Dune Core Modules (unstable)

SIMD Abstraction Implementation for Vc


file  vc.hh
 SIMD abstractions for Vc.

Detailed Description

This implements the vectorization interface for Vc types, namely Vc::Vector, Vc::Mask, Vc::SimdArray and Vc::SimdMask.

As an application developer, you need to #include <dune/common/simd/vc.hh>. You need to make sure that HAVE_VC is true before doing so:

  • If your program works both in the presence and the absence of Vc, wrap the include in #if HAVE_VC and #endif
  • If you write a unit test, in your CMakeLists.txt use dune_add_test(... CMAKE_GUARD Vc_FOUND)

You also need to make sure that the compiler uses the correct flags and that the linker can find the library. (The compilation flags include one that ensures a name mangling scheme that can distinguish the compiler-intrinsic vector types from non-vector types is used.)

  • Either use add_dune_vc_flags(your_application) in CMakeLists.txt,
  • or use dune_enable_all_packages() in your module's toplevel CMakeLists.txt.

There should be no need to explicitly call find_package(Vc) in your CMakeLists.txt, dune-common already does that. If your module can't live without Vc, you may however want to do something like this in your cmake/modules/YourModuleMacros.cmake:

message(SEND_ERROR "This module requires Vc")
endif(NOT Vc_FOUND)

If you just want to compile dune, and have Vc installed to a location where cmake is not looking by default, you need to add that location to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH. E.g. pass -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$VCDIR to cmake, for instance by including that in the variable CMAKE_FLAGS in the options file that you pass to dunecontrol. $VCDIR should be the same directory that you passed in -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=... to cmake when you compiled Vc, i.e. Vc's main include file should be found under $VCDIR/include/Vc/Vc, and the library under $VCDIR/lib/libVc.a or similar.


During thorough testing of the Vc abstraction implementation it turned out that certain operations were not supported, or were buggy. This meant that the tests had to be relaxed, and/or some restrictions had to made as to how things must be done through the SIMD abstraction, see Limitations of the Abstraction Layer.

For future reference, here is a detailed list of things that certain Vc types do or don't support. s denotes a scalar object/expression (i.e. of type double or in the case of masks bool). v denotes a vector/mask object/expression. sv means that both scalar and vector arguments are accepted. V denotes a vector/mask type. @ means any applicable operator that is not otherwise listed.

| | Vector | Vector | SimdArray | SimdArray | Masks[4] |
| | <double> AVX | <int> SSE | <double,4> | <int,4> | |
| V v(s); | y | y | y | y | y |
| V v = s; | y | y | y | y | *N* |
| V v{s}; | *N* | y | *N* | *N* | y |
| V v = {s}; | *N* | y | *N* | *N* | *N* |
| v = s; | y | y | y | y | *N* |
| v = {s}; | *N* | *N* | *N* | *N* | *N* |
| v++; ++v; | y | y | *N* | *N* | y(n/a)[2] |
| v--; --v; | y | y | *N* | *N* | n/a |
| +v; -v; | y | y | y | y | *N* |
| !v; | y | y | y | y | y |
| ~v; | n/a | y | n/a | y | *N* |
| sv @ sv; but see below | y | y | y | y | *N* |
| s << v; s >> v; | n/a | *N* | n/a | *N* | *N* |
| v == v; v != v; | y | y | y | y | *N* [1] |
| v & v; v ^ v; v ¦ v; | n/a | y | n/a | y | y |
| sv && sv; sv ¦¦ sv; | y | y | *N* | *N* | *N* |
| v && v; v ¦¦ v; | y | y | *N* | *N* | y |
| v @= sv; but see below | y | y | y | y | *N* |
| v &= v; v ^= v; v ¦= v; | n/a | y | n/a | y | y |
| v, v;[3] | *N* | *N* | y | y | y |


  • [1] The result of the mask-mask == and != operation is a scalar.
  • [2] ++ (either kind) on bools is deprecated by the standard
  • [3] contrary to the other operators, the expected result for (sv1, sv2) is exactly sv2, no broadcasting applied.
  • [4] Checked with Vector<int>::Mask [SSE] and SimdArray<int, 4>::Mask, which behaved identical

Support levels:

  • y: operation generally works; some instances of the operation may not apply
  • *N*: operation generally does not work; some instances of the operation may not apply
  • n/a: operation does not apply (i.e. bitwise operations to floating-point operands, -- (and in the future possibly ++) to boolean operands, assignment operators to scalar left hand sides)

Each operation was tested with the full set of combinations of possible const/non-const lvalue/xvalue arguments. Each combination of constness and value category was applied to the scalar type and the operation tried in an SFINAE context; combinations that failed here were skipped for vector arguments too.

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