
The DUNE Build System

DUNE provides a set of utilities to aid the set up of a project. Most of the utilities are CMake scripts that automate common use cases or required steps needed to use a dune project. Among other things, these utilities have

  • Automatic intra-module project configuration

  • Find package scripts for commonly used software in the DUNE context

  • Testing utilities

  • Configuration files

  • Setup of DUNE python bindings

Dune Project

In this documentation pages, we call dune project in the sense of the build system those projects that call CMake functions dune_project() and finalize_dune_project(). A typical dune project usually looks like this:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16)
project("dune-foo" CXX)

# find dune-common

# include dune-common modules in the current CMake path

# include the dune macros from dune-common

# initialize the dune project context

# ...

# finalize the dune project context

Then, the project will be able to use the build system utilities provided by dune.

The minimum required version to build Dune with CMake is 3.16. You can install CMake through your favorite package manager or downloading source code from KITWare

Configuration File Header

Dune projects may provide a configuration file template config.h.cmake. This file will be parsed by the build system and provides you with a C++ header file based on the configuration options at configuration time.

/* begin private */

/* Everything within begin/end private will be exclusively generated to the current project */


/* end private */

/* Everything outside of begin/end private will be generated to all of the downstream projects using the module */


Additional to the template config definitions in config.h.cmake, the dune build system will also include a HAVE_${module_upper} preprocessor definition for each found dune module, where module_upper is the module name in upper case version (e.g., DUNE_COMMON for the dune-common module):

/* Define to 1 if you have module ${module} available */
#ifndef HAVE_${module_upper}
#cmakedefine01 HAVE_${module_upper}

DUNE generates two version of configuration files based on the configuration template config.h.cmake:

  • config.h.cmake [configuration template - installed]

  • ${ProjectName}-config.hh [eager configuration instantiation - used in header files - installed]

  • ${ProjectName}-config-private.hh [eager configuration instantiation - used in binaries - not installed]

  • config.h [lazy configuration instantiation - used in binaries - not installed]

Eager generation The configuration files are generated at configuration time of the project in question. This means that once the project runs the configuration stage on cmake, its configuration template is instantiated in c++ header files and can be consumed by other projects without any further intervention of cmake.

  • ${ProjectName}-config-private.hh [used in binaries - not installed]

  • ${ProjectName}-config.hh [used in header files - installed]

Lazy generation The configuration files are generated at configuration time of the consumer project. This means that every time a downstream project runs the configuration stage on cmake, the configuration template of all preceding projects are instantiated with the cmake options of the consumer project. This requires the consumer project to be a dune-project in the sense of the cmake build system.

  • config.h [used in binaries - not installed]


Suppose that project dune-bar depends on dune-foo and they have the following configuration template files:

#cmakedefine OPTION_FOO 1

The options OPTION_FOO will be defined depending on whether the variable OPTION_FOO is present in cmake at the time of the generation of the configuration template file. This means that the contents of the generated files will look like this.

OPTION_FOO=1 in dune-foo & OPTION_FOO=1 in dune-bar

#define OPTION_FOO 1

#define OPTION_FOO 1

OPTION_FOO=1 in dune-foo & OPTION_FOO=0 in dune-bar

#define OPTION_FOO 1

OPTION_FOO=0 in dune-foo & OPTION_FOO=0 in dune-bar

OPTION_FOO=0 in dune-foo & OPTION_FOO=1 in dune-bar

#define OPTION_FOO 1

Whether the combination of those options are valid and possible, is a responsibility of the developer of the dune-foo module. Very often the second combination is invalid and impossible to generate whereas the fourth is a feature for late discovery of dependencies.

Since both dune-foo-config.hh and config.h are guarded with a HAVE_DUNE_FOO_CONFIG_HH, the first apearence will determine which version is being used. Thus, an executable in dune-bar with the following structure

#include "config.h"

#include <dune/foo/feature.hh> // already includes dune-foo-config.hh


will be use the lazy or the eager configuration options depending on whether HAVE_CONFIG_H is defined.

In the mid term, we want to remove the lazy configuration file generation because:

  • Projects aren’t fully configured even after installation and distribution. Thus, c++ source code has unclear interpretation for the consumer of the project.

  • In practice, this forces all downstream users to also be dune project in the sense of the cmake build system.

Dune Build System Policies

Similar to the cmake policy system we have introduced a way to maintain backwards compatibility in the behavior of our build system across multiple versions of Dune. A policy is an identifier that controls whether the OLD or the NEW introduced behavior should be used for a given Dune module. By default, the OLD behavior is still enabled, unless a module author explicitly changes it to NEW, or unless a specific version is reached where the NEW behavior is enabled by default.

The OLD behavior is deprecated by default and results in an author warning about unhandled policies. However, if it is explicitly set to OLD or NEW, the warning disappears. If you do not want to see any policy warnings and just stick with the defaults, the global option DUNE_POLICY_DISABLE_WARNING can be set to TRUE.

Policies Introduced by Dune 2.10

Here we will list and explain the introduced policies.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How do I use Dune with CMake?

The build process is controlled by the script dunecontrol, located in dune-common/bin. There is a compatibility layer that will translate all the configure flags from your opts file into the corresponding CMake flags. While this is a great tool to determine how to do the transition, in the long run you should switch to a CMake-only approach.

dunecontrol will pickup the variable CMAKE_FLAGS from your opts file and use it as command line options for any call to CMake. There, you can define variables for the configure process with CMake’s -D option; just as with the C pre-processor.

The most important part of the configure flags is to tell the build system where to look for external libraries. You can browse the Input Variable reference section of this documentation for a list of variables that are picked up by the Dune CMake build system.

What files in a dune module belong to the CMake build system?

Every directory in a project contains a file called CMakeLists.txt, which is written in the CMake language. You can think of these as a distributed configure script. Upon configure, the top-level CMakeLists.txt is executed. Whenever an add_subdirectory command is encountered, the CMakeLists.txt file of that sub-directory is executed. The top-level CMakeLists.txt file is special, because it sets up the entire Dune module correctly. You should not delete the auto-generated parts of it.

Additionally, a Dune module can export some cmake modules. A cmake module is a file that contains one or more build system macros meant for downstream use. If a module provides modules, they can be found in the subfolder cmake/modules. The module dune-foo/cmake/modules/DuneFooMacros.cmake in a module dune-foo is special however: Its contents are always executed when configuring the module dune-foo or any other Dune module, that requires or suggests the module dune-foo. This is the perfect place to put your checks for external packages, see below.

The file config.h.cmake defines a template for the section of config.h, that is generated by the module.

How do I modify the flags and linked libraries of a given target?

Again, there are multiple ways to do this. The Dune build system offers macros to make this task as easy as possible. For each external module, there is a macro add_dune_*_flags. Those macros should cover most flags. Example usage:

add_executable(foo foo.cc)

There is also the macro add_dune_all_flags, which uses the same flag registry mechanism as the simplified build system in section What is the simplified build system and how do I use it?.

If you want to fully control the configuration of the targets, you can do so. Build system entities such as targets, directories and tests do have so called properties in CMake. You can access and modify those properties via the commands get_property and set_property. You can for example use those to modify a targets COMPILE_DEFINITIONS or INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES property:

add_executable(foo foo.cc)
set_property(TARGET foo APPEND PROPERTY COMPILE_DEFINITIONS <somedefinition>)

For a full list of properties, check the manual:

cmake --help-property-list

Manually linking libraries can be done through the target_link_libraries command instead of manually tweaking properties.

What is an out-of-source build?

An out-of-source build does leave the version-controlled source tree untouched and puts all files that are generated by the build process into a different directory – the build directory. The build directory does mirror your source tree’s structure as seen in the following. Assume the following source directory structure:


The generated build directory will have the following structure, where the directory build-cmake is a subdirectory of the source directory:


Using the Unix Makefiles generator, your Makefiles are generated in the build tree, so that is where you have to call make. There are multiple advantages with this approach, such as a clear separation between version controlled and generated files and you can have multiple out-of-source builds with different configurations at the same time.

Out-of-source builds are the default with CMake. In-source builds are strongly discouraged.

By default, a subfolder build-cmake is generated within each dune module and is used as a build directory. You can customize this folder through the --builddir option of dunecontrol. Give an absolute path to the --builddir option, you will get something like this:


So, instead of one build directory in every dune module, you will be able to collect all build directories in one directory. This makes it much easier to have multiple build directories and to remove build directories.

What is the simplified build system and how do I use it?

Dune offers a simplified build system, where all flags are added to all targets and all libraries are linked to all targets. You can enable the feature by calling dune_enable_all_packages in the top-level CMakeLists.txt file of your project, before you add any subdirectories.

This will modify all targets in the directory of the CMakeLists.txt, where you put this, and also in all subdirectories. The compile flags for all found external packages are added to those targets and the target is linked against all found external libraries.

To use this while using custom external packages, you have to register your flags to the mechanism. Also, some special care has to be given, if your module does build one or more library which targets within the module do link against.

Carefully read the following documentation in those cases:

  • dune_enable_all_packages

  • dune_register_package_flags

  • dune_library_add_sources

How do I change my compiler and compiler flags?

In general, there are multiple ways to do this:

  • Setting the CMake variables CMAKE_<LANG>_COMPILER (with LANG being C or CXX) from the opts file, e.g. via CMAKE_FLAGS="-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=otherc++".

  • Setting those variables within the project with the set command

  • Setting the environment variables CC, CXX, FC etc.

The first option is the recommended way. Whenever you change your compiler, you should delete all build directories. For some CMake versions, there is a known CMake bug, that requires you to give an absolute path to your compiler, but Dune will issue a warning, if you violate that.

You can modify your default compiler flags by setting the variables CMAKE_<LANG>_FLAGS in your opts file (again with LANG being C or CXX).

How to set the C++ standard?

If you want to enforce a more recent C++ standard than used in the Dune core modules, use the CMake command target_compile_features(<target> <PRIVATE|PUBLIC|INTERFACE> cxx_std_[17|20|23|...]) to set the requirement on your target directly. Note, it is recommended to compile all modules with the same C++ standard. This can be achieved by setting the global CMake variable CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD to the requested maximal standard for all dune modules.

How should I handle ini and grid files in an out-of-source-build setup?

Such files are under version control, but they are needed in the build directory. There are some CMake functions targeting this issue:

  • dune_symlink_to_source_tree

  • dune_symlink_to_source_files

  • dune_add_copy_command

  • dune_add_copy_dependency

  • dune_add_copy_target

The simplest way to solve the problem is to set the variable DUNE_SYMLINK_TO_SOURCE_TREE to your opts file. This will execute dune_symlink_to_source_tree in your top-level CMakeLists.txt. This will add a symlink src_dir to all subdirectories of the build directory, which points to the corresponding directory of the source tree. This will only work on platforms that support symlinking.

How do I use CMake with IDEs?

As already said, CMake is merely a build system generator with multiple backends (called a generator). Using IDEs requires a different generator. Check cmake --help for a list of generators. You can then add the -G to the CMAKE_FLAGS in your opts file. Note that the generator name has to match character by character, including case and spaces.

To configure highlighting of CMake errors in Emacs’ compilation mode, include the following in your ~./emacs (see the Emacs bug):

(setq compilation-error-regexp-alist-alist
   `((cmake "^CMake \\(?:Error\\|\\(Warning\\)\\) at \\(.*\\):\\([1-9][0-9]*\\) ([^)]+):$"
            2 3 nil (1))
     (cmake-info "^  \\(?: \\*\\)?\\(.*\\):\\([1-9][0-9]*\\) ([^)]+)$"
            2 3 nil 0)
     . ,compilation-error-regexp-alist-alist))

Then customize the option compilation-error-regexp-alist and add the two predefined symbols cmake and cmake-info to the list.

I usually modify my CXXFLAGS upon calling make. How can I do this in CMake?

This violates the CMake philosophy and there is no clean solution to achieve it. The CMake-ish solution would be to have for each configuration one out-of-source build. We have nevertheless implemented a workaround. It can be enable by setting the variable ALLOW_CXXFLAGS_OVERWRITE in your opts file. You can then type:

make CXXFLAGS="<your flags>" <target>

Furthermore any C pre-processor variable of the form -DVAR=<value> can be overloaded on the command line and the grid type can be set via GRIDTYPE="<grid type>".

Note this only works with generators that are based on Makefiles and several Unix tools like bash must be available.

How do I run the test suite from CMake?

The built-in target to run the tests is called test instead of Autotools’ check. It is a mere wrapper around CMake’s own testing tool CTest. You can check ctest --help for a lot of useful options, such as choosing the set of tests to be run by matching regular expressions or showing the output of failed tests.

The test programs are not built automatically. You need to build them manually before running them using make build_tests.

The Dune test suite also defines tests that run in parallel. You may set an upper bound to the number of cores in use for a single test by setting DUNE_MAX_TEST_CORES.

Can I disable an external dependency?

To disable an external dependency Foo, add


to your opts file. The name of the dependency is case sensitive but there is no canonical naming scheme. See the output of configure to get the right name.

Make sure to not use cached configure results by deleting the cache file or the build directory, cf. How do I troubleshoot?.

How do I switch between parallel and sequential builds?

Dune builds with CMake are parallel if and only if MPI is found. To have a sequential build despite an installed MPI library, you have to explicitly disable the corresponding find module by setting


in the CMAKE_FLAGS of your opts file, as described in section Can I disable an external dependency?.

Why is it not possible anymore to do make headercheck?

The headercheck feature has been disabled by default. You can enable it by setting the CMake variable ENABLE_HEADERCHECK through your opts file. This step has been necessary, because of the large amount of additional file the headercheck adds to the build directory. A better implementation has not been found yet, because it simply does not fit the CMake philosophy.

How do I create tarballs or packages?

To create source code packages, also known as tarballs, run git archive within your module’s Git repository.

There is no default way to create binary packages like Deb or RPM packages. You can use the Open Build Service for openSuse RPMs and related distributions. Or create packages according to the distribution of your choice like the tools around dpkg-buildpackage and debuild for Debian.

CMake has a packaging tool CPack, but with CPack you are on your own. In the past, our results based on CPack were not satisfying.

How does the Dune build system handle Python?

dune-common contains a build system extension to handle many python-related aspects. You can read more on this in the module description DunePythonCommonMacros and the pieces of documentation mentioned inthere.

How do I troubleshoot?

CMake caches aggressively which makes it bad at recognizing changed configurations. To trigger a fresh run of configure, you can delete the CMakeCache.txt file from the build directory and maybe save some compilation time afterward.

Whenever you experience any problems, your first step should be to delete all build directories. Nice trick:

dunecontrol exec "rm -rf build-cmake"

This will remove all build directories from all DUNE modules.

Later on you can get an error log from the file CMakeError.log in the CMakeFiles subdirectory of your build directory. This is what you should send to the mailing list alongside the description of your setup and efforts to help us help you.

Where can I get help?

The CMake manual is available on the command line:

  • cmake --help-command-list

  • cmake --help-command <command>

  • cmake --help-property-list

  • cmake --help-property <property>

  • cmake --help-module-list

  • cmake --help-module <module>

To get help on which variables are picked up by CMake, there is a CMake wiki page collecting them. Of course, there is also Google, StackOverflow and the CMake Mailing list (archive). For problems specific to DUNE’s build system, ask on our mailing lists.