TBB is a little special because there are three different ways to provide it:

  • It can be installed using a package manager and just be available on the system include and library paths.

  • It can be compiled from source. The package doesn’t really provide an installation script for this, but expects you to source an environment file called that updates the required variables like CPATH etc.

  • TBB is shipped as part of the Intel compilers. This bundled version can be enabled by adding -tbb to the compiler flags.

This module can find all three types of installations. They are looked for in the following order of preference: file (for a custom installation), system paths and finally the built-in version if an Intel compiler is present.


If you provide a script (via the CMake variable TBB_VARS_SH), this module will not find any libraries installed in the system path! This is on purpose to avoid accidental fallbacks.

If the option TBB_DEBUG is set to ON, the module will look for the debug version of TBB. Note that this does not work for the built-in library of the Intel Compiler due to linking problems. You can however provide the module with the from that built-in installation (usually in the subdirectory tbb/ of the Intel compiler root path), which will fix that problem.

Variables used by this module which you may want to set:


Path to the script


Path to the include directory with the TBB headers


Path to the library directory with the TBB libraries


Option that turns on TBB debugging

This module supports additional components of TBB that can be listed in the find_package call:


Use comunity preview edition (links to libtbb_preview instead of libtbb). cpf is not available for the built-in version of the Intel Compiler, but see the note on debug mode above for a fix.


Use TBB’s scalable allocator (links to libtbbmalloc).

This module sets the following variables:


True if TBB was found and is usable


True if community preview edition was found and is usable


True if scalable allocator library was found and is usable


Path to the TBB include dirs. This variable is empty if the internal TBB version of an Intel compiler is in use


List of the TBB libraries that a target must be linked to


Required compile definitions to use TBB


Required compile options to use TBB


True if internal TBB version of Intel compiler is in use

In addition, TBB is automatically registered with the dune_enable_all_packages facility. If you don’t want to use that feature, the module also provides the function add_dune_tbb_flags.