags
committers Readonly
contributors Readonly

This scheme can easily be extended. It would for example be possible to have a new namespace "gsoc/" for GSoC students.

Editing Permissions

The Gitolite server is compartmentalized into submodules. Each submodule can define a group called gitadmins with rights to edit the submodule configuration. For the core modules, the submodule is called “core” and all official DUNE developers are members of gitadmins. For further information, ask Steffen or Christian.


  1. It would be nice to just be able to tell people to check out the “release” branch, but having a separate “release” and “releases/2.2” forces us to keep those two in sync. One idea would be to distribute an alias via vcsetup that takes care of this automatically. Needs some thought… ↩︎

  2. Git has two types of tags, lightweight tags and annotated tags (there is also a GPG-signed variant of annotated tags). Lightweight tags are mostly like bookmarks to help you remember a certain commit while you work and don’t have a corresponding object in the repository. Annotated tags do have such an object, which carries a tag message and permanently records the sha1 of the tagged commit. See the chapter about tags in the Git book for more details. ↩︎

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