
Generate the documentation that you are just browsing!!!

    [BUILDTYPE buildtype1 [buildtype2 ...]]
    [SPHINX_CONF conf]
    [RST_SOURCES src1 [src2 ...]]

Set the type of build that is requested. By default, “html” is chosen. The list of available build types:

  • html


A template for a conf file to be passed to sphinx-build. The real configuration file will be generated through CMakes configure_file mechanism. A reasonable default file is provided by dune-common. Only use this if you want to create custom documentation.


A list of rst sources, that should be configured into the build tree (using configure_file). If omitted, this defaults to index.rst and contents.rst with suitable content. Only use this if you want to create custom documentation.


Only document CMake functionality from the current Dune module.

Generate a documentation for the CMake API. A set of cmake modules defined by the parameters and all functions and macros there in are automatically generated. The top level directory of the documentation is the current build directory (aka the directory that this function is called from)

There are some assumptions on how the documentation in the CMake modules is written:

  • At the beginning of each CMake module there is a comment block that is written in restructured text. The first two characters of each line (the comment character and a blank) are ignored. Any resulting content of lines most form valid rst.

  • TODO document more