
Convenience replacement for configure_file(): enable standard substitutions, register files as generated, and flag the same file being generated twice.


The name of the template file.


The name of the generated file. This is assumed relative to ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}.

Make sure the variables TEMPLATE, INSTANCE, and BINDIR_INSTANCE are set to the parameter values and available for substitution. Also set the variable GENERATED_SOURCE to a one-line message that tells a human reader that this file is generated, and the name of the template file it was generated from. The message also includes hints for common editors telling them to switch to read-only mode.

Then generate the file as if by configure_file().

If the instance file has been registered as a generated source file before, this function generates a fatal error. This ensures that any accidential attempt to generate the same file twice is caught. As a special exception, if the generated content is the same as before, the error is silently skipped.