.. dune-fem python documentation master file, created by Andreas Dedner on Mon Mai 20 2019. ################################################### Welcome to the dune-fem tutorial (for version 2.10) ################################################### This module brings python scripting support to `Dune`_. This version describes the bindings for the development version (to become 2.10). The bindings serves three purposes: 1. High level program control for solving partial differential equations using classes from the `Dune`_ core and from `Dune-Fem`_ :cite:`Dune-Grid-Paper,Dune-Fem-Paper` with a recent update provided in :cite:`DuneReview`. The unified form language `UFL`_ :cite:`UFL-Paper` is used to describe the mathematical model, all realizations of the `Dune`_ grid interface can be used to work with the domain tessellation, and the finite element spaces, operator, and solvers provided by `Dune-Fem`_ for the discretizations and solving steps. All of this is available to be used in python scripts or through Jupyter notebooks. 2. Rapid prototyping of new methods or other parts of a simulation is easy since the interfaces provided are very similar to the `Dune`_ C++ interface. This makes it easy to transfer a working prototype from python (easy to develop) to C++ (high efficiency). Small C++ code snippets can be easy called from python using just in time compilation. 3. Rapid prototyping of new implementations of `Dune`_ interfaces. For example new implementations of the `Dune`_ grid interface can be easily tested. For `Dune-Fem`_ developers, new grid views, discrete function spaces, and scheme classes can be added and tested. .. _Dune: https://www.dune-project.org .. _Dune-Python: https://www.dune-project.org/modules/dune-python/ .. _Dune-Istl: https://www.dune-project.org/modules/dune-istl/ .. _Dune-Fem: https://www.dune-project.org/modules/dune-fem/ .. _Dune-Vem: https://www.dune-project.org/modules/dune-vem/ .. _Dune-Fem-Dg: https://www.dune-project.org/modules/dune-fem-dg/ .. _UFL: https://bitbucket.org/fenics-project/ufl ################ Table of Content ################ .. toctree:: :caption: Overview overview .. toctree:: :caption: Installation :maxdepth: 1 installation .. toctree:: :caption: Getting Started :maxdepth: 3 dune-fempy_nb concepts_nb .. toctree:: :caption: Next Steps :maxdepth: 2 nextsteps .. toctree:: :caption: Further Examples :maxdepth: 2 furtherexamples .. toctree:: :caption: Further Topics :maxdepth: 2 furthertopics .. toctree:: :caption: Extension Modules :maxdepth: 1 extensionmodules .. toctree:: :caption: User Projects :name: userprojects :maxdepth: 1 userprojects .. toctree:: :caption: Information and Resources :maxdepth: 2 inforesources .. toctree:: :caption: Additional pages :hidden: gmsh2dgf_nb slurmbatchscript scheme_api todo .. API reference .. index:: see: Mesh construction; Grid construction see: Load Balancing; Parallelization see: Models; Equations ############ Bibliography ############ .. bibliography:: dune-fempy.bib :all: