
Getting involved

How to Contribute

DUNE is a community project and we are happy about all forms of external contributions. There are many easy things that you can do, like

  • read the documentation and tell us where and how it should be improved,
  • try to install DUNE on your platform and report bugs if it doesn’t work,
  • fix bugs and send us patches.

If you decide to contribute code please head to our GitLab Instance and get an account there. Please read the contribution guide shown by GitLab in all the core modules.

Google Summer of Code 2025 Project Ideas

Information on how to apply as a GSoC student is found here.

Below is a short list of projects that we think would be useful and suitable for a google summer of code student. We tried to provide clear descriptions for the projects in the short list. Projects are either part of DUNE directly or part of OPM, which is based on DUNE. Both projects are collaborating for Google Summer of Code in 2025 to provide more mentors and projects. Hence students can work on both projects by applying to DUNE.

Of course you can also think about your own project and prepare an application based on that. In that case you may use our project ideas list below for further inspiration. The descriptions in these projects are little less detailed than in the short list. Please note that projects should be either contributions to DUNE or OPM.

ParallelIndexSet 2.0: Smarter, Faster, and Fully Modernized


This project aims to rewrite and modernize the ParallelIndexSet infrastructure by leveraging the C++ Standard Library and improving its efficiency with asynchronous communication. The goal is to allow better parallel performance by enabling computation while communicating and improving data handling in scatter/gather operations. The updated implementation will also introduce support for sending and receiving data within the same container while maintaining robust testing and clear documentation.

List of expected improvements:

  1. Use containers/algorithms from the C++ standard library for implementation.
  2. Use asynchronous communication allowing to do something while communicating.
  3. Use data handles that expose source/destination rank in scatter/gather.
  4. Allow send/receive to the same container.
  5. Write tests and documentation.


Prior to application: Make yourself familiar with the message passing interface (MPI) and read the parallelization section of the DUNE paper from 2021

175h/350h project
Dune/OPM Module
Peter Bastian
Nils Friess

Free GUI of OPMRun from commercial libraries


Within the OPM project that is based on DUNE there is a graphical user interface for running reservoir simulations called OPMRun. This has been developed by David Baxendale, who sadly passed away in 2023. It is an essential tool for people not very familiar with using the terminal.

When it was written, it was based on the open source GUI library PySimpleGUI. At that time the project was licensed under LGPL-v3. Unfortunately, the developer closed the software with version 5 during 2023 and removed all older free versions from github.com, see stackexchange thread. As a result of this users that install OPMRun are now seeing a note about using a trial version of PySimpleGUI and are asked to buy a commercial license.

The aim of this project is to find a suitable free (as in licensed under an Open Source Initiative (OSI) approved license), stable and platform independent other python GUI library and rewrite OPMRun based on it.

The resulting rewrite should have the same functionality as the current version and work on Linux and Windows (running OPM under WSL).


Prior to application: Make yourself familiar with OPMRun by installing it together with a stable version of OPM and ResInsight. Do this on Linux as well as Windows. See the OPM installation instructions and the OPM Manual

90h/175h project (depending on expertise)
Dune/OPM Module
Lisa Julia Nebel
Markus Blatt

Investigate accelerating DUNE on the GPU


Combine GPU computing with DUNE: Select an example case, identify critical computation parts suitable for GPU acceleration, e.g.:

Replace or enhance these parts with functions that can run on a GPU. An additional challenge is to find an effective way to run and profile the example case, for instance, using Google Colab. By the end of the project, we expect to deliver a GPU-accelerated version of a DUNE-based PDE solver (proof of concept), gain a clear understanding of what benefits most from GPU acceleration, and provide performance benchmarks that indicate when GPU acceleration is worthwhile (e.g., how large must the problem be).


Prior to application: Make yourself familiar with DUNE and some PDE examples. Choose framework or approach. There has been quite some work on this in OPM, see e.g., GPU-related files in https://github.com/OPM/opm-common/tree/master/opm/material or https://github.com/OPM/opm-simulators/tree/master/opm/simulators/linalg

Dune/OPM Module
DUNE core modules
Lisa Julia Nebel

History of DUNE in Google Summer of Code

In 2013 Dune participated in GSoC as a mentoring organization for the first time. The projects were:

  • Iris worked on Attaching the PSurface Library of DUNE to ParaView.
  • Miha Čančula worked on a performance testing framework.

In 2016, we were selected a second time. The 2016 projects were:

Both 2016 projects were successful. We greatly appreciate the work put into our code base by the GSoC students.

Other Project ideas

The following is a list of things that we find interesting but that we probably will never have the time to do ourselves.


  • Introduce a way to have geometries based on higher order grid functions.
    90 h / 175 h / 350 h

  • Implement a collection of the latest published quadrature rules. It provides a portable and high-precision data format and an export utility to generate the quadrature code for any library, e.g. for dune-geometry. Additionally, the code should be able to increase the quadrature precision, using existing values as initial data for a nonlinear solver implemented with arbitrary precision arithmetic. The existing quadrature rules are old and outdated. Even for 2d and especially for 3d rules with much lower number of points are available. Additionally, the library could provide extra information about the location and properties of the quadrature points, e.g., all inside the element, or points on the boundary or positive/negative weights, or symmetry properties of the points…
    Prior to application: Write a first quadrature rule.
    Prior to application: Read quadrature rule papers and share your insights.
    175 h / 350 h project: Depending on how many quadrature rules and the actual design of the project, both sizes are possible.


  • Write an improved parallel ILU preconditioner, following the approach proposed in http://www.cc.gatech.edu/~echow/pubs/parilu-sisc.pdf
    175 h project

  • Implement an incomplete Cholesky preconditioner, to improve efficiency for symmetric matrices.
    Prior to application: Get yourself known with Cholesky decomposition, implement it with GNU Octave or NumPy.
    175 h project

  • Design and implement a special matrix class, to store symmetric matrices, reducing the memory footprint. Prior to application: Implement some sparse or symmetric matrix format using GNU Octave or NumPy.
    175 h project


  • VTK can visualize higher order elements and our export could support this feature.
    Prior to application: Investigate some code for data and geometry dune-vtk
    175 h project: Integrate into dune-grid

  • dune-gmsh: During the development of dune-curvedgrid Florian Stenger and Simon Praetorius have written a new GMSH reader for the version 4 format. In this context there was the idea to implement a reader that can read distributed grids including the partitioning information from the gmsh files. The file format provides lots of information and we currently only read a small subset. Additionally, the encoding of boundary data is changed compared to the old format. The project would be about reading as much information as possible from the gmsh file format and provide a way to construct grids from this. Currently it is possible to construct curved grids automatically.
    Prior to application: Investigate existing code from dune-curvedgrid
    175 h or 350 h project: Integrate into dune-grid


  • Reimplementing the generic local finite element by combining that with some code generation so that the local degrees of freedom are prescribed in a python script (perhaps using sympy or UFL) and then the corresponding LFE is generated similar to what is done now on the C++ side. Also https://github.com/mscroggs/symfem could be a starting point.
    175 h / 350 h


  • Add way to have a distributed grid setup. Distribute a grid and attached data over multiple nodes. Check what other grid implementations do, come up with a plan, and make an example implementation.
    175 h / 350 h

  • Add a way to load and store the grid hierarchy that occurs during dynamic grid refinement and coarsening. 90 h

  • The dimension of the grid is tied to its world dimension. In other words, an n-dimensional grid lives inside an n-dimensional world. Overcoming this restriction enabled a 2d grid living in a 3d world with additional geometric feature a pure 2d grid does not offer.
    175 h / 350 h


Tutorials are a good way to get started with Dune. A good tutorial for dune-istl would be of great help.
Prior to application: Read existing documentation. If you find outdated stuff, propose updates.
175 h project: Write a tutorial with example programs that cover the different aspects of ISTL.


  • Invent a mechanism that extracts all finite element implementations from dune-localfunctions (plus their doxygen documentation), and renders them into a LaTeX document. This document should then in turn become a reference section in the dune-localfunctions tutorial. It seems that the doxygen-LaTeX functionality is too limited for this. You may have to play around with the XML feature of doxygen.

Additional Grid Backends

  • Write a parallel AMR grid manager that works in more than three space dimensions.
  • Write a structured simplex grid for rectangular domains. 2d and 3d would be great, the brave can implement Freudenthal’s algorithm for a general n-d simplex grid.
    350 h project
  • Implementing a serialization for UG grid hierarchies.

Meta Grids

Meta grids are DUNE grids which are parametrized by another grid. An example is SubGrid, which allows you to select a subset of elements of a DUNE grid and treat this subset as a grid in its own right. Here are a few other ideas for meta grids which may be useful.

  • Write a meta grid which, given an affine grid with a parametrized boundary, yields an isoparametric approximation of the boundary.
    Prior to application: Have a look at dune-curvedgrid meta grid, that comes handy for this project.
    350 h project: You just need to provide the mapping that results in curved boundaries while leaving the rest untouched. It has be done by the use of Lobatto shape functions, with high polynomial degree only on the boundary faces and order 1 everywhere else.

  • A proper periodic grid-wrapper: There are some old implementation that allow to wrap GridParts of dune-fem and also a sketch on a meta-grid based on dune-grid, but nothing is finished yet. The idea is to have a meta-grid plus some association/geometry-transformation that wraps an existing grid and transforms the index-set such that associated entities give the same index. For non-parallel grids this is not so complicated but technical, but for parallel grids it is not so trivial. Either the domain partitioning is controlled to guarantee that associated entities are always on the same partition, or a virtual inner interface must be established to have communication of these entities in a domain-decomposition sense.

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